View Full Version : The End of the Biden Presidency

04-06-22, 18:06
The nightmare continues, the next President of the United States could be......wait for it.....Barack Obama. I feel sick.:bad:


Proof has emerged from the White House that Biden's presidency is over

"Barack Obama was at the White House yesterday, making it clear, as did others at the reception held in Obama's honor, that Biden's presidency is over. Watching Obama suck the oxygen out of the room made me wonder if Obama is planning a comeback, something he can easily do."

"My premise is that Obama fully understands that, if Biden is ousted immediately under the 25th Amendment, there are only idiots and incompetents to take his place. If it's not Kamala Harris, then it's Nancy Pelosi and, if not her, then Patrick Leahy, Antony Blinken, Janet Yellen, Lloyd Austin, Merrick Garland... Obama knows none of these nonentities will secure the transformation he promised America. Instead, there are three steps to return Obama to the presidency:

1. Have the Democrat establishment remove Kamala Harris from office, whether through threats or bribes.

2. Have the Democrats declare that, because world instability (Ukraine, Putin, China) puts us at unprecedented risk, only a politically seasoned person can be vice president, with Obama graciously accepting that role.

3. Oust Biden using the 25th Amendment. And voilà! President Obama (again). He can even have Stacey Abrams as his veep.

The 22nd Amendment does not bar Obama from regaining the presidency this way. It only stops him from being "elected to the office." The three steps above avoid an election."

04-06-22, 18:44
I think this seems a bit far fetched. Nobody wanted Biden in 2020. If Obama could have backed into the White House like this, why didn't the Dems run Biden and make him choose Obama as his running mate, then immediately invoke the 25th Amendment last year to get four more years of Obama instead of just 2?

04-06-22, 18:54
Not going to happen because the dems don't eat their own.

04-06-22, 19:00
I support the end of biden by any means.

04-06-22, 19:06
So congress just appoints him? That seems a stretch even for the comdems.

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04-06-22, 19:22
So congress just appoints him? That seems a stretch even for the comdems.

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I believe the President picks the VP so Biden would have to agree, but I believe he would in exchange for a pardon for Hunter and maybe himself.

04-06-22, 19:24
I believe the President picks the VP so Biden would have to agree, but I believe he would in exchange for a pardon for Hunter and maybe himself.

That's dark, but I don't put it past these idiots.

just a scout
04-06-22, 19:29
Twenty-Second Amendment

Section 1

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

Section 2

This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.

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04-06-22, 20:26
Twenty-Second Amendment

Section 1

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

Section 2

This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.

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It's actually covered under the 12th Amendment more clearly... sort of:

But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

The thing is, an argument could be made about a legal loophole... The 22nd speaks to the election of a President and Vice President. Constitutionally, Obama cannot run again.

"Elected to the office of the President and Vice President..."

It does not address whether or not a former President could be nominated and confirmed to the office of Vice President (in a Vice Presidential absence) since any vacancy is an act of the Senate. Which is a technicality since there is no election involved for that position.

Hypothetically, Joe could have had Kamala removed on day 2 of his Presidency, nominated Obama to fill in as his VP and it would go to the Senate for a confirmation, they turn around and either 25th Joe or he resigns and, Barack Obama becomes the 47th President of the United States.

No election needed, so, technically, he could assume office.

Now, I'm pretty positive the SCOTUS would intervene and have to interpret it, but then they start talking about the "spirit" of the 12th and 22nd Amendments which opens up it's own can of worms.

just a scout
04-06-22, 20:49
I’ll bet HRC or Michelle gets appointed. My money is on Michelle.

Then again, they don’t give a good Goddamn about the Constitution and they’ll do whatever they want, screw the consequences so Bathhouse Barry might go back to the White House.

Regardless, I see war and civil war in our future.

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04-06-22, 21:10
Min 3:00-4:30 Zero totally blowing off the potato head. Best of buddies.


04-06-22, 21:17
Let’s Go Brandon

04-06-22, 21:36
Not going to happen because the dems don't eat their own.

Sometimes they do, ask Debbie Wasserman. But I don't think Obama is coming back for lots of reasons, people think thye put in an incompetent like Biden but won't do the same for Harris? We know what they are smoking. If they get rid of Biden, and that is a BIG IF, they will put Harris in the big chair without a second thought or reservation.

We should remember Obama is currently being paid to speak, so he is going to say things that draw a lot of attention and / or create controversy.

04-06-22, 21:39
I’ll bet HRC or Michelle gets appointed. My money is on Michelle.

Then again, they don’t give a good Goddamn about the Constitution and they’ll do whatever they want, screw the consequences so Bathhouse Barry might go back to the White House.

Regardless, I see war and civil war in our future.

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If it was gonna happen, it would have happened under the Clinton presidency. It ain't gonna happen. All that happened is Clinton got two terms and his wife came THIS close to the big chair.

04-06-22, 21:42
If they get rid of Biden, and that is a BIG IF, they will put Harris in the big chair without a second thought or reservation.

……..and literally fawn all over not only the first female in the office but double down because heels up is black.

It will be pandemonium for the wokista’s.

04-06-22, 21:47
……..and literally fawn all over not only the first female in the office but double down because heels up is black.

It will be pandemonium for the wokista’s.

Yep, it's the only reason for being in the white house at all. She is there to potentially check two boxes. The only thing that amazes me is Biden has lived this long. I thought he'd have a month or two...tops.

04-06-22, 22:03
Yep, it's the only reason for being in the white house at all. She is there to potentially check two boxes. The only thing that amazes me is Biden has lived this long. I thought he'd have a month or two...tops.

I thought they would wait until his 3rd year so that Harris could then potentially have 10 years (<2 years then two election cycles). Now I'm not sure they have a good out since she is soooooo baaaad

04-07-22, 01:19
I doubt Obama wants to be President again. I'm sure he'd love calling the shots from behind the scenes, but I doubt he wants the 1 am phone calls anymore. He didn't act like he wanted to deal with it before, highly doubt he does again.

04-07-22, 02:20
If it was gonna happen, it would have happened under the Clinton presidency. It ain't gonna happen. All that happened is Clinton got two terms and his wife came THIS close to the big chair.

Just you wait, Biden is forced to step down and the dems are not gonna want that cackling hyena in control. Hildabeast has her chance.

04-07-22, 03:18
....But I don't think Obama is coming back for lots of reasons, people think thye put in an incompetent like Biden but won't do the same for Harris? We know what they are smoking. If they get rid of Biden, and that is a BIG IF, they will put Harris in the big chair without a second thought or reservation.

We should remember Obama is currently being paid to speak, so he is going to say things that draw a lot of attention and / or create controversy.

IF (big if) that footage from the WH meet&greet is anything to go by, it's very interesting to note Kammy appears to be sticking to Ol'Bummer's side like glue. Subtle, but kinda obvious around the 4:10 mark, watch her elbow Biden back when he tries to walk up to Obama to keep her place there right next to him, then Biden has to go around behind her to try to get to Obama. Also note how many times she's looking over at Obama during whole short clip.
The near savior-worship level of desperation of the entire crowd to get to Obama is also very interesting - they can't line up or crowd around fast enough. There seems to be a palpable level of "Oh thank God you've arrived just in time!...."

Now, we all know things don't get shown for no reason, especially in the current media war we're in, and that isn't some sort of leaked cell phone footage. And this is quite obviously a calculated event to cast Biden as the bumbling fool. But why so obviously? The official mouthpieces have been carefully mum despite the last year+ of ALL the other footage of his WTF-isms, why allow something so cringey to get out from an official WH source of all things, NOW, at a moment that will only compound how bad Biden looks?

Personally, my opinions are twofold -

1) 'Bummer is simply there to "show the flag" - lotsa rumors since day 1 of the election thieving that he's in some way involved in the backroom string pulling of the Dem party. It's also been clear since day 1 that Biden is in charge of nothing.
Well, now the Dem faithful are getting scared - things are falling apart faster than they expected, because we all know they couldn't keep a gas station profitable, let alone run a country unsupervised. It's also becoming increasingly clear how senile and demented ALL the top seat-warmers are, not just Potato. So now the "supervisor" has to come down, settle everyone down, maybe kick a few arses, and get everything back in order. So, this is perhaps not to oust Potato, simply to punish him with a little public humiliation, send a message to all the other weak-knees to get their shit together and "hold the course" or they're getting shunned next, and all the ass-kissers and those scared of losing their jobs, or desperate to BE SEEN WITH the real power (Kamala's clingyness) are playing along and dutifully kissing the ring. Get everyone back on message for the upcoming election fracas.

2) It really is an overt publicity-kill of Biden, and 'Bummer is there to anoint Harris as the next dear leader (she's being "shown around" each faction's group hence the cling). Given the way the media is in full swing with The New Message.... as unlikely as it seems, I lean toward this being the truth.
That being said, I really don't know how they could make a switch to Kammy fly She's almost as radioactive as Biden right now. Most people with an eye open are more than keyed into how utterly moronic she comes across any time they let her anywhere near a live mike or camera. I mean, the MSM has been full court press on propping up Biden for this long, even if they do the same for her, I don't see her having better approval numbers than Biden anytime soon. So when she's crashing and burning just as hard as Biden has... then what? They still gotta make it two more years to make a legit presidential swap, which, absent more election theft during 2022 mids, is going to be even more legitimately contested, as people will be SO fed up with the Dems the Rs could probably run Jeb in 2024 and win. :laugh: Aside from outright blatant election theft, or utter national chaos requiring some sort of "special election", I don't see how they pull out of this self-inflicted nosedive.
The only "good" news is Gramma Hillary was probably fuming in a back room somewhere - clearly no longer one of the 'chosen ones'. Guess she never got the point of the tagline being "the future is BLACK and female".... :laugh:

[TL/DR] Per WH video, either Kamala is suddenly real afraid of losing her job, or is about to be your next prez.

04-07-22, 04:38
Biden's goose is cooked. He bungled everything he's touched from day one.
The lies just don't stand up, fuel prices started climbing the minute he took office and locally were $1:30 higher before Putin went into Ukraine.
His son is a drug addled criminal, and you haven't seen the last of this yet. The likely hood that the Biden's claimed that income with the IRS is nil.
If you've watched the "Tucker" video above, you'll clearly see President Biden's dementia hard at work. Mouth open, shuffling around the room lost and lonely.

Naaah this is done, we're just waiting on the midterm's election to have the numbers to do him in.

Oh and yes, Mitt Romney still sucks balls

04-07-22, 04:57
Just you wait, Biden is forced to step down and the dems are not gonna want that cackling hyena in control. Hildabeast has her chance.

Biden isn't in control, same people will just run Harris.

04-07-22, 06:15
XiDen can’t even control his bowels.

04-07-22, 08:13
And the Hits just keep coming.....

04-07-22, 11:14
The nightmare continues, the next President of the United States could be......wait for it.....Barack Obama. I feel sick.:bad:


Proof has emerged from the White House that Biden's presidency is over

"Barack Obama was at the White House yesterday, making it clear, as did others at the reception held in Obama's honor, that Biden's presidency is over. Watching Obama suck the oxygen out of the room made me wonder if Obama is planning a comeback, something he can easily do."

"My premise is that Obama fully understands that, if Biden is ousted immediately under the 25th Amendment, there are only idiots and incompetents to take his place. If it's not Kamala Harris, then it's Nancy Pelosi and, if not her, then Patrick Leahy, Antony Blinken, Janet Yellen, Lloyd Austin, Merrick Garland... Obama knows none of these nonentities will secure the transformation he promised America. Instead, there are three steps to return Obama to the presidency:

1. Have the Democrat establishment remove Kamala Harris from office, whether through threats or bribes.

2. Have the Democrats declare that, because world instability (Ukraine, Putin, China) puts us at unprecedented risk, only a politically seasoned person can be vice president, with Obama graciously accepting that role.

3. Oust Biden using the 25th Amendment. And voilà! President Obama (again). He can even have Stacey Abrams as his veep.

The 22nd Amendment does not bar Obama from regaining the presidency this way. It only stops him from being "elected to the office." The three steps above avoid an election."

If I am not mistaken... Constitutionally, he...Obama... cannot hold the office of Vice President or any other office that would put him in line to be President, due to him holding the office of President for two terms previously.... but the rule of law in this country appears to have pretty much ended.... at least on the level of the "political elites"... but that appears to have been said in some previous posts

04-07-22, 12:03
They still gotta make it two more years to make a legit presidential swap, which, absent more election theft during 2022 mids, is going to be even more legitimately contested, as people will be SO fed up with the Dems the Rs could probably run Jeb in 2024 and win. :laugh: Aside from outright blatant election theft, or utter national chaos requiring some sort of "special election", I don't see how they pull out of this self-inflicted nosedive.

You seem to be dismissing outright blatant election fraud. I assume it is the norm from here on.

04-07-22, 12:08
If the repubs don't pull defeat from the jaws of victory then it is highly likely that congress will change hands in 2022. If the repubs are true to form they will chicken out of actually doing something of consequence [I really dislike the role of cynic]. Biden will remain as president, Harris VP, he will continue to bungle through his term under the direction/control of faceless advisors. Who gets the nomination in 2024?

04-07-22, 12:49
You seem to be dismissing outright blatant election fraud. I assume it is the norm from here on.


It is now acceptable, because the prosecution of it was approached incorrectly.

You’re being managed.

04-07-22, 13:03
Not going to happen because the dems don't eat their own.

Sure they do if it's politically necessary. Rush maintained that one only need to look at legacy media for the signal. NYT WaPo running stories on the hunter laptop was the first sign Biden's days are numbered.

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04-07-22, 13:10

It is now acceptable, because the prosecution of it was approached incorrectly.

You’re being managed.

IMO, the real election fraud took place in the media. There is polling evidence that many democrat/biden voters take very seriously the question of hunter's/brandon's illegal activities and outright tax evasion. The media spiked the story with the obvious goal of defeating Trump, now they admit it's true but it's too late.
My political strategy, Repubs take back congress and stop the biden agenda but take no action to remove him [unless under extreme circumstances], biden remains the very unattractive, un-electable face of the democrat party.

04-07-22, 13:17
Sure they do if it's politically necessary. Rush maintained that one only need to look at legacy media for the signal. NYT WaPo running stories on the hunter laptop was the first sign Biden's days are numbered.

This is it. Those stories don't "need" to be run. The dullard masses have already forgotten about it and are busy looking at retarded tik tok videos. There's a reason this has come back up.

04-07-22, 13:23
IMO, the real election fraud took place in the media. There is polling evidence that many democrat/biden voters take very seriously the question of hunter's/brandon's illegal activities and outright tax evasion. The media spiked the story with the obvious goal of defeating Trump, now they admit it's true but it's too late.
My political strategy, Repubs take back congress and stop the biden agenda but take no action to remove him [unless under extreme circumstances], biden remains the very unattractive, un-electable face of the democrat party.

It happened on several fronts and continues to this day because the media don't give the story the time of day.

04-07-22, 19:21
If I am not mistaken... Constitutionally, he...Obama... cannot hold the office of Vice President or any other office that would put him in line to be President, due to him holding the office of President for two terms previously.... but the rule of law in this country appears to have pretty much ended.... at least on the level of the "political elites"... but that appears to have been said in some previous posts

See my post on the previous page. It just says you can't be elected to POTUS more than twice.

Again, the SCOTUS would have to chime in on that one since the verbiage doesn't say "hold office more than XX years."

04-08-22, 00:09
You seem to be dismissing outright blatant election fraud. I assume it is the norm from here on.

Oh, believe me, I am absolutely counting on it. :laugh:
But like I said - then what do they do?
It seems they can only keep that up for so long before people get severely miffed about it...

04-08-22, 15:55
Check this out:

Secret Service Agent suspended for taking bribes. Under Joe Biden??? You can't make this circus shit up.


04-08-22, 16:20
Check this out:

Secret Service Agent suspended for taking bribes. Under Joe Biden??? You can't make this circus shit up.


Crazy story! I’m more than curious about the two guys posing as DHS agents who were working these guys.

04-08-22, 16:30
Check this out:

Secret Service Agent suspended for taking bribes. Under Joe Biden??? You can't make this circus shit up.


They obviously didn't give the "big guy" his cut.

04-08-22, 16:49
Crazy story! I’m more than curious about the two guys posing as DHS agents who were working these guys.

Yeah... Rama Lama and Ding dong. WTF is that about? Trying to get the keys to Air Force 1??

Ned Christiansen
04-08-22, 17:13
I think our excuse for a VP would relish the thought of, would willfully "reluctantly" go along with, being set aside for someone else.

This is something else I said before the election-- that electing Brandon could be a long term plan to get HRC into the Oval Office.

I have written twice to my people in DC asking them to start planning ahead for post-Brandon, because we all know it can't be a sky-high babbler and it can't be Nasty P. And the ones further down the chain--? I don't think even the Dems would go for most of those. Figure something out, I told them, something that's legal and non-violent, figure something out even if you have to work with the Dems, to get someone in there who will be less of a disaster.

If I had to decide between Brandon until his term is over, or swap him out for Barry tomorrow, damn.... what an awful corner to put a guy in. I think we'd be better off with the latter.

04-08-22, 18:01
See my post on the previous page. It just says you can't be elected to POTUS more than twice.

Again, the SCOTUS would have to chime in on that one since the verbiage doesn't say "hold office more than XX years."

Actually it kind of does throw out a time limit in years. IIRC two terms (8 years) plus no more than half of another term, so basically 10 total. You could take over from a POTUS and as long as it's not more than halfway through his term you can be elected twice, for a total of 10.

While I don't trust that "spirit of the law" interpretation crap SCOTUS could pull, one could extrapolate that 10 year total to also include serving (not more than) half a term after having previously been elected twice on your own, kind of doing it backwards. i.e. usually you'd replace a sitting POTUS and as long as it was less than half his term (minus one day if you want to split hairs) you could then go on to be elected twice yourself. What people are suggesting with Obunghole is the backwards version of it.

04-08-22, 23:27
Yeah... Rama Lama and Ding dong. WTF is that about? Trying to get the keys to Air Force 1??

I'm having flashbacks to a Tom Clancy novel...

04-11-22, 17:51
He’s already served 8 years, he can’t serve again. It’s law.

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Coal Dragger
04-11-22, 18:42
I love these threads predicting doom for the ruling elite. It is so much fun watching everyone’s hopes and dreams get crushed by reality.

Joe Biden will likely finish his term. He will probably run for re-election. He very well may win. He will die senile, corrupt, wealthy beyond imagination, and free as a bird.

Hunter Biden will not go to jail. He will keep smoking crack, picking up bags of cash, banging underage hookers, and being a shit bag. He’s going to die of old age or crackhead related illness free as a bird and super wealthy.

04-11-22, 18:46
Regardless, I see war and civil war in our future.

Everyday, I pray it happens soon, that way my children don't have to be the ones to fight it.

04-11-22, 21:27
I support the end of biden by any means.

I finally watched Air Force 1 a few weeks ago - we could use a new jet so kiss Biden & one 747 goodbye!!!

04-11-22, 21:34
Everyday, I pray it happens soon, that way my children don't have to be the ones to fight it.

It will never be a civil war in the media.

Just a bunch of radical extremists that had planned an attack on Democracy. When the new federal taskforce on Radical Domestic Terrorism swooped in with their Bradley Fighting Vehicles and AH-1 Cobras hitting them at 3am thus morning before they had a chance to act on their plan to undo another sweeping win by yet another Democrat Presidential win of Xi Jinping.

04-12-22, 07:26
I love these threads predicting doom for the ruling elite. It is so much fun watching everyone’s hopes and dreams get crushed by reality.

Joe Biden will likely finish his term. He will probably run for re-election. He very well may win. He will die senile, corrupt, wealthy beyond imagination, and free as a bird.

Hunter Biden will not go to jail. He will keep smoking crack, picking up bags of cash, banging underage hookers, and being a shit bag. He’s going to die of old age or crackhead related illness free as a bird and super wealthy.

I agree with everything with exception of "he may very well win" , I think that unlikely. My thinking may be clouded by optimism but in AO biden is very unpopular. My lifelong democrat wife can's stand him now, after voting for him [she is from northern Europe so please cut her some slack]. I don't believe she is the only thinking democrat who is disgusted with the direction of the country. If the republicans can run someone other than Trump then the repubs almost can't lose but never underestimate the R's power to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...

04-12-22, 07:26
I love these threads predicting doom for the ruling elite. It is so much fun watching everyone’s hopes and dreams get crushed by reality.

Joe Biden will likely finish his term. He will probably run for re-election. He very well may win. He will die senile, corrupt, wealthy beyond imagination, and free as a bird.

Hunter Biden will not go to jail. He will keep smoking crack, picking up bags of cash, banging underage hookers, and being a shit bag. He’s going to die of old age or crackhead related illness free as a bird and super wealthy.

I agree with everything with exception of "he may very well win" , I think that unlikely. My thinking may be clouded by optimism but in AO biden is very unpopular. My lifelong democrat wife can't stand him now, after voting for him [she is from northern Europe so please cut her some slack]. I don't believe she is the only thinking democrat who is disgusted with the direction of the country. If the republicans can run someone other than Trump then the repubs almost can't lose but never underestimate the R's power to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...