View Full Version : And Suddenly Hunter's Laptop isn't Russian disinformation.

03-18-22, 10:37
My Shocked face. :rolleyes:

6 to 17 percent of voters would not have voted for Biden had they known...

03-18-22, 10:41
Who would have guessed.

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03-18-22, 10:52
So it is now clear who the real disinfomation agents are....... I too am wearing my shocked face. Only took what? A year and a half for them to admit it?

03-18-22, 10:52
So what? It's too late, the damage is already done. We allowed the media and the democrats to collude and literally steal the presidential election and now we're reaping the consequences. Whether they admit it or not is immaterial. WE KNEW IT. They lied about it, and got away with it.

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03-18-22, 10:57

So what? It's too late, the damage is already done. We allowed the media and the democrats to collude and literally steal the presidential election and now we're reaping the consequences. Whether they admit it or not is immaterial. WE KNEW IT. They lied about it, and got away with it.

The real revelation here isn't that the Laptop exists and that the story was real.
The question you might have to ask yourself, why come out with this information Now?
Remember the numbers of people who came out and said it was all BS? People who's credibility is now trashed? They helped rig an election.

03-18-22, 10:59
The question you might have to ask yourself, why come out with this information Now?


03-18-22, 11:08
Oh no you see, admitting that it was legit, you knew at the time it was legit, and that you intentionally ran a smear campaign to influence an election only IMPROVES the credibility of the NYT. That is how it works in their world.

Now that folks are distracted with other topics is the time to mea culpa and "move on". See, then when it might be relevant again they can just "settled issue" the whole thing and carry on as if the original dismissal was correct anyway.

03-18-22, 11:13

The real revelation here isn't that the Laptop exists and that the story was real.
The question you might have to ask yourself, why come out with this information Now?
Remember the numbers of people who came out and said it was all BS? People who's credibility is now trashed? They helped rig an election.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

03-18-22, 11:58
And that the story was dropped on the Idea of March, how telling.
I'm guessing if you scratched the surface, Hillary's name will come up and she's wanting Biden to come out and say he won't run again.

03-18-22, 12:15
In hindsight, I think the 2020 election was worth going to guns over, and not doing so was a major mistake.

03-18-22, 12:30
In hindsight, I think the 2020 election was worth going to guns over, and not doing so was a major mistake.

I agree. Now they're trained they can get away with literally anything on any front. You've lost your most basic freedom, if that isn't worth fighting for what is? But hey, the fake news told you it was a legit election and I'm a crazy person.

It also sends the message we'll all roll over when they come for your right to self defense.

03-18-22, 13:21

The real revelation here isn't that the Laptop exists and that the story was real.
The question you might have to ask yourself, why come out with this information Now?
Remember the numbers of people who came out and said it was all BS? People who's credibility is now trashed? They helped rig an election.

Nonsense, Bill Barr was just on TV ensuring the American pubic there was no wide spread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

03-18-22, 14:48
Nonsense, Bill Barr was just on TV ensuring the American pubic there was no wide spread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

That's because


03-18-22, 15:18
Can you imagine if this does catch more traction than the NYT? I mean they already have Jon Stewart and Bill Maher starting to question the narrative on everything else going on in this country

03-18-22, 21:00
The question you might have to ask yourself, why come out with this information Now?


It is coming out now because the NYT has been leaked details of a big story that is linked to the authenticity of this laptop. So they had to verify this laptop now to be able to run whatever is coming up, otherwise it would stayed buried.

03-18-22, 21:11
WHY. DO. WE. KEEP. LETTING. THEM. DO. THIS. [emoji2371]. All this go time, red line, boogalo bullshit is just theatre. Quit prepping, it already happened. Remember in Sicario when the delta guy tossed the black partner? Relax baby, just let it happen.

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The Dumb Gun Collector
03-18-22, 22:52
It's a decent time to get the story out for liberals. Lots of other noise and they can claim "we covered it." On the other hand everyone it would matter to already knew about it. I suspect they know Biden isn't running in 2024 so they can flush this now.

03-18-22, 23:07
Cool, we can pretend standing in line to fill out a bubble sheet still matters one way or another. Wonder which 2 guys they will allow us to argue over next time?

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03-19-22, 04:07
In hindsight, I think the 2020 election was worth going to guns over, and not doing so was a major mistake.

Who did you shoot?

03-19-22, 07:48
Who did you shoot?It was just proof that all the patriots, sheepdogs, three percenters, oath keepers, etc are nothing more than well kitted out larpers. If the events over the past 2 years didn't cross any red lines, there is nothing that will move them to action ever. Face it, this country as we know it is done and we sat by and watched it happen.

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03-19-22, 08:53
I would guess Hillary released this because she wants Joe to say he isn't running again. I'm sure he got the message, blew it off and then we get this.
The Democrats can play stupid games all they like, but they're tired of carrying water for the Biden's.

03-21-22, 13:52
You do know that Joe and Hunter shared bank accounts right.
Come on RICO.

03-21-22, 22:02
You do know that Joe and Hunter shared bank accounts right.
Come on RICO.

LOL. If you think anything of consequence will come if this, you’re delusional. Nobody is going to jail. Nobody is getting prosecuted… Maybe someone retires into a multimillionaire dollar retirement parachute.

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03-21-22, 22:22
Exactly. Because WE keep letting them get away with it. Cheated on your taxes, or have a barrel too short? Off to jail you go, and financial ruin. Defraud the country and steal millions? You get a pass if you're a politician.

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03-21-22, 23:19
Four years ago.

It's like he was talking about himself in the future. Only he left out the mentally deteriorated.


03-23-22, 08:31
No, I think Hunter has to go to prison for this and he well may take his Dad down with him.
This stuff is a National embarrassment, Bribes, taxes, underage sex partners, guns and drugs? Mope, you can't hide all of that forever and there is a political career to be made taking this asshole out, so someone's going for it.
And it directly ties Hunter and Ukraine/Russia together. There's a lot of meat on those bones.

Coal Dragger
03-23-22, 08:46
Hunter and his dad are both corrupt turds.

They’re also going to die unbelievably wealthy and free as birds after long healthy lives of natural causes. Just like the Clintons.

Sorry dude, that’s just how it is.

03-23-22, 09:03
Hunter and his dad are both corrupt turds.

They’re also going to die unbelievably wealthy and free as birds after long healthy lives of natural causes. Just like the Clintons.

Sorry dude, that’s just how it is.

Yep. As much as I hate to do so, giving this the +1. Our legal system very much operates on the principle of "rules for thee, and not for me".

03-23-22, 10:17
The Left has been known to eat their own.
Would you put it past Hillary to help push this issue?

03-23-22, 10:37
The Left has been known to eat their own.
Would you put it past Hillary to help push this issue?

Won’t happen. She’d be triggering mutually assured destruction. Biden’s been in the swamp for over 40 years, his family even longer than that. He knows where Hillary’s skeletons are.

It’s a big club and they’re both charter members.

03-23-22, 14:30
Exactly. Because WE keep letting them get away with it. Cheated on your taxes, or have a barrel too short? Off to jail you go, and financial ruin. Defraud the country and steal millions? You get a pass if you're a politician.

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Far too many people in this country have invested too much into their lives to just throw everything away, pick up a weapon, shoot it in anger, with the very possibility of death or life in jail as someone’s pin cushion. It’s easier to just go to the mall and stay quiet. For any effect at all……numbers man numbers. No one wants to be the one first in line.

03-23-22, 14:34
Far too many people in this country have invested too much into their lives to just throw everything away, pick up a weapon, shoot it in anger, with the very possibility of death or life in jail as someone’s pin cushion. It’s easier to just go to the mall and stay quiet. For any effect at all……numbers man numbers. No one wants to be the one first in line.

Exactly, myself included. But that means all this talk about red lines, prepping, "go time", and muh rights is all just that. Over the past 2 years we've shown the gov that they can do ANYTHING and we will do NOTHING to stop it. Up to and including stealing an election right under our noses. Its over, but I think it will be a fun ride down.

03-23-22, 16:49
Exactly, myself included. But that means all this talk about red lines, prepping, "go time", and muh rights is all just that. Over the past 2 years we've shown the gov that they can do ANYTHING and we will do NOTHING to stop it. Up to and including stealing an election right under our noses. Its over, but I think it will be a fun ride down.

Agreed but then again, January 6th happened. Only when a large amount of the populace have nothing to lose, then we might see something happen. As far as the election goes…..IMO, there is not much stopping one party rule forever right now. I think in GA there was some movement on election law changes but not sure where that went or how effectual it will be.

03-23-22, 16:53
Exactly, myself included. But that means all this talk about red lines, prepping, "go time", and muh rights is all just that. Over the past 2 years we've shown the gov that they can do ANYTHING and we will do NOTHING to stop it. Up to and including stealing an election right under our noses. Its over, but I think it will be a fun ride down.

Also, I am not sure it really matters whom is in the WH anymore. What really matters IMO is whom is running the individual states and maybe even the cities themselves to an extent.

03-23-22, 16:54
January 6th, the biggest disappointment in my adult life. When a legitimate protest was infiltrated by FBI informants and bad actors, allowed to "storm the capitol" and then did nothing more than roam around and take selfies. People who participated are STILL in jail, held in solitary confinement as actual political prisoners, while cities around the country were destroyed and those responsible not even charged or released by activist prosecutors. If voting could actually change anything....do you really think they'd let us do it?

03-23-22, 17:00
January 6th, the biggest disappointment in my adult life. When a legitimate protest was infiltrated by FBI informants and bad actors, allowed to "storm the capitol" and then did nothing more than roam around and take selfies. People who participated are STILL in jail, held in solitary confinement as actual political prisoners, while cities around the country were destroyed and those responsible not even charged or released by activist prosecutors. If voting could actually change anything....do you really think they'd let us do it?

Nah, voting is just for show and to make the herd feel better. They would never allow so much decision making power be put into the hands of the general population. Oh and one other thing……we are still required to pay taxes with the threat of fines and jail time if we don’t. That kind of theft is concerning.

03-23-22, 17:02
Nah, voting is just for show and to make the herd feel better. They would never allow so much decision making power be put into the hands of the general population. Oh and one other thing……we are still required to pay taxes with the threat of fines and jail time if we don’t. That kind of theft is concerning.

And that's the key....we ALL need to stop paying taxes. Another great idea, that will never happen. We pay for the construction of our own prisons. And the real criminals are in charge, and filthy rich.

03-23-22, 17:06
And that's the key....we ALL need to stop paying taxes. Another great idea, that will never happen. We pay for the construction of our own prisons. And the real criminals are in charge, and filthy rich.

I am down for paying some taxes but right now we pay so much it’s just enabling the big spenders whom are completely out of touch with what’s needed here in the US. $14billion for Ukraine??? Again, by paying the taxes that we do, we are enabling epic idiot spending with NO end in sight. It’s disheartening to say the least.

03-23-22, 17:07
I think we are drifting a little from the thread topic.

03-23-22, 17:12
The laptop was a very, very small part of the very BIG problem with this country. The media and the democrats KNEW it was true, they lied to us about it, and they got away with it. Trusted news organizations were censored and silenced by tech companies. So what if they acknowledge it now? The damage is done, the election is over. They got off scot free, there will be no consequences, and now they KNOW they can get away with it again. We knew the whole time, and all we get to do is feel smug and say "I told you so." Not a very good trade.

03-23-22, 17:15
And that's the key....we ALL need to stop paying taxes. Another great idea, that will never happen. We pay for the construction of our own prisons. And the real criminals are in charge, and filthy rich.

They say the Second doesn’t matter, well neither does the 16th.

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03-23-22, 17:16
The laptop was a very, very small part of the very BIG problem with this country. The media and the democrats KNEW it was true, they lied to us about it, and they got away with it. Trusted news organizations were censored and silenced by tech companies. So what if they acknowledge it now? The damage is done, they got off scot free, there will be no consequences, and now they KNOW they can get away with it again. We knew the whole time, and all we get to do is feel smug and say "I told you so."

Sad but true. The players are all the same. I am hopeful that Hildabeast will see bars but alas that is probably foolish thinking. We have a two tiered justice system. One for the rich and powerful and one for the rest.

03-23-22, 17:17
They could have video of Hilary executing Vince Foster, and Twitter and CNN will tell you its Russian disinformation, and nothing would ever come of it. The hope for justice is just the crumbs they throw us to keep us occupied.

03-23-22, 17:35
The Trump administration highlighted that policies can make a difference, but not enough of a difference in 4 short years, to have any impact on the permanent and un-elected establishment, who fight you every step of the way, either actively or passively resisting.

- Both current parties are party first, country if there is any time left - A new party is necessary with a platform of Country before party at all times
- Government is the largest employer and is a self sustaining voting block and is growing
- Corporations have more power than individuals and it sickens me the extent to which they bend the knee to the almighty regulatory bureaucracy. I see it literally every single day and the lawyers always win "because politics" and lack of balls
- The media is the machine that keeps the machine fed and running and nothing will change the level of propaganda and outright lies that commonly occur in that space
- If you stand up to them they will treat you like a shit eating dog and throw your ass in jail for any number of violations of the far too many laws already on the books
- Congress largely does nothing except argue about who and how much of your tax dollars are thrown around to fund their stay in power
- The real power lies in the un-elected regulatory agencies who make up whatever rules they want at any time (Look at the Vax mandates)

You find the solution, it isn't easy as easy to solve as it is to recognize. A lot of it is due to the corrupt individuals running many of the areas described.

03-23-22, 17:41
The Trump administration highlighted that policies can make a difference, but not enough of a difference in 4 short years, to have any impact on the permanent and un-elected establishment, who fight you every step of the way, either actively or passively resisting.

- Both current parties are party first, country if there is any time left - A new party is necessary with a platform of Country before party at all times
- Government is the largest employer and is a self sustaining voting block and is growing
- Corporations have more power than individuals and it sickens me the extent to which they bend the knee to the almighty regulatory bureaucracy. I see it literally every single day and the lawyers always win "because politics" and lack of balls
- The media is the machine that keeps the machine fed and running and nothing will change the level of propaganda and outright lies that commonly occur in that space
- If you stand up to them they will treat you like a shit eating dog and throw your ass in jail for any number of violations of the far too many laws already on the books
- Congress largely does nothing except argue about who and how much of your tax dollars are thrown around to fund their stay in power
- The real power lies in the un-elected regulatory agencies who make up whatever rules they want at any time (Look at the Vax mandates)

You find the solution, it isn't easy as easy to solve as it is to recognize. A lot of it is due to the corrupt individuals running many of the areas described.

One thing you got wrong, the big corporations LIKE regulation. They can afford it, but the up and comers cannot. Regulation acts as a form of gate keeping for them.

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03-23-22, 17:44
One thing you got wrong, the big corporations LIKE regulation. They can afford it, but the up and comers cannot. Regulation acts as a form of gate keeping for them.

Agreed. That helps explain what I see pretty plainly.

03-29-22, 11:30
Matt Gaetz grills fbi...seems the laptop grew legs.


03-29-22, 17:45
One thing you got wrong, the big corporations LIKE regulation. They can afford it, but the up and comers cannot. Regulation acts as a form of gate keeping for them.

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…….and Unions as watch dawgs. Well…..sometimes.

03-29-22, 17:48
Matt Gaetz grills fbi...seems the laptop grew legs.


This guy is a complete toadie, "I don't know nuthin' about nuthin'". They should just bring Wray in and grill him, forget all these toadie middlemen.

But then Wray will probably be out of loop too....conveniently.

03-29-22, 21:17
This is Gold


05-05-22, 19:11
Hunter Biden whistleblower sues Adam Schiff, CNN. I hope he is made a millionaire.


05-05-22, 21:14
One thing you got wrong, the big corporations LIKE regulation. They can afford it, but the up and comers cannot. Regulation acts as a form of gate keeping for them.

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The functional people don't like govt regs, but the higher you go up, the more they like it. Regs and rules get smaller players out of the market and make basically unsurmountable barriers to entry into markets. Get to functional duopolies and don't be a moron and collect rents. Took me a long time to realize this- and like I said, 'line' people in businesses may be anti-reg, but the top corp types know that they can get some regs to their liking, and spend less on lobbyists than sales or R&D people. I am a 'functional guy', SME, lifer and I have to deal with the DC lobbyist function people from time to time, and I wonder if they can tell the contempt I have for them.

Nothing like driving to the airport in DC and seeing all the marble and limestone buildings with labels that end in "Association" or 'Department" as I go back to my cinderblock lined office.

Not that I'm bitter. They always take me to a nice steak dinner, as I try to keep the Old Fashioned's under control so I don't go full MAGA on them.