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05-04-22, 19:08
Spilling the beans on US providing intelligence sure there will be no repercussions from this.


Rob Lee
"The United States has provided intelligence that has helped Ukrainians target and kill many of the Russian generals who have died in action in the Ukraine war, according to senior American officials."

The Dumb Gun Collector
05-04-22, 19:55
I presume they know, but I agree, have some decency NYT. They have always been a cancer. Even in WW2 LeMay was concerned that the NYT would jump his ass for dropping incendiary bombs on Japan.

05-04-22, 20:10
I'm kind of in the "who gives a S camp." I think the Russians know which side we are on in this conflict. The Russians aren't trying to be our buddies or anything regardless. They constantly F with us whenever they feel they can get away with it, they sure as hell provide assistance to OUR enemies and Ukraine is a straight up land snatch.

They are not NATO allies so we don't owe them anything, but we owe Putin even less. That most of Europe is sending some kind of assistance to Ukraine should be telling Putin he's gone too far. If he pushes this crap he's gonna find himself painted as the next Milosevic and while he may stay in Russia and avoid responsibility, he might also get thrown under the bus by the guys who are eyeing the seat for themselves.

The Dumb Gun Collector
05-04-22, 20:28
I'm kind of in the "who gives a S camp." I think the Russians know which side we are on in this conflict. The Russians aren't trying to be our buddies or anything regardless. They constantly F with us whenever they feel they can get away with it, they sure as hell provide assistance to OUR enemies and Ukraine is a straight up land snatch.

They are not NATO allies so we don't owe them anything, but we owe Putin even less. That most of Europe is sending some kind of assistance to Ukraine should be telling Putin he's gone too far. If he pushes this crap he's gonna find himself painted as the next Milosevic and while he may stay in Russia and avoid responsibility, he might also get thrown under the bus by the guys who are eyeing the seat for themselves.

^^^^^^^all of this

05-04-22, 20:44
The problem I have this was a classified op, everyone with half a brain knows we were doing this but what is to gain from leaking it to the press, nothing. And Russia has a history of accidentally shooting down planes though I would hope they went for a Global Hawk and not a manned one.

05-04-22, 20:55
The problem I have this was a classified op, everyone with half a brain knows we were doing this but what is to gain from leaking it to the press, nothing. And Russia has a history of accidentally shooting down planes though I would hope they went for a Global Hawk and not a manned one.

I understand but everyone wants to Woodward and Bernstein regardless of the consequences. And for decades there have been no consequences so expect this shit to continue. I remember when Russia shot down KAL 007 so trust me I remember. They ain't above playing dirty, but the whole Ukraine thing is "dirty pool" anyways so we might as well show some cards. If they start shooting at our shit, we better be ready to go "game on."

I don't want to Vietnam anything, don't want to send advisors or any of that shit. Ukraine can sink or swim, but we can send some intel. And honestly if we can assist the f'ing muj in Afghanistan when they were fighting the Russians, we should do at least that much with respect to Ukraine. If Putin doesn't like it, he can come to terms and back the F off.

05-05-22, 04:51
If Putin doesn't like it, he can come to terms and back the F off.

Or he can push back, using nukes and cyber.

I don't think the Ukraine is worth a war involving nukes. I don't think the Ukraine is worth a damn thing, except as a vehicle to launder American aid money back to American political types of both parties.

I just shack my head at the silence of the world to the genocide that has been happening for over a year in Ethiopia. But every body jumps on the Ukraine party train. USA is now trying to pressure Israel to give Ukraine weapons. I wouldn't give Ukraine a damn thing.

My big worry is that if FSB was so wrong on what Russian troops would find during the invasion of Ukraine, that they will be just as wrong when it comes to the use of nukes.

Zelensky can go to hell, the sooner the better.

I know people will accuse me of being a Putin whatever. I think Putin was stupid to invade. The USA should be trying to find a path to end the war, but no, these idiots of both parties are stoking the fires of war.

05-05-22, 05:09
I mean did you really think the Russians thought the Ukrainians intelligence was targeting the generals?

05-05-22, 06:38
Or he can push back, using nukes and cyber.

I don't think the Ukraine is worth a war involving nukes. I don't think the Ukraine is worth a damn thing, except as a vehicle to launder American aid money back to American political types of both parties.

I just shack my head at the silence of the world to the genocide that has been happening for over a year in Ethiopia. But every body jumps on the Ukraine party train. USA is now trying to pressure Israel to give Ukraine weapons. I wouldn't give Ukraine a damn thing.

My big worry is that if FSB was so wrong on what Russian troops would find during the invasion of Ukraine, that they will be just as wrong when it comes to the use of nukes.

Zelensky can go to hell, the sooner the better.

I know people will accuse me of being a Putin whatever. I think Putin was stupid to invade. The USA should be trying to find a path to end the war, but no, these idiots of both parties are stoking the fires of war.

Not "our" job to end the war. Like I said, we "owe" Ukraine nothing, but we owe Putin less and it's not hard to see who is the bad guy in this land snatch.

And unlike Ethiopia, Somalia and those shitholes we've helped who on a good day won't drag the bodies of our dead through their streets, Ukraine is probably worthy of a little intel help now and then.

Israel owes them nothing, if they want to send weapons they can. Again, we did it for the Muj, I'd say the Ukraine is probably more deserving.

But make no mistake, it is Putin stoking this fire. We didn't start this shit. He can escalate if he wants, he should expect the same. Maybe not from this president, but eventually. In a very big way, Putin's war "might" get the idiots out of the white house so the GOP can conduct some business. Maybe that's me being naive.

05-05-22, 07:01
I'm kind of in the "who gives a S camp." I think the Russians know which side we are on in this conflict. The Russians aren't trying to be our buddies or anything regardless. They constantly F with us whenever they feel they can get away with it, they sure as hell provide assistance to OUR enemies and Ukraine is a straight up land snatch.

They are not NATO allies so we don't owe them anything, but we owe Putin even less. That most of Europe is sending some kind of assistance to Ukraine should be telling Putin he's gone too far. If he pushes this crap he's gonna find himself painted as the next Milosevic and while he may stay in Russia and avoid responsibility, he might also get thrown under the bus by the guys who are eyeing the seat for themselves.

It's relatively rare that we agree, but this, 100%.

05-05-22, 10:05
As intel goes we should email Putin the tracks of all his submarines.

05-05-22, 11:46
"according to senior American officials"

05-05-22, 17:54
I do not support the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

I do not support the Ukrainians either.

I do think the world is edging closer to a potential trading of nukes, which I really don't support.

That is why I would like to see the war end before it is too late.

05-05-22, 18:24
I do not support the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

I do not support the Ukrainians either.

I do think the world is edging closer to a potential trading of nukes, which I really don't support.

That is why I would like to see the war end before it is too late.

As a kid who grew up in the 80s watching "The Day After" I really, really don't want to see a nuclear exchange either. But that's kind of up to Putin right now. We are not the ones threatening to nuke him if he doesn't do what we say. He's the one talking "leave me alone or nukes" so again...F him. And he's only pulling this crap because we have a weak ass president who he knows he can bully around.

We only got four years of Putin minding his manners a little bit and that is because even he knew Trump was a wild card who might do anything because Trump was reading off of his own script and nobody knew what it said.

05-05-22, 18:25
"according to senior American officials"

Cogent point.

05-05-22, 18:49
As a kid who grew up in the 80s watching "The Day After" I really, really don't want to see a nuclear exchange either. But that's kind of up to Putin right now. We are not the ones threatening to nuke him if he doesn't do what we say. He's the one talking "leave me alone or nukes" so again...F him. And he's only pulling this crap because we have a weak ass president who he knows he can bully around.

We only got four years of Putin minding his manners a little bit and that is because even he knew Trump was a wild card who might do anything because Trump was reading off of his own script and nobody knew what it said.

I agree 100%

05-05-22, 18:56
I wouldn't be surprised if it was another controlled leak / op...beginning to believe this idiot admin / swamp is actually eagerly hoping for a conventional wwiii.

05-05-22, 19:18
Or he can push back, using nukes and cyber.

I don't think the Ukraine is worth a war involving nukes. I don't think the Ukraine is worth a damn thing, except as a vehicle to launder American aid money back to American political types of both parties.

I just shack my head at the silence of the world to the genocide that has been happening for over a year in Ethiopia. But every body jumps on the Ukraine party train. USA is now trying to pressure Israel to give Ukraine weapons. I wouldn't give Ukraine a damn thing.

My big worry is that if FSB was so wrong on what Russian troops would find during the invasion of Ukraine, that they will be just as wrong when it comes to the use of nukes.

Zelensky can go to hell, the sooner the better.

I know people will accuse me of being a Putin whatever. I think Putin was stupid to invade. The USA should be trying to find a path to end the war, but no, these idiots of both parties are stoking the fires of war.

This. I agree completely. Also:

05-05-22, 19:19
I wouldn't be surprised if it was another controlled leak / op...beginning to believe this idiot admin / swamp is actually eagerly hoping for a conventional wwiii.

I believe you might be correct.
The country doesn't want in on this war.
What this information does is move forward the momentum needed to make this war happen, why else leak this? It's been pretty clear the The Democrats under Clinton's leadership wanted this war for a dozen or so years.
I'm not sure why Putin jumped now, except for Biden's perceived weakness, there is no other excuse for it.
I'm also not sure why the Democrats have so much faith in their Party leadership, but do they truly believe Biden's administration can actually win at this war?

05-06-22, 08:26
As a kid who grew up in the 80s watching "The Day After" I really, really don't want to see a nuclear exchange either. But that's kind of up to Putin right now. We are not the ones threatening to nuke him if he doesn't do what we say. He's the one talking "leave me alone or nukes" so again...F him. And he's only pulling this crap because we have a weak ass president who he knows he can bully around.

Agreed. I 100% oppose any effort at regime change, but Putin can't use "nukes" has his "I can do whatever I want" card any more than China can do whatever it wants in Taiwan or elsewhere because it has nukes.

05-06-22, 09:59
I wouldn't be surprised if it was another controlled leak / op...beginning to believe this idiot admin / swamp is actually eagerly hoping for a conventional wwiii.

It sure is looking like this might be true, they are desperate to distract from the total disasters their policies have created. Scary times.

05-06-22, 15:06
Agreed. I 100% oppose any effort at regime change, but Putin can't use "nukes" has his "I can do whatever I want" card any more than China can do whatever it wants in Taiwan or elsewhere because it has nukes.

That's basically where I'm sitting. Also, we were part of that "international group" that made promises to Ukraine and said "give up nukes and we will guarantee your security", which honestly was a bad idea on their part and on our part. We should have known we might be making the new "flashpoint Berlin" and a nuclear Ukraine could have been an effective check against an aggressive Russia.

05-07-22, 00:27
Agreed. I 100% oppose any effort at regime change, but Putin can't use "nukes" has his "I can do whatever I want" card any more than China can do whatever it wants in Taiwan or elsewhere because it has nukes.

Putin can saber rattle all he wants, but he has to know that it’ll going to go to shit if he launches even a tactical nuke.

Think your economy sucks now? Welcome to pariah town! Everybody, including the Chinese, will tell you to eat a bag of (insert tasty sex organs here), while charging you triple.

You want to see France launch one for fun? Britain? How about Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe jamming right to the edge of the Russian border? Want to see Donbas, Crimea and any other “contested” areas get sorted out?

And those are just War Games-off-the-top-of-the-head nonsense.

I see zero scenarios where Russia becomes anything more than a semi-failed state, whether or not Putin and his kleptocracy survives.

And the Russian people will suffer like Stalin was in charge.

Sent from inner space

05-07-22, 08:19
That's basically where I'm sitting. Also, we were part of that "international group" that made promises to Ukraine and said "give up nukes and we will guarantee your security", which honestly was a bad idea on their part and on our part. We should have known we might be making the new "flashpoint Berlin" and a nuclear Ukraine could have been an effective check against an aggressive Russia.

To be fair, at the time it seemed like Russia was playing nice, and Ukraine was far more questionable. Of course, that's been over twenty years ago now, and we haven't done a whole lot meaningful since to acknowledge the change in the situation.

Putin can saber rattle all he wants, but he has to know that it’ll going to go to shit if he launches even a tactical nuke.

Yep. No matter how bad things get for him, they would undoubtedly be far, far worse if we decide to try out the Fallout timeline. Even tactical nukes would break the taboo against nukes being used, and would have a ton of repercussions.

If you guys haven't seen it, here's a pretty good, if long, video on the subject of Russian nuclear threats.


05-07-22, 11:24
To add on to my Poland thought, if Russia thought countries were being provocative before, welcome to a whole new brand of “Suck it!”.

Poland is looking forward to Ukraine joining the EU -


“I hope that #Ukraine will be a brotherly state to #Poland; that it will not have a border between them, that there will in fact be no border; that we will live together on this land, rebuilding ourselves and building our common happiness, our common strength. A. Duda #intermarium”

Also, Poland and Ukraine have signed a defense deal that they won’t talk about publicly.


I don’t think Poland is going to go rogue on NATO, but they are going to push the envelope. And I’d bet everyone in Eastern Europe but Belarus (and maybe Hungary) is going to be in on the joke.

Sent from inner space

05-08-22, 06:15
What should have been a regional war that nobody cared about, has become cause #1 in the world.

As a result Putin has only sped up the death of Russia. Russia suffers from a demographic challenge that can not be overcome with the population that Russia has.

So I believe that Putin's plan was to take over Ukraine and export a million of so young Ukrainians to be the group that will solve the demographic nightmare that is Russia.

So now everything is upside down for Putin, but also the world as well.

Unintended consequences from the war will effect the world in such a big way that it will dwarf the consequence of killing an Archduke. The main 2 areas that will effect the world are in energy and food.

Due to the embargo against Russia, their oil market has collapsed. That should be a good thing because it deprives Russia revenue for the war. The bad news is that Russian oil is in Siberia. When you put in an oil well in Siberia all is good if the oil is flowing. When you cap the well, bad things start to happen and the well basically destroys itself. This will take 4 to 5,000,000 barrels of Russian oil per day off the market place. I don't think any oil producer will step up and make this loss up for the world, why should they if the price of oil goes over $200 a barrel. The biggest loser in all this will be China and the 3rd world.

Then we have the food market that is being hit by lack of Russian and Ukrainian harvest. But even more important the war has brought us a fertilizer shortage. Then you combine this with the EPA under Biden putting tougher regulations on fertilizer production in the USA .

Rice production will fall by at least 10%, but it probable will be closer to 20%. at the 10% loss this amounts to 360,000,000 less metric tons of rice in the world. This would be the rice that feeds 500,000,000 people. These people will be located in the 3rd world, so we will see revolutions and war for food. I know of one country that thinks the riots will start potentially as early as the middle of next month.

So I think that due to the food and energy issues combined with internal issues in China they will be the bigger loser than Russia from the war. I also think that we are starting to see the people of China rising up. In an Apple factory, where workers have been locked in due to Covid. The workers rioted this last week and broke out of the factory.

If the American people can defeat the Marxist, and get back to a philosophy of America first. Then the USA will be the big winner in the changes that are taking place in the world. In 30 to 50 years, the world just might have only one super power, the USA. If this happens, and America can keep it's moral compass, then it will be a great thing for not only Americans, but I hope for the world.

But it will be a bad few decades for most of the world. The next 2 years may see the world population drop by 1 billion people due to starvation.

The greatest danger the world has ever seen will be the collapse of China, Russia, and NoKo, and the fact that they have nukes. Will they strike out of fear and desperation?

05-08-22, 18:22
That’s the thing though; It has been a regional war no one cared about (much). Crimea in 2008, and Donbas since 2014.

But then Putin and his FSB decided to drive their clown car across the border, invading a country that was zero threat to Russia. No mercs, no “there are no Russian troops there”. Just straight rolling tanks and troops into another sovereign country.

All your other points about the absolute nightmare that is Ethiopia, and more than a few other places that are deserving of the world’s attention, are very true.

Like Ukraine, or don’t, but history hasn’t been kind to those who appease aggression.

Sent from inner space

05-08-22, 18:49
What should have been a regional war that nobody cared about, has become cause #1 in the world.

Historically, it's kind of a bid deal when a major army conducts a serious invasion of Ukraine. Lots and lots of overtones related to such an event.

05-08-22, 19:09
Historically, it's kind of a bid deal when a major army conducts a serious invasion of Ukraine. Lots and lots of overtones related to such an event.

Yes and no.

A lot of wars have been since the first war that we know about in the year 830. Some have carried overtones but I would say most have not. I really think what is going to come out of this war will overshadow WW2 and that is if we can avoid a Russia- USA-NATO war AKA WW3.

05-09-22, 08:05
That’s the thing though; It has been a regional war no one cared about (much). Crimea in 2008, and Donbas since 2014.

Small correction, the Georgian War was in 2008, Crimea and the Donbas were both in 2014. The rest of your point still stands; when Russia played the "supporting oppressed minorities" card, generally the world didn't care terribly much. When they crossed the line into a full-scale invasion, suddenly the world decided to care. There likely are conflicts around the world that we probably should care more about, but that doesn't discredit the interest in Ukraine now.

05-09-22, 09:45
Small correction, the Georgian War was in 2008, Crimea and the Donbas were both in 2014. The rest of your point still stands; when Russia played the "supporting oppressed minorities" card, generally the world didn't care terribly much. When they crossed the line into a full-scale invasion, suddenly the world decided to care. There likely are conflicts around the world that we probably should care more about, but that doesn't discredit the interest in Ukraine now.

Quite right. Sorry for the slip. Hard to keep all of Putin’s nonsense straight.

Sent from inner space