View Full Version : Neo-Nazi's in Ukraine

03-16-22, 12:45
While clearly not running the country and a reason to invade and such, denial of their existence as a legit threat to Ukraine, being well armed, trained, and funded, by the western media, is also a bad idea. As a group, they have minimal political power, but that could change.

This is a good objective discussion from a generally good YT page I follow:


03-16-22, 16:58
When I think about Ukraine Nazi's I think about Larry Throne, these Nazi's don't appear to be so much anti Jewish as anti Commie and I have a hard time thinking a 900 man battalion was much of threat in what was a 204,000 man militery. I also am not sure they are worse than the woke idiots infesting our country at the moment, Rachel Levine up for woman of the year, give me a break.

03-16-22, 17:34
Isn't the President of Ukraine a Jew?

I'm certainly no big supporter of Ukraine. I think both sides suck: Ukraine because of it's involvement with the BS [first] impeachment of Trump and it's continued Biden family corruption payments, but also Russia because it's, well, RUSSIA. I dislike them both, but the Russians slightly more so than the Ukrainians. Say all you want, this is pure Russian aggression and a late-in-life attempt by Putin to "get the band back together". Screw them both but screw Russia harder with a bigger dick (?).

Supply weapons out the wazoo, both sides have done it for well over half a century. But no no-fly zones and no U.S. combat involvement. If the Russians attack NATO, then game on.

03-16-22, 18:07
When I think about Ukraine Nazi's I think about Larry Throne, these Nazi's don't appear to be so much anti Jewish as anti Commie and I have a hard time thinking a 900 man battalion was much of threat in what was a 204,000 man militery. I also am not sure they are worse than the woke idiots infesting our country at the moment, Rachel Levine up for woman of the year, give me a break.

The only person not apt to be targeted for murder by the USSR was Josef Stalin.

03-16-22, 18:38
Isn't the President of Ukraine a Jew?

I'm certainly no big supporter of Ukraine. I think both sides suck: Ukraine because of it's involvement with the BS [first] impeachment of Trump and it's continued Biden family corruption payments, but also Russia because it's, well, RUSSIA. I dislike them both, but the Russians slightly more so than the Ukrainians. Say all you want, this is pure Russian aggression and a late-in-life attempt by Putin to "get the band back together". Screw them both but screw Russia harder with a bigger dick (?).

Supply weapons out the wazoo, both sides have done it for well over half a century. But no no-fly zones and no U.S. combat involvement. If the Russians attack NATO, then game on.

He’s the Jew who signed an agreement with the Azov Bn and folded them into the Ukrainian NG. I recognize that Ukraine has many issues and isn’t quite ready for prime time as a 1st world nation, but I do trust them to understand who their most problematic enemies are.

I’m still stuck on no troops and no NFZ’s, but I do think we need to release those warplanes to them.

03-16-22, 19:24
And? There are neo-nazis in countries all over the world. Should Russia just go ahead and invade them? This seems to be the only counter narrative those that are pro Russia or anti US involvement have. Not that I am pro or anti anything pertaining to these unpleasantries. It has been interesting to watch the paper bear get deflated.

03-16-22, 19:46
I don't know for sure but it seemed to me that yes while Ukraine has a history of corruption it was trying to clean up it's act some so it could join the EU and NATO. To me President Zelenskyy seems like an honorable man who wanted the best for his people and his country, and the people of Ukraine would not be fighting so hard for corrupt leaders. The people of Ukraine remember what it's like to live under Russian rule, they are fighting for freedom and the right to make their own decisions and I have to admire them for it.

03-16-22, 20:28
And? There are neo-nazis in countries all over the world. Should Russia just go ahead and invade them? This seems to be the only counter narrative those that are pro Russia or anti US involvement have. Not that I am pro or anti anything pertaining to these unpleasantries. It has been interesting to watch the paper bear get deflated.

According to the Left, our Military is full of "Nazi's", you do see how that works right?

03-16-22, 20:41
Posts like these remind me of the old guys who listen to their favorite religious talk shows and then proceed to spam clipped sound bytes of said talk show all over social media, trying to convince everyone they are now more enlightened than everyone else.

Anyone who believes this has never lived in Ukraine nor do they know actual Nazi ideaology. Nazis hated Slavs and tried to exterminate them along with the Jews and other minorities. Approximately 10-20% of Ukrainians are Jewish or have Jewish family. Their president is Jewish.

There are some neo-Nazis in Azov battalion; Azov is not a neo-Nazi battalion.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-16-22, 20:55
Again, this is all a horseshit justification for Russian aggression. Nazi nations don't elect Jewish Presidents. It's pretty much the litmus test for Nazism. Once you start redefining "Neo-Nazi" to include Jews you have pretty much taken a leaf out of the left's "racism" playbook.

This whole Ukrainians are Nazis thing is beyond absurd and there is little purpose to this story beyond servicing Putin's interests.

I remember a story about there being some Neo-Nazis in the KSK a few years ago. I guess the Nazis are back in charge in Germany so I guess that's a big go on blasting the Germans.


Welp, it appears there are white supremicists in the US army so I guess Putin should go ahead and bomb the shit out of us.



Whoah! It turns out Israel is aligned with the Neo-nazi "Sweedish Democrats" so I guess the Israelis are Nazis now....


Oh crap! It turns out Putin is a nazi!!! I guess Putin should invade Russia!



https://khpg.org/en/1409512010. (Russian fascist ideologue Dugin: Why stop with Donetsk and Luhansk?)

Holy Schnikes!!! The Czechs' are back in the nazi camp!!!!


Ermagerd! The asians are nazis!!!! Better nuke em'



03-16-22, 21:06
He’s the Jew who signed an agreement with the Azov Bn and folded them into the Ukrainian NG. I recognize that Ukraine has many issues and isn’t quite ready for prime time as a 1st world nation, but I do trust them to understand who their most problematic enemies are.

I’m still stuck on no troops and no NFZ’s, but I do think we need to release those warplanes to them.
The Polish aircraft being offered are a media ploy and nothing else. Because of various laws and treaties, the planes can't be given to Ukraine without first being gutted of pretty much all of the electronics. Doing so makes the aircraft useless, and the Ukrainians don't have old the Soviet Block electronics to put back in them.

03-16-22, 21:28
Something can be true and irrelevant. The NAZI thing and the biolabs have a kernel of truth that is then spun. Hell, there are probably as many neo-nazi's in Russia. Trump doesn't always use the harshest language possible on Putin, doesn't mean that he is a puppet.

That we are talking about these things, and not how the establishment totally screwed up the rise of authoritarian violence prone Kremlin is CRAZY.

I agree, WWIII has started, and the Russians are losing to the kids that the real team walks onto the field with. Why we aren't hammering the fact that Putin got into a war of his own will that is going to kill thousands of Russians (not to mention the people he is there to 'save') young boys, along with totally trolling him as an ineffective leader both economically and politically- is beyond me.

Tell the Russian people that the last thing that we want to do is 'take over' Russia. The place is a crap show. I think China is hoping that Putin loses and gets thrown out and we'll spend another decade sorting things out to try to re-hab the place, again.

De-Nazi? How De-Stalin Russia?

03-16-22, 21:33
Again, this is all a horseshit justification for Russian aggression. Nazi nations don't elect Jewish Presidents. It's pretty much the litmus test for Nazism. Once you start redefining "Neo-Nazi" to include Jews you have pretty much taken a leaf out of the left's "racism" playbook.

This whole Ukrainians are Nazis thing is beyond absurd and there is little purpose to this story beyond servicing Putin's interests.

I remember a story about there being some Neo-Nazis in the KSK a few years ago. I guess the Nazis are back in charge in Germany so I guess that's a big go on blasting the Germans.


Welp, it appears there are white supremicists in the US army so I guess Putin should go ahead and bomb the shit out of us.



Whoah! It turns out Israel is aligned with the Neo-nazi "Sweedish Democrats" so I guess the Israelis are Nazis now....


Oh crap! It turns out Putin is a nazi!!! I guess Putin should invade Russia!



https://khpg.org/en/1409512010. (Russian fascist ideologue Dugin: Why stop with Donetsk and Luhansk?)

Holy Schnikes!!! The Czechs' are back in the nazi camp!!!!


Ermagerd! The asians are nazis!!!! Better nuke em'



I'd argue that many people aren't using it justify Putin, but rather they have such myopic, rigid views that they feel the need to oppose the political views of their partisan peers. They literally can't comprehend that sometimes bad people support good things for the wrong reasons.

"Oh, Democrats support Ukraine??? Ukraine must be bad then! Let's see what we can find!" It's so ****ing stupid because the situation in Ukraine is not a zero sum political scenario.

Again, every time I see a post like this, I laugh, knowing the person has no first hand experience with the country or Slavic countries in general. It reads like a cringe gun control post by some Karen who just decided to become an overnight expert on the topic.

03-16-22, 21:50
And? There are neo-nazis in countries all over the world. Should Russia just go ahead and invade them? This seems to be the only counter narrative those that are pro Russia or anti US involvement have. Not that I am pro or anti anything pertaining to these unpleasantries. It has been interesting to watch the paper bear get deflated.

How many have their own militias and are implicated in the slaughter of about 14K in the Donbass by shelling them for eight long years?

I know. You weren’t paying attention. Our mainstream media did not force it down our throats so “it could not possibly be true.”



Study their emblems. There’s much more than this. This is just “in your face”.

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03-16-22, 21:58
How many have their own militias and are implicated in the slaughter of about 14K in the Donbass by shelling them for eight long years?

I know. You weren’t paying attention. Our mainstream media did not force it down our throats so “it could not possibly be true.”



Study their emblems. There’s much more than this. This is just “in your face”.

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You should take your own advice and study history.

Ukrainians were trapped between belonging to the Communist USSR and approaching Nazi Germany. Hating both, a large number ultimately decided to fight along side the Nazis in an attempt to break free of the Soviet Union, instead of being used as fodder by the Communists against the Nazis. They hated the Nazis, they just hated Communists more.

They ultimately lost and were sent back to Russia and ultimately to death camps, but the symbol of their rebellion lived on by the adoption of Nazi emblems. It has absolutely nothing to do with Naziism ideaology, but rather a symbol of defiance against the government, similar to the Gadsden flag. It's literally a "**** you, we'll do what we need to stay free."

Your post says that you've never been there nor actually researched the topic outside of current events. Again, you should take your own advice. That is, unless you're the kind of person who thinks that a photo of a Nazi flag in the US makes Americans Nazis. That's literally how absurd of a talking point this is, especially given that Nazis wanted to put all Slavs to death.

03-17-22, 00:35
The Polish aircraft being offered are a media ploy and nothing else. Because of various laws and treaties, the planes can't be given to Ukraine without first being gutted of pretty much all of the electronics. Doing so makes the aircraft useless, and the Ukrainians don't have old the Soviet Block electronics to put back in them.

Sorry but I’m not buying that. They’re not F-35’s. They’re not even F-16’s. They’re MiG-29’s. Pull the IFF modules and send it. Full stop.

How many have their own militias and are implicated in the slaughter of about 14K in the Donbass by shelling them for eight long years?

I know. You weren’t paying attention. Our mainstream media did not force it down our throats so “it could not possibly be true.”



Study their emblems. There’s much more than this. This is just “in your face”.

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With every post you sound more and more like an unhinged ideologue. You do whatever you need to do to convince yourself that it’s OK to turn a blind eye to Putin’s wholesale atrocities, but leave the rest of us out of it. You’re not swaying anyone with this garbage you’re posting.:rolleyes:

03-17-22, 00:37
You should take your own advice and study history.

Ukrainians were trapped between belonging to the Communist USSR and approaching Nazi Germany. Hating both, a large number ultimately decided to fight along side the Nazis in an attempt to break free of the Soviet Union, instead of being used as fodder by the Communists against the Nazis. They hated the Nazis, they just hated Communists more.

They ultimately lost and were sent back to Russia and ultimately to death camps, but the symbol of their rebellion lived on by the adoption of Nazi emblems. It has absolutely nothing to do with Naziism ideaology, but rather a symbol of defiance against the government, similar to the Gadsden flag. It's literally a "**** you, we'll do what we need to stay free."

Your post says that you've never been there nor actually researched the topic outside of current events. Again, you should take your own advice. That is, unless you're the kind of person who thinks that a photo of a Nazi flag in the US makes Americans Nazis. That's literally how absurd of a talking point this is, especially given that Nazis wanted to put all Slavs to death.

He’s the kind of person who thinks he’s the smartest person in the room, when he’s not even close.

03-17-22, 04:11
You should take your own advice and study history.

Ukrainians were trapped between belonging to the Communist USSR and approaching Nazi Germany. Hating both, a large number ultimately decided to fight along side the Nazis in an attempt to break free of the Soviet Union, instead of being used as fodder by the Communists against the Nazis. They hated the Nazis, they just hated Communists more.

They ultimately lost and were sent back to Russia and ultimately to death camps, but the symbol of their rebellion lived on by the adoption of Nazi emblems. It has absolutely nothing to do with Naziism ideaology, but rather a symbol of defiance against the government, similar to the Gadsden flag. It's literally a "**** you, we'll do what we need to stay free."

Your post says that you've never been there nor actually researched the topic outside of current events. Again, you should take your own advice. That is, unless you're the kind of person who thinks that a photo of a Nazi flag in the US makes Americans Nazis. That's literally how absurd of a talking point this is, especially given that Nazis wanted to put all Slavs to death.

I know their history intimately. I’ve been studying them ever since I learned about Vladimir Zhirinovsky and I dated a woman from Kiev back in 2000 - 2002. During that time her friends (and now my friends) were Ukrainians, Latvians and Russians.

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03-17-22, 04:12
He’s the kind of person who thinks he’s the smartest person in the room, when he’s not even close.

… Just know more than YOU on this subject. [emoji897]

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03-17-22, 04:14
Sorry but I’m not buying that. They’re not F-35’s. They’re not even F-16’s. They’re MiG-29’s. Pull the IFF modules and send it. Full stop.

With every post you sound more and more like an unhinged ideologue. You do whatever you need to do to convince yourself that it’s OK to turn a blind eye to Putin’s wholesale atrocities, but leave the rest of us out of it. You’re not swaying anyone with this garbage you’re posting.:rolleyes:

What atrocities?

The “atrocities” claimed by the same unified media that told you that the vaxx works and is fine?

Sure thing, buddy.


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03-17-22, 04:46
Ukraine has neo Nazis, wow I am in shock, not.

Given what the history of the Ukrainian involvement with Nazis, they really embraced it. The Jews in the death camps, 100% said the worse guards in the camps were the Ukrainian volunteers.

Regarding Zelensky is a crook and a piece of shit. I am so sick of people calling him the Churchill of today.

Putin is also a crook and a piece of shit.

The USA government is full of stupid crooks and pieces of shit.

The future is potentially not going to be great for the American people, with the potential death of the Petro dollar and SWIFT. The dollar will probably crash, Zimbabwe type inflation.

It is impossible to have a group of such stupid people lead the USA at the same time, the Marxist are trying to break the USA. The Republicans don't care as long as they can get their share of the cream.

03-17-22, 05:05
And this is an example of what we are getting as “truth”…


Seek and ye shall find, people.

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03-17-22, 05:17
And here we (well, those who TRULY cared already know) see how the Azov Battalion and others have been shelling the Donbass for eight years.


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03-17-22, 05:24
Ukraine has neo Nazis, wow I am in shock, not.

Given what the history of the Ukrainian involvement with Nazis, they really embraced it. The Jews in the death camps, 100% said the worse guards in the camps were the Ukrainian volunteers.

Regarding Zelensky is a crook and a piece of shit. I am so sick of people calling him the Churchill of today.

Putin is also a crook and a piece of shit.

The USA government is full of stupid crooks and pieces of shit.

The future is potentially not going to be great for the American people, with the potential death of the Petro dollar and SWIFT. The dollar will probably crash, Zimbabwe type inflation.

It is impossible to have a group of such stupid people lead the USA at the same time, the Marxist are trying to break the USA. The Republicans don't care as long as they can get their share of the cream.

To sum up: governments are headed by grifting POS.

I’ll agree to that. Can anyone name a head of state that is benevolent? I read a quote somewhere that said “the greatest conspiracy theory of all is the notion that your government cares about you”.

03-17-22, 06:09
Ukraine has neo Nazis, wow I am in shock, not.

Given what the history of the Ukrainian involvement with Nazis, they really embraced it. The Jews in the death camps, 100% said the worse guards in the camps were the Ukrainian volunteers.

Regarding Zelensky is a crook and a piece of shit. I am so sick of people calling him the Churchill of today.

Putin is also a crook and a piece of shit.

The USA government is full of stupid crooks and pieces of shit.

The future is potentially not going to be great for the American people, with the potential death of the Petro dollar and SWIFT. The dollar will probably crash, Zimbabwe type inflation.

It is impossible to have a group of such stupid people lead the USA at the same time, the Marxist are trying to break the USA. The Republicans don't care as long as they can get their share of the cream.

Exactly this. And how quickly people in the West forget that just a few months ago the media was concerned about the depth of Ukrainian corruption and systemic modern infiltration of Nazi-ism in the Ukraine. Not to mention the 10s of thousands of Jews murdered there before the Germans even showed up in WW2.

To sum up: governments are headed by grifting POS.

I’ll agree to that. Can anyone name a head of state that is benevolent? I read a quote somewhere that said “the greatest conspiracy theory of all is the notion that your government cares about you”.

Also quoted for truth. The biggest problem today is people's willingness to uncritically believe what they are told.

03-17-22, 06:54
And here we (well, those who TRULY cared already know) see how the Azov Battalion and others have been shelling the Donbass for eight years.

Almost like there's been a war in the region or something. A war that would have been over in 2015, but it was dragged out by the intervention of Russian troops.

I also love how the figure you cited in your previous post about 14K casualties is the internationally recognized figure for casualties of the entire Donbass conflict. You know, from both sides, including the ones killed by both the rebels and Russian troops. But I'm sure the Azov Battalion is to blame for even those casualties, right?

Anyone looking for a good, but short, primer on the Azov battalion should watch this video. It will not change anyone's preconceived notions, but it'll give a few more details than are commonly seen in this area. Definitely not dudes I'd want to hang out with, but if they do their damn jobs and hold the line, I don't think they're worth all the fuss.


03-17-22, 08:18
Sorry but I’m not buying that. They’re not F-35’s. They’re not even F-16’s. They’re MiG-29’s. Pull the IFF modules and send it. Full stop.
These aircraft have more than just IFF modules installed. They have been fully Westernized and have had the electronics and software installed allowing them securely communicate with other NATO assets and use NATO ordnance.

03-17-22, 08:34
Ukraine has neo Nazis, wow I am in shock, not.

Given what the history of the Ukrainian involvement with Nazis, they really embraced it. The Jews in the death camps, 100% said the worse guards in the camps were the Ukrainian volunteers.

Regarding Zelensky is a crook and a piece of shit. I am so sick of people calling him the Churchill of today.

Putin is also a crook and a piece of shit.

The USA government is full of stupid crooks and pieces of shit.

The future is potentially not going to be great for the American people, with the potential death of the Petro dollar and SWIFT. The dollar will probably crash, Zimbabwe type inflation.

It is impossible to have a group of such stupid people lead the USA at the same time, the Marxist are trying to break the USA. The Republicans don't care as long as they can get their share of the cream.

Agreed, and well said. Point of the post, and the vid, is that denial of their existence as a small albeit legit factor, and painting Zelensky as Churchill, is fail. It helps no one but the agents of disinformation and propaganda.

That does not justify invasion, Putin is far worse in my view on the balance, but denial of the legit neo Nazi component in that nation to remember their history and history in general, serves only those manipulating us into what ever their goals are, which has not a damn thing to do with saving lives in Ukraine.

While most major countries have neo Nazi types, some are more organized, funded, and tolerated than others...

Once this is over, and hopefully the Ukrainians are victorious, they may have another serious issue to deal with there on that front.

The vid is very balanced, useful info for those interested in the topic, does in any way claim justification for invasion, etc. and many, if not most comments, make it obvious they didn't watch it, yet offer strong rebuttals.

03-17-22, 08:48
Almost like there's been a war in the region or something. A war that would have been over in 2015, but it was dragged out by the intervention of Russian troops.

I also love how the figure you cited in your previous post about 14K casualties is the internationally recognized figure for casualties of the entire Donbass conflict. You know, from both sides, including the ones killed by both the rebels and Russian troops. But I'm sure the Azov Battalion is to blame for even those casualties, right?

Anyone looking for a good, but short, primer on the Azov battalion should watch this video. It will not change anyone's preconceived notions, but it'll give a few more details than are commonly seen in this area. Definitely not dudes I'd want to hang out with, but if they do their damn jobs and hold the line, I don't think they're worth all the fuss.


A good vid that overlaps well with vid I posted which has much more details and nuance.

Alex V
03-17-22, 08:56
Seems like we already discussed this and I even brought up Stepan Bandera but no one cared.

Oh well.

The hate for Russians runs so deep in Ukraine, especially Western Ukraine, that they would make a deal with the devil himself if it meant independence and the killing of more Moskali. That doesn't mean that those groups run the country.

That's like saying all of the US Army are commies because of the photo of Spenser Rapone

03-17-22, 09:09
Seems like we already discussed this and I even brought up Stepan Bandera but no one cared.

Oh well.

The hate for Russians runs so deep in Ukraine, especially Western Ukraine, that they would make a deal with the devil himself if it meant independence and the killing of more Moskali. That doesn't mean that those groups run the country.

That's like saying all of the US Army are commies because of the photo of Spenser Rapone

No one claimed they did other than Putin. As always, the enemy of my enemy is my friend applies there as it always has and always will in war.

03-17-22, 11:16
Almost like there's been a war in the region or something. A war that would have been over in 2015, but it was dragged out by the intervention of Russian troops.

I also love how the figure you cited in your previous post about 14K casualties is the internationally recognized figure for casualties of the entire Donbass conflict. You know, from both sides, including the ones killed by both the rebels and Russian troops. But I'm sure the Azov Battalion is to blame for even those casualties, right?

Anyone looking for a good, but short, primer on the Azov battalion should watch this video. It will not change anyone's preconceived notions, but it'll give a few more details than are commonly seen in this area. Definitely not dudes I'd want to hang out with, but if they do their damn jobs and hold the line, I don't think they're worth all the fuss.


A US-sponsored Color Revolution or COUP was unleashed in 2014.

The 14K is from the persons killed in the Donbass over the past 8 years.

I’ve NO IDEA how many have died on the Eastern Front and I’ve not bothered to even speculate.

You see, you’ve NOT been engaged until this year which is why you’ve stated what you’ve stated. And, YES, AZOV, Right Sector, UON and others were the responsible parties. You may wish (a I doubt it) to take a few hours and you can find verification from old (from 2014 to 2021) YouTube videos.

Some of you are “funny”.

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03-17-22, 12:59
A US-sponsored Color Revolution or COUP was unleashed in 2014.

The 14K is from the persons killed in the Donbass over the past 8 years.

I’ve NO IDEA how many have died on the Eastern Front and I’ve not bothered to even speculate.

You see, you’ve NOT been engaged until this year which is why you’ve stated what you’ve stated. And, YES, AZOV, Right Sector, UON and others were the responsible parties. You may wish (a I doubt it) to take a few hours and you can find verification from old (from 2014 to 2021) YouTube videos.

Some of you are “funny”.

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Now I completely understand why Americans are hated. They have an opinion on everything, even places they have literally never been. Prior to a few weeks ago, most Americans didn't even know where Ukraine was, or how to say it's name without calling it "The Ukraine," or thinking it was part of Russia.

Fast forward and you now have middle-aged armchair quarterbacks claiming to know everything about the country, moreso than the people that actually live there. That is genuinely a level of narcissistic self-importance displayed nowhere else.

03-17-22, 13:24
Imma try to keep this short.
1) russia is very invested in seeing nazis everywhere. Great Patriotic War and all.
2) russia is aware that the other nations in the UN permanent whatever, also hate nazis, being that the veto members are US, UK, Fr, china, russia.
3) russia has been running a strong propaganda campaign on social media for some years.
4) lefties (the number one US consumer of russian propaganda, slightly moreso than some specific conservative groups) magically started seeing nazis everywhere, including in US political candidates and elected officials, in a time period that coincides with russian social media information campaigns.
5) mjolnir posts pro-russian pictures and memes likely found (repeatingly) on social media and fringe “news” sources, but less often reported in news sources that don’t appear to be invested in sowing emotional discord in the US.

6) propaganda targets tell everyone else that they are misinformed and need to red-pill and research.

03-17-22, 14:18
Seems simple enough. If you want to cast judgement on an entire region by cherry picking some of the less savory elements present then who might I ask stands up to such scrutiny?

We got plenty of scumbags here at home, mebbie we're deserving of being invaded ourselves right?

All I have ever said in all this is let the Ukrainians figure their shit out themselves. Without a Russian boot on their necks. If the Russians wanted to play geopolitics and influence that with trade and political pressure that's one thing, and the US has been doing plenty of it as well.

Russia crossed the line with the invasion of Crimea and incursion into Donetsk and Luhansk. That was bad enough. Now they have turned up the heat thinking the west would turn a blind eye to that as well. Aholes wanna suck Pootie Bois cork? They can knock themselves out, I'm gonna pass thanks. I'm down for anything short of US military involvement to knock Putin back. Hopefully all the way down.

I'd love to see him go down in the traditional "Russian Style", though I'd prefer they leave his kids and grandchildren out of it.

03-17-22, 14:40
Imma try to keep this short.
1) russia is very invested in seeing nazis everywhere. Great Patriotic War and all.
2) russia is aware that the other nations in the UN permanent whatever, also hate nazis, being that the veto members are US, UK, Fr, china, russia.
3) russia has been running a strong propaganda campaign on social media for some years.
4) lefties (the number one US consumer of russian propaganda, slightly moreso than some specific conservative groups) magically started seeing nazis everywhere, including in US political candidates and elected officials, in a time period that coincides with russian social media information campaigns.
5) mjolnir posts pro-russian pictures and memes likely found (repeatingly) on social media and fringe “news” sources, but less often reported in news sources that don’t appear to be invested in sowing emotional discord in the US.

6) propaganda targets tell everyone else that they are misinformed and need to red-pill and research.

Seems to sum up the situation well. As with most effective propaganda, there's a kernel of truth to work from, build on, take out of context/cheery pic from, etc to create the desired effect, and any discussions of nuances, the fact two things can be correct simultaneously, is discouraged to keep the emotions high and short circuit any higher order thinking, is the measure of success.

03-17-22, 15:21
I know their history intimately. I’ve been studying them ever since I learned about Vladimir Zhirinovsky and I dated a woman from Kiev back in 2000 - 2002. During that time her friends (and now my friends) were Ukrainians, Latvians and Russians.

… Just know more than YOU on this subject. [emoji897]

So let me get this straight. You stuck your dick in a crazy Slav 20 years ago, and that makes you an expert on her country of origin all these years later? :jester:

Keep posting propaganda if you want, I'm done with you. :no:

03-17-22, 15:31
I’ll leave it at this. A good friend of mine is a Russian. He lived in Russia until his pre-teen years when he moved to the United States, but spent his summers there until adulthood.

As an adult, he works two weeks on, two weeks off. He has (had) an apartment in Ukraine. Kiev, specifically. He usually would spend 1-2 weeks a month there, despite being an American citizen now. He said he loves the culture and nightlife, and his income allows him to live like a king for a fraction of what it would cost in an American city.

When war broke out, my Russian friend went to Ukraine to fight the Russians as a member of the Ukrainian foreign legion. He sent me a picture of him with a disabled Russian tank with a thumbs up. He is a US Army veteran who was wounded in GWOT.

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03-17-22, 17:14
Now I completely understand why Americans are hated. They have an opinion on everything, even places they have literally never been. Prior to a few weeks ago, most Americans didn't even know where Ukraine was, or how to say it's name without calling it "The Ukraine," or thinking it was part of Russia.

Fast forward and you now have middle-aged armchair quarterbacks claiming to know everything about the country, moreso than the people that actually live there. That is genuinely a level of narcissistic self-importance displayed nowhere else.

Stop speaking about the vast majority of the folks posting here, including yourself.

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03-17-22, 18:30
Stop speaking about the vast majority of the folks posting here, including yourself.

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I lived in Ukraine, genius. I literally came back from there a few weeks ago.

You have opinions on a country you've never been to because you have a smart phone, a few friends, and a penchant for half-baked conspiracy theories fueled by partisan politics; I have opinions on Ukraine because I lived there and have family and friends still there. Your phone sends you your echo chamber vlogs and talkshows; my phone sends me air raid warnings every time the oblast my family is in is under fire.

Please, keep talking.

03-17-22, 18:38
It amazes me how many people really want Putin to be the good guy in this war. It's like a 180 reverse from 20 years ago, when the left was trying to paint al Qaeda as the good guys after 9/11 because they were so desperate for the Bush Administration to be the most evil entity in the world.

03-17-22, 18:57
These aircraft have more than just IFF modules installed. They have been fully Westernized and have had the electronics and software installed allowing them securely communicate with other NATO assets and use NATO ordnance.

I read only about half are upgraded. Would not surprised if the half not upgraded were not flight worthy and are just spares donors.

Mig29s and NFZ is sleight of the hand by Zelenskyy.

03-17-22, 19:01
I have a confession - I honestly don't care if there are neo-nazis in Ukraine, or any other country but my own. Is that truly wrong? I would certainly have an issue with a facist leader of a country.


03-17-22, 20:44
I have a confession - I honestly don't care if there are neo-nazis in Ukraine, or any other country but my own. Is that truly wrong? I would certainly have an issue with a facist leader of a country.


With their hybrid nationalist/oligarchy, you could make a strong case that the biggest fascist of all is Putin.

03-17-22, 20:46
I lived in Ukraine, genius. I literally came back from there a few weeks ago.

You have opinions on a country you've never been to because you have a smart phone, a few friends, and a penchant for half-baked conspiracy theories fueled by partisan politics; I have opinions on Ukraine because I lived there and have family and friends still there. Your phone sends you your echo chamber vlogs and talkshows; my phone sends me air raid warnings every time the oblast my family is in is under fire.

Please, keep talking.

Wrong. My smart phone is NOT where I got my info from nor is it my sole source now. Genius.

So save me the soliloquy. Many muppets here lived here their entire lives and don’t know Jack about their nation.

You are the conspiracy theorist choosing to believe the nonsensical crap: Kelensky is in Kiev, 5K Russians killed, 500 tanks destroyed, Russia is on the run, the Ghost of Kiev horse diarrhea, the “Thirteen Warriors of Snake Island”, no bioweapons and “sanctions will stop him.”

If you believe ANY of that crap you may as well live on Uranus.

The same media that had you twisted in a knot about Trump is bad and a tool of Russia and Russiagate and how Covid is deadly and the vaccine is safe, the mostly peaceful protests and whites are the biggest threat in the USA now feeds you bullshat and you gobble it up....

Yeah, your opinion means less and less the more I think about it.


Sounds like you’re one of those who deny the US-backed coup of 2014, the massive CIA buildup of weapons and training but before that, in 1991 all of the propaganda that was pushed through to two generations (and you seem to be one).

Go fight your war and let the rest of us alone. We are busy fighting our own battle with our Globalist leaders. Take your rifle and pistol.

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03-17-22, 20:47
Wrong. My smart phone is NOT where I got my info from nor is it my sole source now. Genius.

So save me the soliloquy. Many muppets here lived here their entire lives and don’t know Jack about their nation.

You are the conspiracy theorist choosing to believe the nonsensical crap: Kelensky is in Kiev, 5K Russians killed, 500 tanks destroyed, Russia is on the run, the Ghost of Kiev horse diarrhea, the “Thirteen Warriors of Snake Island”, no bioweapons and “sanctions will stop him.”

If you believe ANY of that crap you may as well live on Uranus.

The same media that had you twisted in a knot about Trump is bad and a tool of Russia and Russiagate and how Covid is deadly and the vaccine is safe, the mostly peaceful protests and whites are the biggest threat in the USA now feeds you bullshat and you gobble it up....

Yeah, your opinion means less and less the more I think about it.


Sounds like you’re one of those who deny the US-backed coup of 2014, the massive CIA buildup of weapons and training but before that, in 1991 all of the propaganda that was pushed through to two generations (and you seem to be one).

Go fight your war and let the rest of us alone. We are busy fighting our own battle with our Globalist leaders. Take your rifle and pistol.

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And why would anybody believe you or your Russian memes?

This debate thing, you’re going to have to try harder.

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03-17-22, 20:57
And why would anybody believe you or your Russian memes?

This debate thing, you’re going to have to try harder.

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You do not have to believe anything.

You have free will just as I do.

You can watch sports all week or whatever it is you do.

I really do not care.

Anything else?

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03-17-22, 20:57
Wrong. My smart phone is NOT where I got my info from nor is it my sole source now. Genius.

So save me the soliloquy. Many muppets here lived here their entire lives and don’t know Jack about their nation.

You are the conspiracy theorist choosing to believe the nonsensical crap: Kelensky is in Kiev, 5K Russians killed, 500 tanks destroyed, Russia is on the run, the Ghost of Kiev horse diarrhea, the “Thirteen Warriors of Snake Island”, no bioweapons and “sanctions will stop him.”

If you believe ANY of that crap you may as well live on Uranus.

The same media that had you twisted in a knot about Trump is bad and a tool of Russia and Russiagate and how Covid is deadly and the vaccine is safe, the mostly peaceful protests and whites are the biggest threat in the USA now feeds you bullshat and you gobble it up....

Yeah, your opinion means less and less the more I think about it.

Sounds like you’re one of those who deny the US-backed coup of 2014, the massive CIA buildup of weapons and training but before that, in 1991 all of the propaganda that was pushed through to two generations (and you seem to be one).

Go fight your war and let the rest of us alone. We are busy fighting our own battle with our Globalist leaders. Take your rifle and pistol.

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So you've never been to the country or even traveled through it, nor do you speak the language, yet you're literally claiming to be more knowledgeable and enlightened than the people who have actually lived there about the state of their government and politics? lol. This is signature worthy.

Just for the amusement factor, what are your thoughts on chemtrails?

03-17-22, 21:05
You do not have to believe anything.

You have free will just as I do.

You can watch sports all week or whatever it is you do.

I really do not care.

Anything else?

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Nah I don’t watch sports. I educate myself about current events, history, and science. I highly recommend it.

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03-17-22, 21:29
So you've never been to the country or even traveled through it, nor do you speak the language, yet you're literally claiming to be more knowledgeable and enlightened than the people who have actually lived there about the state of their government and politics? lol. This is signature worthy.

Just for the amusement factor, what are your thoughts on chemtrails?

Probably can’t see them for all that tinfoil piled on his dome. :rolleyes:

03-17-22, 21:35
So you've never been to the country or even traveled through it, nor do you speak the language, yet you're literally claiming to be more knowledgeable and enlightened than the people who have actually lived there about the state of their government and politics? lol. This is signature worthy.

Just for the amusement factor, what are your thoughts on chemtrails?

I think you’ve been eating Chemtrails - something that if you’ve been paying a modicum of attention you’d realize our government has admitted as much “to block UV Rays.

Yep. You’ve got Muppet-like qualities…

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The Dumb Gun Collector
03-17-22, 21:43
Allright gentlemen and possibly ladies. Lets all work on being a little nicer to each other (and this includes me). Let's cool the personal name calling. We can all do this without being douchebags (and this includes me).

03-17-22, 22:29
Nah I don’t watch sports. I educate myself about current events, history, and science. I highly recommend it.

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You are one of the blind believers in this case.

You are willing to excuse the one but not the other when both have done the same exact thing.

03-17-22, 22:34

You are one of the blind believers in this case.

You are willing to excuse the one but not the other when both have done the same exact thing.

Nope. Not even remotely alike, much less “same exact”.

03-17-22, 22:46
Nah I don’t watch sports. I educate myself about current events, history, and science. I highly recommend it.

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03-18-22, 01:03
I think you’ve been eating Chemtrails - something that if you’ve been paying a modicum of attention you’d realize our government has admitted as much “to block UV Rays.

Yep. You’ve got Muppet-like qualities…

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Truly, you’re the one that’s been drinking the fringe-media kool-aid. The “chemtrails” statement isn’t the first insane thing you’ve posted and I’m sure it won’t be the last, but it certainly indicates where you read your propaganda. Good luck wearing the tinfoil hat while proving the moon landing was fake and the earth is flat..

There are more sources (open source and not MSM biased) than ever before in a conflict. The absolutely vast majority paint a different picture than the picture that you choose to see.

03-18-22, 03:54

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03-18-22, 03:56

You are one of the blind believers in this case.

You are willing to excuse the one but not the other when both have done the same exact thing.

No, not at all. I’m quite aware of both sides, their history, and their transgressions.

Invading another country who is not threatening you is wrong. Period.

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03-18-22, 05:30
4) lefties (the number one US consumer of russian propaganda, slightly moreso than some specific conservative groups)

I would love to have a reference for this statement, just to keep in my back pocket.

03-18-22, 07:14
A US-sponsored Color Revolution or COUP was unleashed in 2014.

The 14K is from the persons killed in the Donbass over the past 8 years.

I’ve NO IDEA how many have died on the Eastern Front and I’ve not bothered to even speculate.

You see, you’ve NOT been engaged until this year which is why you’ve stated what you’ve stated. And, YES, AZOV, Right Sector, UON and others were the responsible parties. You may wish (a I doubt it) to take a few hours and you can find verification from old (from 2014 to 2021) YouTube videos.

Some of you are “funny”.

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Funny how your figure lines up almost perfectly with the official figures from the UN and Ukrainian government for the total number of deaths from the conflict (as of a couple of years ago, anyway.) I'm sure it's just a coincidence, or some super high-end propaganda to make Daddy Vlad look bad or something, and not your sources shifting the numbers around to make Ukraine look bad.


Here, I can save you some time speculating.

And I keep hearing that the 2014 Euromaidan protests/Revolution of Dignity as some CIA or Western Coup, completely ignoring that Ukraine already had undergone a "color revolution" in 2004, with little result. Seems to me that the sentiments boiling under the surface in 04 were likely still there in 2013-2014. But hey, I'm sure having police brutally beat protestors is cool, and firing on them won't cause anyone to strike back. It's gotta be the West pulling strings like a master puppeteer. That's the more believable option.

Or maybe its all the evil Nazis? Yeah, that's it. The evil Nazis in the Freedom Party or Right sector, protesting government corruption and abuse of protestors. Definitely evil, because they're all Nazis. And the Azov Battalion are the evilest of the bunch because they were overthrowing the government before they were even founded! Damn Nazis, arming Nazis to protect their country after Russian Citizens invade, I mean, attempt to seize territory, I mean, declare independence.

More seriously, I'm at least as familiar with the situation as you are, clearly. Probably more because I haven't digested a steady diet of pro-Putin fluff pieces. Look at non-conspiracy-theory sources for a change. Those theories are great when the mainline doesn't work, make sense, or fit reality, but if you default to them for whatever reason, you lose your connection to reality and anything goes. That's not good for anyone wanting to be rational. Did the West play a role? Absolutely; we know that several groups aided Ukrainians in Democratic protest techniques and strategies. We know that pushing Ukraine into more of a Western alignment would be a Western goal. But don't forget that the Ukrainian people aren't all Nazis (the polls prove that much) and they have agency too.

03-18-22, 10:03
Allright gentlemen and possibly ladies. Lets all work on being a little nicer to each other (and this includes me). Let's cool the personal name calling. We can all do this without being douchebags (and this includes me).

I thought, we'd be capable of having an adult rational discussion on the legit status of neo Nazi in Ukraine, vs the propoganda stuff for and against. Whole lot of comments telling me they didn't watch the vid without telling me they didn't watch the vid...

First minute is both of them being clear it's not justification for invasion and the country is not run by Neo Nazi's.

Two, not just a couple of goofballs pontificating over the topic minus direct sources, one of them spent extensive time, spoke with/interviewed various key people, etc.

The channel is generally one of the better for non hyperbole emotion driven BS based on feelz and propaganda, or having taken a few poly sci courses in college deciding they're geo political experts.

Personally, I like to know what the reality is of claims made on X topics, and 999 out of 1000 times, there's a kernel of truth there some with an agenda takes out of proportion and context to manipulate public/popular opinion. Literally the oldest book ever written and people seem to fall for it over and over and...

Those who don't care to watch the vid or any vid due to lack of time, interest, etc, and discuss, is understood, but best not comment then...

Does not seem too much to ask among rational adults, but these are highly polarized times, just the way "they" want it I suspect.

I will say M4C is the height of rational discussion and critical thinking when you try to discuss such things anywhere else.

03-18-22, 10:06
You make good points Alpha, but your lacking in the poopchute meme department.

Gotta have a bunch of crappy digital imagery if you are going for the win.
:jester: :rolleyes:

03-18-22, 10:23
You make good points Alpha, but your lacking in the poopchute meme department.

Gotta have a bunch of crappy digital imagery if you are going for the win.
:jester: :rolleyes:

Extra Poop shoot meme for the Win.

Everyone's a Nazi, as soon as you disagree with the left, there you go, your now a Nazi and here's your Iron Cross with Hippo Poo.

03-18-22, 11:03
Funny how your figure lines up almost perfectly with the official figures from the UN and Ukrainian government for the total number of deaths from the conflict (as of a couple of years ago, anyway.) I'm sure it's just a coincidence, or some super high-end propaganda to make Daddy Vlad look bad or something, and not your sources shifting the numbers around to make Ukraine look bad.


Here, I can save you some time speculating.

And I keep hearing that the 2014 Euromaidan protests/Revolution of Dignity as some CIA or Western Coup, completely ignoring that Ukraine already had undergone a "color revolution" in 2004, with little result. Seems to me that the sentiments boiling under the surface in 04 were likely still there in 2013-2014. But hey, I'm sure having police brutally beat protestors is cool, and firing on them won't cause anyone to strike back. It's gotta be the West pulling strings like a master puppeteer. That's the more believable option.

Or maybe its all the evil Nazis? Yeah, that's it. The evil Nazis in the Freedom Party or Right sector, protesting government corruption and abuse of protestors. Definitely evil, because they're all Nazis. And the Azov Battalion are the evilest of the bunch because they were overthrowing the government before they were even founded! Damn Nazis, arming Nazis to protect their country after Russian Citizens invade, I mean, attempt to seize territory, I mean, declare independence.

More seriously, I'm at least as familiar with the situation as you are, clearly. Probably more because I haven't digested a steady diet of pro-Putin fluff pieces. Look at non-conspiracy-theory sources for a change. Those theories are great when the mainline doesn't work, make sense, or fit reality, but if you default to them for whatever reason, you lose your connection to reality and anything goes. That's not good for anyone wanting to be rational. Did the West play a role? Absolutely; we know that several groups aided Ukrainians in Democratic protest techniques and strategies. We know that pushing Ukraine into more of a Western alignment would be a Western goal. But don't forget that the Ukrainian people aren't all Nazis (the polls prove that much) and they have agency too.

Spot on. To add, everyone busy claiming Zelenskyy is some CIA plant because of the 2014 Euromaidan apparently forgot about Poroshenko. Poroshenko was the choice of US and NATO, followed by Yulia Tymoshenko. Poroshenko was originally projected to win the 2019 election.

The only reason Zelenskyy won was because he was an unexpected populist, similar to the way Trump won in the US, albeit for different reasons.

Prior to the Russian invasion, Zelenskyy wasn't even pro-NATO. He was a moderate who wanted closer ties to the West. The irony is that he wasn't anti-Russian. In fact, the biggest critique of Zelenskyy (prior to Russia's troop buildup) by Ukrainians in-country was that he was suspected of being a Russian sympathizer and his accent and language choice only further exacerbated those opinions.

The problem with modern journalism is that everyone, including conservatives, are revisionists and so anyone who even slightly leaned positively towards the West are now claimed to be pro-Western and pro-NATO after-the-fact.

But yeah, the literal pro-NATO billionaire that was the actual president of Ukraine after the 2014 revolution clearly wasn't a CIA plant, but the populist comedian clearly is. /s

03-18-22, 11:37
To add, everyone busy claiming Zelenskyy is some CIA plant because of the 2014 Euromaidan apparently forgot about Poroshenko. Poroshenko was the choice of US and NATO, followed by Yulia Tymoshenko.

The only reason Zelenskyy won was because he was an unexpected populist, similar to the way Trump won in the US, albeit for different reasons.

Prior to the Russian invasion, Zelenskyy wasn't even pro-NATO. He was a moderate who wanted closer ties to the West. The irony is that he wasn't anti-Russian. In fact, the biggest critique of Zelenskyy (prior to Russia's troop buildup) by Ukrainians in-country was that he was suspected of being a Russian sympathizer and his accent and language choice only further exacerbated those opinions.

The problem with modern journalism is that everyone, including conservatives, are revisionists and so anyone who even slightly leaned positively towards the West are now claimed to be pro-Western and pro-NATO after-the-fact.

But yeah, the literal pro-NATO billionaire that was the actual president of Ukraine after the 2014 revolution clearly wasn't a CIA plant, but the populist comedian clearly is. /s

For myself, really don't give a damn if he was a US supported plant or not. The west has been doing its best (with varying success, some truly bad choices made, etc. etc) to increase our system, culture, markets, etc while blocking their abilities to do same, and they have done their best to do the same thing.

Our system is, warts and all, better then any commie, oligarchic, dictatorships, Allah walla ding dong backed zealot based movements, and we need make no apologies or excuses for it.

Putin is, or pretending to be, pissed he's essentially surrounded by NATO, or at least west friendly nations, and that was the idea. Containment, dominance, and encirclement. I'd be pissed if I was him too, but that's his tough chit.

But we should not be surprised at some push back over that. The Chinese don't like it either, but they're also a lot smarter and more patient than the Russians, and think they can beat us at our own game, and while we try to envelop them into our system, they're doing the same.

Under the hood of their system, is "our" system, which is to say a black market likely equal to or greater than the GDP of many nations, that depends on good old capitalism in its purest form. The Chinese people I know have said most 'Muricans can't even fathom how big the black market system is in China, and it works totally on supply and demand.

Capitalism is the only system that works with human nature at its core, and always wins, one way or another. Russia seems if anything, a really ugly version of capitalistic principles. Capitalism unchecked can also have some ugly outcomes for all but the elites, but it's still better than the alternatives if history is a guide, and it is...

It's time to stop the west/capitalism/democratic ideals, apology tour.

As you et al said, neat tidy easy to follow for smooth brain types revisionist history is one of the biggest problems we deal with and it's getting worse.

03-18-22, 17:52
Truly, you’re the one that’s been drinking the fringe-media kool-aid. The “chemtrails” statement isn’t the first insane thing you’ve posted and I’m sure it won’t be the last, but it certainly indicates where you read your propaganda. Good luck wearing the tinfoil hat while proving the moon landing was fake and the earth is flat..

There are more sources (open source and not MSM biased) than ever before in a conflict. The absolutely vast majority paint a different picture than the picture that you choose to see.

Yeah, just keep getting your booster shot. You’ll have VAIDS soon.


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03-18-22, 17:53
No, not at all. I’m quite aware of both sides, their history, and their transgressions.

Invading another country who is not threatening you is wrong. Period.

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Show us a post where you spoke out against our involvement in any number of countries.

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03-18-22, 17:56
Imma try to keep this short.
1) russia is very invested in seeing nazis everywhere. Great Patriotic War and all.

2) russia is aware that the other nations in the UN permanent whatever, also hate nazis, being that the veto members are US, UK, Fr, china, russia. [emoji23][emoji1787][emoji28]

3) russia has been running a strong propaganda campaign on social media for some years. JUST LIKE THE WEST - AND THE USA!

4) lefties (the number one US consumer of russian propaganda, slightly moreso than some specific conservative groups) magically started seeing nazis everywhere, including in US political candidates and elected officials, in a time period that coincides with russian social media information campaigns.

[emoji28][emoji23] yeah, the same dim bulbs who fell for Covid are now falling for WW III. [emoji1787][emoji28][emoji23]

5) mjolnir posts pro-russian pictures and memes likely found (repeatingly) on social media and fringe “news” sources, but less often reported in news sources that don’t appear to be invested in sowing emotional discord in the US.

Cannot handle truth.

6) propaganda targets tell everyone else that they are misinformed and need to red-pill and research
If the shoe fits put that sumbtch on.


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03-18-22, 17:58
So let me get this straight. You stuck your dick in a crazy Slav 20 years ago, and that makes you an expert on her country of origin all these years later? :jester:

Keep posting propaganda if you want, I'm done with you. :no:

I read a book a week. Been that way since grad school. Most of it historical material - things most muppets would find boring. So go back to arguing whether or not the Glock 19X is “backwards”. Hopefully, you’re of draft age and you can go face Ivan.

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The Dumb Gun Collector
03-18-22, 17:59
Well, this thread is about done.