View Full Version : LA City Council / LAPD Planning to Ban Guns Across the Nation

12-19-08, 11:31
Just listen to these arrogant little pukes telling us what kind of weapons we do and don't need. I should have consulted with them before making any purchases.


So is .50 cal being used a lot by California gang members now?

Note that they are not only creating legislation for they own city, but for all of us across the entire country! Well since they've "got a message for us" in the NRA, I've got one for them. They better keep their putrid little mugs focused on their beautiful city of angels, doing whatever the people there are ostensibly paying them to do, because the rest of us aren't going to tolerate their expansionist leftist elitism / delusions of grandeur for one second. Maybe a shrink could help them regain some perspective. It's just unhealthy to go around thinking your city council controls the rest of the country.

I hope everyone here writes all the pukes appearing in this video just to let them know what Americans really think about their plan to bring their Kalifornia style gun bans to all of us.

diving dave
12-19-08, 11:43
As a 19 year vet in law enforcement in California, heres my take on that...Bullshit! Morons like that think that by outlawing guns and ammo, that will affect gang violence..just as effective as impacting their drug sales by outlawing cocaine. Get a clue. Its sad, because they really are fighting a war in LA, gangs are out of control down there. But passing these laws only affect people who obey the law(duh)...This state is a mess.

12-19-08, 11:56
i always heard that california was the onramp to the apocalypse. point proven.

12-19-08, 11:57
Bratton has always been a first class idiot.

12-19-08, 12:02
Bratton has always been a first class idiot.

words of wisdom

on an another note I rember watching America Shooter and apperently Ronnie Barret refuses to overhaul LAPD's .50's b/c of the city's stance on firearms.

12-19-08, 12:15
on an another note I rember watching America Shooter and apperently Ronnie Barret refuses to overhaul LAPD's .50's b/c of the city's stance on firearms.

Well, they don't need them anyway. Godzilla hasn't been around since the 50's.

12-19-08, 12:17
Not only that, but he has refused to sell to ANY LE agencise in Cali because of their stupid laws

If all the gun companies did this, gun legislation would die lest cops be unarmed

12-19-08, 12:27
As a 19 year vet in law enforcement in California, heres my take on that...Bullshit! Morons like that think that by outlawing guns and ammo, that will affect gang violence..just as effective as impacting their drug sales by outlawing cocaine. Get a clue. Its sad, because they really are fighting a war in LA, gangs are out of control down there. But passing these laws only affect people who obey the law(duh)...This state is a mess.

Maybe if the U.S. and CA get a handle on border control first instead of worrying about ineffective gun laws, they wouldn't have 1/2 the criminal problems they do now.

12-19-08, 12:31
Maybe if the U.S. and CA get a handle on border control first instead of worrying about ineffective gun laws, they wouldn't have 1/2 the criminal problems they do now.

No, clearly it's all the illegal guns that are the problem. Not the MS-13ers, drug runners, and violent sociopaths that travel across our border freely.

12-19-08, 12:33
No, clearly it's all the illegal guns that are the problem. Not the MS-13ers, drug runners, and violent sociopaths that travel across our border freely.

If bans work, let's ban criminals.

12-19-08, 12:34
banning only effects law abiding people the gangs will still do what they want.have they not figured this out yet:rolleyes:

12-19-08, 12:35
If bans work, let's ban criminals.

:D I would support that ban.thats another good sig line:D:D

12-19-08, 12:36
Obviously the answer is to make murder, drugs and crossing the border Illegal. That will fix them!

12-19-08, 12:38
There is a reason I moved out of California and L.A County. They can keep their gun laws and their crime to themselves.

12-20-08, 13:16
If bans work, let's ban criminals.

Its so simple right? Great point.

12-20-08, 14:03
(raises hand) "So how many crimes have been committed with a fifty caliber?"

El Mac
12-20-08, 14:11
I've had the unfortunate experience to be around that arrogant little dipshit of a mayor. Mark my words, he is headed for national office.

12-20-08, 14:44
Bratton has always been a first class idiot.

This may be truly pathological: delusions of adequacy.

12-20-08, 14:47
isn't "the big one" supposed to hit any day now? wouldn't it be wonderful to see much of that state slide into the Pacific...

12-20-08, 15:36
If bans work, let's ban criminals.

I'd rather ban politicians.

12-20-08, 23:57
Not only that, but he has refused to sell to ANY LE agencise in Cali because of their stupid laws

If all the gun companies did this, gun legislation would die lest cops be unarmed

ronnie barrett is a great american. :cool:

12-21-08, 00:01
(raises hand) "So how many crimes have been committed with a fifty caliber?"

Let's not let silly little things like facts get in the way...


12-21-08, 00:10
Wife overheard the video and asked why guys need all that Rambo stuff.

Any single women here?

Added a comment to the page:

"Hi, local rape and pillager here, and I want to really thank LA for making my job easier and safer. Me, and all my fellow Pelican Bay grad-shool alumni, would like to thank LA for being the first to pass the "Rapist and Killer Protection Act"! Off course, we'll leave the politicians alone, they have police bodyguards or get carry permits on the down-low. First law of theivery, stay away from guns, well, at least the barrel end! Ta,ta! See you soon!"

Gotta love how they put the 50cal bullet by the 22lr just for the scare factor.

12-21-08, 00:46
I am wildly tempted to say some very inappropriate things about tar and feathers.

A demilled .50 to boot. wouldn't want to put live ammo too close to a gun . . . it might jump in and go on a rampage.

12-21-08, 05:08
(raises hand) "So how many crimes have been committed with a fifty caliber?"

Uhm...none. Next question?? :)

The truth is actually quite contrary. I grew up in LA...dad worked as a medic for LA City for 30 years. Naturally, he responded to hundreds of gang shootings during that time. Their typical weapon of choice?? A .22LR! Nasty little buggers once they start bouncing off of bones, but the gangs love em because they're CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP.

Now if knuckleheads like Villarigosa could only understand that the 'real gangbangers' ain't like the ones portrayed in Hollywood. They don't use .50cals, or expensive assault weapons. They use the sh*t that the rest of us hunt squirrels with. You think these rejects have the balls to take on the NRA in order to ban .22's??


12-21-08, 08:56
Listening to ourselves in this thread, I can exactly why we have such a hard time making sense of the anti's and their goals. They want to ban .50s and we immediately respond with logical facts about .50s not being used in crimes, and how bans are ineffective in general.

Meanwhile, their underlying motivation has nothing to do with logic or real world benefit -- they don't like guns, and see an opportunity to villianize and remove a certain segment of them.

Gun control campaigns based on crime control and public safety are about as intellectually honest as a campaign against gay marriage based around the fire hazard of rubbing two sticks together.

12-21-08, 09:57
Meanwhile, their underlying motivation has nothing to do with logic or real world benefit -- they don't like guns, and see an opportunity to villianize and remove a certain segment of them.

You are exactly right. They don't go after the .50 cal because of its relevance. They go after it because the size and appearance elicits an emotional response in the unwashed masses that they can harness and use to their advantage. Actually, they know exactly what they are doing.

12-21-08, 10:04
I've had the unfortunate experience to be around that arrogant little dipshit of a mayor. Mark my words, he is headed for national office.

Oh, I have little doubt of that. He has all the qualities Americans now seek in their leaders. He's absolutely perfect. Of course he's probably a cocaine user who fuels LA gang activity with his own personal purchases. But that won't bother us! He's going to make us safe by getting .50 cal rifles off the street. Besides, we just elected an admitted cocaine user to the White House and are glad for it.

12-21-08, 10:06
If bans work, let's ban criminals.

I'd rather ban politicians.

I think ToddG's ban would take care of most of them.

12-21-08, 10:26
Guys, some of you have it all wrong. They KNOW that banning firearms and ammo will NOT reduce crime. As long as they have you swallow that argument you've lost.

They want you disarmed such that they can run over you with impunity. They aren't concerned with crime until it impacts THEM directly. They don't give blank about you and I, however.

12-22-08, 02:00
So I work at a nightclub in a Vegas casino that I won't name. We had a private fundraiser for that idiot mayor from LA, for $500 a plate. Quite possibly the most boring private party that I've ever worked. Villagorosa had 2 LAPD bodyguards with him, so of course he could care less about the little people owning guns. As for his bodyguards, they both looked squared away and ready to go. Then Harry Reid, our illustrious senior senator from NV (not for long hopefully, 2010 comes soon) shows up, with his US Capitol Police bodyguards. They looked like a couple of out of shape morons. One of them had his gun so far forward in a crappy uncle mike's concealable holster you could see it out of the front of his open sports coat, and it could have been grabbed out of the holster easily. I'm not sure if either of them could have run up a flight of stairs if needed. Both politicians were very polite and friendly, as was I in return, because of my job, but it made me sick to be that close to them. Like I could feel the slimyness coming off them.

Dave L.
12-22-08, 02:27
Dave in MI writes:
Ha, you people in California are so stupid. I laugh at all the dumb laws you make that further your self destruction. Between the fault lines, forest fires, and gangs you people will be wiped clean of the face of the earth and go down in history as being the most jaded bunch of hippies ever.
The most dangerous 50 cal. round is the one stuck of Bratton's rear end.
You liberals are just sheep for the slaughter. You deserve yourselves.

...yes I'm sure there are a bunch of good people in California, they are just out numbered.

12-22-08, 13:48
Bratton has always been a first class idiot.Bear in mind where he's from. Bratton is no Californian. He's a transplant brought in to rubber stamp the goals of the socialists running LA.

Also keep in mind that the bunch running LA are far from LA's best and brightest and that's saying a lot. It's a city/county suffering from massive illegal immigration by a culture that for the most part places almost no value on their children getting an education and a bloated un-education bureaucracy that specialized in turning out uneducated masses and telling them that they have the right to vote and collect government benefits. You'd be shocked just how few LA adults have a HS diploma, and of those that do - how few can make change from a dollar. Those not bright enough to hold down a full time job run for public office, and those not bright enough to run for public office become LA area newspaper and TV reporters. It's this highly populated sea of artificially created ignorance (and its bay area socialist counterpart) that drags down the rest of California which is mostly at least nominally conservative. Also note the Mayor Villaraigosa is long time believer in the reconquista (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconquista_(Mexico)) movement and is far more interested in finding a way to give the western US to Mexico than he is in solving LA's problems.

Finally you have a Democratic party and their stooges in the mass media that see oppressive laws as a way to drive conservatives out of the state thus solidifying their power. They also see encouragement of illegal immigration as a way to increase their national influence. That's because per the SCOTUS illegals must be counted toward warding representation in congress. A lightly populated red state will lose a representative and the California Democrats gain a representative by welcoming more and more illegals... so what if it bankrupts the state. Expect to see the Obama administration move to protect illegals during the coming census and to inflate their numbers and now you'll know why.

12-22-08, 23:01
yeah i live in kommifornia. we are out numbered by all the scum from la and the bay area. it happens every year. i live in the most conservative county in the state. i get hijacked my these liberal pu**ies every election.

the lapd dont know what to do. they have been neutered by their own. the political correctness along with affirmative action policies have flooded the department causing a major down grade in service and quality of personel. the same goes for the california highway patrol and the rest of the wanna be's in the bay area. they're all a joke.

the filthy mayor wants to run for governor after arnold leaves.

how long will we stand on the side lines and let this go on? guess who's next?


12-23-08, 19:22
If more restrictions are passed in America i will move to Africa so I can buy full auto AK-47s and other rifles for about $25 American dollars. I will buy a large arsenal and take over Uganda, Somalia, or Djibouti and start my own government were politicians under threat of hanging by their thumbs are not allowed to be stupid. I do not hate America, just the ignorant, elitist, motherf***ing, retarded, inbred, know nothing, uncaring about the American people and their true opinions politicians.

thank you for your time, money, and firearms.

US Government