View Full Version : Possible M4C Virginia/Maryland/Etc Get-together?

12-16-08, 12:50
This idea was brought up in another thread, but I think it's got potential....

Any M4C guys interested in a little get-together at the NRA range over the holiday period? I've never been there but I hear it's nice and it's not an obscenely long distance away.

Anyone interested?

12-16-08, 13:04
Definitely count me in. I'm in town except for Christmas Day and the day after.

Some things to keep in mind:

Except on holidays, the range is only open Fr-Mo during the day. It's closed completely on Tuesdays, and open only in the evenings on We & Th.
If enough of us are going, we may be able to reserve a few lanes. Otherwise, the range is very busy and it will be difficult to keep everyone in one place for a long period of time.
If you have not been to the range before, you must take a range safety test before being allowed onto the range. This is a written test and takes 15 minutes or so. There are absolutely no exceptions (no "I'm an NRA instructor" or "I'm a cop") ... if you want to step foot on the range, you have to take the test.
When you pass the test, you get a range membership card. This costs $10.
Each person on the range will cost between $8 and $18 depending on (1) how many people are on each lane and (b) whether you are an NRA member or not.
There are a number of places to eat, ranging from the cheap to the very expensive, within a five minute drive of the range.
While centerfire rifles are allowed on the range, no steel core ammo (M855) is allowed ... do not bring green tip to shoot through your M4.

12-16-08, 13:10
I am down. I'll be here all that week.

12-16-08, 13:29
I'm in, tentatively. I'll be in Kentucky Dec 23-25, and there's some slop in time I need to nail down. I'm a member there, if it comes down to sparing costs by sharing lanes.

12-16-08, 13:32
Already a member here.

12-16-08, 13:45
I'm in! I may even bring the kids to let them watch the fun.


12-16-08, 14:25
As long as it is not during the days when I will be quarantined (Dec 31 - Jan 2); I will make every effort to be there. :)

12-16-08, 14:36
yeah and I refuse to bring out any M4's to this :eek:

12-16-08, 15:02
I'm down. Looking forward to it. We could always brave the cold here (http://www.covecampground.com/) which has an outdoor range with a 100 yard lane. It's about an hour and a half away from Fairfax.

12-16-08, 15:54
I'm in - my daughter might tag along to shoot too :D

12-16-08, 18:02
I would love to join you all but I just came back from Reston and I think that was my last trip up there for the rest of the year. Luckily right after New Years I get to head to the sunny, warm south for January and February :D

12-16-08, 18:13
I would certainly be interested in attending.

12-16-08, 18:40
I'm interested.

What's up with my avatar? Dinger, you do that?

12-16-08, 18:46
I'm interested.

What's up with my avatar? Dinger, you do that?

Guilty :D

It seemed to fit the Vihninator.

12-16-08, 18:50
Someone pick a date and I'll see if I can get up that way.

12-16-08, 21:28
Guys count me in. And the outdoor range sounds like the better of the two options.

Robb Jensen
12-16-08, 21:34
As long as it's not the Saturday after Christmas, I'm in. Shooting a 3gun match that day.

12-16-08, 22:37
I can make it if its on a Sunday

12-17-08, 05:17
I would, but I'll be out of town all week.

Robb Jensen
12-17-08, 05:22
Guys count me in. And the outdoor range sounds like the better of the two options.

I'd be all game for your range on the 1st of Jan ! :D

12-17-08, 05:49
The range has a narrow 100 yard lane, a wider say...50 yard lane, a very wide 25 yard lane, and a shorter pistol range. It's public so I suggest we show up early with picnic supplies in tow. The number of people we have would ensure we'd run the range right. Range fees are $13 per person. You will need at least a front wheel drive with high ground clearance or maybe a 4 wheel drive so I'd be happy to offer a ride to our latte sipping Infiniti driver :D

The range is safe, has berms in all the right places but it does have a fair bit of trash that people brought to shoot. If we go, we should pack out what we bring.

12-17-08, 08:53
Indoor or outdoor, it's all good to me. Like Templar said, I guess the thing now is to pick a date....

12-17-08, 09:09
If we're hitting the NRA range, I'd recommend going there early on either a Monday or a Friday. That being said, I say we hit the outdoor range. That way we don't have to worry about everybody taking the range test, lines, 50 yard limitations, and Range Nazis.

12-17-08, 09:47
I'm definitely up for anything at the NRA, and as I said if we have a large enough group we may be able to reserve a few lanes. Sundays are usually much less busy than Saturdays but during the holidays, anything is possible.

12-17-08, 09:59
I'm definitely up for anything at the NRA, and as I said if we have a large enough group we may be able to reserve a few lanes. Sundays are usually much less busy than Saturdays but during the holidays, anything is possible.

So what it sounds like I'm hearing here is that the outdoor range probably provides more freedom, while the NRA range may be a lot more convenient for everybody.....

So what do we go for, fellas? Freedom or convenience?

12-17-08, 10:17
The NRA Range won't be freezing cold. I vote for comfort. :cool:

However, the Sunday right after Christmas is likely to be horrible at any public range. Lots of brand new first time gun owners with zero safety training ...

Perhaps the Sunday after 1-Jan would be better?

12-17-08, 10:21
Jan 3 would work for me.

12-17-08, 10:29
I prefer the outdoor range myself. The NRA range is not conducive to large groups of people in my book. At the outdoor range, we can take breaks whenever we want, use whatever targets we want, and teach each other creative drills. We can have coffee and cocoa and sit on the tailgate of a truck and BS about each other's weapons. We can also shoot as long we want to.

12-17-08, 10:45
I have to admit, the outdoor range is probably more conducive to a large group of people who want to shoot at once, etc.

I'm game, even if my oft-maligned (AWD, btw) vehicle is unsuitable for the barbaric location. :cool:

12-17-08, 10:52
I prefer the outdoor range myself. The NRA range is not conducive to large groups of people in my book. At the outdoor range, we can take breaks whenever we want, use whatever targets we want, and teach each other creative drills.

...sounds like somebody's itchin' for a shot at one of them F.A.S.T challenge coins....:D

12-17-08, 10:56
OK, I have a VW Rabbit, will that survive it to the outdoor range? Just repaired a deer strike, don't want any other work done :)

12-17-08, 12:54
Jan 3 would work for me.

I like this, and the prospect of an outdoor range, so I'll second the motion.

12-17-08, 13:22
...sounds like somebody's itchin' for a shot at one of them F.A.S.T challenge coins....:D

I kinda doubt it unless there's a "gunshot to the arm" allowance in time :D

Re: the VW Rabbit. Last time I was there ffhounddog (a forum member here) needed a couple of tries to get up the hill in a front wheel drive Saturn VUE. Draw your own conclusions from that.

12-17-08, 16:00
Guess I am going to have to vote for NRA, I like my car:). Outdoor range does sound nicer overall, though.

12-17-08, 16:50
We can probably consolidate before the final push. I have a crew cab pickup. Donations of .223, .45ACP, 9mm, .308, and 5.45mm are accepted :D

12-17-08, 17:02
We can probably consolidate before the final push. I have a crew cab pickup. Donations of .223, .45ACP, 9mm, .308, and 5.45mm are accepted :D

Same here.

12-17-08, 17:25
I'd be probable for either the outdoor range or NRA.

12-17-08, 17:35

Why not have 2 days - one at NRA and one outside? Unless, of course we're thinking we can only get one liberty chit...


(Hint - buy something nice for the missus...)


12-18-08, 12:07
I'm interested, either place. Outdoor allows multiple targets tho (eg, bottles or bowling pins) which is more fun.

12-18-08, 12:10
I guess the next step is to finalize a location as it sounds like everybody is cool with January 3rd....

If either option is a deal-breaker for anyone, speak up.

Speaking personally, the Cove range mentioned by our one-armed friend is closer to me and Templar than the NRA range in Fairfax. Not much closer, however...

12-18-08, 12:15
That's one and a half arms, damnit!

I think the Cove is the clear choice.

12-18-08, 12:20
Do we know if the Cove will actually accomodate us though?

I'm not sure I can make the 3rd...

12-18-08, 12:22
They should be able to accommodate us just fine. I've been there more than once with groups of over 20 shooters. We should probably choose a "designated cuddler" for Todd since he's worried about the cold :D 1,2, 3, NOT IT!

12-18-08, 12:26
*finger on tip of nose*

12-18-08, 20:23
Lil'L: Contact the range and verify that we'll be able to get what we need to have such a big group there on the 3rd. Being "pretty sure" will suck if many of us drive 1-2hr to get there and they're closed that day.

Someone familiar with the area needs to locate and designate a good pre-range meeting spot so those of us who spend our driving time on pavement can link up with you TEOTWAWKI types for the final leg of the trip.

Can someone post a street address so we can mapquest/google the route?

Does the range have target stands?

12-18-08, 20:48
This might be it:


For beach hours and off-season hours, please call ahead. Emergency Contact info available at the campground office.

980 Cove Road
Gore , Virginia 22637
Phone: 540-858-2882
E-Mail: Cove@hughes.net

12-18-08, 21:24
Wow ... almost a 2hr drive for me. I am now voting against any plan that includes "arrive early."

12-19-08, 16:43
So are we all game for the 3rd? We will have to arrive around 9ish to ensure range dominance. I'd say rally at the Cove Campground office. I live very close to the NRA range if you want to ride with me, Todd. We'd probably need to leave Fairfax no later than 0730.

12-19-08, 21:42
I'm fine with Cove IF we are sure we can get in. I'd like to be sure that's the case before betting the farm on it.

We should probably make alternate arrangements in case the weather gets nasty on us....I'm thinking that if the forecast is nasty we fall back to the NRA range. Sound good?

Robb Jensen
12-19-08, 21:48
So are we all game for the 3rd? We will have to arrive around 9ish to ensure range dominance. I'd say rally at the Cove Campground office. I live very close to the NRA range if you want to ride with me, Todd. We'd probably need to leave Fairfax no later than 0730.

I gotta work Saturday Jan 3rd............retails a bitch. :eek:

12-19-08, 22:48
Lil'L: Negative on Fairfax. I need to drive up through WV to get there. I'll have to meet you someplace in town once we're all there.

Someone still needs to verify 100% that the range is open and will accommodate our group on the 3rd.

JW777's suggestion to keep NRA on tap in the event of inclement weather predictions is a very good one. And we wouldn't have to get up before sunrise for that, either. :cool:

12-20-08, 14:07
Lil'L: Negative on Fairfax. I need to drive up through WV to get there. I'll have to meet you someplace in town once we're all there.

Someone still needs to verify 100% that the range is open and will accommodate our group on the 3rd.

JW777's suggestion to keep NRA on tap in the event of inclement weather predictions is a very good one. And we wouldn't have to get up before sunrise for that, either. :cool:

Don't you worry your pretty little head on verification.

Now, who is up for the Cove on the 3rd of January? I know that gotm4 has some sort of Greenpeace/PETA get together..... We need confirmations here, people.

El Mac
12-20-08, 14:09
Love to meet you LB. But I just moved from there...

I'll bet you are heading over to SEG aren't ya?

12-20-08, 14:34
Saturday 3-Jan works for me.

12-20-08, 15:02
I believe I can do Jan 3rd too. I'm up for either the wilderness or the NRA range. I don't know how much ammo I'm going to bring, though....my supply is kinda low right now.

Those guys using my ammo can to feed the SMG during the LLII class didn't help me any on that front.

12-20-08, 22:27
I'll bet you are heading over to SEG aren't ya?

Just as soon as I finish my book signing and blood donations.

12-20-08, 23:28
It's a moot point as I will never be in any danger of claiming one.

If you say it's so, you'll make it so. Bad attitude trumps good skill every time.

12-22-08, 13:27
No joy so far on getting them to answer the phone. Email already sent. The range does not have target stands. There are trees and berms we can use. Some people string up line to hang targets from.

Not many people confirmed yet. Would the 4th be better so that we could accommodate gotm4?

12-22-08, 13:28
I'm out for the 3rd or 4th...:(


12-22-08, 14:14
I'm open for that Shivan. However, we need some input here, people. As a group, we must find the coldest day possible to go shooting on Todd's request. In fact, if we could hit the range in freezing sleet around....zerodarkstupid, that would be optimal. Please check your almanacs.

Seriously, let's get this nailed down.

12-22-08, 20:55
11th may or may not be doable for me. I fly out to Orlando on the 13th so that weekend might by crunch-tastic for me.

And not to belabor the obvious, but if only half a dozen people are coming, the NRA Range becomes much more viable. Three people can share a lane without much fuss, and getting two lanes next to each other shouldn't be too hard with some planning and begging.

Of course, that means Lil'L is going to have to follow all the normal firearms safety protocols, which might be a challenge. :cool:

Tell you what, Lil'L ... I'll arm wrestle you for it. :D

12-22-08, 21:28
1. I have a couple of target stands, although my furring strips have been claimed by a knucklehead. I've got a box of IDPA targets as well.

2. 3rd, 4th or 11th are fine with me. I'd prefer to keep it away from a Sunday because I have church, but Jesus can spare me for a week if it means including more people.

3. Still open for the NRA Range, which is sounding more like the practical choice.

Robb Jensen
12-22-08, 21:38
I can do the 4th of the 11th.

12-22-08, 21:45
I can only do the 4th. The weekend of the 11th is out for me. I will attending an NRA Basic Rifle Instructors Course that weekend. I also have 3 target stands that I can bring.

12-22-08, 22:04
I'm out. OBE before heading down to SHOT

12-22-08, 23:49
Sounds like the 4th is becoming a more popular answer....

12-23-08, 00:21
Perhaps it would be best to put this off until after SHOT? I have to admit, that would be more attractive to me and would give us more time to organize, as well.

12-23-08, 05:11
I'll pass if it's the 4th .... I have an F class match @ QSC.

12-23-08, 05:35
Of course, that means Lil'L is going to have to follow all the normal firearms safety protocols, which might be a challenge. :cool:

Tell you what, Lil'L ... I'll arm wrestle you for it. :D

I'm just happy every time I visit the range and don't get shot :D And for the last time, I will not arm wrestle you nor am I up for a game of nude leap frog so stop asking!

12-23-08, 07:20
I say if we hit 10 people confirmed, we should go to the Cove. Otherwise, the NRA range. I prefer the Cove myself but it would make the range outing a daylong event.

12-23-08, 10:13
Modern_Pirate and myself should be at the NRA range the 4th regardless.(already planned)

12-23-08, 10:14
It would be alright for me if we pushed the date back. Where is the "Cove" located at?

12-23-08, 10:23
My weekend is now looking to go out of control. I might be able to link up for a short while at the NRA on the 4th, but for a longer more organized thing out in BFE Virginia I'll have to wait until post-SHOT.

12-23-08, 10:27
Perhaps it would be best to put this off until after SHOT? I have to admit, that would be more attractive to me and would give us more time to organize, as well.

This sounds like a winner to me too. :D

12-23-08, 11:22

12-23-08, 11:34
It would be alright for me if we pushed the date back. Where is the "Cove" located at?

An hour and a half or so SW of the NRA range.

12-25-08, 16:27
There's another forum planning to shoot there on the 4th. Is there enough room for both forums?


3rd or 4th, 10th or 11th work fine for me, btw. I don't have to be on-call again for several weeks.

12-26-08, 01:19
I love this idea, just the dates all suck for me unless we are pushing this back after the 11th.

The Cove is "primative" but fun. FA welcome there so you can bring your NFA toys. Target stands, oh yea. Just put them in next to the collection of shot out computers, monitors, stuffed animals, etc.

12-28-08, 17:27
My weekend is now looking to go out of control. I might be able to link up for a short while at the NRA on the 4th, but for a longer more organized thing out in BFE Virginia I'll have to wait until post-SHOT.

From the sound of things post SHOT might be the best way to roll....

I'm still open to suggestions.

12-28-08, 17:47
I'm in for the 3rd at either NRA range or the Cove - never been there before - but outdoors is better for rifles.

I'm real close to the NRA range and could drive (4 door pickup) to the Cove if someone was concerned about snow.

12-29-08, 15:52
I'm interested if at either NRA or Cove. Dates are open for me.

01-02-09, 14:36
What's the plan? NRA or the Cove, what time?

01-02-09, 16:17
Alright, gentlemen...we need a final answer here about the immediate dates. I know the site being down may have screwed some folks in the planning phase....

We need some positive responses for who will show up where and when:

4th at the NRA range? Time?

It also looks like we might want to shoot for another get-together post SHOT or just postpone the whole deal until after SHOT. The 4th is looking more sketchy for me because of circumstances beyond my control...but I might be able to swing it.

01-02-09, 16:31
The 4th will be a trick for me, now, as well.

I suggest we volunteer lil'L to get more details about this Cove place and establish if we can get some sort of dedicated range access/time for a meeting in Feb.

Can I get a second?

01-02-09, 16:43

01-02-09, 16:46
The motion carries.

Littlelebowski is hereby responsible for making all necessary arrangements to get us pre-arranged access to the facility one weekend in February, dates TBD after Lil'L speaks with the folks at the Cove.

And thank you for your spirit of volunteerism, Lil'L. With all the phone calls and emails you'll need to send, I can only hope this will speed up your physical therapy of the elbow. :D

01-02-09, 20:25
i am down for the Feb time frame!

01-04-09, 00:01
I'm down. 4th is Sunday, today right? What time?

01-18-09, 03:55
Any word on this yet? I would like to attend..

02-08-09, 07:47
OK, let's start planning this again. We waited for you SHOT Show guys so now you have to meet up with us and give us all of your free schwag :D

02-08-09, 11:38
This month is good for me. March I'm committed almost every weekend.

02-08-09, 19:55
Hope your Infiniti can make it up the road.


02-08-09, 23:12
Jealousy. So sad.

02-09-09, 07:04
February doesn't look good for me...

I've got a class with Dave Pennington the 21st & 22nd, a previous commitment on the 14th and 15th, and I've got a ton of school work (Did I ever mention I hate being back in college at this age?) that will probably keep me at home on the 28th and 1st....

...and the first week of March I'm in a Vickers course, so my "spring break" is pretty much used up.

If y'all can get something together in February, by all means do so. I'm sure it will break your collective hearts not to have me there, but just think like Gloria Gaynor and "Survive!".

02-09-09, 13:04

02-11-09, 15:53
It's either this weekend or wait at least 3 weeks for me as I'm going back into surgery next week.

03-03-09, 18:56
OK, healing up now. Let's start palavering. Dates?

03-03-09, 18:58
Jealousy. So sad.

Hope you're not still sore about me painting "Honkey Lips" on the G-ride. I did apologize....

03-03-09, 19:20
I'm good for:

* 3rd weekend March (21-22)
* 4th weekend March (28-29)

Hope you're not still sore about me painting "Honkey Lips" on the G-ride.

G-ride? Dude, too many painkillers.

03-10-09, 09:02
I didn't miss this did I? Pretty new to the area and would love to attend.