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05-21-22, 10:20
Do you have what it takes?


Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators

The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in “psychological operations” to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling Stone has learned – and when an officer tried to stop the operation, he was railroaded by military investigators.

The orders came from the command of Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, a three-star general in charge of training Afghan troops – the linchpin of U.S. strategy in the war. Over a four-month period last year, a military cell devoted to what is known as “information operations” at Camp Eggers in Kabul was repeatedly pressured to target visiting senators and other VIPs who met with Caldwell. When the unit resisted the order, arguing that it violated U.S. laws prohibiting the use of propaganda against American citizens, it was subjected to a campaign of retaliation.

Military campaign to influence public opinion continued after defence chief shut it down

"The military is permitted to run psychological operations while deployed abroad — but it is prohibited from doing so in Canada without specific permission from the federal cabinet."

"The review document obtained by CBC News says the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC), which was being led by Lt.-Gen. Mike Rouleau in April 2020, "liberally interpreted" department policy. The unit decided it had the authority to conduct information operations on Canadians without government approval because it was asked by the government to help with the response to the pandemic."

Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says

05-21-22, 10:32

"Twitter Does Not Believe In Free Speech": Senior Engineer On Hidden Cam Says Company Is "Commie As F**k"

A senior Twitter engineer caught on hidden camera in another Project Veritas operation confirmed that the whole company is "commie as ****," and "does not believe in free speech."

"Our jobs are at stake; he's a capitalist and we weren't really operating as capitalists, more like very socialist," he said, adding "we're all like commie as ****."

05-21-22, 12:34
Do you have what it takes?


Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators

The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in “psychological operations” to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling Stone has learned – and when an officer tried to stop the operation, he was railroaded by military investigators.

The orders came from the command of Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, a three-star general in charge of training Afghan troops – the linchpin of U.S. strategy in the war. Over a four-month period last year, a military cell devoted to what is known as “information operations” at Camp Eggers in Kabul was repeatedly pressured to target visiting senators and other VIPs who met with Caldwell. When the unit resisted the order, arguing that it violated U.S. laws prohibiting the use of propaganda against American citizens, it was subjected to a campaign of retaliation.

Military campaign to influence public opinion continued after defence chief shut it down

"The military is permitted to run psychological operations while deployed abroad — but it is prohibited from doing so in Canada without specific permission from the federal cabinet."

"The review document obtained by CBC News says the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC), which was being led by Lt.-Gen. Mike Rouleau in April 2020, "liberally interpreted" department policy. The unit decided it had the authority to conduct information operations on Canadians without government approval because it was asked by the government to help with the response to the pandemic."

Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says

Wait, why are you posting anything from Rolling Stone are stuff about Canada?

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05-21-22, 12:59
Wait, why are you posting anything from Rolling Stone

Seems like they were the first to report it so I thought I'd give them the credit.

A US Army general in Afghanistan has been accused of using "psychological operations" to influence US lawmakers.

Lt Gen William Caldwell allegedly tasked "psy-ops" personnel to help him persuade legislators to support budget increases, Rolling Stone magazine said.

The army strictly prohibits the use of psy-ops on US citizens.

are stuff about Canada?

It's further evidence to show how widespread and connected it all is. Also there might be Canadians here reading. Good luck trying to protect freedom on Canadian forums. Psychological operations have them on lock-down. Sometimes I feel like an asylum seeker.

I strongly believe gun owners should be well informed. Just like how I strongly believe gun owners should be well fed.

05-21-22, 13:54
Seems like they were the first to report it so I thought I'd give them the credit.

A US Army general in Afghanistan has been accused of using "psychological operations" to influence US lawmakers.

Lt Gen William Caldwell allegedly tasked "psy-ops" personnel to help him persuade legislators to support budget increases, Rolling Stone magazine said.

The army strictly prohibits the use of psy-ops on US citizens.

It's further evidence to show how widespread and connected it all is. Also there might be Canadians here reading. Good luck trying to protect freedom on Canadian forums. Psychological operations have them on lock-down. Sometimes I feel like an asylum seeker.

I strongly believe gun owners should be well informed. Just like how I strongly believe gun owners should be well fed.

So the quote you posted from BBC is just quoting Rolling Stone?

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05-21-22, 14:57
So the quote you posted from BBC is just quoting Rolling Stone?

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More of him taking stuff from the internet and reposting it on the internet.

05-21-22, 16:11
Do you even begin to know what US PsyOps do or don’t do?

05-21-22, 17:18
So the quote you posted from BBC is just quoting Rolling Stone?

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Why would the BBC quote something that didn't happen?

More of him taking stuff from the internet and reposting it on the internet.

Because that's how you share authentic information. Would you rather gun owners remain ignorant of the real problem? What an odd statement.

Do you even begin to know what US PsyOps do or don’t do?

Do you think they all have your best interests at heart? Are they countering or promoting the psychological war?


05-21-22, 17:21
Why would the BBC quote something that didn't happen?

Because that's how you share authentic information. Would you rather gun owners remain ignorant of the real problem? What an odd statement.

Do you think they all have your best interests at heart?


No New Testament?

And the letter may be authentic but who knows if the claims made in said letter are.

05-21-22, 17:27
Do you think they all have your best interests at heart?

I mean, I coached them on WSL shit with 240s and then M17s this week and M4s last week, but you saw some shit on the internet, so you’re probably way more familiar.

05-21-22, 17:34
I mean, I coached them on WSL shit with 240s and then M17s this week and M4s last week, but you saw some shit on the internet, so you’re probably way more familiar.


05-21-22, 17:38
No New Testament?

They really got you good. No doubt you are a product of psychological warfare.

"When Nikita Khrushchev has told his people he knows what our answer will be? He has told them that we are retreating under the pressure of the Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary because by that time we will have weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically. He believes this because from our side he has heard voices pleading for “peace at any price” or “better Red than dead,” or as one commentator put it, he would rather “live on his knees than die on his feet.” And therein lies the road to war, because those voices don’t speak for the rest of us. You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery." - Reagan

"And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God." - JFK


The state advocated the destruction of religion, and to achieve this goal, it officially denounced religious beliefs as superstitious and backward. The Communist Party destroyed churches, synagogues, and mosques, ridiculed, harassed, incarcerated and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with anti-religious teachings, and it introduced a belief system called "scientific atheism," with its own rituals, promises and proselytizers. According to some sources, the total number of Christian victims under the Soviet regime has been estimated to range around 12 to 20 million. At least 106,300 Russian clergymen were executed between 1937 and 1941

And the letter may be authentic but who knows if the claims made in said letter are.

From the article:

"The U.S. Army illegally ordered a team of soldiers specializing in “psychological operations” to manipulate visiting American senators into providing more troops and funding for the war, Rolling Stone has learned – and when an officer tried to stop the operation, he was railroaded by military investigators."

I mean, I coached them on WSL shit with 240s and then M17s this week and M4s last week, but you saw some shit on the internet, so you’re probably way more familiar.

I'm supposed believe a random guy on the internet with nothing to back up his claims telling me everything is fine nothing to worry about.

Are you able to assess authentic information? Yuri said the people who's perception of reality has been changed are unable to do so.

05-21-22, 17:39

What is the point of the thread?

05-21-22, 17:49
Hmmm so many attempts to irritate and distract going on in here. Stay focused.

The Chinese government is flooding the internet with 448 million fake social media comments a year

"regularly distract the public and change the subject,"


Chinese government workers fabricate online comments to distract people

05-21-22, 17:50

05-21-22, 17:51
I'm supposed believe random guy on the internet with nothing to back up his claims.

Ok, you win. 68143

05-21-22, 17:54
Ok, you win. 68143

Fake news; get out of my head.

05-21-22, 17:59
Fake news; get out of my head.
Gun 1, barrel change next iteration.

05-21-22, 18:07
Ok, you win. 68143

This pic proves what? That you know all the psywarriors in the US?

That they said they're countering the psychological warfare and not promoting it?

Those woke CIA ads are real.

The woke army ads are real.

This is what social justice means in practice (Yuri Bezmenov)


Cotton presses defense secretary on 'anti-American indoctrination'

Cotton said he’d seen reports of "plummeting morale, growing mistrust between races and sexes where none existed just six months ago and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone."

Liberals are infecting our military and police forces with wokeism. We will all pay the price

Years ago, American political philosopher Harvey Mansfield made a troubling observation that I cited in these pages five years ago. In case you’ve forgotten, events conspire to remind you that, and I quote a paraphrase not the original, “it may be possible to impose perfect justice, but … people may not be in a mood to live together when you are finished.” For instance, in the Canadian military.

The Armed Forces might seem an odd place to make the experiment. But nowadays, the government is imposing wokeism everywhere it can, with results that seems to be vindicating Mansfield painfully, as morale and preparedness plummet in tandem.

The radicals have taken over: Academic extremism comes to Canada

University campuses have always leaned a little left. But in the 1990s, as the previous generation of academics was replaced by baby boomers, they began to lean dramatically left. The humanities and social sciences were colonized by an unholy alliance of poststructuralists and Marxists – people who believe that Western civilization is a corrupt patriarchy that must be dismantled.

05-21-22, 18:21
Do you even begin to know what US PsyOps do or don’t do?

The honest answer is, “Yes!”

Jokes aside, I think the term PsyOp gets mis-used and replicated across multiple media outlets, often times a as substitute for factual reporting.

05-21-22, 18:21
This pic proves what? That you know all the psywarriors in the US?

That they said they're countering the psychological warfare and not promoting it?

Those woke CIA ads are real.

The woke army ads are real.

This is what social justice means in practice (Yuri Bezmenov)


Cotton presses defense secretary on 'anti-American indoctrination'

Cotton said he’d seen reports of "plummeting morale, growing mistrust between races and sexes where none existed just six months ago and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone."

Liberals are infecting our military and police forces with wokeism. We will all pay the price

The radicals have taken over: Academic extremism comes to Canada

Years ago, American political philosopher Harvey Mansfield made a troubling observation that I cited in these pages five years ago. In case you’ve forgotten, events conspire to remind you that, and I quote a paraphrase not the original, “it may be possible to impose perfect justice, but … people may not be in a mood to live together when you are finished.” For instance, in the Canadian military.

The Armed Forces might seem an odd place to make the experiment. But nowadays, the government is imposing wokeism everywhere it can, with results that seems to be vindicating Mansfield painfully, as morale and preparedness plummet in tandem.

University campuses have always leaned a little left. But in the 1990s, as the previous generation of academics was replaced by baby boomers, they began to lean dramatically left. The humanities and social sciences were colonized by an unholy alliance of poststructuralists and Marxists – people who believe that Western civilization is a corrupt patriarchy that must be dismantled.

Here, I can do it too. In all honesty, I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle. I tend to appreciate most of what the guy below says and anyone that has worked with our white SOF PSYOPS guys know that he’s pretty accurate. That said, there is another side. But by and large, my experience (actual experience though limited, not some bullshit from a Rolling Stones article) indicates that S2 Underground homie is more on point.


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05-21-22, 18:25
The honest answer is, “Yes!”

Jokes aside, I think the term PsyOp gets mis-used and replicated across multiple media outlets, often times a as substitute for factual reporting.

The video in the OP explains what they do.

In fact you guys are doing everything in that video in this thread.

05-21-22, 18:30
Here, I can do it too. In all honesty, I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle. I tend to appreciate most of what the guy below says and anyone that has worked with our white SOF PSYOPS guys know that he’s pretty accurate. That said, there is another side. But by and large, my experience (actual experience though limited, not some bullshit from a Rolling Stones article) indicates that S2 Underground homie is more on point.


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It's bullshit because you say it's bullshit?

What does a video on May 20 Intel Update: Shortages, Fuel, and Russia have to do with anything?

05-21-22, 18:32
It's bullshit because you say it's bullshit?

What does a video on May 20 Intel Update: Shortages, Fuel, and Russia have to do with anything? You’re arguing with an actual Soldier with expertise on this topic, you moron.

05-21-22, 18:34
Do you even begin to know what US PsyOps do or don’t do?

I absolutly do....... They are called POGers or POGlodytes......... ;)

1168- Not directed at you -

I have read some stupid sh!t on here latly, but this takes the cake. ANYONE that has spent time with any 37Fs will know thet myth is much bigger then reality........ Most are confused E4 and E5s that do nto ge to leave the wire much.

There is a Det in JSOC but it is very small and they do stuff for only them.

05-21-22, 18:35
You’re arguing with an actual SOF Soldier, you moron.

So you blindly appeal to authority?

05-21-22, 18:36
I absolutly do....... They are called POGers or POGlodytes......... ;)

1168- Not directed at you -

I have read some stupid sh!t on here latly, but this takes the cake. ANYONE that has spent time with any 37Fs will know thet myth is much bigger then reality........ Most are confused E4 and E5s that do nto ge to leave the wire much.

There is a Det in JSOC but it is very small and they do stuff for only them.

No doubt lol. Literally POG. I find the designation hilarious.

05-21-22, 18:36
This thread is a perfect example of the mind****ing that's happening in the West.

05-21-22, 18:37
So you blindly appeal to authority?
I’m not blind, but you are.

05-21-22, 18:39
This thread is a perfect example of the mind****ing that's happening in the West.

Go outside and touch grass.

05-21-22, 18:39
I’m not blind, but you are.


Vandals spray-painted “Communism will win” and three hammers and sickles — the symbol for communism — across the sign at the proposed Memorial to the Victims of Communism in Ottawa.

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) tweeted a photo of the damaged sign.

“That this site was desecrated through this act of hate is unacceptable and deplorable, and an insult to the hallowed memory of the millions of innocent victims of communism,” said a UCC statement.

“This is a reminder to us all of the need for further education and awareness in our own society about the evil and crimes of Communism.”

Ihor Michalchyshyn, the executive director and CEO of the UCC, said, “It’s very shocking. It’s disturbing that it was done on Canada Day. It’s disgraceful this kind of monument would be a target for people.”


University Of Texas Accepts ‘Commie Cadet’ Who Posted Photos Praising Cuban Revolution, Communism

05-21-22, 18:43
Go outside and touch grass.

I made a thread about victory gardens...

I am a soldier of the soil.


'Soldiers of the Soil' (SOS) was a national initiative run by the Canadian Food Board.

05-21-22, 18:46
I made a thread about victory gardens...

I am a soldier of the soil.


'Soldiers of the Soil' (SOS) was a national initiative run by the Canadian Food Board.

I bet you’re pale AF.

05-21-22, 18:47
So you blindly appeal to authority?

Just like you blindly follow the stupidity of the internet.

You want to talk about gun stuff, good. You’ve had some decent conversations here. But every time you come here and launch some internet says so diatribe about stuff you get met with resistance. That should be clue number 1 that we aren’t interested in your internet ideas. It’s that simple. Take the hint.

05-21-22, 18:50
Just like you blindly follow the stupidity of the internet.

You are unable to assess authentic information. Go back and read/watch.

Please prove Yuri right some more.

05-21-22, 18:51
This thread is a perfect example of the mind****ing that's happening in the West.

You are abosulty correct. Your statement clearly represents one of the biggest issues that we face in the West today.


05-21-22, 18:52
"Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." - Sun Tzu

He has experience but the recording is on the internet so we know that means!



"Like many ex-Communists, he continued to see Communist influence, as he directly stated: "Beneath all of the racial unrest, at the root of all racial unrest in the country, is the clammy, cold, bloody hand of Communism."


'Life, Liberty & Levin' on Marxism in America, critical race theory infiltrating military

Critical race theory is not about learning the history of America. It's not about learning slavery and segregation. It's not about learning about neo- Nazis and the Klan. It's about a Marxist movement invented by Marxists -- Herbert Marcuse, Derrick Bell, and many, many others, and it attracts the Marxists like Black Lives Matter founders, two of three who have already said that they are Marxists, and that's not a coincidence, because this was hatched by professors as a way to attack the society from a Marxist perspective.

05-21-22, 18:53
You are abosulty correct. Your statement clearly represents one of the biggest issues that we face in the West today.


lol I don't know what I'm talking about?

Those woke ads are fake? There is no Marxism in schools? The West isn't infiltrated? Shills aren't everywhere on the internet? Twitter isn't commie as ****?

“I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It’s just because we have people at the top. We have our old friends who are at the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence,” the top Chinese political scientist continued.

Fake news everything is fine in the US. It's not all the infiltration and psychological warfare that's ruining everything.

05-21-22, 18:55
lol I don't know what I'm talking about?

Those woke ads are fake? There is no Marxism in schools? The West isn't infiltrated? Shills aren't everywhere on the internet? Twitter isn't commie as ****?

Again, you’re talking to a btdt mf. Mind your ****ing manners.

05-21-22, 19:02
Hyperbole! Right?


Again, you’re talking to a btdt mf. Mind your ****ing manners.

Again you're blindly appealing to authority.

I need a little but more than "it's bullshit".

05-21-22, 19:02
lol I don't know what I'm talking about?

Those woke ads are fake? There is no Marxism in schools? The West isn't infiltrated? Shills aren't everywhere on the internet? Twitter isn't commie as ****?

Have you tried Vyvanse? I would say start off at at least 30mg. ecause you are all ove the place and need to focus a bit.

You started to discuss PSYOPS in teh US Army. Then you went down some communisim rabbit hole.

My comment was aboutthe first part, and it is 100% true.

You do not know SH!T about the USACAPOC(A) or what they do.

I do. Here is something for you to ponder........ Do you know why my name is in YELLOW and yours is not? If you figure out the answer then you will STFU and stop questiong me about what I know about SOF in the US Army.

05-21-22, 19:04
Go outside and touch grass.
Sir, I have an allergy.

05-21-22, 19:05
Have you tried Vyvanse? I would say start off at at least 30mg. ecause you are all ove the place and need to focus a bit.

You started to discuss PSYOPS in teh US Army. Then you went down some communisim rabbit hole.

My comment was aboutthe first part, and it is 100% true.

You do not know SH!T about the USACAPOC(A) or what they do.

I do. Here is something for you to ponder........ Do you know why my name is in YELLOW and yours is not? If you figure out the answer then you will STFU and stop questiong me about what I know about SOF in the US Army.

The legit concern here is that they've been infiltrated. They deceive.

Is the US so above the CAF?

05-21-22, 19:05
Sir, I have an allergy.

Playing the stress card so soon? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

05-21-22, 19:06
You do not know SH!T about the USACAPOC(A)

Actually one of my favorite coins for its uniqueness. I’ve got one in my cupholder.

05-21-22, 19:06
Notice how they completely avoid the woke ads.

05-21-22, 19:08
Actually one of my favorite coins for its uniqueness. I’ve got one in my cupholder.

"You're wrong just because!"

Facts > feels

05-21-22, 19:08
Here, I can do it too. In all honesty, I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle. I tend to appreciate most of what the guy below says and anyone that has worked with our white SOF PSYOPS guys know that he’s pretty accurate. That said, there is another side. But by and large, my experience (actual experience though limited, not some bullshit from a Rolling Stones article) indicates that S2 Underground homie is more on point.


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Good stuff. Thanks for that link.

05-21-22, 19:10
The main point of the thread:

Do you have what it takes to be a POS and manipulate your countrymen/the world?

05-21-22, 19:19
The main point of the thread:

Do you have what it takes to be a POS and manipulate your countrymen/the world?

Does your mom?

05-21-22, 19:20
It's bullshit because you say it's bullshit?

What does a video on May 20 Intel Update: Shortages, Fuel, and Russia have to do with anything?

Maybe watch it, genius. If you couldn't tell from the context of my post, he clearly discusses the ad in the video I posted.

05-21-22, 19:23
Maybe watch it, genius. If you couldn't tell from the context of my post, he clearly discusses the ad in the video I posted.

We were talking about the rolling stone article. The legit concern is that the US is badly infiltrated and psyops are being done on US citizens.

Yuri said this is being done to Americans by Americans.

05-21-22, 19:27
Playing the stress card so soon? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

I can’t handle it, Sarn’t.

05-21-22, 20:06
I can’t handle it, Sarn’t.


05-21-22, 20:26
Threads like this are why we have limited SME participation around here.

Between this crap and grip screw conundrums, I often have to scroll up to make sure I'm not on TOS.

05-21-22, 20:32
Threads like this are why we have limited SME participation around here.

Between this crap and grip screw conundrums, I often have to scroll up to make sure I'm not on TOS.

The closest thing to truth in this whole thread.

05-21-22, 20:41
The closest thing to truth in this whole thread.

LOL. 1168, Wake, and Doc were the ones dropping truth bombs.

05-21-22, 20:44
LOL. 1168, Wake, and Doc were the ones dropping truth bombs.

All I want to know if if the meatloaf is ready yet?

05-21-22, 21:15

Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdtvGU0r5hd/

05-21-22, 22:10
Threads like this are why we have limited SME participation around here.

Between this crap and grip screw conundrums, I often have to scroll up to make sure I'm not on TOS.

This thread is about psychological operations. Everything I have posted is factual information.

There is no greater psyop than active measures. I am legitimately worried everything in the video will be done to American citizens.

This is what social justice really means in practice.

I'm on borrowed time:

Liberal government extends amnesty on 'assault-style' firearms until 2023

OTTAWA - The federal Liberal government is extending its amnesty on “assault-style” firearms until October 2023.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced in May 2020 he was banning more than 1,500 models of firearms, including the AR-15.

He also announced owners of these guns would have a two-year amnesty period to come into compliance with the prohibition.

The Liberal government revealed on Wednesday that the order that was set to expire in April would be extended until October 2023.

05-21-22, 22:12
Why would you guys distract, irritate and act exactly like how the 50 cent army would on a forum?

05-21-22, 22:15
Gen. Milley warns West Point graduates of 'increasing' risk of global war, 'robotic tanks'

Artificial intelligence is "resulting in that profound change, the most profound change ever in human history," Milley said. "Whatever overmatch we the United States enjoyed militarily for the last 70 years is closing quickly. And the United States will be, in fact, we already are challenged in every domain of warfare in space and cyber, maritime air and, of course, land."

05-21-22, 22:19

05-21-22, 22:23
When people aren’t receiving your message the way you want them to, doing it harder isn’t the right answer. Clobbering people over the head with your sources isn’t the way to achieve your goal. Settle down.

05-21-22, 22:25
When people aren’t receiving your message the way you want them to, doing it harder isn’t the right answer. Clobbering people over the head with your sources isn’t the way to achieve your goal. Settle down.

lol if you don't like it don't post. You instead come in to distract and irritate.

My sources? They're everyone's sources too. You really are desperate to control the narrative.

Prove Yuri right some more. You can not assess true information. That's what makes the psyop active measures so ruthless.

Also you don't speak for everyone.

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence" - JFK


05-21-22, 22:40
Prove you’re not Yuri? Or prove that you are.

05-21-22, 22:45
Not the former. Maybe the latter…

05-21-22, 22:45
In 1989, he and his wife divorced. That same year he moved to Windsor, Ontario, while she stayed in Montreal. Two years later, he began teaching international relations at the University of Windsor. In late December 1992, Bezmenov visited Tess and their children in Montreal for Christmas. Two weeks later, Bezmenov's death was reported on January 6, 1993. According to the Windsor Star, he died of a "massive heart attack", on Tuesday, January 5, 1993


In 1957, the KGB trained the 25-year-old Stashynsky to use a spray gun that fired a jet of poison gas from a crushed cyanide capsule. The gas was designed to induce cardiac arrest, making the victim's death look like a heart attack. Stashynsky used the weapon to kill Lev Rebet in 1957. On 15 October 1959, he used an improved version of the same gas gun to assassinate Stepan Bandera in Munich.

Stashynsky was honoured by Moscow with the Order of the Red Banner by Shelepin for his work and given his final assignment to kill Yaroslav Stetsko. Stetsko, also living in Munich, was a prominent anti-Soviet Ukrainian fascist leader and also the President of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations. He was to be assassinated in 1960, but it could not be perpetrated for reasons which have not been clarified.

05-21-22, 23:10
The video in the OP explains what they do.

In fact you guys are doing everything in that video in this thread.


05-21-22, 23:15
"Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." - Sun Tzu

He has experience but the recording is on the internet so we know that means!



"Like many ex-Communists, he continued to see Communist influence, as he directly stated: "Beneath all of the racial unrest, at the root of all racial unrest in the country, is the clammy, cold, bloody hand of Communism."


'Life, Liberty & Levin' on Marxism in America, critical race theory infiltrating military

Critical race theory is not about learning the history of America. It's not about learning slavery and segregation. It's not about learning about neo- Nazis and the Klan. It's about a Marxist movement invented by Marxists -- Herbert Marcuse, Derrick Bell, and many, many others, and it attracts the Marxists like Black Lives Matter founders, two of three who have already said that they are Marxists, and that's not a coincidence, because this was hatched by professors as a way to attack the society from a Marxist perspective.

Dude how many times are you gonna crap out the EXACT SAME links, vids and photos like it is some kind of new information for anyone?

05-21-22, 23:20
Dude how many times are you gonna crap out the EXACT SAME links, vids and photos like it is some kind of new information for anyone?

Has every gun owner on M4 seen it yet?

I have to post it because it backs up Yuri's claims.

Even if I shower you with authentic information and pictures you still can't assess any of it.

Truthful information shouldn't bother anyone.



Nina Jankowicz works in a press room at Volodymyr Zelenskyy's campaign headquarters on March 31, 2019, in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Disinformation head Nina Jankowicz resigns after DHS board is paused

05-21-22, 23:35
Even if I shower you with authentic information and pictures you still can't assess any of it.

You are so simple. The problem isn't that nobody understands what you are posting. The problem is (and we all tried to explain this to you politely the FIRST TIME) we already know this stuff.

As a for example, you were going on an on about .50 BMGs to me, without understanding that I've been a Barrett dealer for decades and one time had half a dozen .50s in my personal collection. I also have done group buys for Serbu, Armalite and Barrett over the years. But YOU were going to educate ME about .50s. And because I refused to take your seriously, YOU concluded that I was anti gun.

And now you are trying to inform people who are actually EXPERTS in the field, who deal with this stuff all the time, about Psyops? And then you are gonna debate them? Make baseless accusations about them? Imply complicity and the sort? And when everyone continues to ignore your drivel you simply crap out the same links, the same vids and the same other nonsense that you continually regurgitate because you actually think "we" don't understand.

You are also probably on so many ignore lists by now, people actually cannot see your crap any longer. Of course NONE of this will actually get through to you, so please don't even bother. I've already seen all the shit you are gonna post.

05-22-22, 00:28
Not a single point or article has been addressed. People saying it's bullshit while steyr says everyone agrees that what I'm posting is authentic proof/communist subversion and are doing something about it.

I can't help but laugh at the thought of a Barrett dealer being upset by a Canadian saying please buy 50 cals /armor pen when the commies are coming for them.

Barrett doesn't sell to California because they're commies that banned civilian ownership.

"C-68 has little to do with gun control or crime control, but it is the first step necessary to begin the social re-engineering of Canada. "— Liberal senator Sharon Carstairs, 1996.

It's a slow and steady creep forward.

Meanwhile in Ukraine:


It's almost as if it's good at stopping communism.


05-22-22, 02:02
I can't help but laugh at the thought of a Barrett dealer being upset by a Canadian saying please buy 50 cals /armor pen when the commies are coming for them.

And that is where you missed the entire point. I didn't laugh at you because you suggested Canadians should buy .50s, I laughed at you because you actually thought you were telling Americans about something they didn't already know. It was ridiculous, it would be like me trying to tell a guy who is actually a member of the special operations community how to hold and shoot a rifle based upon MY comparative experience. It would be ridiculous, and when you do it, you are being ridiculous.

You came here to educate US about Victory Gardens. Where do you think those ideas began? Do you think there are many Americans who didn't have grandparents, who learned about such things from their grandparents? It was a ridiculous thing to do. It would be like me getting on a forum devoted to the Java islands and warning them about volcanoes. Wouldn't that be ridiculous? Wouldn't that make everyone think I'm a retard?

Barrett doesn't sell to California because they're commies that banned civilian ownership.

And guess what? Before the ban, I worked with Barrett to do a Group Buy before it went into place and I sold a LOT of Barretts to CA customers. More importantly Sheri Miner worked with me to drop ship rifles to CA buyers directly to their FFLs rather than to me, just to make sure buyers got rifles before the ban went into effect. And that wasn't part of the original deal we organized back in 2004, but that is how dedicated they were to CA customers.

So again, you couldn't be more completely wrong about almost everything you say. But you presume to educate us on things we know far more about than you. And you can't stop yourself, you don't seem able to control yourself and you take every dismissal as a "challenge to YOUR truth." If ever there was a person who should read more / post less...it is you.

Christ I don't even like replying to your posts because it serves no useful purpose, you are completely resilient to understanding anything anyone says. And if/when you get painted into a corner, you simply move to a completely different topic which amounts to a link dump and a video of Manning Johnson promoting communism. But do you really think everyone here is a complete moron who doesn't understand that the Soviet Union and their agents in the US, the American Communist Party didn't use racial tensions to try and advance communist ideologies? If so I think you are the only person on the forum who actually believes we didn't know that crap and you are bringing us new and valuable information.

05-22-22, 08:55
Not a single point or article has been addressed.

So you watched the video I posted then?

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05-22-22, 09:01
This video has made the rounds on local media given those guys are 90 miles from me so in our "local news" sphere. Local media's concerns is about PSYOPS against the US, which is illegal. I thought it was more a recruiting commercial, so I reached out to a guy I know in the community, and he got me in touch with a Lt Col in their command. I just wanted info. He said that it was ordered far above his CoC, and purposefully vague whether it was interpreted as a recruiting video or not. He also said that a lot of people at his level are pretty frustrated that it's been weaponized against US citizens (or could be).

His quote, answering my question about if it was illegal if it was a recruiting video:

"Because of the entity creating the recruiting product. Black Knights are provided with certain skills designed to manipulate target audiences. We are afforded that training in order to use against non-US citizens. The Smith-Mundt Act specifically forbids US government agencies from using propaganda against US citizens and the original intent of the law was to keep PSYOP from targeting Americans. Oddly, during the last few months of the Trump administration, they deemed this law not to apply to PSYOP. I honestly don’t know how much more plain I can be. This product was designed, created, and disseminated by Black Knights in order to manipulate behaviors of US citizens, and until recently, it would have been a violation of federal law."

05-22-22, 09:19
And that is where you missed the entire point. I didn't laugh at you because you suggested Canadians should buy .50s, I laughed at you because you actually thought you were telling Americans about something they didn't already know. It was ridiculous, it would be like me trying to tell a guy who is actually a member of the special operations community how to hold and shoot a rifle based upon MY comparative experience. It would be ridiculous, and when you do it, you are being ridiculous.

You came here to educate US about Victory Gardens. Where do you think those ideas began? Do you think there are many Americans who didn't have grandparents, who learned about such things from their grandparents? It was a ridiculous thing to do. It would be like me getting on a forum devoted to the Java islands and warning them about volcanoes. Wouldn't that be ridiculous? Wouldn't that make everyone think I'm a retard?

This is like a Ukrainian telling a Canadian with family members in Ukraine to shut up about Ukraine.

You're not laughing, you're losing your mind over it. The way you respond to me kinda shows how insecure you are.

Americans already knew that Canada banned and wants to confiscate by deadly force anything that produces 10k + joules of energy? They knew about how bad it is here? They knew about the door to door confiscation that was delayed?

Politely asking people to buy 50 cals/armor pen is not like telling a member of the special operations community how to hold and shoot a rifle.

I already addressed your nonsense in the garden thread. You don't know who knows what about gardening. Do you personally know everyone here? Is every American here growing a garden? Why isn't Biden promoting them? Where are the posters and how to pamphlets? You think the newer generations know how to grow?

Remember CHAZ/CHOP?




By the end of World War I, the campaign promoting home gardens—which by then were referred to as “victory gardens”—had dropped off, but many people continued to maintain them.

Many doesn't mean all and there is a major food crisis coming.


And guess what? Before the ban, I worked with Barrett to do a Group Buy before it went into place and I sold a LOT of Barretts to CA customers. More importantly Sheri Miner worked with me to drop ship rifles to CA buyers directly to their FFLs rather than to me, just to make sure buyers got rifles before the ban went into effect. And that wasn't part of the original deal we organized back in 2004, but that is how dedicated they were to CA customers.

So again, you couldn't be more completely wrong about almost everything you say. But you presume to educate us on things we know far more about than you. And you can't stop yourself, you don't seem able to control yourself and you take every dismissal as a "challenge to YOUR truth." If ever there was a person who should read more / post less...it is you.

You agree they did ban them. I haven't seen a thread talking about an entire country next door banning them, a country with a wide open border, poor defenses and plenty of resources the commies are interested in.

Posted: May 21, 2022
Canada needs a 'more consistent' presence in North to bolster security, Inuit leader says

"Small military base would at least serve 'optics' purpose, says Duane Smith

A prominent Inuvialuit leader said Canada must build up a more consistent presence in the Arctic if the country is going to protect its sovereignty in the region.

Duane Smith, chair and CEO of the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation — which represents the interests of Inuit in the western Arctic — said the region is the "backdoor into Canada" and his community has been on the "front lines" of Canadian sovereignty."

Barrett doesn't sell to California. It's company policy. I am right about that. You're saying I'm wrong without pointing out what it is I'm wrong about.

Christ I don't even like replying to your posts because it serves no useful purpose, you are completely resilient to understanding anything anyone says. And if/when you get painted into a corner, you simply move to a completely different topic which amounts to a link dump and a video of Manning Johnson promoting communism. But do you really think everyone here is a complete moron who doesn't understand that the Soviet Union and their agents in the US, the American Communist Party didn't use racial tensions to try and advance communist ideologies? If so I think you are the only person on the forum who actually believes we didn't know that crap and you are bringing us new and valuable information.

There's guys here still wondering why the US is all messed up. The Buffalo shooting thread is a perfect example.

So all the info I'm posting is the truth and undeniable. You've validated it. Thanks.

05-22-22, 10:14
So you watched the video I posted then?

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He talks about the psyop ad at around 15mins and didn't seem to approve of it since they're letting the world know what they are doing plus getting US citizens worried it will be used against them.

I am also worried because the CAF "liberally interpreted" department policy. There are brainwashed Canadians that are determined to dismantle Canada and they are doing a fine job.

The Prime minister of Canada promotes the psyop:

Trudeau's neglect of the nation has led us to this place

In an astonishing statement to the New York Times in 2015, Justin Trudeau declared, "There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,'' and consequently that "makes us the first post-national state."

This kind of talk would have been horrifying to Peter Lougheed, Alberta's premier from 1971 to 1985. He believed in Canada. He had faith in our national institutions. But the intransigence of the federal government led by Pierre Elliot Trudeau tested that faith.

And now we have Justin Trudeau, a prime minister who, like his father, has odd ideas about the country, the world, and Alberta's place in it.

Dark resentments thought buried in this part of the country have been reawakened.

The ideas behind Canadian confederation are at risk.

Albertans are perplexed, and now many are angry. Why is our prime minister, we say, so obsessively focused on his role as heroic defender of a post-nation world and in doing so, neglects the needs of his own country?

"C-68 has little to do with gun control or crime control, but it is the first step necessary to begin the social re-engineering of Canada. "— Liberal senator Sharon Carstairs, 1996.

05-22-22, 10:18

05-22-22, 10:23
5:42: "We didn't take offense at it because after all people are free to do what they like ".


05-22-22, 10:46
I already addressed your nonsense in the garden thread. You don't know who knows what about gardening. Do you personally know everyone here? Is every American here growing a garden? Why isn't Biden promoting them? Where are the posters and how to pamphlets? You think the newer generations know how to grow?

Notice how the same guy pisses in every single thread you post regardless of the content?

And claims to speak for the rest of us?

If he does not like your threads / posts he 'could' just ignore them and move on but... No. He is compelled to fling poop and get the threads locked up.

Why he would choose to screw up the garden thread escapes me... 'Could' have been a productive thread where guys shared tips / tricks / methods about how to save money but no...

The fixation is pretty sad in my opinion and there is definitely a fixation there.

My advise to you friend is to ignore him. Let him say what he has to say and move on with your thread tuning the garbage out. :)

05-22-22, 12:25
Speaking of 50 cals, this was posted an hour ago. Signs all over the place!



"An excerpt from the U.S. Army’s manual on urban combat emphasizes the 50 caliber sniper rifle’s ability to destroy materiel targets:

These heavy sniper rifles were originally intended as anti materiel weapons for stand-off attack against high-value targets, such as radar control vans, missiles, parked aircraft, and bulk fuel and ammunition storage sites….It is their ability to shoot through all but the heaviest shielding material, and their devastating effects, that make them valuable psychological weapons."

I just politely asked people to buy them. Why not a 50 cal behind every blade of grass?

Notice how the same guy pisses in every single thread you post regardless of the content?

And claims to speak for the rest of us?

If he does not like your threads / posts he 'could' just ignore them and move on but... No. He is compelled to fling poop and get the threads locked up.

Why he would choose to screw up the garden thread escapes me... 'Could' have been a productive thread where guys shared tips / tricks / methods about how to save money but no...

The fixation is pretty sad in my opinion and there is definitely a fixation there.

My advise to you friend is to ignore him. Let him say what he has to say and move on with your thread tuning the garbage out. :)

Thank you and that's some good advice.

Proverbs 12:15 - The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

a productive thread where guys shared tips / tricks / methods about how to save money

That would have been nice and it saves a lot of time. I'm still in the trial and error phase.

Logistics wins wars and it really looks like the firearms community/patriots are in a war of attrition.

05-22-22, 13:34
Logistics wins wars and it really looks like the firearms community/patriots are in a war of attrition.

Wait, what now about logistics? How is that tied to any of this?

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05-22-22, 14:33
Wait, what now about logistics? How is that tied to any of this?

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I was agreeing with DG23 and made a complementing statement.


The Chinese government is flooding the internet with 448 million fake social media comments a year

"regularly distract the public and change the subject,"

With that said, food does kind of tie into all of this since we're at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind.

05-22-22, 14:39
Those damn kulaks. It belongs to the state!


Extracts from Putin's speech on Ukraine

"As a result of Bolshevik policy, Soviet Ukraine arose, which even today can with good reason be called 'Vladimir Ilyich Lenin's Ukraine'. He is its author and architect. This is fully confirmed by archive documents ... And now grateful descendants have demolished monuments to Lenin in Ukraine. This is what they call decommunisation. Do you want decommunisation? Well, that suits us just fine. But it is unnecessary, as they say, to stop halfway. We are ready to show you what real decommunisation means for Ukraine."


"Ukraine never had a tradition of genuine statehood."

This is what decommunisation means in practice, comrade:


A deadly attack in the Ukrainian City of Lozova was captured by a local CCTV camera today (May 20, 2022), showing the moments a Russian missile struck the newly renovated House of Culture, killing seven civilians.

Many individuals have taken to social media, continually bashing the decision of the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, as he has continually launched attacks against non-military targets such as this. At the time of this writing, there has been no direct acknowledgment from Russia as to why this specific building was targeted.

05-22-22, 18:17
Wait, what now about logistics? How is that tied to any of this?

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See my Post #41....... I sugjested that he treat his ADHD with Vyvanse........... ;)

05-22-22, 18:18
Not a single point or article has been addressed. People saying it's bullshit while steyr says everyone agrees that what I'm posting is authentic proof/communist subversion and are doing something about it.

I can't help but laugh at the thought of a Barrett dealer being upset by a Canadian saying please buy 50 cals /armor pen when the commies are coming for them.

Barrett doesn't sell to California because they're commies that banned civilian ownership.

"C-68 has little to do with gun control or crime control, but it is the first step necessary to begin the social re-engineering of Canada. "— Liberal senator Sharon Carstairs, 1996.

It's a slow and steady creep forward.

Meanwhile in Ukraine:


It's almost as if it's good at stopping communism.


Wait a minute....... You are from Canada....correct?

05-22-22, 18:18
You're not laughing, you're losing your mind over it. The way you respond to me kinda shows how insecure you are.

Honestly, I barely care enough to reply. That you think I'm losing my mind is an indicator of how little you seem to understand anything.

That you actually think you are making me feel insecure...ok whatever gets you through your day.

05-22-22, 22:43
See my Post #41....... I sugjested that he treat his ADHD with Vyvanse........... ;)

See who started talking about victory gardens first.

Wait a minute....... You are from Canada....correct?

But I thought everyone has read all my posts already? Yes I'm from Canada. One of the reasons I'm posting here is because of the global gun grab agenda which I believe I already said in the intro section. I believe America should lead the world and presidents like JFK is a good reason why. If America falls Canada and the West falls too.

I also have an AR-15 (M4 profile). The wide sweeping gun ban in Canada hurts the American industry and national security/Liberty.

I made a thread about the confiscation by deadly force (delayed until the end of 2023) and asked for advice. Who better than Americans that influence my political philosophy and are the masters of controlled chaos ?



The advice I got:

Disciple: "You cannot know who or what your example of sacrifice would inspire."

Basically hold the line.

05-22-22, 22:56
The problem is that your country and ours is almost completely fragmented. It shows itself here all the time. World view differences are profound and obvious. Even the so called Christians on this board are profoundly divided. About the only thing most agree on is "we like guns".

And as the prophet Amos said Amos 3:3 "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"...well...NO!

05-22-22, 23:23
The problem is that your country and ours is almost completely fragmented. It shows itself here all the time. World view differences are profound and obvious. Even the so called Christians on this board are profoundly divided. About the only thing most agree on is "we like guns".

And as the prophet Amos said Amos 3:3 "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"...well...NO!

I think a realistic short term goal for Canada would be creating a parallel society that focuses on self sufficiency and security for the firearms industry/community.

The commies in Canada are taking a pretty big gamble.

I doubt confiscation by force would have ended well in Connecticut:

A person who lawfully possessed an assault weapon prior to October 1, 1993 may continue to possess the weapon if he or she obtained a certificate of possession

05-23-22, 00:32
ANYONE that has spent time with any 37Fs will know thet myth is much bigger then reality........ Most are confused E4 and E5s that do nto ge to leave the wire much.

There is a Det in JSOC but it is very small and they do stuff for only them.

Yuri Bezmenov mistakenly thought he'd be safer in Canada because he was worried about the double agents in the US. This was back in the 80's. Who knows how bad it is now with all the woke Marxists hellbent on dismantling the West.

In some cases intelligence agencies in Western countries are promoting active measures. Those woke ads are part of the psyop. Biden and Trudeau constantly promote social justice.

When they find out what social justice really means in practice


It's not about espionage. It's about psychological warfare.

05-23-22, 00:42
"The world is moving towards more diversity, not less diversity. It's a form of entropy".


a process of degradation or running down or a trend to disorder


You know they're hiring Marxists that focus on race all the time and want diversify everything they see.


Diversity and Inclusion

CSIS has been working to integrate new strategies and approaches to remove systemic barriers and broaden the organization’s understanding, appreciation, and valuing of diversity of all types. CSIS turned to its people, systems, and culture to implement this change. Recognizing the importance and value of including diversity and inclusion elements in CSIS’s practices and policies helps CSIS deliver its mandate more effectively.

In 2020, CSIS began developing a comprehensive Diversity and Inclusion Strategy to address bias, inclusive leadership, recruitment, career and development opportunities, and open communication on difficult issues such as systemic racism. This work complements the CSIS Accessibility Strategy with the purpose of ensuring a barrier-free workplace.

In 2020, CSIS has:

-Implemented and published a new Code of Conduct and related policies designed to integrate a healthy, respectful, and harassment-free workplace, to which all employees must affirm their adherence annually, as a condition of their employment;
-Continued the Respect Campaign launched in 2019 as part of a workplace transformation with the goal of promoting a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment through proactive prevention;
-Facilitated GBA+ consultation in development of fair and equitable policies, programs, and practices, and ensured that GBA+ advice was reflected in major initiatives – including input to workforce mobility policies and practices, new operational technology, pandemic business continuity and resumption plans, the Public Safety Bias Sensitivity, Diversity and Identity for National Security Framework, a Diversity & Inclusion review, Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign events, and the CSIS People Management Framework;
-Placed substantial focus on diversity and inclusion in discussions with executives across the organization, and held a dedicated session underscoring the accountability and importance of leaders and leadership in this domain – an accountability that is explicit in every executive’s performance agreement;
-Implemented new strategies to increase hiring of employees from diverse groups;
-Developed a catalogue of relevant learning opportunities for all employees, including training that addresses issues such as bias, racism, and discrimination; and
-Celebrated cultural events that are important to employees and are reflective of CSIS’s diverse workforce, and developed a plan in collaboration with employees to ensure important multicultural events and days are recognized.

While recognizing there is more work to be done, CSIS is committed to taking meaningful action to ensure the organization reflects and supports the diverse and inclusive Canadian communities it protects.

Western University LGBTQ poster sparks Muslim community backlash

A Western University social media post supporting the fight against homophobia included an illustration of two women in hijabs about to kiss – sparking a backlash from London’s Muslim community that forced school officials to delete it.

Cotton presses defense secretary on 'anti-American indoctrination'

Cotton said he’d seen reports of "plummeting morale, growing mistrust between races and sexes where none existed just six months ago and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone."


“Today in the House, Members of Parliament unanimously condemned the antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia that we’ve seen on display in Ottawa over the past number of days. Together, let’s keep working to make Canada more inclusive.”

In a French-language TV interview during last fall’s unnecessary snap election, Trudeau said the following: “They are extremists who don’t believe in science, they’re often misogynists, also often racists. It’s a small group that muscles in, and we have to make a choice in terms of leaders, in terms of the country. Do we tolerate these people?”

An Angus Reid poll, taken Jan. 27 and 28, found 54 per cent of Canadians want COVID-19 restrictions to be lifted. That represents 20 per cent more Canadians than voted for Trudeau’s government in the fall election. How ironic.

Do we tolerate those that disagree with our Marxist-Leninist totalitarian agenda? No we slander them and trample on their unity.

05-23-22, 05:54
I really am not worried about any of this.

I think the war, and the resulting food crisis will be the death of globalism. Russia and China will be gone as we know them in my life time.

America will be the last super power standing.

The only question is will the Marxist take over the USA?

As the poor in the USA suffer more under inflation and food shortages, will they fall victim to the lies of the Marxist?

If the Republic stands and the Marxist lose, the swamp will be drained.

05-23-22, 07:01
China will be gone as we know them in my life time.
Interesting. What leads you to that conclusion?

05-23-22, 08:49
Putin May Just Be Winning the Information War | Time

Yes, Putin is losing the information war in Europe and America, but he’s holding his own elsewhere.

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, two-thirds of the world’s population live in countries who are neutral about the war or support Russia. While China is an ally of Russia, the big non-aligned nations—Brazil, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates—voted against Russia in the UN, but resolutely refuse to criticize Putin.

Part of the reason for this is that two-thirds of the world doesn’t see the war that we see. That is due to the balkanization of the internet, which Russia is in part responsible for. Today, there are three internets. There’s the American and Western internet which we think of as the internet. There’s the unfree internet in places like Russia, Turkey, and India where content is restricted and policed. And then there’s the Chinese internet, which is censored and not at all free. The Chinese internet—used by one out of five of the world’s internet users—is pro-Russian. In the unfree internet of Turkey and India and the rest, they get much of their information about the war from Russian state media. They are not seeing Zelensky’s nightly invocations to democracy. They are seeing images of noble Russian soldiers. Two of the most popular hashtags on the Indian internet are #IStandWithPutin and #IStandWithRussia.

For the global audience, the U.S. and the European Union have made something of a tactical error in portraying the war as the West versus Russia, or even as Democracy versus Autocracy. This meme is effective in America and Europe, but plays less well among developing and non-aligned nations. In Africa, much of Asia, and the Middle East, the West are the colonizers who did not permit democracy in the lands they ruled."

The report acknowledged that China, Russia and other states were conducting foreign interference activities in Canada and that “elected and public officials across all orders of government” were being targeted.

It added that 1.2 million Canadians were of Indian descent, and that some communities were “vulnerable to foreign interference either as targets or as a means of undermining Canadian values and freedoms.”

“A great deal of foreign interference has the goal of creating a single narrative

How Voters Turned Virginia From Deep Red to Solid Blue

Not long ago, this rolling green stretch of Northern Virginia was farmland.

“Guns, that is the most pressing issue for me,” said Vijay Katkuri, 38, a software engineer from southern India, explaining why he voted for a Democratic challenger in Tuesday’s elections. He was shopping for chicken at the Indian Spice Food Market. “There are lots of other issues, but you can only fix them if you are alive.”

Former Liberal adviser rips party
Aziz said that while he worked in the department, he heard staffers referring to certain communities as "ethnic vote banks. He said he was assigned to "brown files" in the department"

Consolidate power in Washington and culturally engineer (psyop) to ban guns. By any means necessary.

You don't need food. All you need is one party state!

Ontario loses 175 acres of farmland to urban development a day, says farmers group

The problem of urban expansion is of particular concern in the fast-growing London region, where large swathes of some of the best farmland in Canada have been paved over in the last half-century for shopping malls and suburban housing developments.

The OFA argues the current practice of destroying farmland in favour of urban development at a rate of 175 acres daily is unsustainable because if it continues, it could one day affect the country's food sovereignty, whereby a people have control of their own food and nutrition from growth to consumption.

Google maps screen shot:


05-23-22, 13:22
That's a lot of commies


"A century after Bolsheviks swarmed the Winter Palace in Petrograd, Russia (now St. Petersburg), the Indian state of Kerala, home to 35 million people, remains one of the few places on earth where a communist can still dream.

The Bolsheviks, inspired by Karl Marx’s “Communist Manifesto,” had set out to build a new kind of society, a workers’ paradise in which property and wealth would be owned in common. That revolution began in the fall of 1917 and gave rise to the Soviet Union and a movement that would sweep across one-third of the world, inspiring new followers, erasing borders and filling gulags. Eventually, it would be undone by stagnant economies, pressure from the West and the alienation of its own people.

What remains today are five nominally communist nations. In Cuba, the revolution survives mostly as a decrepit museum piece. The communist parties of China, Vietnam and Laos preside over largely autocratic forms of runaway capitalism. In North Korea, communism has become a nuclear-armed cult of personality and police state.

But in Kerala — far from the high-stakes maneuvers of the Cold War and nearly 2,000 miles from the Indian capital of New Delhi — history has taken the most unexpected of detours.

Instead of ossifying into an autocratic force, Kerala’s communists embraced electoral politics and since 1957 have been routinely voted into power. Instead of being associated with repression or failure, the party of Marx is widely associated with huge investments in education that have produced a 95 percent literacy rate, the highest in India, and a health-care system where citizens earning only a few dollars a day still qualify for free heart surgery.

This modern incarnation of communism also has produced one of the stranger paradoxes of the global economy: millions of healthy, educated workers setting off"

Sounds good at first



05-23-22, 17:24
Someone linked this video on another forum today. I've seen it plenty of times in the past but I just noticed the gun control bill for the first time. Edit: What else could that be when there's already the right to bear arms in the US constitution? No way that's a bill reversing gun control, considering the gun is pointed backwards at "someone".

The results of this psyop/cultural engineering speaks for itself.

Schoolhouse Rock! is an American interstitial programming series of animated musical educational short films (and later, videos) that aired during the Saturday morning children's programming block on the U.S. television network ABC




Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam no longer have guns in new 'Looney Tunes Cartoons'

'We're not doing guns': Elmer Fudd loses his wight to bear arms

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and taught alike, especially when young, how to use them." - Richard Henry Lee


"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined." - Patrick Henry

05-23-22, 17:51
The only question is will the Marxist take over the USA?

At this point, I think it's the most likely outcome. Although it does give me a small glimmer of hope to see people like Musk and Bezos starting to push back on the establishment

As the poor in the USA suffer more under inflation and food shortages, will they fall victim to the lies of the Marxist?

Yes, absolutely! The Marxists will promise the Free Shit Army anything and everything to get them to sell their souls. They'll happily do it, too, 'cause free shit. But by the time they realize that instead of a rent free apartment, an Obama phone with unlimited 5G, and the subsidized weed they've been promised, they're working 12 hour shifts in a coal mine somewhere with no PPE on a cup of rice a day and those that don't meet quote are shot in the head and dumped in a ditch, it'll be too late.

05-23-22, 18:29
Someone linked this video on another forum today. I've seen it plenty of times in the past but I just noticed the gun control bill for the first time.

Schoolhouse Rock! is an American interstitial programming series of animated musical educational short films (and later, videos) that aired during the Saturday morning children's programming block on the U.S. television network ABC



You are ASSUMING that's a gun control bill. Meanwhile.


05-23-22, 19:05
Interesting. What leads you to that conclusion?

The outcome of one child policy, combined with a country that must import most of the things they need. In the coming food shortage globalism will die, it started to die during covid. Governments set the policies for their countries, good or bad. WHO was ignored.

What is China without raw material, food and energy? Answer one big problem for Cinese leadership.

I have a source that says the current lockdowns are part covid and part of getting rid of people pre famine. Then if you look at Chinese wages they have sky rocketed, other countries will provide the new places to off shore get things built.

05-23-22, 19:31
The outcome of one child policy, combined with a country that must import most of the things they need. In the coming food shortage globalism will die, it started to die during covid. Governments set the policies for their countries, good or bad. WHO was ignored.

What is China without raw material, food and energy? Answer one big problem for Cinese leadership.

I have a source that says the current lockdowns are part covid and part of getting rid of people pre famine. Then if you look at Chinese wages they have sky rocketed, other countries will provide the new places to off shore get things built.

Doesn't China have 2 years worth of food stockpiled? They could try to starve us out and invade.

One Reason for Rising Food Prices? Chinese Hoarding.

Xi told a high-level Communist Party meeting that “the food of the Chinese people must be made by and remain in the hands of the Chinese people.”

That won’t be easy. China’s inventory of arable land has been in decline for decades, nibbled away by urban development and soil contamination, and its farms are far less productive than counterparts in other countries. Efforts to boost productivity with policy incentives and technology investments are promising but unlikely to pan out for years.

So China is stockpiling. At home, the government is offering farmers a minimum price for their crops (which are then often stockpiled).

China is hoarding key commodities.

By mid-2022, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, China will hold 69% of the world’s corn reserves, 60% of its rice and 51% of its wheat. By China’s own estimation, these reserves are at a “historically high level” and are contributing to higher global food prices. For China, such stockpiles are necessary to ensure it won’t be at the mercy of major food exporters such as the U.S. But other countries, especially in the developing world, might ask why less than 20% of the world’s population is hoarding so much of its food.

05-23-22, 21:38
Doesn't China have 2 years worth of food stockpiled? They could try to starve us out and invade.

One Reason for Rising Food Prices? Chinese Hoarding.

Xi told a high-level Communist Party meeting that “the food of the Chinese people must be made by and remain in the hands of the Chinese people.”

That won’t be easy. China’s inventory of arable land has been in decline for decades, nibbled away by urban development and soil contamination, and its farms are far less productive than counterparts in other countries. Efforts to boost productivity with policy incentives and technology investments are promising but unlikely to pan out for years.

So China is stockpiling. At home, the government is offering farmers a minimum price for their crops (which are then often stockpiled).

China is hoarding key commodities.

By mid-2022, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, China will hold 69% of the world’s corn reserves, 60% of its rice and 51% of its wheat. By China’s own estimation, these reserves are at a “historically high level” and are contributing to higher global food prices. For China, such stockpiles are necessary to ensure it won’t be at the mercy of major food exporters such as the U.S. But other countries, especially in the developing world, might ask why less than 20% of the world’s population is hoarding so much of its food.

Invade who? China isn't invading shit in North America.

05-23-22, 23:03
Invade who? China isn't invading shit in North America.

They're already here:


Chinese flags and red scarves spark debate at Vancouver City Hall

"Our first reaction was, we could not believe this was happening at city hall," said Louis Huang, the spokesman for The Alliance of the Guard of Canadian Values.

The group, which is composed of immigrants from mainland China, is fighting what it says is the growing influence of the Chinese government on Canadian politicians.

"I think as a Chinese-Canadian, it is my responsibility to warn them to be cautious," said Huang.

Huang, who immigrated from China to Canada in 2002, says he has no problem with politicians talking with Chinese officials or with other diplomatic initiatives, such as the recent exchange of visits by Justin Trudeau with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

But he says it's troubling when local politicians appear to be endorsing the communist government.

‘We’re coming to get you’: China’s critics facing threats, retaliation for activism in Canada



Protests sow division among Vancouverites whose roots are either in Hong Kong or Mainland China



China Rising, Episode 5: Follow the money

05-24-22, 00:14
They're already here:


Chinese flags and red scarves spark debate at Vancouver City Hall

"Our first reaction was, we could not believe this was happening at city hall," said Louis Huang, the spokesman for The Alliance of the Guard of Canadian Values.

The group, which is composed of immigrants from mainland China, is fighting what it says is the growing influence of the Chinese government on Canadian politicians.

"I think as a Chinese-Canadian, it is my responsibility to warn them to be cautious," said Huang.

Huang, who immigrated from China to Canada in 2002, says he has no problem with politicians talking with Chinese officials or with other diplomatic initiatives, such as the recent exchange of visits by Justin Trudeau with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

But he says it's troubling when local politicians appear to be endorsing the communist government.

‘We’re coming to get you’: China’s critics facing threats, retaliation for activism in Canada



Protests sow division among Vancouverites whose roots are either in Hong Kong or Mainland China



China Rising, Episode 5: Follow the money

If they’re already here, why are you talking about them trying to invade?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-24-22, 01:09
If they’re already here, why are you talking about them trying to invade?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If they're going to invade North America they're going to be coming from Canada is what I'm trying to say.

They could use non nuclear missiles to attack food supply and infrastructure while having 2 years worth of food for any retaliatory attacks on their food infrastructure.

We could be decommunized.

Russia is targeting Ukraine’s food supply and infrastructure

Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau has warned that Russian forces are targeting Ukrainians‘ food supply, including their stores of grain.

Bibeau, who attended an emergency meeting of G7 agriculture ministers on Friday, said Ukraine’s minister told them Russian forces are hitting grain silos, ports and the infrastructure needed to gather and distribute the harvest, as well as food storage facilities.

In an interview after the G7 meeting, Bibeau said Russia’s attempt to disrupt Ukraine’s food supply was “shocking” and a further sign that Russian targets are not just military as claimed by President Vladimir Putin.

The F-35's Greatest Vulnerability Isn't Enemy Weapons. It's Being Hacked.
Although the networks have serious cybersecurity protections, they will undoubtedly be targets for hackers in times of peace, and war. Hackers might try to bring down the networks entirely, snarling the worldwide logistics system and even endangering the ability of individual aircraft to get much-needed spare parts.

China Has ‘First-Strike’ Capability To Melt U.S. Power Grid With Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon

According to the Center for Strategic International Studies, China has the most active ballistic missile development program in the world, so this is doubly troubling. China used stolen U.S. technology to develop at least three types of high-tech weapons to attack the electric grid and key technologies that could cause a surprise “Pearl Harbor” attack that could produce a deadly blackout to the entire country.

Dr. Pry outlines how China has built a network of satellites, high-speed missiles, and super-electromagnetic pulse weapons that could melt down our electric grid, fry critical communications, and even takeout the ability of our aircraft carrier groups to respond.

A post I made in the paratrooper thread:


While I often thought having elements of the 25th ID "Tropic Lightning" stationed in Alaska was a bit of an oxymoron, it is just a unit designation after all. Now the Army is going to create (or re-activate) the 11th Airborne Division, but it is designated specifically for Arctic operations. WTF? Is there a forthcoming threat we face in sub-zero temps, enough to justify an entire Airborne division dedicated to it? Sure, they can and would be deployed anywhere needed if the SHTF, but really? I read a comment somewhere today that the thought of a light infantry unit in Arctic conditions, i.e. moving on foot and not in any motorized way, was ludicrous.

This might have something to do with it:

Canadian soldiers no longer training Chinese troops, defence minister says
Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan has confirmed Canadian soldiers are no longer training members of the Chinese military, amid scrutiny following a report that senior civil servants opposed a decision last year to stop training activities with the regime.

A report by The Globe and Mail on Thursday cited documents mistakenly released under access to information laws which said Global Affairs Canada pushed back at the decision by Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Jonathan Vance last year to cancel the training.

The training was set to see Canadian soldiers train Chinese soldiers in winter activities at CFB Petawawa.

China’s troops trained in Canada against which country?
For it was Justin Trudeau who had invited China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to send its troops for cold weather training at CFB Petawawa in Ontario — and when Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) cancelled the training following China’s kidnapping of Canadian citizens Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, we hear the prime minister ‘raged’ at the Canadian Armed Forces for doing so.

No self-respecting nation would allow its adversaries to trample all over it while holding hostages.

The role of the Chinese military beyond its ‘near abroad’: Implications for global security
With greater capabilities at its disposal, China may become more likely to use its military arm to protect its expanding economic interests.

Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the People's Republic of China for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments

Canada-China: Expanding Partnerships
Half of China's imports from Canada are resource-related, including more than $4 billion worth of trade in minerals and metals

Canada’s defence chief warns Russia has reoccupied Arctic bases

Satellite images show huge Russian military buildup in the Arctic

In the Russian Arctic, the First Stirrings of a Very Cold War

Pic from the link:


It's trying to tell you something!

05-24-22, 07:33
Maybe watch it, genius. If you couldn't tell from the context of my post, he clearly discusses the ad in the video I posted. I enjoyed that video yesterday, thanks for posting.

See my Post #41....... I sugjested that he treat his ADHD with Vyvanse........... ;) I was thinking Lamotrigine.

05-24-22, 08:17
As to China's challenges, I'm told by a friend who owns a business there (lives there half the year) that potable water will be the likely crunch. Moreso than food.

I know they have the giant rivers, but China is a big country with quite a bit of desert. And those rivers are apparently very contaminated by the time they get near the urban centers.

Then again, water is also critical to food production. So it could be liked to yoni's comment.

Outlander Systems
05-24-22, 09:24

They're already here:


Chinese flags and red scarves spark debate at Vancouver City Hall

"Our first reaction was, we could not believe this was happening at city hall," said Louis Huang, the spokesman for The Alliance of the Guard of Canadian Values.

The group, which is composed of immigrants from mainland China, is fighting what it says is the growing influence of the Chinese government on Canadian politicians.

"I think as a Chinese-Canadian, it is my responsibility to warn them to be cautious," said Huang.

Huang, who immigrated from China to Canada in 2002, says he has no problem with politicians talking with Chinese officials or with other diplomatic initiatives, such as the recent exchange of visits by Justin Trudeau with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

But he says it's troubling when local politicians appear to be endorsing the communist government.

‘We’re coming to get you’: China’s critics facing threats, retaliation for activism in Canada



Protests sow division among Vancouverites whose roots are either in Hong Kong or Mainland China



China Rising, Episode 5: Follow the money

05-24-22, 16:20
As to China's challenges, I'm told by a friend who owns a business there (lives there half the year) that potable water will be the likely crunch. Moreso than food.

I know they have the giant rivers, but China is a big country with quite a bit of desert. And those rivers are apparently very contaminated by the time they get near the urban centers.

Then again, water is also critical to food production. So it could be liked to yoni's comment.

Why China needs to talk trade with Canada

Canada’s top exports to China include wood pulp and paper products; oilseeds, fruits and grains; other wood articles and charcoal; resources like ore, oil and mineral fuels.

But future trade with China, Busza explained, might focus less on traditional commodities and more on areas of growth like technology, technological services and green technologies — something the Trudeau government has made a priority for investment.
“Technologies for efficiency of energy use, both on the renewable side but also on the more traditional [side]… oil, coal, natural gas,” Busza said.

“Water and water management,” she added. “Over half of the lakes and rivers [in China], the water is not fit for human consumption and Canada is known as a country that can provide

Foxconn Seeks 7M Gallons of Lake Michigan Water Daily

Great Lakes water ruling sparks fear of thirsty cities

"It also prompted a dire warning by at least one vocal Ontario mayor, who said extending access to the water basin threatens the future of this fresh water supply."

"Then, in 1998, Ontario granted a permit that would have allowed water tankers to take drinking water to China, sparking a massive outcry."

Nestle says will sell China water business to Tsingtao Brewery Group

Drought-hit California moves to halt Nestlé from taking millions of gallons of water

Nestle capitalizes on China's polluted lakes and rivers to sell bottled water


05-24-22, 16:24

China To Build Third Icebreaker And Heavy Lift Vehicle To Support LNG Plants Along Northern Sea Route

While China’s third icebreaker like its first two will be oil-powered, the policy paper clearly implies that Beijing would like to develop a nuclear-powered icebreaker like the ones Moscow already has. If that comes to pass, then China would almost certainly demand equal partner status with Moscow in the handling of the Northern Sea Route.


"Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." - Sun Tzu

05-24-22, 16:34
Do you not have a job or something?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Outlander Systems
05-24-22, 16:36
Serious question. What the hell does the Tsingtao Brewery Group have to do with Title 10 violations?

05-24-22, 17:03
Serious question. What the hell does the Tsingtao Brewery Group have to do with Title 10 violations?

Clearly the article was meant to be more proof of the connections/partnership.

We are fueling the communist war machine. Yuri said to cut it all off decades ago.

05-24-22, 17:06
Do you not have a job or something?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My job is to stand on guard for my country and for liberty.

Yuri said we're at war with the global communist system. So did Reagan.

05-24-22, 17:35
My job is to stand on guard for my country and for liberty.

Yuri said we're at war with the global communist system. So did Reagan.

It's now about you, brother, these guys couldn't care less about what you post. If they had your name and address they would probably sic the Mounties on you.

05-24-22, 18:08
It's now about you, brother, these guys couldn't care less about what you post. If they had your name and address they would probably sic the Mounties on you.

Psalms 116

16 O Lord, truly I am thy servant; I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds.

Isaiah 55

11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Yuri said during the Vietnam war the commies had a network of informants in one of the cities they planned to assault. Once they took the city they knew exactly who was supporting America.


This is great news. The May 2020 OICs prohibiting 1500 models are a historical step for #GunControl, but they are incomplete. If is to have an #AssaultWeaponBan, it should include all of them & be encoded in law. We fully support @marcomendicino
on this @liberal_party


05-24-22, 18:09
China can't store enough food to get through what is coming, from a food and energy stand point. Not only that they must import most of the raw materials they need to build stuff.

Globalization was an instrument of the USA, as part of the Cold War, it is no longer needed. It is going to die very soon.

The list of major food exporting countries that now have passed laws stopping food export, is now up to like 20 some countries.

Many 3rd world countries are in full panic, we are in negotiations with more countries at one time than ever before. Why, they have heard of our program.

The goal of which is to help governments to meet the needs of their citizens and to keep the peace.

I don't care what China and Russia did pre war, this war will bring the greatest change in the world in the last 70 years. Of course this is based on the hope that some idiot either in the USA or Russia starts using nukes. That of course would bring about even greater change in the world than we have seen, maybe ever. Based on the use of ICBM V tactical nuke or 2.

I will close with post covid I was pissed at Trump for not following international law against China.

Now it is going to prove karma is a bitch.

Outlander Systems
05-24-22, 18:25
I thought this thread was about US Army IO?

Clearly the article was meant to be more proof of the connections/partnership.

We are fueling the communist war machine. Yuri said to cut it all off decades ago.

05-24-22, 18:29
I thought this thread was about US Army IO?

It's about psychological operations.

Why do some of you insist on acting like the 50 cent army? There's more than enough authentic proof in here.

05-24-22, 18:32
. Not only that they must import most of the raw materials they need to build stuff.


They could decommunize Canada since they have a pretext for invasion:

The role of the Chinese military beyond its ‘near abroad’: Implications for global security
With greater capabilities at its disposal, China may become more likely to use its military arm to protect its expanding economic interests.

Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the People's Republic of China for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments

Canada-China: Expanding Partnerships
Half of China's imports from Canada are resource-related, including more than $4 billion worth of trade in minerals and metals

Many 3rd world countries are in full panic

Russian Port Sieges 'Declaration of War,' UN Says

Russia’s blockade of Ukraine’s ports is a “declaration of war” that threatens to trigger mass migration and a global food crisis, a United Nations official said, adding to the dire warnings on the opening day of the World Economic Forum in Davos.


Australian eSafety commissioner Julie Inman raised eyebrows on Monday, telling the World Economic Forum that there needs to be a "recalibration" of free speech.

Davos Elites Warn "Painful Global Transition" Should Not Be Resisted By Nation-States

As World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab proclaimed that “the future is built by us” at the opening of the annual Davos gathering, two other European elites declared that the global energy crisis is a “transition” that will be “painful” for most, but should not be resisted by nations tempted to preserve their own sovereignty over the “global agenda.”

05-24-22, 19:49
Russia Force Feeding Ukrainian Civilians Propaganda in Mariupol

Footage recorded in Mariupol shows a Russian truck with a gigantic TV screen and speakers on it blaring Russian propaganda to the civilians who are still in the now destroyed city.

Allegedly, the footage above comes from Mariupol. I wouldn't be surprised if that's true, however it could also possibly be from Kherson where there is an even larger Ukrainian civilian population under Russian control. Either way, this is the exact kind of play you would expect to see from the Russian forces as they occupy territory full of civilians who want nothing more than to move on with their lives.

Regardless of the location of this footage, you have to admit that this is some peak Big Brother vibes

05-24-22, 20:14



05-24-22, 20:46
I wonder how many people believe communism is dead and I wonder who spread this lie.


Fifteen years after communism was officially pronounced dead, its spectre seems once again to be haunting Europe.


Outlander Systems
05-24-22, 21:04
Authentic proof of…what?

It's about psychological operations.

Why do some of you insist on acting like the 50 cent army? There's more than enough authentic proof in here.

05-24-22, 21:21
Authentic proof of…what?

Proof that Yuri was right. Or did the commies change your perception of reality?

05-24-22, 21:28
Holy shit dude. You’re about to be the first person I’ve ever put on an ignore list.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-24-22, 21:55
Because I answered his questions or because I asked if you had anything that proves the info in the rolling stone mag was false and none of it happened or because I showed how there's a major psyop happening all over the Western world and the video in the OP is what's happening to us?

How Voters Turned Virginia From Deep Red to Solid Blue

“Guns, that is the most pressing issue for me,” said Vijay Katkuri, 38, a software engineer from southern India, explaining why he voted for a Democratic challenger in Tuesday’s elections. He was shopping for chicken at the Indian Spice Food Market. “There are lots of other issues, but you can only fix them if you are alive.”


New York man wows at Virginia gun rally with 5-foot sniper rifle


05-24-22, 22:03
Because I answered his questions or because I asked if you had anything that proves the info in the rolling stone mag was false and none of it happened or because I showed how there's a major psyop happening all over the Western world and the video in the OP is what's happening to us?

How Voters Turned Virginia From Deep Red to Solid Blue

“Guns, that is the most pressing issue for me,” said Vijay Katkuri, 38, a software engineer from southern India, explaining why he voted for a Democratic challenger in Tuesday’s elections. He was shopping for chicken at the Indian Spice Food Market. “There are lots of other issues, but you can only fix them if you are alive.”


New York man wows at Virginia gun rally with 5-foot sniper rifle


Well for one, you won't stop posting shit and the attempted accuracy by volume is just annoying. For another, you keep posting shit that you apparently have no personal experience with. I've spent more of my life in VA than I think any other state and have been fortunate enough to be a mid-level leader in a specialized military organization for almost three years (and I'm definitely not the only one in that realm). I'm far from an expert but have way more actual experience than you seem to on many of the topics here but you just won't take any answer aside from your savior Yuri.

05-24-22, 22:17
Well for one, you won't stop posting shit and the attempted accuracy by volume is just annoying. For another, you keep posting shit that you apparently have no personal experience with. I've spent more of my life in VA than I think any other state and have been fortunate enough to be a mid-level leader in a specialized military organization for almost three years (and I'm definitely not the only one in that realm). I'm far from an expert but have way more actual experience than you seem to on many of the topics here but you just won't take any answer aside from your savior Yuri.

It's my thread and everything I've been posting is related to psychological operations. "Even if you shower them" - Yuri

The denial is further proof Yuri is right. That's what makes it ruthless. The victim doesn't realize he/she is marked for extermination until it's too late.

Point out exactly what it is that's wrong here.

If you are saying Yuri is wrong then you're completely ignoring all the evidence that backs up everything he says.

I have plenty of experience with psychological operations. Been at it for years. My country has no identity.

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence" - JFK

05-24-22, 22:36
I wonder how many people believe communism is dead and I wonder who spread this lie.


Fifteen years after communism was officially pronounced dead, its spectre seems once again to be haunting Europe.


LOL. When did China and Cuba cease to be communist? Who actually pronounced that? I think you are possibly confusing the end of communism with the end of the Cold War with the Soviet Union and the communist stranglehold on Eastern Europe. But you are all over the place so it is hard to keep track.

Also IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Everything I have posted is SCIENTIFIC FACT confirmed by Jesus the Fact Checker and if you question any of it, you basically hate Jesus and are saying everything Jesus said is wrong. Also questioning me proves beyond all scientific validity that the person doing so is a godless communist who secretly hates America and every person in it.

05-24-22, 23:01
Insinuating it was me that pronounced it is a new low.

Galatians 6:7 - Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

05-24-22, 23:37
The sinister psyop:


The state advocated the destruction of religion, and to achieve this goal, it officially denounced religious beliefs as superstitious and backward. The Communist Party destroyed churches, synagogues, and mosques, ridiculed, harassed, incarcerated and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with anti-religious teachings, and it introduced a belief system called "scientific atheism," with its own rituals, promises and proselytizers. According to some sources, the total number of Christian victims under the Soviet regime has been estimated to range around 12 to 20 million.

The problem is that your country and ours is almost completely fragmented. It shows itself here all the time. World view differences are profound and obvious. Even the so called Christians on this board are profoundly divided. About the only thing most agree on is "we like guns".

And as the prophet Amos said Amos 3:3 "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"...well...NO!

Just a friendly reminder that unity is strength!

1 Corinthians 1:10 - Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

Ephesians 4 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+4&version=KJV)

Psalm 133

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!



Two members of military counter-terrorism unit under investigation for allegedly taking part in convoy protests

The two individuals under investigation serve as “assaulters” — one of the most highly trained positions in JTF2 involving the use of weapons and military tactics.

Retired and serving Canadian Forces personnel were the ones who sounded the alarm about the serving JTF2 personnel taking part in the protests that have paralyzed Ottawa since Jan. 28. They allege that some serving members of JTF2 have openly voiced anti-vaccination and anti-government views while at work at the Dwyer Hill counter-terrorism training centre. Some of those anti-government views have been directed specifically at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and have centred particularly on Liberal government gun control policies, they allege.

"And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God." - JFK

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

"My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own." - JFK

05-24-22, 23:59
Insinuating it was me that pronounced it is a new low.

Galatians 6:7 - Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

So you've been wrong about everything else, might as well be wrong about that.

I didn't insinuate you said anything, if I thought YOU were making the statement I would have clowned you hard. I asked who pronounced communism to be dead because I assumed you were believing the statements of some complete retard who didn't understand Cuba and China never changed.

Also, not mocking god, just mocking YOU. It is very presumptuous of you to assume you are god, not a very christian thing to do if you ask me. Kinda funny you can't figure out YOU are simply reaping what YOU sew.

I'd try and explain more but you'd either genuinely fail to understand or distort things as hard as possible to be evasive. Still unsure if you are actually that dumb or just that completely insincere. I tend to suspect the latter.

05-25-22, 00:18

strongly marked

Marked for extermination, get it?

Examples of pronounced in a Sentence

The symptoms of the disease have become steadily more pronounced.

Communism is a disease, get it?

As if I would incubate and propagate such a disease/lie by believing it was dead.

Matthew 5:11 - Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.


05-25-22, 00:29

Examples of pronounced in a Sentence

The symptoms of the disease have become steadily more pronounced.

Matthew 5:11 - Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

Sorry, you know damn well it past past tense of "pronounce."


pro·​nounce | \ prə-ˈnau̇n(t)s
pronounced; pronouncing
Definition of pronounce

transitive verb
1 : to declare officially or ceremoniously the minister pronounced them husband and wife
2 : to declare authoritatively or as an opinion doctors pronounced him fit to resume duties

To suggest otherwise is gobblygook. But that is YOU, evasive and insincere.

05-25-22, 00:50
Sorry, I have to reiterate.

I do appreciate a cost effective psychological weapon.


No one wants to be the guy that gets hit by one.

05-25-22, 01:17
Jeeze, back to .50s now. Hard to keep up with the evasion.

05-25-22, 01:29
Also appreciate the history!

Extremely effective against massed Chinese troops.



Outlander Systems
05-25-22, 06:12
Meds: Not taken
Commies: Blamed
Voices in the Wall: Heard

Yup. It’s Schizo Time!!!!

05-25-22, 07:22

Two members of military counter-terrorism unit under investigation for allegedly taking part in convoy protests

The two individuals under investigation serve as “assaulters” — one of the most highly trained positions in JTF2 involving the use of weapons and military tactics.

What is that- Operation Toy Drop? Those dudes aren’t assaulters.

Are the dudes in that pic relevant to the post, or are you just using their pic as punctuation?

Outlander Systems
05-25-22, 07:33
I didn’t realize two stars kicked doors in either…

What is that- Operation Toy Drop? Those dudes aren’t assaulters.

Are the dudes in that pic relevant to the post, or are you just using their pic as punctuation?

05-25-22, 07:35
What is that- Operation Toy Drop?

Even for a photo op jumping for foreign wings, General Allyn's always got that ripcord grip awareness.

05-25-22, 07:35
I didn’t realize two stars kicked doors in either…

High prestige Call of Duty stats.

05-25-22, 07:39
Even for a photo op jumping for foreign wings, General Allyn's always got that ripcord grip awareness.
Prolly exchanged velcro flags, too. I’ve got a velcro maple leaf on my “uniform parts” wall from last time I went.

Edit: you and I know exactly what spot that photo was taken lol.

Outlander Systems
05-25-22, 07:48
Lmfaooooo! When u unlock additional Operators and end up getting a ****in’ MajGen.

[muscle arm emoji]

High prestige Call of Duty stats.

05-25-22, 07:55
Lmfaooooo! When u unlock additional Operators and end up getting a ****in’ MajGen.

[muscle arm emoji]

Added bonus- if enough teammates put hands in their pockets, you'll also unlock the Operations Sergeant Major rank with the Clean Sweep perk. With it, you can make the other team stop fighting to go police call the pine cones by the Brigade gym, then "strategically" put *some* of the pine cones back because it looks too unnatural without any.

(this happened)

Outlander Systems
05-25-22, 08:34
Goddamn lol

Added bonus- if enough teammates put hands in their pockets, you'll also unlock the Operations Sergeant Major rank with the Clean Sweep perk. With it, you can make the other team stop fighting to go police call the pine cones by the Brigade gym, then "strategically" put *some* of the pine cones back because it looks too unnatural without any.

(this happened)

05-25-22, 08:39
Added bonus- if enough teammates put hands in their pockets, you'll also unlock the Operations Sergeant Major rank with the Clean Sweep perk. With it, you can make the other team stop fighting to go police call the pine cones by the Brigade gym, then "strategically" put *some* of the pine cones back because it looks too unnatural without any.

(this happened)

When I was new to the whole concept of Bragg, I went to Range Control one day and looked at their electronic board thingy. “Why is almost every range on Bragg closed for like two weeks?” “Operation Clean Sweep”, the retired E9 said. “WTF is that!?” I said. “You’ll see”. The next day, driving to work, I saw Soldiers picking up trash and pine cones and raking, and doing all sorts of shit on the side of every road. I saw a dude in civvies watching Soldiers cut grass from the tailgate of a contract landscaping truck, which had clearly carried the lawnmowers on its trailer.

Meanwhile, our ranges were available every day from 0001-2359. Bragg is a bizarre place.

05-25-22, 08:59
When I was new to the whole concept of Bragg, I went to Range Control one day and looked at their electronic board thingy. “Why is almost every range on Bragg closed for like two weeks?” “Operation Clean Sweep”, the retired E9 said. “WTF is that!?” I said. “You’ll see”. The next day, driving to work, I saw Soldiers picking up trash and pine cones and raking, and doing all sorts of shit on the side of every road. I saw a dude in civvies watching Soldiers cut grass from the tailgate of a contract landscaping truck, which had clearly carried the lawnmowers on its trailer.

Meanwhile, our ranges were available every day from 0001-2359. Bragg is a bizarre place.

And most of the ranges are on public access roads which are uncontrolled. That really made me go "wha....?"

05-25-22, 09:47
When I was new to the whole concept of Bragg, I went to Range Control one day and looked at their electronic board thingy. “Why is almost every range on Bragg closed for like two weeks?” “Operation Clean Sweep”, the retired E9 said. “WTF is that!?” I said. “You’ll see”. The next day, driving to work, I saw Soldiers picking up trash and pine cones and raking, and doing all sorts of shit on the side of every road. I saw a dude in civvies watching Soldiers cut grass from the tailgate of a contract landscaping truck, which had clearly carried the lawnmowers on its trailer.

Meanwhile, our ranges were available every day from 0001-2359. Bragg is a bizarre place.

That's good training.

Outlander Systems
05-25-22, 09:49
Turns out, infantrymen are what actually makes the grass grow green.

That's good training.

05-25-22, 10:18
What is that- Operation Toy Drop? Those dudes aren’t assaulters.

Are the dudes in that pic relevant to the post, or are you just using their pic as punctuation?

Why would you only quote half the post? So you can manipulate it the way you did? You and the other 50 cent army acting posters here are actually running with it?

The pic is from the Wikipedia article. It came after the unity quotes.

The article about JTF being at the protest and the political philosophy that followed was complementary.

Here's the full post:

The sinister psyop:


The state advocated the destruction of religion, and to achieve this goal, it officially denounced religious beliefs as superstitious and backward. The Communist Party destroyed churches, synagogues, and mosques, ridiculed, harassed, incarcerated and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with anti-religious teachings, and it introduced a belief system called "scientific atheism," with its own rituals, promises and proselytizers. According to some sources, the total number of Christian victims under the Soviet regime has been estimated to range around 12 to 20 million.

Just a friendly reminder that unity is strength!

1 Corinthians 1:10 - Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

Ephesians 4 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+4&version=KJV)

Psalm 133

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!



Two members of military counter-terrorism unit under investigation for allegedly taking part in convoy protests

The two individuals under investigation serve as “assaulters” — one of the most highly trained positions in JTF2 involving the use of weapons and military tactics.

Retired and serving Canadian Forces personnel were the ones who sounded the alarm about the serving JTF2 personnel taking part in the protests that have paralyzed Ottawa since Jan. 28. They allege that some serving members of JTF2 have openly voiced anti-vaccination and anti-government views while at work at the Dwyer Hill counter-terrorism training centre. Some of those anti-government views have been directed specifically at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and have centred particularly on Liberal government gun control policies, they allege.

"And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God." - JFK

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

"My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own." - JFK

Meds: Not taken
Commies: Blamed
Voices in the Wall: Heard

Yup. It’s Schizo Time!!!!

You're definitely contaminated and more proof Yuri is right. Even Conservatives can have their perception of reality changed.

The radicals have taken over: Academic extremism comes to Canada

University campuses have always leaned a little left. But in the 1990s, as the previous generation of academics was replaced by baby boomers, they began to lean dramatically left. The humanities and social sciences were colonized by an unholy alliance of poststructuralists and Marxists – people who believe that Western civilization is a corrupt patriarchy that must be dismantled.

I’ve known since I was a teenager that some public school social studies teachers seem to lean toward Marxism. I came home one day from Grade 8 social studies class telling my parents that my teacher thought the Soviet Union was just terrific. My dad had a different view. He didn’t think much of the fact that Joseph Stalin had starved 10 million people, mostly Ukrainians

Communism still present on campuses 100 years after the Russian Revolution
A hundred years later, the communist thoughts that inspired Lenin to rebel against the Russian monarchs and aristocrats, still exist in Canadian universities.


Critical race theory is an academic discipline, formulated in the 1990s and built on the intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism.

EDUCATION; The Mainstreaming of Marxism in U.S. Colleges

A Marxist Education In 'Hypersensitivity' As A Cause Of Violence On American Campuses

Outlander Systems
05-25-22, 10:31
This thread has changed my perception of red-flag laws.

05-25-22, 10:34
LOL Trudeau: "Do we tolerate these people?"

No. We don't tolerate anyone that posts information that reveals the truth. We red flag them.

M4 is definitely infected.

I don't like red flag laws since they go against freedom but this guy here standing on guard definitively needs to be red flagged. He also might not hand in his AR-15 and 50 cal!



“I’m going to throw out something maybe a little bit explosive here. It’s just because we have people at the top. We have our old friends who are at the top of America’s core inner circle of power and influence,” the top Chinese political scientist continued.

05-25-22, 11:11
Turns out, infantrymen are what actually makes the grass grow green.

The sweat of a Joe is the most concentrated source of plant nutrients found in nature. Without it, grass cannot grow on Bragg.

It's like the spice melange of military foliage...the sweat must flow.

Outlander Systems
05-25-22, 11:11
This thread has most definitely become a “psychological operation.”

Outlander Systems
05-25-22, 11:24
Nuh-uh. That sounds like a Wumao talking point!

The sweat of a Joe is the most concentrated source of plant nutrients found in nature. Without it, grass cannot grow on Bragg.

It's like the spice melange of military foliage...the sweat must flow.

05-25-22, 11:30
Nuh-uh. That sounds like a Wumao talking point!

-100 social credit.

Outlander Systems
05-25-22, 11:32
Never question my allegiance to Chairman Xi! China numbah won!

-100 social credit.

05-25-22, 14:53
What is that- Operation Toy Drop? Those dudes aren’t assaulters.

Are the dudes in that pic relevant to the post, or are you just using their pic as punctuation?


I have been on FOUR Operation Toy Drops and every time I am on teh German Chalk. What is up with that SH!T?

I missed out on a really cool set of Irish Jump Wings by one person one year....... :mad:

FYI........ Operation Toy Drop is run by USACAPOC(A)....... Were they messing with my mind!?!?!?!?!?! :jester:

Outlander Systems
05-25-22, 16:33
Yeah, but did you PsYoP anyone? Hmmm?


I have been on FOUR Operation Toy Drops and every time I am on teh German Chalk. What is up with that SH!T?

I missed out on a really cool set of Irish Jump Wings by one person one year....... :mad:

FYI........ Operation Toy Drop is run by USACAPOC(A)....... Were they messing with my mind!?!?!?!?!?! :jester:

05-25-22, 16:44

I have been on FOUR Operation Toy Drops and every time I am on teh German Chalk. What is up with that SH!T

Same. Did Toy Drop twice; double dipped German. Fugg me, I guess.

05-25-22, 16:52
Even after posting the article about the 50 cent army they still act exactly like them. It's as if they're proud to be this way.


Civility (aka the "We Will Crush Your Balls" edict).


I suspect that more than few of us went to Sunday School as boys, and as such, we should be reasonably familiar with the principle of treating others as you would have them treat you. Even if you never stepped foot in Sunday School, the truths here are pretty self-evident.

We're having a problem around here lately. It's not the spiraling downfall in post quality. It's not the influx of new members who don't yet seem to understand what we're all about. It's not the general rise in white noise. It's not the resurgence in tin-foil hat conspiracy posts. It's not the fellows that have been posting increasingly goofy rifles in the home build section. It's not even the emergence of guys who happen to have particularly strong opinions about the current administration or the latest push for gun control legislation in whatever form.

The problem we're having lies with the otherwise peaceable folks who seem to think that their fellow members no longer deserve a measure of basic respect if/when the opinions of said members diverge from their own dearly-held beliefs (on whatever the topic). We've been very clear on the fact that bitter debates, personal attacks, name calling and baiting will not be tolerated, but apparently the message has grown stale with age. Kindly allow me to freshen it up slightly in the interest of maintaining the peace around here.

If you disagree with a point another member has made, you may freely engage his facts or issues and make your points. If you belittle him as an individual in the process, or otherwise imply that he is intellectually-deficient in some way, we will crush your balls.

If you call another member a name in a manner that is in any way interpreted as hostile or sarcastic (because sarcasm is a huge accelerant -- if not the most volatile of them all), your balls will be summarily-crushed.

If you get into a heated debate with another member that even slightly resembles an open argument (or is laced with the aforementioned sarcasm), go ahead and slap 'em up on the table, because we're going to crush them.

If you direct profanity at another member with even mild ill intent, kindly drop trou. Your balls? Yeah, we're crushing them.

If you happen to think that your position(s) and/or belief(s) on a matter are so sacred as to create immediate offense if/when you encounter someone who might feel differently, do not respond to them. If you do, you will almost surely project an air of ire and intolerance. At that point, you may consider your balls as good as crushed.

I could go on, but I believe the point has been gently made. The staff has been instructed to be on watch for this kind of behavior, and to root it out without a lot of discussion; especially in the near-term. If you happen to wade into those waters anyway, and you happen to have balls ... well, you know the rest. Please take it like a man, and avoid the grousing and protests.

Clear, brothers? Let's make an active effort to "be at peace with all men," and put away any personal gripes we may have against another member. If that approach leads you to take one on the chin when you did nothing to deserve it, let us know and we will take whatever action is necessary to restore tranquilly. Hint: your tormenter's balls, and the crushing thereof, will almost certainly be involved.

This is a professional resource: let us have no more of this sixth-grade crap.

Please and thank you.


Know what else will crush your balls if left unchecked? The communist military boot.

05-25-22, 16:56
Even after posting the article about the 50 cent army they still act exactly like them. It's as if they're proud to be this way.

Boohoo nigga, I don't care.

Outlander Systems
05-25-22, 17:11
Sweet blog post. Thank you for allowing me to come to your Ted talk.

Even after posting the article about the 50 cent army they still act exactly like them. It's as if they're proud to be this way.

05-25-22, 21:18
I just realized this f'ing LARPER was the subject of a NY Post article.

A New Yorker toting a massive, military-grade sniper rifle may have been the biggest star of Monday’s pro-gun rally in Richmond, Va.

So his apparently his biggest internet achievement is feeding the enemy. Nice helmet goober.

And LOTS of people own .50s but we don't feel the need to take them to events and parade them down the street like a giant dildo at a pride parade.



05-25-22, 21:49
And these are the guys I'm supposedly supposed to stand with in the fight against evil. Sure.

05-25-22, 22:39
And these are the guys I'm supposedly supposed to stand with in the fight against evil. Sure.

Hey if you'd rather roll with the LARPer than the SME guys, you go right ahead. I won't tell ya what to do.

05-25-22, 22:58
Nah don't show off a powerful psychological weapon, especially at a pro gun rally in Virginia. Some porn admirer flailing around in panic mode compared it to a giant dildo.

Honestly at this point they're aiding the enemy if they are who they say they are. What's doing that called again?


A show of force is a military operation intended to warn (such as a warning shot) or to intimidate an opponent by showcasing a capability or will to act if one is provoked.

05-25-22, 23:01
And these are the guys I'm supposedly supposed to stand with in the fight against evil. Sure.

I get the exact same type of disruptive and distracting posts on Canadian gun forums.

You guys should venture over there and see how bad it is... if you can handle the cringe.

05-25-22, 23:07
If you meet an asshole (or dumbass), then you met an asshole (or dumbass). If everyone you meet is an asshole (or dumbass), perhaps you’re the asshole (or dumbass).

05-25-22, 23:19
If you meet an asshole (or dumbass), then you met an asshole (or dumbass). If everyone you meet is an asshole (or dumbass), perhaps you’re the asshole (or dumbass).

Yeah, I don't think 30 guys on a gun forum constitutes "everyone you meet". And truth isn't determined by majority vote.

05-25-22, 23:40
I get the exact same type of disruptive and distracting posts on Canadian gun forums.

You guys should venture over there and see how bad it is... if you can handle the cringe.

You’re more than enough cringe.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-25-22, 23:50
Nah don't show off a powerful psychological weapon, especially at a pro gun rally in Virginia. Some porn admirer flailing around in panic mode compared it to a giant dildo.

Honestly at this point they're aiding the enemy if they are who they say they are. What's doing that called again?


A show of force is a military operation intended to warn (such as a warning shot) or to intimidate an opponent by showcasing a capability or will to act if one is provoked.

Thanks for explaining words like "show" and "force."

05-26-22, 00:05
I see it all the time on Canadian forums. Don't do this or that. Don't wear camo. Don't say militia or talk about militias etc

In this case, keep your psychological weapons out of sight.

Why? The same reason on Canadian forums: Because it makes us look bad.

The media! The Liberal voters! We must appease them and neuter ourselves!


05-26-22, 00:30
I see it all the time on Canadian forums. Don't do this or that. Don't wear camo. Don't say militia or talk about militias etc

In this case, keep your psychological weapons out of sight.

Why? The same reason on Canadian forums: Because it makes us look bad.

The media! The Liberal voters! We must appease them and neuter ourselves!


Actually we do it differently in this country. It's called don't be a giant goober who wears a dorky helmet and carries what the NY Post called a FIVE FOOT SNIPER RIFLE simply to impress the other goobers.

It's called "feeding" the "enemy", you can look that up on your online dictionary sometime. You want to engage in real psyops? Act normal. Hey look, there is a guy who is armed but he looks like a normal f'ing person, not some fringe retard in a helmet.

And just maybe, stop telling us how they do things in Canada, we actually don't care...at all. They probably do things a certain way in Spain, it's about as relevant as how things are done in Canada. You want to post links about what is going on in Canada, do it on a Canadian forum. We don't care.

You had the audacity to post AC's civility thread, but you've been trolling the shit out of this forum from day one. You got dogpiled as a result, some of us even tried to explain to you the problem you were having, but you chose to get confrontational and doubled down on your "latest news from Canada", massive link dumps, YT vids about dangers of communism and bible quotes. And rather than learn how to act like a normal person, you have simply continued to troll the shit out of the forum and talk down to anyone who is tired of your well worn out antics.

This of course fits in perfectly with your persecution complex where you can imagine you are the lone crusader fighting the evils of communism (and ordinary gun people) for truth, justice and the american way. Because you need to wear a helmet for that kind of stuff.

05-26-22, 00:37
lol who actually takes this deranged clown seriously? Does anyone know him in real life?

Even other posters here are calling him out.

Canada being disarmed is a big deal and hurts US national security. All the links I've been posting shows how serious this all is. Trying to suppress/downplay/deny it and coming up with warped justifications to do so is treason.

Trying to culturally engineer America to bring it down with Canada is also treason.

"C-68 has little to do with gun control or crime control, but it is the first step necessary to begin the social re-engineering of Canada. "— Liberal senator Sharon Carstairs, 1996.

"Disarming the Canadian public is part of the new humanitarian social agenda." — Liberal foreign affairs minister Lloyd Axworthy at a gun control conference, Oslo, Norway, 1998.

Cuba gives its citizens 2 months to register guns
Cubans were encouraged to register any weapons they owned in the years after Fidel Castro and his band of rebels toppled dictator Fulgencio Batista on Jan. 1, 1959. But later authorities used a list of those who had sought licenses to go door-to-door and encourage them to turn over their firearms – even antiques considered family heirlooms.

05-26-22, 00:52
lol who actually takes this deranged clown seriously? Does anyone know him in real life?

Even other posters here are calling him out.

Canada being disarmed is a big deal and hurts US national security. All the links I've been posting shows how serious this all is. Trying to suppress/downplay/deny it and coming up with warped justifications to do so is treason.

Hello kettle. Dude YOU are the one everyone is calling out.


But yeah, deflection...because that is what commies do....just like YOU.

But nobody knows me, I'm not well known. I don't go to "look at me" events with "look at me" guns wearing "look at me" helmets. But hey, the NY POST knows YOU. Good job, that psyops thing worked out real well for you. NY Post has you looking like a nutjob dressed up for the great reset. I'm sure they haven't forwarded that link to your local ATF branch.

05-26-22, 01:01


"Participant Ryan Jacob tells me that the militia group intentionally positioned themselves away from downtown and stayed in the parking lot such that they could go "help law enforcement if they got overtaken" in the city."

"I asked one of them how they'd use their anti-material Barrett .50 cal at a street protest."

05-26-22, 01:16


"Participant Ryan Jacob tells me that the militia group intentionally positioned themselves away from downtown and stayed in the parking lot such that they could go "help law enforcement if they got overtaken" in the city."

"I asked one of them how they'd use their anti-material Barrett .50 cal at a street protest."

LOL. If you need a .50 because Grandmaster Jay has plates, your tactics suck. LARPing hard bro.

05-26-22, 08:22
Using a 50 cal to defend America against communism?

It's called talking tough or red dawn fantasies on Canadian forums. They actually try to get Canadians to comply with everything and the reasoning is we have to maintain a law abiding image. The law must always be obeyed. Contaminated Liberals must be appeased.

"Participant Ryan Jacob tells me that the militia group intentionally positioned themselves away from downtown and stayed in the parking lot such that they could go "help law enforcement if they got overtaken" in the city."


"Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort." - JFK


Kenosha cops thanked heavily armed militia members just minutes before one shot dead a pair of rioters in the Wisconsin city Tuesday night — even handing a water bottle to a vigilante who appears to be accused shooter Kyle Rittenhouse

The US was being decommunized for months








BLM founder admitting to being well trained Marxists







Winnipeg restaurant windows spray-painted after owner accused of making racist Facebook post

Outlander Systems
05-26-22, 08:48

05-26-22, 08:52

05-26-22, 09:10
Got damm, can we please, pretty please, steer away from things Canadian and shit-stirring for a second and get the thread back on track???

Outlander Systems
05-26-22, 09:13
China doesn’t pay me to make topic-relevant posts, my guy.

Got damm, can we please, pretty please, steer away from things Canadian and shit-stirring for a second and get the thread back on track???

05-26-22, 09:19
China doesn’t pay me to make topic-relevant posts, my guy.

...yet you do it for free.

05-26-22, 09:20
Got damm, can we please, pretty please, steer away from things Canadian and shit-stirring for a second and get the thread back on track???

Exclude supporting evidence?

Deprive your allies of information that gets banned and deleted on Canadian forums?

Picture guys like Outlander in a position of power/control over free speech.

"My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you" - JFK

America, my disarmed and defenseless country needs you to sacrifice and do all the defending for us.

05-26-22, 09:23

I have been on FOUR Operation Toy Drops and every time I am on teh German Chalk. What is up with that SH!T?

I missed out on a really cool set of Irish Jump Wings by one person one year....... :mad:

FYI........ Operation Toy Drop is run by USACAPOC(A)....... Were they messing with my mind!?!?!?!?!?! :jester:

Hahaha I also did German x2. Already had a set from Federal Eagle, as well. I got Chilean ones on Benning, and usually wear those instead because they are gaudier. I always hoped to get on a chalk with some really exotic ones. Last time I was there it was just for DZ coverage, sadly.

CAPOC is definitely messing with your mind. (/s)

Hey, Friendly Stranger, do you shoot guns? I think some of us would be more tolerant of your rants if you’d occasionally post a “Yo, I Took My M4 to the Range” thread.

05-26-22, 09:32
Hey, Friendly Stranger, do you shoot guns? I think some of us would be more tolerant of your rants if you’d occasionally post a “Yo, I Took My M4 to the Range” thread.

The OIC ban and previous bans means these ARs and AKs etc can not leave the safe until the commie overlords say you can transport it or have it destroyed.

I already posted a picture of my AR.

"Hey guys, I took my SKS and type 81 to the range. Want me to make a video so you can see me shoot 5 rounds at a time?"

Outlander Systems
05-26-22, 09:49
I'm actually a Janitor II. I've seen what people do with their so-called "fReE sPeEch, and the reality is that it's utterly vile. If you saw what I scrubbed off urinal walls on a daily basis, you'd be against it too.

Picture guys like Outlander in a position of power/control over free speech.

05-26-22, 09:55
I'm actually a Janitor II. I've seen what people do with their so-called "fReE sPeEch, and the reality is that it's utterly vile. If you saw what I scrubbed off urinal walls on a daily basis, you'd be against it too.
Infantry dudes draw exponentially better d!cks on the wall than Psyop dudes. Its almost a shame when they get removed.

Outlander Systems
05-26-22, 10:01
LOL! Truly masterful works of art. There's an M4C member I've purchased items from in the past with my JannieBuxx, and he makes it a point to deface whatever item I purchase with a cockenbawls.

Infantry dudes draw exponentially better d!cks on the wall than Psyop dudes. Its almost a shame when they get removed.

05-26-22, 10:02
If you want to see these guys in action on another forum spend a few days reading through the threads on this MMA website/sub forum.


Mass Shootings In The US: https://forums.sherdog.com/threads/mass-shootings-in-the-us.4241055/

05-26-22, 11:06
Beautiful timing


#BallisticHelmet #Ops #MikeGlover
Why would you ever need a ballistic helmet as a civilian? : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zOKFG4SeHI

The Tactical Advantage Series, episode 1 Self-Defense: https://youtu.be/svtuoTctOuQ

Outlander Systems
05-26-22, 17:37

05-26-22, 18:00
LOOL at the LARPers getting triggered and trying to equate themselves with actual military people who train in gear despite "Never been in combat?" qualifier.

Needs more tactical kilt.


05-26-22, 18:55
Culturally engineering America so that it has the tactical disadvantage, is treason.

They are going all in and you can expect the psyops to be ramped up.

Big cultural shift necessary to address gun violence in U.S., not just laws: David Frum

Much like the bulletproof home thread I made: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?227849-Bulletproof-home&p=2969430#post2969430

communist aiding divisive pic

That's also treason.

05-26-22, 20:13
Culturally engineering America so that it has the tactical disadvantage, is treason.

They are going all in and you can expect the psyops to be ramped up.

Big cultural shift necessary to address gun violence in U.S., not just laws: David Frum

Much like the bulletproof home thread I made: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?227849-Bulletproof-home&p=2969430#post2969430

That's also treason.

Are you still snowed in up there? Getting a touch of the cabin fever?

05-26-22, 20:16
That's also treason.

LOL. Posting memes is treason. Everything is treason. Pretty sure that is how commies do it.

I swear the crazy never ends. But wait.... didn't YOU with Post #195 just today try and create some divisive controversy with Military Arms Channel because they had the audacity to express their free speech regarding people with no combat experience who like to play "dress up?"

Isn't THAT TREASON. Especially given that MAC is a LONG TIME, well respected member of the firearms community in the US vs. some idiot who managed to scrape together $6k to buy a Barrett so he can play "Crusader Super Hero" dress up at events and online?

Also if you are a NY gun dealer, why do you keep talking about Canada? Or are you FOS about one of those also?

05-26-22, 20:24
A Canadian LARP’ing as an American badass…

This. Thread. Is. AWESOME!!

05-26-22, 20:28
Artificial intelligence malfunctioning? I guess it's not capable of watching videos yet.

On other forums they rely on herd mentality. They fool the audience by consensus/swarming.

05-26-22, 20:37
Using a 50 cal to defend America against communism?

It's called talking tough or red dawn fantasies on Canadian forums. They actually try to get Canadians to comply with everything and the reasoning is we have to maintain a law abiding image. The law must always be obeyed. Contaminated Liberals must be appeased.

"Participant Ryan Jacob tells me that the militia group intentionally positioned themselves away from downtown and stayed in the parking lot such that they could go "help law enforcement if they got overtaken" in the city."


"Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort." - JFK


Kenosha cops thanked heavily armed militia members just minutes before one shot dead a pair of rioters in the Wisconsin city Tuesday night — even handing a water bottle to a vigilante who appears to be accused shooter Kyle Rittenhouse

The US was being decommunized for months








BLM founder admitting to being well trained Marxists







Winnipeg restaurant windows spray-painted after owner accused of making racist Facebook post

Oh no, not the 50 cal rant again, You seemed to be worried alot about American's doing American stuff? Canada that boring up there aye?

05-26-22, 20:39
A Canadian LARP’ing as an American badass…

This. Thread. Is. AWESOME!!

When have I ever said I was an American? I do have family members in the US and have been there plenty of times though.

First toy gun I received as a kid was when I visited family in Tennessee.


First gun I ever shot and owned was that AR-15 (also made in America) the commies want to confiscate by use of deadly force.

05-26-22, 20:46
Oh no, not the 50 cal rant again, You seemed to be worried alot about American's doing American stuff?

It's a powerful psychological weapon and was it me that started talking about them first in this thread? I like talking about them so I don't mind.

This is definitely being done to Americans by Americans.

Just like in Canada:

The radicals have taken over: Academic extremism comes to Canada

University campuses have always leaned a little left. But in the 1990s, as the previous generation of academics was replaced by baby boomers, they began to lean dramatically left. The humanities and social sciences were colonized by an unholy alliance of poststructuralists and Marxists – people who believe that Western civilization is a corrupt patriarchy that must be dismantled.

I’ve known since I was a teenager that some public school social studies teachers seem to lean toward Marxism. I came home one day from Grade 8 social studies class telling my parents that my teacher thought the Soviet Union was just terrific. My dad had a different view. He didn’t think much of the fact that Joseph Stalin had starved 10 million people, mostly Ukrainians

Canada that boring up there aye?


Ottawa extends amnesty on 'assault-style' firearms, says buyback program still in the works

The federal Liberal government is extending its amnesty on "assault-style" firearms until October 2023.

It says doing so gives officials more time to implement a mandatory buyback program for the firearms.

05-26-22, 20:58
Are you still snowed in up there? Getting a touch of the cabin fever?
Philippians 2:10-11

John 13

34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

05-26-22, 21:08
That cultural engineering is not something to take lightly.



05-26-22, 21:40
That cultural engineering is not something to take lightly.



Seems to me you should be fighting the Canadian government rather than posting on this forum telling us what to do about ours?

Hell I shot my Uzi just last week. I had to go outside to do it, didn't dress up in battle rattle and didn't photodocument myself either. So might seem alien to you.

05-27-22, 00:48
Already at it:

Poll: Own Up to You Stance on Guns

Deal with it: There are only two ****ing options

I accept the slaughter of children in order to keep gun access unrestricted
19 vote(s)
I think we should lower the number of guns in circulation significantly
28 vote(s)

05-27-22, 01:52
Already at it:

Poll: Own Up to You Stance on Guns

Deal with it: There are only two ****ing options

I accept the slaughter of children in order to keep gun access unrestricted
19 vote(s)
I think we should lower the number of guns in circulation significantly
28 vote(s)

A poll....? On Sherdog no less?


No wonder you guys lost your asses. You left it to the truck drivers while the activists in the hard corps carried empty firearms to rallies and played dress up.

05-27-22, 13:07
A poll....? On Sherdog no less?


No wonder you guys lost your asses. You left it to the truck drivers while the activists in the hard corps carried empty firearms to rallies and played dress up.

BINGO!, Maybe he should start fighting and not spending hours posting Canada crap in a none Canada country.

05-27-22, 13:17
"Seems to me you should be fighting the Canadian government"

"Maybe he should start fighting"



Will federal intrusions happen? Of course, but at the local level it is much easier to vet people according to their behaviors and root out bad actors. Hold your local meetings to discuss current events and create a place for people to network and get to know each other. Talk to local businesses or your county sheriff to see where they stand on issues like the vaccine passports and Biden mandates. Put things in motion now or you will regret it later when your community is completely disjointed and paralyzed by fear during crisis or government subjugation.

And, what about the first guy at your meetings that starts talking about building bombs, drafting “kill lists” or kidnapping governors? Kick his ass out promptly and make sure everyone knows why you did it. Most likely he is a fed or he is on an informant payroll. As our national composure breaks down and the manure hits the fan, fed informants and agents will suddenly disappear from these groups without a trace. They are not going to stick around for what happens next; the government doesn’t pay them enough for that. And knowing who the patriots are will not help the federal government if the patriots are organized to defend themselves. This is the reality which they do not want us to wake up to.

05-27-22, 15:01
Someone mentioned earlier that I should make a thread about Canadian guns issues. I had already made a thread about Canadian gun issues but unfortunately the usual suspects did the usual swarm and fool by consensus routine and got it locked.

There's no way I could make one against because they'll just do the same every time. Then they'll end up having a fake distracting conversation with each other. It's like this on every forum. Ghosts in the machine.


05-27-22, 15:08
Someone mentioned earlier that I should make a thread about Canadian guns issues. I had already made a thread about Canadian gun issues but unfortunately the usual suspects did the usual swarm and fool by consensus routine and got it locked.

There's no way I could make one against because they'll just do the same every time. Then they'll end up having a fake distracting conversation with each other. It's like this on every forum. Ghosts in the machine.


Ever hear that saying that if you meet an a#%hole in the morning, we’ll you probably just met an a#%hole. But if everyone you meet today is an a#%hole, then chances are you are probably the a#%hole?

05-27-22, 15:26
Ever hear that saying that if you meet an a#%hole in the morning, we’ll you probably just met an a#%hole. But if everyone you meet today is an a#%hole, then chances are you are probably the a#%hole?

If you meet an asshole (or dumbass), then you met an asshole (or dumbass). If everyone you meet is an asshole (or dumbass), perhaps you’re the asshole (or dumbass).

And these are the guys I'm supposedly supposed to stand with in the fight against evil. Sure.

They actually sound more like malfunctioning bots to me.

The Chinese government is flooding the internet with 448 million fake social media comments a year

"regularly distract the public and change the subject,"


Chinese government workers fabricate online comments to distract people

05-27-22, 15:30
Then they'll end up having a fake distracting conversation with each other

To be fair; we were having a conversation between 3 dudes who used to wear their nation's uniform while exiting aircraft in flight for the sole purpose of closing with and killing the enemy.

I promise I don't give a **** about you.

05-27-22, 15:46
To be fair; we were having a conversation between 3 dudes who used to wear their nation's uniform while exiting aircraft in flight for the sole purpose of closing with and killing the enemy.

I promise I don't give a **** about you.
Book written by two Chinese Generals called unrestricted warfare: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/20-year-old-book-suggests-china-already-quietly-war-us

Describes how to defeat an enemy that is technologically superior. Psychological warfare is mentioned.

"Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." - Sun Tzu

If you are who you really say you are then I'm really not impressed with your defense of America.

You and the Americans that I take advice from are nothing alike.

05-27-22, 15:48
If you are who you really say you are then I'm really not impressed with your defense of America.


05-27-22, 15:52

05-27-22, 15:57
May 1st

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Workers Day (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Workers%27_Day#:~:text=The%20first%2 0of%20May%20is%20a%20national%2C%20public,Labor%20 Day%20on%20the%20first%20Monday%20of%20September.)
the date was chosen in 1889 for political reasons by the Marxist International Socialist Congress





Two mass shootings while Ukraine is being brutally decommunized.

Grave dancing like I've never seen before. Talk about being set up for extermination:

New federal firearms bill will be introduced on Monday: Lametti

Federal Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino will table new firearms legislation on Monday

Among the outstanding Liberal gun-control promises from that legislation and from Mendicino's mandate letter that could be included in the new bill:

-Following through on requiring owners of banned firearms sell them back to the government to be destroyed or "rendered inoperable";
-Moving to ban the sale or transfer of high-capacity magazines that can hold more than the legal number of bullets;
-Requiring long-gun magazines be permanently altered "so that they can never hold more than five rounds”;
-Providing funding to provinces and territories who move ahead with banning handguns in their municipalities;
-Increasing the maximum penalties for firearm trafficking and smuggling; and
-Tabling "red flag laws" that would allow firearms to be immediately removed if the owner is deemed a threat to themselves or others. This is a commitment Lametti has shared responsibility for.

Speaking about the May 24 mass shooting at an elementary school in Texas, the public safety minister said it is a reminder that "we still have a lot of work to do" in Canada.

05-27-22, 16:02
i wish there was a block option on this forum. i would have blocked that basement dweller in the 50 cal debate.

05-27-22, 16:04
See what I mean? They must come into my thread and swarm/distract.

Now it's back to the 50s... The commies clearly don't want you to have them or display them in a show of force. They are trying to culturally engineer/neuter you.

What is there even to debate about the 50 cal anyway? The results speak for themselves.

05-27-22, 16:11
They actually sound more like malfunctioning bots to me.

The Chinese government is flooding the internet with 448 million fake social media comments a year

"regularly distract the public and change the subject,"


Chinese government workers fabricate online comments to distract people

Darn, you caught me. I’m a communist plant sent here by the deep-state. A malfunctioning bot.

Because that’s so much more plausible than you being slow or…… whatever else it is that you are…

05-27-22, 16:13
Ad hom attacks are used frequently as well.

"Seek to irritate" - Sun Tzu

05-27-22, 16:18
Ad hom attacks are used frequently as well.

"Seek to irritate" - Sun Tzu

It’s not personal. It’s just obvious you aren’t firing on all cylinders. The fact that you claim this kind of stuff happens everywhere you post, and yet you don’t get the hint, confirms it.

05-27-22, 16:21
To be fair; we were having a conversation between 3 dudes who used to wear their nation's uniform while exiting aircraft in flight for the sole purpose of closing with and killing the enemy.

I promise I don't give a **** about you.

And still do….

If you are who you really say you are then I'm really not impressed with your defense of America.

You and the Americans that I take advice from are nothing alike.

Get ****ed, f@gg0t. The **** do you know about US Soldiers? We’ve been trying to tell you that you don’t know what the **** you’re talking about, but you can’t shut your ****ing cockholster long enough to listen. Take your Lamictal and shut the **** up, maple pussy.

i wish there was a block option on this forum. i would have blocked that basement dweller in the 50 cal debate. Its on the non-mobile mode. Click username, then go to the bottom-left to select desktop mode. Add to Ignore is now on the left side of the screen.

05-27-22, 16:31
Someone mentioned earlier that I should make a thread about Canadian guns issues. I had already made a thread about Canadian gun issues but unfortunately the usual suspects did the usual swarm and fool by consensus routine and got it locked.

There's no way I could make one against because they'll just do the same every time. Then they'll end up having a fake distracting conversation with each other. It's like this on every forum. Ghosts in the machine.


Imagine that.

05-27-22, 16:51

I put my USACAPOC coin near my Canuckistan flag for maximum *gasp!*.

05-27-22, 17:00
And still do….

Get ****ed, f@gg0t. The **** do you know about US Soldiers? We’ve been trying to tell you that you don’t know what the **** you’re talking about, but you can’t shut your ****ing cockholster long enough to listen. Take your Lamictal and shut the **** up, maple pussy.

Myself and many Americans know exactly what they are talking about. Many (majority I think?) of the articles I link are American sources.

lol the lady that wrote this Canadian article is an American:

The radicals have taken over: Academic extremism comes to Canada

University campuses have always leaned a little left. But in the 1990s, as the previous generation of academics was replaced by baby boomers, they began to lean dramatically left. The humanities and social sciences were colonized by an unholy alliance of poststructuralists and Marxists – people who believe that Western civilization is a corrupt patriarchy that must be dismantled.


"Margaret Wente is one of Canada’s leading columnists. As a writer for The Globe and Mail, she provoked heated debate with her views on health care, education, and social issues. She is a winner of the National Newspaper Award for column-writing.

Ms. Wente has had a diverse career in Canadian journalism as both a writer and an editor. She has edited two leading business magazines, Canadian Business and ROB Magazine. She has also been editor of the Globe’s business section, the ROB, and managing editor of the paper. Her columns have appeared in the Globe since 1992. She now writes full-time for the paper, and she is a frequent commentator on television and radio.

Ms. Wente was born in Chicago and moved to Toronto with her family when she was in her teens. She has won numerous journalism awards. She holds a BA from the University of Michigan, and an MA in English from the University of Toronto. She is married to Ian McLeod, a television producer."

Its on the non-mobile mode. Click username, then go to the bottom-left to select desktop mode. Add to Ignore is now on the left side of the screen.

lol as if they will ignore me.

I'll make a thread about the gun situation in Canada and we'll see if they stay out of it.

I'll even give you guys a play by play for as long as I can in the future before communications are cut.

05-27-22, 17:22

I put my USACAPOC coin near my Canuckistan flag for maximum *gasp!*.

This should be good lol



We have to remember that many of our LEO and Military folk are legal firearms owners too. Not only does this prohibition affect certain aspects of our business, it publicizes the distrust that we cannot be responsible for firearms that we legally obtained combined with our already heavily vetted firearms license. It immediately criminalizes many of you, our valued customers!

For this, we will not stand for!

20% of the proceeds from each patch sold will be donated to the CCFR (Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights*) to help support their lawsuit against the Federal Government for this non-sensical attack against legal firearm owners in Canada.

05-27-22, 17:29
This should be good lol



We have to remember that many of our LEO and Military folk are legal firearms owners too. Not only does this prohibition affect certain aspects of our business, it publicizes the distrust that we cannot be responsible for firearms that we legally obtained combined with our already heavily vetted firearms license. It immediately criminalizes many of you, our valued customers!

For this, we will not stand for!

20% of the proceeds from each patch sold will be donated to the CCFR (Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights*) to help support their lawsuit against the Federal Government for this non-sensical attack against legal firearm owners in Canada.

Cool shit you bought. Mine was all earned.

05-27-22, 17:29
Cool shit you bought. Mine was all earned.

Will I earn mine if I don't comply?

I'll be sure to flog myself for not having earned it already.

05-27-22, 17:48
Will I earn mine if I don't comply?

I'll be sure to flog myself for not having earned it already.

Dude, just stop.

05-27-22, 17:54
Dude, just stop.

Stop posting reasons why Canadians should seriously consider not complying?

You know I can't do that.

05-27-22, 18:17
Stop posting reasons why Canadians should seriously consider not complying?

You know I can't do that.


Now read that slow, out loud, word for word.

Go comply and be a good little boot licker, if you actually fought the gun control fight, you would be hugging an ar15 or ak47.

05-27-22, 18:27
i wish there was a block option on this forum.

Its on the non-mobile mode. Click username, then go to the bottom-left to select desktop mode. Add to Ignore is now on the left side of the screen.

lol as if they will ignore me.

I'll make a thread about the gun situation in Canada and we'll see if they stay out of it.

I'll even give you guys a play by play for as long as I can in the future before communications are cut.


Now read that slow, out loud, word for word.

Go comply and be a good little boot licker, if you actually fought the gun control fight, you would be hugging an ar15 or ak47.

See what I mean? Perfect example and in a thread about psychological operations.

From a Canadian forum:


Our fight ended 27 years ago. Guess we better line up and hand everything in! Doesn't matter if you bought your first gun in 2012, we already lost.

The Evolution of the Chinese Regime’s Unrestricted Warfare Against the US

The forms of attack are myriad and include the following: 1) political warfare, which involves influencing the domestic political systems of other countries, including the United States, but also winning a global narrative so that Communism is seen as the wave of the future; 2) there is legal warfare or lawfare to hinder or delegitimize individuals, organizations, or countries; 3) network warfare, which involves attacking computer networks, but also communication and infrastructure networks such as the U.S. electrical grid; 4) the use or sponsorship of terrorism against the United States or its global interests; 5) economic warfare, which involves weakening the enemy’s economy and financial markets, or hijacking them to support China’s growth; and 6) kinetic, which is the employment of military force.

The strategic objective of these means is to weaken, confuse, and hollow out the enemy so that the opponent implodes without resorting to military confrontation—this means the Chinese regime targets America’s military, industry, centers of technology, but also its population, morale, ideology, and identity.

As unrestricted warfare entails, that victory will be achieved by all means: economic, ideological, legal, and military. Indeed, the Chinese regime has employed a weapon of mass destruction in all but name—the opioid crisis should be considered a form of chemical weapons use employed against the U.S. population.

05-27-22, 19:36

05-27-22, 20:21
Cool shit you bought. Mine was all earned.

I'm more and more convinced that the biohazard hooah patch was earned.

OP, at the end of the day, you started a thread originally about American Army Psy Ops. Damn near everyone that has posted here has disagreed with you on one or all points. Considering the number of people that have first hand experience with the subject of your OP (at least four), don't you think you should probably just shut up and accept a loss? You won't win anyone over here so you're either a troll and/or stupid AF, probably both by the looks of it. Nobody cares about you or what you have to say. Lastly, why a joint American/Canadian patch? Are you a dual citizen? Or operated operationally with Americans?

05-27-22, 20:45
I'm more and more convinced that the biohazard hooah patch was earned.

Yeah actually I did earn it. I got the commie virus from my dad which took him out... right before my birthday this year. He was vaccinated by the way and more than once. I wasn't.

Chinese Professor: China Won ‘Biological Warfare'(May 18)

That's a lot of civilian casualties.

OP, at the end of the day, you started a thread originally about American Army Psy Ops. Damn near everyone that has posted here has disagreed with you on one or all points. Considering the number of people that have first hand experience with the subject of your OP (at least four), don't you think you should probably just shut up and accept a loss? You won't win anyone over here so you're either a troll and/or stupid AF, probably both by the looks of it. Nobody cares about you or what you have to say. Lastly, why a joint American/Canadian patch? Are you a dual citizen? Or operated operationally with Americans?

I started a thread about psyops, the OP contains psyops from Canada. The most ruthless of all, active measures comes right after. The thread title says psychological operations not US psyops.

No one has countered anything. All those articles from American sources proves Yuri was right that people will not come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their family, their community and their country. Even if you shower them authentic proof.

I bought all three from that company I linked.

You can go back and re-read the thread if you like.

Also we're at war with the global communist system.

"Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort."

"In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility, I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own."

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence" - JFK

05-27-22, 23:02
Yeah actually I did earn it. I got the commie virus from my dad which took him out... right before my birthday this year. He was vaccinated by the way and more than once. I wasn't.

Chinese Professor: China Won ‘Biological Warfare'(May 18)

That's a lot of civilian casualties.

I started a thread about psyops, the OP contains psyops from Canada. The most ruthless of all, active measures comes right after. The thread title says psychological operations not US psyops.

No one has countered anything. All those articles from American sources proves Yuri was right that people will not come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their family, their community and their country. Even if you shower them authentic proof.

I bought all three from that company I linked.

You can go back and re-read the thread if you like.

Also we're at war with the global communist system.

"Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort."

"In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility, I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own."

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence" - JFK

Oh. Ok. So two American topics and two Canadian. The first two were related to the American military but that doesn't have anything to do with it. My bad.

Thank you for enlightening us all on Communism and the JFK quote. I work for 10th SFG(A) and had no ****ing idea that Communists do bad stuff sometimes. I'll have to try and remember that when I read the global intel updates next week, you really helped connect the dots for me. I should tell the other people in my organization that Kennedy did stuff to fight bad commies. They'll be shocked too.

05-27-22, 23:29
Oh. Ok. So two American topics and two Canadian. The first two were related to the American military but that doesn't have anything to do with it. My bad.

It's a thread about psychological operations feel free to post anything about them.

Thank you for enlightening us all on Communism and the JFK quote. I work for 10th SFG(A) and had no ****ing idea that Communists do bad stuff sometimes. I'll have to try and remember that when I read the global intel updates next week, you really helped connect the dots for me. I should tell the other people in my organization that Kennedy did stuff to fight bad commies. They'll be shocked too.

Damn near everyone that has posted here has disagreed with you on one or all points.

So what's it gonna be? Is all the info I posted authentic or not?

I work for 10th SFG(A)

Can you prove you are who you actually say you are? Not that it matters I don't blindly appeal to authority, especially one that expects me to respect him while he degrades me. Seems like parents are doing more to combat the commie psyop.

Critical race theory is an academic discipline, formulated in the 1990s and built on the intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism.

'Life, Liberty & Levin' on Marxism in America, critical race theory infiltrating military

Critical race theory is not about learning the history of America. It's not about learning slavery and segregation. It's not about learning about neo- Nazis and the Klan. It's about a Marxist movement invented by Marxists -- Herbert Marcuse, Derrick Bell, and many, many others, and it attracts the Marxists like Black Lives Matter founders, two of three who have already said that they are Marxists, and that's not a coincidence, because this was hatched by professors as a way to attack the society from a Marxist perspective.

Woke Elementary
One parent told me that critical race theory was reminiscent of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

At Meyerholz Elementary, the Asian-American families are on high alert for critical race theory in the classroom. Since their initial victory, they have begun to consider campaigning against the school board. “We think some of our school board members are [critical race theory] activists and they must go,” said one parent. The capture of our public institutions by progressives obsessed by race and privilege deserves opposition at every level. The parents of Cupertino have joined the fight.

Cotton presses defense secretary on 'anti-American indoctrination'
Cotton said he’d seen reports of "plummeting morale, growing mistrust between races and sexes where none existed just six months ago and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone."

Critical Race Theory Should Be Banned, And A Black Parent Explains Why

05-27-22, 23:42
It's a thread about psychological operations feel free to post anything about them.

So what's it gonna be? Is all the info I posted authentic or not?

Can you prove you are who you actually say you are? Not that it matters I don't blindly appeal to authority, especially one that expects me to respect him while he degrades me. Seems like parents are doing more to combat the commie psyop.

Critical race theory is an academic discipline, formulated in the 1990s and built on the intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism.

'Life, Liberty & Levin' on Marxism in America, critical race theory infiltrating military

Critical race theory is not about learning the history of America. It's not about learning slavery and segregation. It's not about learning about neo- Nazis and the Klan. It's about a Marxist movement invented by Marxists -- Herbert Marcuse, Derrick Bell, and many, many others, and it attracts the Marxists like Black Lives Matter founders, two of three who have already said that they are Marxists, and that's not a coincidence, because this was hatched by professors as a way to attack the society from a Marxist perspective.

Woke Elementary
One parent told me that critical race theory was reminiscent of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

At Meyerholz Elementary, the Asian-American families are on high alert for critical race theory in the classroom. Since their initial victory, they have begun to consider campaigning against the school board. “We think some of our school board members are [critical race theory] activists and they must go,” said one parent. The capture of our public institutions by progressives obsessed by race and privilege deserves opposition at every level. The parents of Cupertino have joined the fight.

Cotton presses defense secretary on 'anti-American indoctrination'
Cotton said he’d seen reports of "plummeting morale, growing mistrust between races and sexes where none existed just six months ago and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone."

Critical Race Theory Should Be Banned, And A Black Parent Explains Why

Man you’re dense. I’m not proving where I work, I don’t care that much if you believe me. I don’t care if you respect me and really don’t care if you look at me as an authority figure. My point in saying that is you’re just spam posting the **** out of things while people with actual real world experience tell you, in a fairly united effort, that you’re off base. You’ll never have any credibility if you just assume your audience doesn’t know shit and then argue with them when they suggest that you may be wrong.

Post this shit on Facebook or something, this does not seem like the right place for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-27-22, 23:43
Feel free to leave the thread and never return.

05-28-22, 04:38
Thank you for enlightening us all on Communism and the JFK quote. I work for 10th SFG(A) and had no ****ing idea that Communists do bad stuff sometimes. I'll have to try and remember that when I read the global intel updates next week, you really helped connect the dots for me. I should tell the other people in my organization that Kennedy did stuff to fight bad commies. They'll be shocked too.

Small world. I worked at SWCS for a little while. I seem to remember JFK being in that pile of letters somewhere.

Outlander Systems
05-28-22, 10:37
Bro, I laughed so hard at, “maple pussy.” Literally made my Saturday morning.


I put my USACAPOC coin near my Canuckistan flag for maximum *gasp!*.

05-28-22, 11:55
"Canadians and Americans alike have always been willing to give up their lives in nearly every generation if necessary to defend and preserve freedom"




In fact, up until the late twentieth century, private gun ownership was generally regarded as essential to defend Canada against external aggression (virtually every adult male was required to belong to the militia, and to provide their own firearms), and to protect the citizen against domestic tyranny.

psyops are effective.

"C-68 has little to do with gun control or crime control, but it is the first step necessary to begin the social re-engineering of Canada. "— Liberal senator Sharon Carstairs, 1996.


To relieve pressure, an elite scout and sniper team led by Léo Major was brought up. Armed with Sten guns, Major and his 18 men silently crept up Hill 355. At a signal, Major's men opened fire, panicking the Chinese who were trying to understand why the firing was coming from the centre of their troops instead of from the outside. By 12:45 am, Major's team had retaken the hill. However, an hour later, two Chinese divisions (the 190th and the 191st, totalling around 14,000 men) counter-attacked. Major was ordered to retreat, but refused and found scant cover for his men. He held the enemy off throughout the night, though they were so close to him that Major's own mortar bombs were practically falling on him. The commander of the mortar platoon, Captain Charly Forbes, later wrote that Major was "an audacious man ... not satisfied with the proximity of my barrage and asks to bring it closer...In effect, my barrage falls so close that I hear my bombs explode when he speaks to me on the radio."

05-28-22, 14:00



100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead

Vandalism of sign commemorating victims of communism is 'deplorable', Ukrainian Canadian Congress states

Vandals spray-painted “Communism will win” and three hammers and sickles — the symbol for communism — across the sign at the proposed Memorial to the Victims of Communism in Ottawa.

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) tweeted a photo of the damaged sign.

“That this site was desecrated through this act of hate is unacceptable and deplorable, and an insult to the hallowed memory of the millions of innocent victims of communism,” said a UCC statement.

“This is a reminder to us all of the need for further education and awareness in our own society about the evil and crimes of Communism.”

Ihor Michalchyshyn, the executive director and CEO of the UCC, said, “It’s very shocking. It’s disturbing that it was done on Canada Day. It’s disgraceful this kind of monument would be a target for people.”



05-28-22, 15:56
Small world. I worked at SWCS for a little while. I seem to remember JFK being in that pile of letters somewhere.

Yeah I noticed your beret flash and was intrigued. A tan beret in the schoolhouse where guys earn a green one, you must’ve been running PsyOps.

We’ll never know the actual acronym unless OP posts an article about whatever that place is called.

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05-28-22, 16:03



100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead

Vandalism of sign commemorating victims of communism is 'deplorable', Ukrainian Canadian Congress states

Vandals spray-painted “Communism will win” and three hammers and sickles — the symbol for communism — across the sign at the proposed Memorial to the Victims of Communism in Ottawa.

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) tweeted a photo of the damaged sign.

“That this site was desecrated through this act of hate is unacceptable and deplorable, and an insult to the hallowed memory of the millions of innocent victims of communism,” said a UCC statement.

“This is a reminder to us all of the need for further education and awareness in our own society about the evil and crimes of Communism.”

Ihor Michalchyshyn, the executive director and CEO of the UCC, said, “It’s very shocking. It’s disturbing that it was done on Canada Day. It’s disgraceful this kind of monument would be a target for people.”



What’s the point of posting a photo of Ukrainian ammo?

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05-28-22, 17:19
