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View Full Version : State Of The Union

03-02-22, 18:01
Everything you need to know in 51 seconds:


It's all a joke and Potato Joe is the punchline.

03-02-22, 18:14
More of the bumblef***ery.
Kamala looks like a kid about to bust out laughing in the library. I kinda don't blamer her....


Also, apparently guns are still bad and we need to ban them, so yay 2022, looks like it's back to business as usual.

03-02-22, 20:54
They put the fun in disfunctional !

03-02-22, 22:27
They put the fun in disfunctional !
Yep, that's a good one! ;)


03-02-22, 22:31
SOTU in two easy words: "We're F---ed."

03-03-22, 18:15
Now can we shoot them? Too soon?

Standard disclaimer: The above post is an exercise in sarcasm and should not be treated any more seriously than the VP treated the SOTU.

03-03-22, 18:33
I kind of liked the happy little dance NP did when Brandon talked about vets, burn pits and cancer. Definitely puts the fun in dysfunctional.

Actually- I really hate SOTUs as they are nothing but touting talking points and theatrics. I think we need to go back to the way it was done back when George Washington was president. He sent letters to congress detailing the state of the union.

03-03-22, 18:36
I kind of liked the happy little dance NP did when Brandon talked about vets, burn pits and cancer. Definitely puts the fun in dysfunctional.

Yeah, what the hell was that? She looked more insane than usual.

03-03-22, 18:37
I kind of liked the happy little dance NP did when Brandon talked about vets, burn pits and cancer. Definitely puts the fun in dysfunctional.

Creepy how the sick Nazi bitch got a tingle in her nethers fantasizing about our guys suffering and dying horribly... then again these ghouls are so far departed from sanity I'm not sure God Himself could find a way to bring them back.

03-03-22, 18:45
That rambling spiel from the [fraudulent] POTUS? LOL


03-04-22, 11:16
Now can we shoot them? Too soon?

Standard disclaimer: The above post is an exercise in sarcasm and should not be treated any more seriously than the VP treated the SOTU.

What, are you afraid you might get a visit from our Premier Law Enforcement Agency for typing badthink or something?
Surely that would never happen here...

03-04-22, 11:56
Yeah, what the hell was that? She looked more insane than usual.
The decaying praying mantis rises up out of its lair to pounce on the unsuspecting fly, then realizes the cameras are on... :laugh:

The whole thing is, even more obviously than usual, a staged pre-scripted act, but when your actors are a bunch of pilled up, drugged up, drunk geezers, well... things are gonna get weird. And yet these same people were busy calling Ted Cruz "creepy" nought but a couple years back.
As someone put it recently "government is the most expensive elderly care program in the world".

I almost suspect a lot of the accelerationism we've seen over the last ten is partly the fact that the geezers running the world want to see a return on their 'investment' before they croak. I can just see Soros somewhere, banging on a table at his lackeys like "I want to see some progress on this plan goddammit! It's been fifty years! Get it done already!"
Probably partially why the opening wedge has been to dredge up the "civil rights" era SJW issues as their platform- they all want to relive their glory days in the 60s/70s, and it's what they're all the most familiar with so it's the easiest to keep a bunch of mentally declining farts on script.
Or at least... that's my theory.

03-04-22, 12:46
Ol' Pelosi back there chewing her cud doing the weirdo hand rub. It just blows me away those three hold the highest offices in the land. Yeah, were f***ed alright. November cannot possibly come soon enough let alone 2024.

03-04-22, 12:48
Everything you need to know in 51 seconds:


It's all a joke and Potato Joe is the punchline.

She not lying (for once) people got what they asked for.

03-04-22, 13:02
The three of them sitting up there, what's the combined age?
Like almost 160?

03-04-22, 14:06
The three of them sitting up there, what's the combined age?
Like almost 160?

Shit, it is 160 with just the potato head and Pelosi, add in cameltoe and it is 217.

3 AE
03-04-22, 17:45
Shit, it is 160 with just the potato head and Pelosi, add in cameltoe and it is 217.

That's it "tits", you owe me a glass of wine and some screen wipes! Anyone know how to dry out a wine soaked keyboard? :laugh:

03-10-22, 05:06
Tired of "Lock Down's" your free to go and do whatever you like now.
In the meantime, I'll just crank the price of gas up three dollars a gallon. Y'all have fun with that now.

How about some nice board games for the kids to play at home instead?

03-10-22, 05:42
Tired of "Lock Down's" your free to go and do whatever you like now.
In the meantime, I'll just crank the price of gas up three dollars a gallon. Y'all have fun with that now.

How about some nice board games for the kids to play at home instead?


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-10-22, 05:51
That's it "tits", you owe me a glass of wine and some screen wipes! Anyone know how to dry out a wine soaked keyboard? :laugh:

Unplug it and rinse with Everclear. Shame to waste the Everclear though.


03-10-22, 06:00
Unplug it and rinse with Everclear. Shame to waste the Everclear though.


If you tilt the keyboard just right and put a glass under it...

03-10-22, 17:22
If you tilt the keyboard just right and put a glass under it...

Cram a funnel in a watermelon and fill 'er up, let sit over night, eat melon.

03-14-22, 08:25
Cram a funnel in a watermelon and fill 'er up, let sit over night, eat melon.

That's some good stuff right there.