View Full Version : So, I am running for Congress, yes, seriously...

04-04-22, 00:57
I live in Alaska. Sadly, Don Young, our long time Congressman, died about 2 weeks ago.

There is an insane situation going on now with over 50 candidates for a special election taking place just 8 weeks from now.

I just became a candidate a few days ago. I still don't even have a website. Working on that.

The State process for filing was relatively straight forward. The Fed part is overwhelming and insane! It seems designed to keep regular people from running.

I need help with figuring out the Federal campaign stuff. I also need all the press and interviews I can get.

Thoughts, ideas, suggestions?

Ted Heintz

04-04-22, 01:36
All I can think of is reach out to any other friendly congressmen for assistance.

04-04-22, 07:01
Reach out to the GOA, tell them about the situation and your stance on the 2nd Amendment, and see if they would be able to help.


04-04-22, 07:07
Start a campaign bank account asap:


You may want to think about a campaign consultant/strategist:

04-04-22, 07:50
Is it a safe assumption that you are pro-2a with no “but”s, including NFA stuff? What is your stance on recreational cannabis? What do you agree with and disagree with in SteyrAug’s signature line?

04-04-22, 23:07
There are now about 50 people running for Don's seat. Ranked choice voting is going to make this interesting. Sarah Palin (puke) has declared making it even more interesting. As a fellow Alaskan, what are your qualifications and your platform?

04-05-22, 00:28
I hope you keep us updated and keep notes on what to do and not to do. My dad keeps dropping hints that I need to run for state office. I’m kind of playing with the idea.

04-05-22, 07:07
Good luck. You'll be running against Sarah Palin.

04-05-22, 10:23
Good luck!

04-05-22, 10:45
Good luck. You'll be running against Sarah Palin.

With the new ranked choice system she stands a chance. If we were back in the standard system of party primaries she'd probably get beat. Her popularity in Alaska is far below that of the national level. Her social conservatism schtick has failed on a personal level.. out of control offspring, divorce, etc... and Alaskans remember her complete lack of fiscal conservatism and train wreck of governorship. Sarah brings absolutely nothing to the table as a quality leader.

What's really frustrating as an Alaskan is that we will hold a primary in June to qualify for the August general election to fill the seat. ON THE SAME DAY.. we will also hold a PRIMARY to qualify for the November general election that would have happened if Don Young hadn't passed. Whoever wins the first round will hold the seat from August to November. BUT they also have to be in the second primary to run for the seat for the next term. Confused yet? Most Alaskans are.

Prior to Don Young's passing, the best candidate is Nick Begich III. He is the grandson of the Congressman that died in a plane crash that Don Young ultimately replaced. He is still running, but only for the regular election to take the seat for the full term. Even weirder is that Emil Notti, 89 years old, is running to temporarily fill Don's seat. Emil lost to Don nearly 50 years ago.

I am not looking forward to this season's flood of political ads.

04-05-22, 12:58
Run a strong campaign. If you are in debates, be strong and direct in your answers, AND point out when candidates give BS answers or answers like Hillary which mean nothing. I think the best strategy is being able to call out the fluff replies of others, and pointing out that you have your views, but ultimately are elected to represent the people.

I wish you the best of luck.