View Full Version : 2022 DNC/Biden Election Strategy: Attack People over Policy

05-08-22, 08:47

They think the secret sauce is to attack "MAGA Republicans" and not go so much after policy or position. Well, of course. What policy or position of their can they point to that has lead to any real improvement. Everytime they tout some economic number that looks good, it makes them look even more out of touch.

The sick part is that they know that they can't win on positions or deeds- so that are going straight to just attacking people. This is not a new strategy, it is just again their push that basically half of the population shouldn't be included in our society. That is truly sick, and well, un-democratic.

Never mind that when asked, the DEms will have to explain why they are against making America Great Again....

In separate polls, Hart Research and Global Strategy Group asked Americans who don’t strongly align with Trump about the GOP’s evolution. Their research suggested that many saw extensive changes in the last five to 10 years in the Republican Party, and in key sectors of the electorate – independents, non-Whites, Whites without college degrees – substantial shares said those changes have been for the worse.

Uhm, that bolded part is COMPLETE BS. TRump made gains in all those areas, what are these people smoking>

It really is so depressing to see that the Dems plans are to just demonize and try to marginalize half of the population with their BS and gas lighting- all backed up by Biden's Ministry of TRuth, and RHINO's looking for scraps.

05-10-22, 21:04
And there is no greater illustration than the utterances of Chicago Mayor Lori Light on her feet
and her call to arms, WTF ?

05-11-22, 00:01
I say go with it, let's see how that stratergy pans out for the commie fools.

05-11-22, 00:50
They are already playing the COVID card- 100,000,000 people infected this fall. They'll use that to change the election rules and when it doesn't happen, claim that is because of their leadership....

05-11-22, 17:13
Oh, they are gonna cheat like a Big Dog don't under estimate their addiction to power .

05-11-22, 18:44
Figured he was going for the dementia-pity vote