View Full Version : Oops Russian Paper released casualty info then deleted

03-21-22, 17:09
"A pro-Kremlin tabloid claimed in an article that close to 10,000 Russian soldiers have died during the country’s invasion of Ukraine, citing Russia’s Ministry of Defense, before apparently deleting the information.

The paper, Komsomolskaya Pravda, said in an article that 9,861 Russian soldiers had died and 16,153 had been injured during the invasion, according to data from the Defense Ministry. However, the article was reposted minutes later without the paragraph providing information on casualties. The original article was captured by the Internet Archive."


Anyone read Russian.

Минобороны РФ опровергает информацию украинского Генштаба о якобы маштабных потерях ВС РФ на Украине. По данным Минобороны РФ, в ходе спецоперации на Украине ВС РФ потеряли убитыми 9861 человека, ранения получили 16153 человека.

03-21-22, 17:31
Clearly western propaganda

03-21-22, 17:49
I have to think that even the Russian Mil don't want to be a part of this invasion turned terrorism.

03-21-22, 17:51
About a week and a half ago I posted the numbers 6000 and 18000 and BS was called.
Hmmm how about that .

03-21-22, 17:54
If true, the ratio of killed to wounded means their medical care sucks.

03-21-22, 18:06
If true, the ratio of killed to wounded means their medical care sucks.

The only pictures I've seen of Russian ambulances were ones filled with ammo boxes.

03-21-22, 18:26
If true, the ratio of killed to wounded means their medical care sucks.

Yup, especially when you look at our wounded to dead ratios for the last two wars.

03-21-22, 18:26
The only pictures I've seen of Russian ambulances were ones filled with ammo boxes.

I always laugh when I hear the oft-repeated (but bullshit) claim that it's better to wound than kill because one wounded guy takes X amount of his buddies out of the battle to care for and carry him to safety. That only applies to entities fighting us, not the other way around.

Hey, the Russkies brought along their portable crematorium, so......:rolleyes:

03-21-22, 19:21
People are more expendable to communist regimes.

The US valued life more until covid and fauci.

03-21-22, 19:22
People are more expendable to communist regimes.

The US valued life more until covid and fauci.

03-21-22, 19:50
No one's going to fly in a Medevac chopper, while you're laying there bleeding.
You'll be lucky if someone get's some medical aid to you within an hour. I wonder how many of their casualties KIA are self inflicted after receiving a wound?

03-21-22, 20:06
Yup, especially when you look at our wounded to dead ratios for the last two wars.

Well that really doesn’t mean shit, this is an entirely different war. Russia is far from owning the air.

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03-21-22, 20:56
Double tap

03-21-22, 20:58
Well that really doesn’t mean shit, this is an entirely different war. Russia is far from owning the air.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It may not mean shit but 8-9 wounded for each KIA vs. 1 dead to 1.6 wounded are easy numbers to see a difference. And we really have no real idea what level of air superiority they have, or do not. I hope the Ukes are shooting down anything that flies but I doubt they are. We also know that historically the Russians haven't put a lot of effort into saving their wounded. Sure, different war but so what? Those reported number are worse than any western country in decades.

03-21-22, 20:59
If true, the ratio of killed to wounded means their medical care sucks.

That’s struggling too. Or they could be a under reporting injuries, all part of an issue of removing wounded and dead.

03-21-22, 22:31
It may not mean shit but 8-9 wounded for each KIA vs. 1 dead to 1.6 wounded are easy numbers to see a difference. And we really have no real idea what level of air superiority they have, or do not. I hope the Ukes are shooting down anything that flies but I doubt they are. We also know that historically the Russians haven't put a lot of effort into saving their wounded. Sure, different war but so what? Those reported number are worse than any western country in decades.

Comparing this to our last 20 years of GWOT is like comparing the Bible to Newsweek. Also its pretty clear that they don't own the airspace like we did in Afghanistan, which was maybe the biggest single factor in our casualty statistics.

03-21-22, 22:45
Pretty well jives with Pentagon's "very conservative estimate" of a few days back. Also in line with reports I've seen out of Belarus. It's been a meat grinder for the Russians. I've heard that Russia committed about 70-75% of their core tactical assets. (The battalions that are actually trained and equipped for combat.) They make up more than half of the invasion force. Frankly, I bet these numbers have a pretty good lag time as well. My guess would be 10-20% behind "real time" casualties.

We hear about desertion and prisoners as well, but I would suspect those numbers are probably a few hundred, not thousands. So not very significant.

Time and mass are still in the Russians favor though. They are largely digging in around Kyiv and other areas. Prepping for the slow pace of siege and punishing artillery. Doesn't take a lot of "high speed" training to load a field piece and blindly lob shells into a large city. That is what they are gearing up for.

The losses mean absolutely nothing to a sociopath like Pootie Boi. Hell, they don't mean much to American politicians outside of how it affects their poll numbers, and dictators don't care about polls.

I don't expect softening on the part of Putin over 30,000 casualties. He'll throw 10x that to the butcher if he smells even a chance at a win.

03-22-22, 00:26
Dictators never have as complete a grip on power as it looks like from the outside. That’s why they all have purges on the regular. So what casualty number will move a soulless dictator isn’t important, it’s what number will make him start to fear an uprising.

03-22-22, 07:19
The Ukrainians are sending out graves registration teams, so I doubt the Russians really know how many dead there are.

03-22-22, 10:06
It may not mean shit but 8-9 wounded for each KIA vs. 1 dead to 1.6 wounded are easy numbers to see a difference. And we really have no real idea what level of air superiority they have, or do not. I hope the Ukes are shooting down anything that flies but I doubt they are. We also know that historically the Russians haven't put a lot of effort into saving their wounded. Sure, different war but so what? Those reported number are worse than any western country in decades.

As much as I'd like to see Zelensky get the Polish MIGs, from a practical standpoint I doubt their ground based AA assets have a sophisticated IFF system to differentiate between UK MIGs and Russian MIGs. In that scenario it's far easier to keep your planes on the ground and give your AA assets Weapons Free engagement rules. Then it's dead simple, if it's in the air you shoot it.

03-22-22, 13:15
That’s about the 10% threshold to make his invasion force ineffective, correct? No wonder they are ‘consolidating’ and digging trenches..

03-22-22, 13:57
That’s about the 10% threshold to make his invasion force ineffective, correct? No wonder they are ‘consolidating’ and digging trenches..

About 15% casualties using the given numbers. So losses and the realities of heavy resistance urban combat is certainly a factor.

Also the Russians have about a 45 mile resupply radius, based on their own doctrine. That's a 4 hour or so run for a truck all things considered. Giving them 3 trips/day per truck accounting for rest and maintenance. Stretching that to 90 miles cuts it down to 2 trips/day reducing available supplies by a third. The Russians have been largely unsuccessful at establishing supply depots incountry to extend their occupation. Unless that changes they are about maxed out.

Hunkering down for the slog may very well have been their operation plan to begin with. So don't read too much into it. Sieze, secure, extend is a time tested strategy even if it is a bit dusty.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-22-22, 20:07
The conspiracy wackos don't know what to do with this info. Since it came from Russia it must be using their usual crazy/4d chess filter---but its bad news for the Russians which is of course, impossible. LOL

But I agree with the above. We don't know how much the Russians really care about casualties. I really don't believe this was their plan, but it may not matter. So far, their plan seems like Ray's in Ghostbusters....."GET EM!!"