View Full Version : DJT was right again…

02-12-22, 21:30
when he said Trump Tower was bugged by the Dems. Too bad the folks really behind this will never go to jail and the story will be buried in a short time. Durham better be careful crossing the street…


02-12-22, 21:41
when he said Trump Tower was bugged by the Dems. Too bad the folks really behind this will never go to jail and the story will be buried in a short time. Durham better be careful crossing the street…


History will show he was right about nearly everything.

02-13-22, 03:23
So this is literally (and finally) and Watergate Gate type of crime. Ironically nothing will come of it.

02-13-22, 07:20
This shit is why I walk around pissed off. Every media office should be burnt to the ground.

02-13-22, 08:43
So this is literally (and finally) and Watergate Gate type of crime. Ironically nothing will come of it.

Just like Traitor Milley conspiring with the ChiComs, it’s OK because Orange Man Bad (that, and he’s not part of the Establishment).

02-13-22, 09:27
This shit is why I walk around pissed off. Every media office should be burnt to the ground.

Yep. Exactly why I don’t watch their lies and nonsense.

02-13-22, 11:48
Think 60mins will do a follow up from this djt interview??


02-13-22, 12:04
#TrumpWasRight is trending on twitter and gaining steam. I think zilch will happen, but I do feel some groundswell of a lot of shenanigans are being called out in ways that are hard to censor.

02-13-22, 12:05
If they infiltrated the WH to gather information...isn't that espionage?

02-13-22, 12:17
If they infiltrated the WH to gather information...isn't that espionage?

All of this is a Capital Crime, like drag her to the rose garden and shoot her in the head kind of capital crime.
You don't get to spy on the President Elect.


02-13-22, 12:40
If they infiltrated the WH to gather information...isn't that espionage?

I think it is only if you sell to a foreign actor. But it is a felony. But nothing will happen.

02-13-22, 13:10
I think it is only if you sell to a foreign actor. But it is a felony. But nothing will happen.

I think it's called espionage and you don't need a foreign actor if you are using the information to gain advantage.
She spied on him while he was in the White House for Gods sake. How Did the CIA and FBI not know about this?
Are we infiltrated that deeply?

02-13-22, 13:33
How Did the CIA and FBI not know about this?

What make you sure they didn't?

You don't get to spy on the President Elect.
That seems to depend on what party you're affiliated with.
Everything touched by progressives becomes corrupt.
Is there an alphabet agency that they haven't poisoned yet?

02-13-22, 14:32
so those who thought Snowden was just a liar and traitor and was making stuff up ?

02-13-22, 14:49
History will show he was right about nearly everything.

I 100% agree.

02-13-22, 15:14
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. :no:

02-13-22, 20:51
I think it's called espionage and you don't need a foreign actor if you are using the information to gain advantage.
She spied on him while he was in the White House for Gods sake. How Did the CIA and FBI not know about this?
Are we infiltrated that deeply?

Yes we are!

02-14-22, 08:58
I think it is only if you sell to a foreign actor. But it is a felony. But nothing will happen.

I’m pretty sure having a private email server with Class material on it that faces the Internet without appropriate security features is whole bunch of worse problems that were ignored.

02-14-22, 09:17
Yes we are!

Maybe just old-fashioned sucking up. CIA and FBI know where their bread is buttered. Just consider Hunter, his computer, gun and other “activities”, then pick anyone else just in this thread and ask yourself what would happen to that person with the same set of facts.

02-14-22, 09:23
I’m pretty sure having a private email server with Class material on it that faces the Internet without appropriate security features is whole bunch of worse problems that were ignored.

Yeah, definitely. I did a google dictionary search and per their definition, this would fit with espionage. From what I read of US Title 18 section 798 both 'doing it' and 'selling it to foreign countries' are espionage.

In ANY case it's illegal and should be punished. But won't be. No, I take that back. Some low-level guy will be thrown under the bus and take the fall, but no one of any decision-making level will be punished.

02-14-22, 09:25
I’m pretty sure having a private email server with Class material on it that faces the Internet without appropriate security features is whole bunch of worse problems that were ignored.

I consider this the most serious. Remember, these people are “smarter” than the rest of us, so they threw away their excuses and only the dumbest would believe them any more.

Consider the old way of getting out classified material to a Soviet contact for example. We’re talking sneaking around in the woods, leaving documents in an old mayonnaise jar. Contact picks them up and scurries out and into traffic to get to their safe house. With the Hillary method, all things electronically exposed, someone from SVR or other of the Russian alphabet soup could sit in their office in Lubiyanka square and browse, using their own computer. Sneaking around in the cold, wet woods in Virginia is for the birds, when one is just down the hall to the Samovar.

02-14-22, 09:27
Just more ignoring, and arbitrary enforcement of (or lack thereof), the law.

Which makes law irrelevant. Live accordingly.

02-14-22, 09:44
when he said Trump Tower was bugged by the Dems. Too bad the folks really behind this will never go to jail and the story will be buried in a short time. Durham better be careful crossing the street…



02-14-22, 10:11
She spied on him while he was in the White House for Gods sake. How Did the CIA and FBI not know about this?
Are we infiltrated that deeply?

Yes the infection is that deep.

I stated on the Hugh Hewitt radio show in 2016, that the Russians did not spy on Trump. He replied that I was totally wrong since 17 American intelligence agencies said they did. My reply was they are all liars.

But this whole thing is BS, statue of limitations expired last fall so nobody will go to jail.

02-14-22, 10:19
Radio silence on CNN about the Neo-Watergate scandal…

02-14-22, 10:34
I consider this the most serious. Remember, these people are “smarter” than the rest of us, so they threw away their excuses and only the dumbest would believe them any more.

Consider the old way of getting out classified material to a Soviet contact for example. We’re talking sneaking around in the woods, leaving documents in an old mayonnaise jar. Contact picks them up and scurries out and into traffic to get to their safe house. With the Hillary method, all things electronically exposed, someone from SVR or other of the Russian alphabet soup could sit in their office in Lubiyanka square and browse, using their own computer. Sneaking around in the cold, wet woods in Virginia is for the birds, when one is just down the hall to the Samovar.

100% it looks like an easy way to transfer information.

02-14-22, 10:39
And as per my other thread, this is why they are pounding 1/6 so hard. If Trump is a threat to democracy and tried to run a coup, then a coup against him is justified….

02-14-22, 18:16
I think it's called espionage and you don't need a foreign actor if you are using the information to gain advantage.
She spied on him while he was in the White House for Gods sake. How Did the CIA and FBI not know about this?
Are we infiltrated that deeply?

who do you think helped !
sure they knew and helped keep it under wraps and cover

02-14-22, 18:44
Yes the infection is that deep.

I stated on the Hugh Hewitt radio show in 2016, that the Russians did not spy on Trump. He replied that I was totally wrong since 17 American intelligence agencies said they did. My reply was they are all liars.

But this whole thing is BS, statue of limitations expired last fall so nobody will go to jail.

Your mistake was giving Hewitt the time of day, amigo; he's an Establicuck RINO hack who'd stab his own mother if he saw advantage for the Bush League in it.

02-14-22, 22:45
Your mistake was giving Hewitt the time of day, amigo; he's an Establicuck RINO hack who'd stab his own mother if he saw advantage for the Bush League in it.

Your description of him is probably what got him banished to the 3AM to 6AM radio gig here in the LA area. At least he didn't get completely banished from the realm like Michael Medved. Both of them had a pretty bad case of TDS, especially Michael. Hewitt sort of struck me as a warmongering Bushite.

02-15-22, 00:08
Your description of him is probably what got him banished to the 3AM to 6AM radio gig here in the LA area. At least he didn't get completely banished from the realm like Michael Medved. Both of them had a pretty bad case of TDS, especially Michael. Hewitt sort of struck me as a warmongering Bushite.

Medved makes Hewitt look like a stalwart Reaganite. He's been a blight on the Seattle airwaves since before I hit puberty. To this day I think he was only hired as "affirmative action" against the anti-Semitism card when they shitcanned controversial, pugnacious but genuine conservative Mike Siegel.

02-15-22, 03:30
The treasonist turds hacked the White House.

02-15-22, 17:23
Just more ignoring, and arbitrary enforcement of (or lack thereof), the law.

Which makes law irrelevant. Live accordingly.

Unfortunately you and I are not among the "exempt", so act accordingly. ;)

02-15-22, 17:32
The treasonist turds hacked the White House.

That is the biggest crime......not that hacking a campaign isn't prison-worthy but hacking the friggin' White House?

02-15-22, 17:47
Unfortunately you and I are not among the "exempt", so act accordingly. ;)


02-15-22, 18:10

LOL Describes it to a "T" as they say!

02-15-22, 18:21

And for the record, I absolutely despise Medved.

02-15-22, 19:04
That is the biggest crime......not that hacking a campaign isn't prison-worthy but hacking the friggin' White House?

I thought about this- and I am no cyber anything expert- but I highly doubt that the WH can be hacked without numerous three-letter agencies finding out about it. Which leads me to believe the hackers were given the okay to do so.

02-15-22, 19:16
I thought about this- and I am no cyber anything expert- but I highly doubt that the WH can be hacked without numerous three-letter agencies finding out about it. Which leads me to believe the hackers were given the okay to do so.

Or the hackers were one of the three letter agencies.

You would be utterly astonished at how inept the F - B - I is in the cyber realm.

02-16-22, 06:11
I thought about this- and I am no cyber anything expert- but I highly doubt that the WH can be hacked without numerous three-letter agencies finding out about it. Which leads me to believe the hackers were given the okay to do so.

About 25 years ago a 16 year old Israeli kid, hacked into the most secure servers the USA has. He went in and out as he wanted, he only got caught because his father was upset because he was late for dinner. His dad just unplugged the computer, keeping the kid from backing out in a manor that he always did.

!8 months later when it was time to go to IDF service, the press was buzzing that he was for sure going to go to 8200 the electronic cyber unit. He went through the selection for the unit and wasn't good enough to make the cut. He served as an infantry soldier.

I have been trying to get people to understand just how bad it is that the FBI bought Pegasus and they are too dumb to understand.

02-18-22, 06:55
Pretty interesting and obviously very illegal.

02-19-22, 18:39
I just watched a CNN news/opinion piece that said the whole thing about Hillary and her campaign spying on Trump has been debunked by Durham. Anybody got a fix on the reality of this? That fat bald media dude said this all started with a kernel of truth that the “right wing media“ ran with, but is now going silent because Durham debunked it.

Something about the spying happening during the Obama admin- as in someone the traffic being watched was when Obama was in the White House?

A bit more about it:


ETA and a bit more insight;


Looks like the MSM is trying to gaslight us….

02-20-22, 16:54
It's game over this time!


Depositions, Subpoenas, Prosecutions, and convictions. This will result in several severe convictions.

Right? The Communist are on the run now.


I mean fraudulent warrants and wire taps on a political party campaign. Then continuing to spy on a setting President. That big time poundem in in the ass prison time.


02-20-22, 20:54
Seeing how the left has painted Trump during his initial campaign and throughout his term. Then continues to act like he wants to be a Dictator. Remember all the rhetoric about how he wouldn't leave office. The military was going to have to remove him. Remember all that crap?

Well the reason they have set all that narrative is because the swamp is so dirty that in order to clean it up. One would have to evoke special military units to serve mass simultaneous warrants for treason and other high crimes.

Because much of the CIA, FBI, and Possibly the US Marshals are so corrupted that's what it would take.

This is where their narrative truly comes in to play. That's what they will claim is happening. Even the never Trumpers here are buying into it. Saying things like he would make a better king than a president.

It saddens me that people cant see what the other side is doing. They may as well be so susceptible as to support Trudeau. Because that is the left.

02-20-22, 21:27
They had to spark teh 1/6 riots because they couldn’t handle the light of day on the many things that were bogus during the election. If the Trump guys had been able to make their case in a simple, straightforward manner, maybe more people would start to scratch their heads. Sure, having Biden as VP is what suppressed the vote in 2008 and 2012 when Obama was at the head of the ticket.

There had to be a riot to stop the legal proceedings.

02-20-22, 23:32
It was crap like Sidney Powell and this crap that hurt Trumps credibility.

This retired three-star falsely claims US soldiers died attacking a CIA facility in Germany tied to election fraud.


02-20-22, 23:36
It was crap like Sidney Powell and this crap that hurt Trumps credibility.

This retired three-star falsely claims US soldiers died attacking a CIA facility in Germany tied to election fraud.


What do you mean "This crap"?

02-21-22, 08:28
This is where their narrative truly comes in to play. That's what they will claim is happening. Even the never Trumpers here are buying into it. Saying things like he would make a better king than a president.

You'd better go back and reread those posts. I've not seen a single person here say that Trump would make a better king than a president, I've seen several people, including myself, say that Trump would make a better "kingmaker" than a candidate in the next elections. If you're not familiar with what a kingmaker is, probably worth looking up.

02-21-22, 19:45
You'd better go back and reread those posts. I've not seen a single person here say that Trump would make a better king than a president, I've seen several people, including myself, say that Trump would make a better "kingmaker" than a candidate in the next elections. If you're not familiar with what a kingmaker is, probably worth looking up.

I am not referring to you or this thread in general. I am speaking about the never Trumpers. Even on gun forums. It is truly sad.

02-21-22, 20:20
Quote Originally Posted by gsd2053 View Post
It was crap like Sidney Powell and this crap that hurt Trumps credibility.

This retired three-star falsely claims US soldiers died attacking a CIA facility in Germany tied to election fraud.

What do you mean "This crap"?

The fact that she kept promising to release the Kraken. They over sold and didn't deliver.

As for special forces getting killed raiding a CIA Black Site. They should have had video of the raid and released it. If it happened. Trump should have had an emergency address the nation and announced it as fact and released the footage.

However it was a few people making outlandish claims.

03-24-22, 22:55
Trump is suing the bitch. Seeks a jury trial. Best wishes for DJT, hope he don't commit suicide.


03-24-22, 23:35
Trump is suing the bitch. Seeks a jury trial. Best wishes for DJT, hope he don't commit suicide.


I beleive that is referred to as "Arkanside."

Discovery is gonna interesting with this one.

04-02-22, 08:14
Drop another quarter into the Trump Was Right Jar. Remember the MSM/ComDems calling him mean, saying he was disenfranchising our allies, etc..?


04-02-22, 22:10
This is just the $hit we know about !!!!

04-03-22, 23:24
Yes it is far bigger than Watergate. However look how fast the Watergate was cracked open. This swomp is to Deep and wide. So many have to be involved. Previous presidents, Vice presidents, FBI, Judges, Democrats, Republicans. It's the only way we have not seen high level arrests. There has to many high level dirtbags involved.

Hell look who controls the media. It's a true dirt bags world. We will never see the pay. They control the game.