View Full Version : Predator and prey

12-17-08, 04:50
My wife was making lunch yesterday and saw this. A hawk eating what we think was a mouse in our back yard.


12-17-08, 05:14
A Falcon of some kind maybe? Looks small for a hawk.

Beautiful, though! Nice pics!


12-17-08, 08:54
Looks like a Coopers or Sharp Shinned, which is in the accipiter classification. A representative of the falcon class ( sharp winged) is the American Kestrel, Buteo (broad winged) is the Redtail.

That is close, I think.

12-17-08, 09:12
My wife put up a bird feeder this year because we've had an abundance of cardinals nesting in a tree in the backyard. The result is that now our little patch of lawn has become a haven for about 500 birds a day.

The upside is that a raptor of some kind (I don't know jack about birds) figured this out and can now be seen regularly on our fence feasting on one of the smaller patrons to the wife's avian eatery. :cool:

12-17-08, 09:39
I live in an older neighborhood, and when I am not traveling, I work from my home. My office in my home has a large window where I can view my back yard. There are many oak trees in my back yard, and in those oaks are fox squirrles.

Periodically, I will spot a Red Tailed hawk decending through the trees from about roof top level toward the ground. I love to watch them work. It is awsome.