View Full Version : Pinterest has starting to censer more

04-07-22, 06:01
With Pinterest going down the woke censer path, what social media is left? I only have MEWE and that's dead.

According to this article, https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/06/tech/pinterest-climate-change-misinformation-policy/index.html

All I see when i read the first couple paragraphs is this.

What they say “It also plans to take action on false or misleading content about climate change solutions, content misrepresenting scientific data that could erode trust in experts, and harmful false or misleading content about climate change-related public safety emergencies”
What they really mean “It also plans to take action on false or misleading content about climate change solutions, content misrepresenting scientific data that could erode our agenda, and harmful false or misleading content about climate change-related public safety emergencies”

What they say “The platform will also ban ads containing false information or conspiracy theories related to climate change.”
What they mean “The platform will also ban ads containing other opinions or conspiracy theories related to climate change.”

What they say “Twitter has also said it will "pre-bunk" climate misinformation by pointing users to accurate sources.”
What they mean “Twitter has also said it will "pre-bunk" climate misinformation by pointing users to accurate sources that fit our agenda.”

When is Trumps social media going online?

04-07-22, 06:14
Never used it and my life is full and rewarding. The answer is clear, leave it behind.

04-07-22, 06:19
Never used it and my life is full and rewarding. The answer is clear, leave it behind.

I have never used it, and been out of facebook for about 4 years now. My question is, Is there any social media out there with out this left wing BS?

04-07-22, 06:46
I have never used it, and been out of facebook for about 4 years now. My question is, Is there any social media out there with out this left wing BS?

I think that the answer is ‘no’- and not so much of some big conspiracy- thought there is kind of one- but that the inherent nature of social media- the publication of individual thoughts to impress others- is a leftist kind of thing. There are right wing mojo posts, but most righty people will post about something they did or made, while leftists post about what they think. Takes a lot more to make or do something than to post what you think, so there is an inherent ratio favoring the left. PLUS, I might repost or like right wing thing, but it we don’t have the virtue signaling need that the left does where they literally have to re-twit something or their friends will notice.

Lefties dominate social media for the same reason they dominate interpretive dance- it just fits in better to their world view, way of communicating and hive mind.

04-07-22, 08:01
I think that the answer is ‘no’- and not so much of some big conspiracy- thought there is kind of one- but that the inherent nature of social media- the publication of individual thoughts to impress others- is a leftist kind of thing. There are right wing mojo posts, but most righty people will post about something they did or made, while leftists post about what they think. Takes a lot more to make or do something than to post what you think, so there is an inherent ratio favoring the left. PLUS, I might repost or like right wing thing, but it we don’t have the virtue signaling need that the left does where they literally have to re-twit something or their friends will notice.

Lefties dominate social media for the same reason they dominate interpretive dance- it just fits in better to their world view, way of communicating and hive mind.

There is some truth to that, but it also plays into the fact that leftists try to silence opposing views rather than accept them as differing opinions like the right. So any right leaning or even a neutral "not-left leaning" public platform will be actively ostracized by the left and silenced by labeling it as a platform of hate speech.

04-07-22, 08:12
With incense?

04-07-22, 10:07
I used pinterest for a little while. It had potential, but as most social media type apps, it's a left wing propaganda pile of shit. I removed the app. Facebook too.

So far, Instagram has not yet pissed me off with looney leftist crap.

04-07-22, 11:14
Instagram is a Facebook property, though.

04-07-22, 11:27
Instagram is a Facebook property, though.

Yes. So it's a matter of time before it becomes intolerable.

04-07-22, 11:55
I don't do social media, unless you count forums like this, but aren't Parler and Gab supposed to be alternatives without as much censorship?

04-07-22, 12:27
Never used it and my life is full and rewarding. The answer is clear, leave it behind.

This, kill it with fire. I don't use any social media...FB, Twitter, Tik Tok, or Pinterest. Don't need them, don't use them.

04-07-22, 12:28
I don't do social media, unless you count forums like this, but aren't Parler and Gab supposed to be alternatives without as much censorship?

They crippled Parler quickly. A non-left wing propaganda app could not be tolerated.

04-07-22, 12:37
Yes. So it's a matter of time before it becomes intolerable.

That’s where the real battle of Eastern Europe is - between Russian and Ukrainian Instagram models.

04-07-22, 12:43
I don't do social media, unless you count forums like this, but aren't Parler and Gab supposed to be alternatives without as much censorship?

Telegram is supposed to be the one with the least as I understand it.

04-07-22, 12:46
They crippled Parler quickly. A non-left wing propaganda app could not be tolerated.

Okay. I never used it. How was it crippled?

04-07-22, 13:10
Okay. I never used it. How was it crippled?

First the app stores quit carrying it for download. People could still do a direct download for a while. Then the app quit working completely even if you had it. I don't know the exact details, but I think they effectively took away their server/hosting ability.

04-07-22, 13:56
I need to pay more attention I guess. That's pretty serious even in the current environment. The agenda is farther along than I realized.

04-07-22, 14:02
I need to pay more attention I guess. That's pretty serious even in the current environment. The agenda is farther along than I realized.

Yeah. Dan Bongino (Author and former Secret Service Agent who has detailed the Clinton crime network of shady lawyers) was part owner in the App. They started it because his factual info was getting a little too much for the regular social media outlets.

Parler started to gain good traction, and big tech snipped that action. I mean just flat out stomping out of any alternative info to the brainwashing bull crap.

04-07-22, 15:18
With incense?

I see what you did there!

04-07-22, 16:07
The real president running the show wants internet control...clown show.


04-07-22, 16:35
The very phone you are probably reading this on is made by the same people who support all these leftists agendas. They made all the social media platforms that you guys complain about.

You support the agenda one way or another.

04-07-22, 20:26
You do what you can at the moment, nothing is fixed over night. My phone is a Samsung, I haven't heard anything about their political agenda, maybe they don't have one. Maybe we can't divest ourselves of a commie commuter or phone, but we can refrain from using Tik Tok, it's a start.

04-07-22, 23:06

When is Trumps social media going online?

And even if it did... they banned him off twitter during his own admin. How long do you think such an app would last? As already posted here, see what happened to Parler. There will never be any real useful apps that do not bend the knee, because the entire infrastructure that everything currently uses to access the internet is enemy territory. The only way this changes is by the creation of a parallel infrastructure, something I haven't seen any non-leftist tech companies being stood up to do (not that I've got my finger on the pulse of silicon valley or anything, maybe some could exist that haven't appeared yet, who knows). As always, everyone seems content to use hostile platforms, then cry when they predictably go full retard. It's what I like to call "the tyranny of convenience".

Anyway, I guess the question here is, what do you *need* social media for? Do you need it for keeping up with friends/fam, or business, or is it more for entertainment? And can you do any/all of that without it?

04-08-22, 07:58

And even if it did... they banned him off twitter during his own admin. How long do you think such an app would last? As already posted here, see what happened to Parler. There will never be any real useful apps that do not bend the knee, because the entire infrastructure that everything currently uses to access the internet is enemy territory. The only way this changes is by the creation of a parallel infrastructure, something I haven't seen any non-leftist tech companies being stood up to do (not that I've got my finger on the pulse of silicon valley or anything, maybe some could exist that haven't appeared yet, who knows). As always, everyone seems content to use hostile platforms, then cry when they predictably go full retard. It's what I like to call "the tyranny of convenience".

Anyway, I guess the question here is, what do you *need* social media for? Do you need it for keeping up with friends/fam, or business, or is it more for entertainment? And can you do any/all of that without it?

I would like some kind of media outlet that I can follow 2A news and such, AS far as family goes, We are pretty close and actually get together in person and or text. Besides MEWE, which is a joke, I only go on 2 forums, this one and a general firearms one. But sometimes I miss alot of gun news, least in my state. My wife has instagram, that platform is horrible.