View Full Version : Russia is Stealing Ukraine

05-05-22, 07:57
Not just washers and dryers but people, children but also adults, shipping them to far Eastern Russia. Russia has a population problem, Russia's median age is 39.6 against a global value of 30.3 years, solution steal Ukrainians, I believe the current number is closer to 1 million. They also stole 400,000 tons of grain while at the same time gifting 20 tons to Cuba.


Samuel Ramani
Russia says that 200,000 children from Donetsk and Luhansk have crossed into its borders and 2,100 in the past 24 hours alone

This is causing more alarm in Ukraine about Russia's forced deportation policy
3:29 AM · May 5, 2022·Twitter Web App


Alexander Khrebet/Олександр Хребет
#Russia stole about 400,000 tons of grain from occupied Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, and Luhansk Oblasts of #Ukraine, MFA says.
It's one third of all reserves in the regions.
Putin is repeating Stalin's theft. Ninety years ago, millions of Ukrainians died of starvation.

05-05-22, 10:29
One of the noted issues Russia faces is population decline. Import more people, raise the new generations as Russian and you slow your collapse.

05-05-22, 15:42
We could import a few million mesicans to them .

Coal Dragger
05-05-22, 17:17
That’s a brilliant idea.

Maybe the Russians would be so happy they’d leave Ukraine alone.

Plus the Biden administration is already flying the illegal Mexicans all over the place anyway, so why not Russia?

05-05-22, 17:49
Surely the Russians need some Dry Wall and cement laid right?

05-05-22, 17:55
One of the reasons why the democrats and republicans want endless immigration, need people who spend money on the economy, raise families, not on old people who suck up billions of already saved money (retirement) and elder health care. Death panels will be the norm in 15-20 years.

05-06-22, 08:30
This has been going on for a while now, and the Russians really aren't trying to hide it. Hell, there was some Russian official a while back talking about how bad things are in Ukraine for these kids because they don't speak or read Russian, only Ukrainian, and will require tons of reeducation. Huh, almost like they aren't Russians, but Ukrainians, and we're seeing the worse case of state-organized child theft since the Ottoman Janissaries.

05-06-22, 09:39
This has been going on for a while now, and the Russians really aren't trying to hide it. Hell, there was some Russian official a while back talking about how bad things are in Ukraine for these kids because they don't speak or read Russian, only Ukrainian, and will require tons of reeducation. Huh, almost like they aren't Russians, but Ukrainians, and we're seeing the worse case of state-organized child theft since the Ottoman Janissaries.

In short, the Russian gov is the world's largest Human Trafficking ring.

05-06-22, 10:57
In short, the Russian gov is the world's largest Human Trafficking ring.

When you get right down to it, pretty much all gov'ts today are nothing but criminal cartels, us, them, all of them. Putin, Xi, and Kim got nothing on the Mexican drug lords, Biden too.

05-07-22, 08:34
Russia is also replacing all the road signs which were in Ukrainian and English with Russian.


The Kyiv Independent
⚡️ Kherson authorities: Russian troops step up ‘filtration’ of civilians in Kherson Oblast.

According to deputy head of the Kherson Oblast administration Yurii Sobolevsky, Russian troops are “cleansing the region of people who threaten the occupation regime.”

The Kyiv Independent
⚡️ Ombudsman: Russia plans to give Russian citizenship to Ukrainians in occupied parts of Kherson Oblast, introduce ruble.

According to Ombudsman Lyudmyla Denisova, Russian forces also plan to return the coat of arms that Kherson Oblast had during the Russian Empire times.

The Kyiv Independent
Denisova added that residents who are against the occupation are being tortured — over 500 people are currently being held in torture chambers.

05-07-22, 10:20
One of the reasons why the democrats and republicans want endless immigration, need people who spend money on the economy, raise families, not on old people who suck up billions of already saved money (retirement) and elder health care. Death panels will be the norm in 15-20 years.

If only it could be that sweet and innocent. The commies are clearly using immigration as a weapon to destabilize Europe and other countries opposed to communism. They wouldn't import all these people and destabilize their own country.

West Accuses Belarus of Orchestrating Migrant Crisis at Polish Border
Poland has massed troops at the border, the European Union’s eastern frontier, to keep migrants camped there from crossing into the country.

This is what they want again. From 2011:
Italian police beat migrants in Lampedusa clashes

Rupa Subramanya: By increasing immigration Trudeau has laid a trap for the Conservatives

Why, then, given its potential unpopularity is the Trudeau government doubling down aggressively on increasing immigration, apart from ideological conviction?

The answer may lie in the twin, related facts, that new immigrants tend to be reliable Liberal voters

Former Liberal adviser rips party
Aziz said that while he worked in the department, he heard staffers referring to certain communities as "ethnic vote banks. He said he was assigned to "brown files" in the department"

Canadian Muslim Voting Guide breached federal law: Elections commissioner
featured “profiles of key public, media and political figures as well as organizations that produce and distribute Islamophobic ideologies and propaganda.”

it was given the thumbs up by Liberal and New Democratic leaders

Tilting the system toward family reunification and away from skilled workers diminished the economic benefits that had traditionally come with immigration. But it maximized the political benefits to Trudeau. This endeared many existing immigrant communities to the Liberals and encouraged wide swaths of new Canadians to vote for Trudeau when the time came.

Last in formal importance are immigrants of color and their descendants, the faction of the Canadian progressive coalition that’s more often seen than heard. Immigrant communities are useful for Liberals to mobilize in the context of the Canadian electoral system, which relies on mass recruitment of party members to nominate candidates and features numerous minority-majority parliamentary districts. The result has been a rise in minority and immigrant members of Parliament, more than 80 percent of whom are Liberals. Yet the lack of power ordinary MPs enjoy means many of these politicians serve their party primarily as diversity symbols or get-out-the-vote strategists. They remain largely shut out from more authoritative positions

Ontario loses 175 acres of farmland to urban development a day, says farmers group

The problem of urban expansion is of particular concern in the fast-growing London region, where large swathes of some of the best farmland in Canada have been paved over in the last half-century for shopping malls and suburban housing developments.

The OFA argues the current practice of destroying farmland in favour of urban development at a rate of 175 acres daily is unsustainable because if it continues, it could one day affect the country's food sovereignty, whereby a people have control of their own food and nutrition from growth to consumption.

The report acknowledged that China, Russia and other states were conducting foreign interference activities in Canada and that “elected and public officials across all orders of government” were being targeted.

It added that 1.2 million Canadians were of Indian descent, and that some communities were “vulnerable to foreign interference either as targets or as a means of undermining Canadian values and freedoms.”

“A great deal of foreign interference has the goal of creating a single narrative

How Voters Turned Virginia From Deep Red to Solid Blue

SOUTH RIDING, Va. — Not long ago, this rolling green stretch of Northern Virginia was farmland. Most people who could vote had grown up here. And when they did, they usually chose Republicans.

The fields of Loudoun County are disappearing. In their place is row upon row of cookie-cutter townhouses, clipped lawns and cul-de-sacs — a suburban landscape for as far as the eye can see. Unlike three decades ago, the residents are often from other places, like India and Korea. And when they vote, it is often for Democrats.

“Guns, that is the most pressing issue for me,” said Vijay Katkuri, 38, a software engineer from southern India, explaining why he voted for a Democratic challenger in Tuesday’s elections. He was shopping for chicken at the Indian Spice Food Market. “There are lots of other issues, but you can only fix them if you are alive.”

Virginia is now the land of Indian grocery stores

"Not long ago, this rolling green stretch of Northern Virginia was farmland. Most people who could vote had grown up here. And when they did, they usually chose Republicans.

The fields of Loudoun County are disappearing. In their place is row upon row of cookie-cutter townhouses, clipped lawns and cul-de-sacs — a suburban landscape for as far as the eye can see."

05-07-22, 12:56
It is kind of interesting that we all thought that this war would be a over quickly and a study in new 21st century warfare with the Russians winning. It actually has gone almost the exact opposite- at best, Mid 20th century military strategy, 1980s tech and a bizarre, almost Bronze Age reversion to ethnic/population exploitation. Conan the Barbarian with some early Tom Clancy…

05-07-22, 13:06
Surely the Russians need some Dry Wall and cement laid right?

I see what you did there.

I have a better idea. Take all the liberals of all races that hate this country and fly them over. They all love communism so much anyway.

05-07-22, 13:54
War don't pay for itself.

05-07-22, 17:00
I see what you did there.

I have a better idea. Take all the liberals of all races that hate this country and fly them over. They all love communism so much anyway.


05-07-22, 19:29
I see what you did there.

I have a better idea. Take all the liberals of all races that hate this country and fly them over. They all love communism so much anyway.

Yep, here is your socialist utopia, enjoy. You can even wave that red flag around without causing a problem.

05-08-22, 00:09
It would be the ONE time I wouldn't be mad that tax dollars be used. But it is a one way ticket, no giveseez backseez.

05-22-22, 08:30
Where is the worldwide outrage over this?


Sarah Ashton-Cirillo
This disgusting:

#Russian media is reporting 1,377,000 #Ukrainians have been filtrated to Russia.

1,377,000 #Ukrainians have now been enslaved by #Russia.
6:31 AM · May 21, 2022 from Ukraine·Twitter for Android


Jens Siegert
There are a lot of claims that Russians are "deporting" Ukrainians from occupied territory to Russia and that they are held there against their will, at least partly in camps or even "concentration camps". This claims inevitable revoke the memory of Ukrainians (and others) .../2
7:41 AM · May 21, 2022·

Jens Siegert
Replying to
... being deported under Stalin to Siberia and Central Asia. There are not many informations available that can be really checked. From all I understand, almost all Ukrainians in occupied territory are being registered by Russian (or DNR/LNR) authorities in .../3

Jens Siegert
... "filtration camps". The existence of such camps is confirmed Russian courses. Officially they serve to identify people, which have been fighting against Russians troops and are suspected to continue so in occupied territories. I've seen no reliable figures, how many .../4

05-22-22, 09:15
Where is the worldwide outrage over this?

There is no outrage because it is Twitter garbage. NOT in any way related to REAL news or actual events taking place.

That you actually believe the garbage you read on twitter says a LOT about your cognitive abilities...

What is worse is that you spread that garbage around like it is 'fact'.

Post an actual video interview where someone claims they were forcibly taken to Russia and are being held captive. You can't... Because your twitter stories are bull crap... :)

05-22-22, 09:29
You sir are nothing but a Putin shill, prove it's not happening.








05-22-22, 09:51
Still sticking with hope the Ukranians kick out the Russians and then each country's peons eliminate their oppressors.

Seems to be quite doable to get over there and involved, yet most of the people pining away for involvement don't seem to have taken that step.

05-22-22, 09:54
By the shill's logic, victims of human trafficking don't exist because they can't speak to press during their unlawful imprisonment. Like Gay Pedo Vlad is gonna let anyone with camera and mike anywhere NEAR those Konzentrationslager...

05-22-22, 09:54
Is the ukraine in the news anymore? Does anyone really care about the ukraine ? I mean, we have monkey pox now emerging unto the news after all.

05-22-22, 10:02
Is the ukraine in the news anymore? Does anyone really care about the ukraine ? I mean, we have monkey pox now emerging unto the news after all.

They didn't get their war for a "War President strategy," so now they're having to pivot to "Scamdemic 2.0 Cheat-by-Mail." Now that it's "Gain All or Lose All," they will resort to any and every underhanded scheme they think might get results; I wouldn't be surprised if Terrhumper John Brennan is already hard at work putting together another 9/11.

NEVER forget, this is precisely how a typical Leftist views the world:


05-22-22, 11:26
You sir are nothing but a Putin shill, prove it's not happening.

Typical 'divorce lawyer' shit.

Make a crap ton of 'claims' with scant to NO 'evidence' of any such allegations and then ask THEM to 'prove' it is false.

You sir are a propagandist of the highest order.

05-22-22, 11:34
Like Gay Pedo Vlad is gonna let anyone with camera and mike anywhere NEAR those Konzentrationslager...

Not sure about the gay thing.

Pretty sure about the hair sniffing, pants shitting, 10% for the 'big guy', and dementia / senility thing we have with our beloved Biden.

Really want to know WHO exactly is running our country because it is definitely NOT Biden.

Prove me wrong. :)

05-22-22, 11:39
We agree about one thing... part of the incoherence is there is no one single hand pulling the puppet strings, you have a bunch of different factions of Radical Left, and different individuals within each of those factions, all fighting each other for control of Ron Burgundy's Teleprompter.

In a just world, Putin, Soros and Biden would all be thrown down the same hole, Erdogan too.