View Full Version : Possible evidence of agent provocateur connecting Buffalo and Uvalde killers

05-27-22, 03:59
Evidence is emerging that the two shooters were in the same Telegram group along with another user named "Armand." Text exchanges between Armand and the Buffalo shooter on Discord show Armand egging on the Buffalo murderer and referencing "Texas 13 days" in a comment made on a Telegram channel both shooters were members of.

Discord exchange between Armand and the known screen name of Buffalo murderer:


Telegram comment from Armand on Telegram both Buffalo and Uvalde murderers were part of:

There also appears to be strong evidence the Uvalde shooter was a cross dresser or tranny. Gender confusion and sexual deviancy is very common in members of extremist left wing groups, but not in right wing groups. This could indicate that the neo nazi references from the Buffalo shooter may have been a deliberate false flag.

05-27-22, 04:04
Oh jeez, here we go. :rolleyes:

05-27-22, 04:07
I think I get it now: a more apt reply below

05-27-22, 04:34
This could indicate that the neo nazi references from the Buffalo shooter may have been a deliberate false flag.

I find that part very unlikely.

05-27-22, 06:29
Oh jeez, here we go. :rolleyes:

Right back at you, lol. Quick question for you, just in case you check back to see if your attempt at ostracism worked: what is your threshold for evidence? Do you think Project Veritas is a conspiracy theory organization? Would you describe yourself as a curious person or more of a man of action?

05-27-22, 06:39
I find that part very unlikely.

Do you feel comfortable elaborating?

I'm starting to think that part of the turn-off of discussing sneaky or conspiratorial type things on a forum is the public permanence of doing so. Considering personality alone, it's perfectly normal for some men to be more concerned with their public image than others- clearly I don't care, but others do. I'm sure there are other reasons too, I'm just picking a pet peeve with that example. I've always disliked men obsessed with their public image. They make terrible, unreliable friends.

There are men here I'd like to speak with in person or at least via voice, that I can say for certain. It's much easier to be understood when that sort of back and forth negotiation can take place, where someone can quickly figure out the difference between talking to someone who's entertaining an idea and talking to a schizophrenic who's having an episode.

Short hand text communication really does suck.

05-27-22, 08:30
There also appears to be strong evidence the Uvalde shooter was a cross dresser or tranny. Gender confusion and sexual deviancy is very common in members of extremist left wing groups, but not in right wing groups. This could indicate that the neo nazi references from the Buffalo shooter may have been a deliberate false flag.If the strong evidence were those initial pics that were floating around social media, well, it ain't strong evidence: https://www.reddit.com/user/Apprehensive_Ad_995/comments/ux4vg2/its_not_me_i_dont_even_live_in_texas/

05-27-22, 08:59
There also appears to be strong evidence the Uvalde shooter was a cross dresser or tranny. Gender confusion and sexual deviancy is very common in members of extremist left wing groups, but not in right wing groups. This could indicate that the neo nazi references from the Buffalo shooter may have been a deliberate false flag.

WHERE did this misidentification of the National SOCIALIST Party of Weimar Germany as a "right-wing group" come from. A SOCIALIST BY any other flavor is still a LEFTARD - even if they are racist leftards (pardon me, I repeat myself). Any flavor of nazi (Neo, Geo, Eco, et.al.) is AUTOMATICALLY a leftard - BY DEFINITION! I'm certainly not going to let the Orwellian lamestreamers redefine KMOWN terms for me!!

05-27-22, 16:42
Do you feel comfortable elaborating?

Well there was that moment in the video where he apparently passed on a white victim. His whole manifesto might have been white supremacy insanity but it read pretty true according to the usual white supremacy insanity.

To your point, it would hardly surprise me to learn there is an internet gathering point for incels, mental defectives and other "I'll teach the world" low lifes. Obviously the VA Tech shooter took inspiration from Columbine and that retard who shot up the black church had similar heroes he was trying to emulate.

And it wouldn't be the first time crazy f'er A networked with crazy f'er B despite ideological differences. But this specific incident seems more like reactionary butthurt from a lazy f'ing low life. I don't think he had the foresight to plan things in great detail, didn't write a manifesto and I don't want to sound like I'm saying anything positive about the Buffalo shooter but I don't think for a second that he'd entertain having any kind of exchange with the texas shooter.

Just too much doesn't seem to fit.

05-27-22, 18:29
Oh jeez, here we go. :rolleyes:



05-28-22, 00:04
*IF* this "Armand" thing is true... I am not surprised in the least.
There has been a number of instances that have come to light over the years of individuals or groups involved in egging on suicidal people to "do it".

Given the political insanity/zealotry of certain ideologies currently running rampant in society, I would also not at all be surprised to find that some of them are involved in turning mentally f***ed up people to commit violent acts in a way that serve their ends. In fact, if proven, my opinion based on what I've seen over the last several years says this goading fits the mindset of the left very much, not so much on the right.
The left is also totally ok with bullying people they don't like to the point of literal suicide, on occasion, so to me, that further reinforces my theory.
Couple with the fact that, as I mentioned from the beginning, Mr Buffalo did not write (most of) that manifesto, and...... I'd call it a plausible conspiracy theory.

Alternately.... the FBI is at its games again...
Not sure which theory is worse for us randoms.

05-28-22, 05:19
Well there was that moment in the video where he apparently passed on a white victim. His whole manifesto might have been white supremacy insanity but it read pretty true according to the usual white supremacy insanity.

To your point, it would hardly surprise me to learn there is an internet gathering point for incels, mental defectives and other "I'll teach the world" low lifes. Obviously the VA Tech shooter took inspiration from Columbine and that retard who shot up the black church had similar heroes he was trying to emulate.

And it wouldn't be the first time crazy f'er A networked with crazy f'er B despite ideological differences. But this specific incident seems more like reactionary butthurt from a lazy f'ing low life. I don't think he had the foresight to plan things in great detail, didn't write a manifesto and I don't want to sound like I'm saying anything positive about the Buffalo shooter but I don't think for a second that he'd entertain having any kind of exchange with the texas shooter.

Just too much doesn't seem to fit.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

To your point, it would hardly surprise me to learn there is an internet gathering point for incels, mental defectives and other "I'll teach the world" low lifes. Obviously the VA Tech shooter took inspiration from Columbine and that retard who shot up the black church had similar heroes he was trying to emulate.

As far as incels, mental defectives, etc I interact with a fair number of people from all over the Western world playing games and just talking via Discord. A lot of young men from the US and Canada, roughly late teens through mid 20s, that come and go in various groups I frequent really disturb me. They show a tremendous lack of maturity and a lot of attention seeking behavior, like you'd expect to see in a kid who was 12-15 instead of a decade older. I see a lot of resentment from the extreme examples of leftwing and rightwing, most of it seemingly driven by constant social media consumption.

The left wing kids more or less all seem to constantly check everything said against a list of right and wrong, like Puritans from 1620 hunting for witches. Sort of a very strict tribal code of conduct enforcement thing that's always at the forefront of their minds. Most of these end up leaving and a few were banned because they began to very aggressively attempt to enforce their beliefs via threats of tattling on us to Discord, etc for failing to enforce their views on others.

The rightwing kids have ranged from expressing frustration about feeling like they have no cohesive group who share their beliefs, to some who pretty closely resemble sociopaths hunting for groupies to recruit. The frustrated kids mostly respond well to 'elder advice' and often seem to calm down. The sociopaths either get banned because of some particularly obnoxious action or annoy the majority to the point that negative feedback makes them go searching for easier marks elsewhere.

I'm disturbed by the lack of maturity they all show, and particularly the militant puritanical behavior of the American and Canadian left wing types. As for the sociopaths, they're everywhere. If I have to deal with one trying to mug me in a Walmart parking lot, why wouldn't they be on the internet too?

And it wouldn't be the first time crazy f'er A networked with crazy f'er B despite ideological differences. But this specific incident seems more like reactionary butthurt from a lazy f'ing low life. I don't think he had the foresight to plan things in great detail, didn't write a manifesto and I don't want to sound like I'm saying anything positive about the Buffalo shooter but I don't think for a second that he'd entertain having any kind of exchange with the texas shooter.

That's certainly more tame than the conclusions my mind is jumping to. I honestly find myself wondering if there aren't interested individuals or organizations purposefully seeking out groups like this and egging them on, for political reasons. If a true believer leftist could convince someone to do a mass shooting, wouldn't that work to his group's advantage? That's a motive. It's not hard to find these groups with a computer and a little internet research. That's means and opportunity.

Didn't the CIA and KGB used to seek out malcontents to enflame in various countries back during the cold war? Providing information and encouragement to help sway an individual into doing something that would benefit your group, with very little risk to your group or yourself, seems to me like just a simpler implementation of arming and indoctrinating communist/anti communist guerillas. We've all been witness to other people in our lives who are gifted manipulators. You can start to see that in grade school.

I'm not willing to suggest it, but I'm starting to worry that some government agents may themselves be so polarized politically that they might abuse their positions to help along their political tribe. From what I've read about past Marxists, who I believe today's leftists are related to in a fashion, I could see hard leftwing true believers doing that. They're always victims, so anything they do to defeat their oppressor is justified.

I'm certainly guilty of coming to wrong conclusions, especially when I misvalidate incorrect information, but if I know the ambitious and sociopathic, I know that their only limitation is what's possible, not what's reasonable.

05-28-22, 06:33
That's certainly more tame than the conclusions my mind is jumping to. I honestly find myself wondering if there aren't interested individuals or organizations purposefully seeking out groups like this and egging them on, for political reasons. If a true believer leftist could convince someone to do a mass shooting, wouldn't that work to his group's advantage? That's a motive. It's not hard to find these groups with a computer and a little internet research. That's means and opportunity.

Didn't the CIA and KGB used to seek out malcontents to enflame in various countries back during the cold war? Providing information and encouragement to help sway an individual into doing something that would benefit your group, with very little risk to your group or yourself, seems to me like just a simpler implementation of arming and indoctrinating communist/anti communist guerillas. We've all been witness to other people in our lives who are gifted manipulators. You can start to see that in grade school.

I'm not willing to suggest it, but I'm starting to worry that some government agents may themselves be so polarized politically that they might abuse their positions to help along their political tribe. From what I've read about past Marxists, who I believe today's leftists are related to in a fashion, I could see hard leftwing true believers doing that. They're always victims, so anything they do to defeat their oppressor is justified.

I'm certainly guilty of coming to wrong conclusions, especially when I misvalidate incorrect information, but if I know the ambitious and sociopathic, I know that their only limitation is what's possible, not what's reasonable.

I posted something the other day that fits here. The above kinds of cultivated individuals really aren't necessary anymore. There are so many actual crazy people running around loose, just moments from going off their meds and off their rails, one possibly even posting on this forum, that all you have to do to activate them is drop clickbait nonsense on Twatter or whatever and watch them deconstruct and go out in a blaze of glory.

The kinds of excessively polarized people we used to at least watch, much less institutionalize, are now the ones trying to define the current normalcy.

05-28-22, 06:49
I posted something the other day that fits here. The above kinds of cultivated individuals really aren't necessary anymore. There are so many actual crazy people running around loose, just moments from going off their meds and off their rails, one possibly even posting on this forum, that all you have to do to activate them is drop clickbait nonsense on Twatter or whatever and watch them deconstruct and go out in a blaze of glory.

The kinds of excessively polarized people we used to at least watch, much less institutionalize, are now the ones trying to define the current normalcy.

One of the preeminent cultivator groups seems to think there is still a need.


05-28-22, 09:39
See where they are going with this? One is even possibly posting on this forum.

Really go against the agenda and they'll start using all the dirty tricks.

They are so arrogant they think they can manipulate anyone.

From the psychological operations thread:

"Seems to me you should be fighting the Canadian government"

"Maybe he should start fighting"

This is the kind of stuff you have to watch out for. Shady manipulative posters like that are highly suspect.

Organizing Patriots In The Face Of Government Informants And False Flags

Will federal intrusions happen? Of course, but at the local level it is much easier to vet people according to their behaviors and root out bad actors. Hold your local meetings to discuss current events and create a place for people to network and get to know each other. Talk to local businesses or your county sheriff to see where they stand on issues like the vaccine passports and Biden mandates. Put things in motion now or you will regret it later when your community is completely disjointed and paralyzed by fear during crisis or government subjugation.

And, what about the first guy at your meetings that starts talking about building bombs, drafting “kill lists” or kidnapping governors? Kick his ass out promptly and make sure everyone knows why you did it. Most likely he is a fed or he is on an informant payroll. As our national composure breaks down and the manure hits the fan, fed informants and agents will suddenly disappear from these groups without a trace. They are not going to stick around for what happens next; the government doesn’t pay them enough for that. And knowing who the patriots are will not help the federal government if the patriots are organized to defend themselves. This is the reality which they do not want us to wake up to.

05-29-22, 14:29
Organizing Patriots In The Face Of Government Informants And False Flags

Will federal intrusions happen? Of course, but at the local level it is much easier to vet people according to their behaviors and root out bad actors. Hold your local meetings to discuss current events and create a place for people to network and get to know each other. Talk to local businesses or your county sheriff to see where they stand on issues like the vaccine passports and Biden mandates. Put things in motion now or you will regret it later when your community is completely disjointed and paralyzed by fear during crisis or government subjugation.

And, what about the first guy at your meetings that starts talking about building bombs, drafting “kill lists” or kidnapping governors? Kick his ass out promptly and make sure everyone knows why you did it. Most likely he is a fed or he is on an informant payroll. As our national composure breaks down and the manure hits the fan, fed informants and agents will suddenly disappear from these groups without a trace. They are not going to stick around for what happens next; the government doesn’t pay them enough for that. And knowing who the patriots are will not help the federal government if the patriots are organized to defend themselves. This is the reality which they do not want us to wake up to.

Over my 3+ decades as an adult, I have attended several of these meetings you propose. All of them were a shit show right out of the gate. They are usually run by guys that think they know how things work, but have no real clue on reality. They lock themselves up at home and get wound up by the news and the internet, but you never see them out and about in the community unless they can be in charge. They are constantly amazed that few people show up to the meetings and think we are disinterested; but fail to realize the real reason we don't come to the meetings is that the organizers are the issue. They are the guys that call you a cuck for getting vaccinated without even listening to your reasons for doing so, exactly opposite of the d-bags that can't believe you didn't get vaccinated without asking your reasons why. In the middle is a huge majority of people that just want to be left alone and in that group are people very capable of defending themselves.

If anything, COVID has taught me to not trust anyone, or at least a smaller number of people. Plenty of die hard 2nd amendment guys were pro-vax. Plenty of anti-vax people are anti-2nd people. Plenty of pro-2nd people I know are pro-choice. I know pro-life people that are anti-2nd. I've watched life long friendships between my liberal neighbors dissolve over a disagreement on proper forestry management of all things. I know LGBT people that hold conservative political views and despise the direction LGBT politics is headed and LGBT people that push the LGBT agenda. My world has become far
"greyer" than my black and white views pre-2020.

05-29-22, 14:57
Over my 3+ decades as an adult, I have attended several of these meetings you propose. All of them were a shit show right out of the gate. They are usually run by guys that think they know how things work, but have no real clue on reality. They lock themselves up at home and get wound up by the news and the internet, but you never see them out and about in the community unless they can be in charge. They are constantly amazed that few people show up to the meetings and think we are disinterested; but fail to realize the real reason we don't come to the meetings is that the organizers are the issue. They are the guys that call you a cuck for getting vaccinated without even listening to your reasons for doing so, exactly opposite of the d-bags that can't believe you didn't get vaccinated without asking your reasons why. In the middle is a huge majority of people that just want to be left alone and in that group are people very capable of defending themselves.

If anything, COVID has taught me to not trust anyone, or at least a smaller number of people. Plenty of die hard 2nd amendment guys were pro-vax. Plenty of anti-vax people are anti-2nd people. Plenty of pro-2nd people I know are pro-choice. I know pro-life people that are anti-2nd. I've watched life long friendships between my liberal neighbors dissolve over a disagreement on proper forestry management of all things. I know LGBT people that hold conservative political views and despise the direction LGBT politics is headed and LGBT people that push the LGBT agenda. My world has become far
"greyer" than my black and white views pre-2020.

You can create new groups and it's hard to disagree with that article, considering my current predicament.

The article talks about decentralization so that means smaller groups can work together if there's a common goal, like defense.

There has to be some good chiefs out there.

Sometimes you will have to work with people you don't like. As long as he covers you then who cares?

05-31-22, 08:23
I don't have a hard time believing that there are provocateurs in a lot of these events. If you can't believe that there are groups in shadowy place that want these things to happen to push an agenda then you need to make sure you get your monkey pox vaccine. How real those screen shots are is another question. The uvalde shooter is a broke pos and somehow goes out and drops over 5k on gear on his 18th birthday. Any one curious as to how a kid who was known to wear old weathered clothes because his grandma was so broke but has this kinda coin to drop on firearms. Seems fishy as hell to me.

05-31-22, 09:10
I don't have a hard time believing that there are provocateurs in a lot of these events. If you can't believe that there are groups in shadowy place that want these things to happen to push an agenda then you need to make sure you get your monkey pox vaccine. How real those screen shots are is another question. The uvalde shooter is a broke pos and somehow goes out and drops over 5k on gear on his 18th birthday. Any one curious as to how a kid who was known to wear old weathered clothes because his grandma was so broke but has this kinda coin to drop on firearms. Seems fishy as hell to me.

Agreed on all points. And the screen shots could just be cheesy fakes to discredit the idea that these guys are being radicalized.

05-31-22, 13:32
…………The uvalde shooter is a broke pos and somehow goes out and drops over 5k on gear on his 18th birthday. Any one curious as to how a kid who was known to wear old weathered clothes because his grandma was so broke but has this kinda coin to drop on firearms. Seems fishy as hell to me.

This was the first thing which occurred to me.

05-31-22, 14:09
This was the first thing which occurred to me.

My family did have money and there is no way I was plunking down 5k on my 18th or even 21st birthday. When I turned 21 I could afford a 500$ Glock 17.

I did get a credit card when I was 19. It had a 1000$ limit. I quite honestly think that limit stayed at 1000$ for quite a while.

05-31-22, 21:50
I went to a bunch of the us freedom fighters meetings or whatever they were called summer of 2020. I think their were more feds in it than anyone else. And if that’s the type of people that are standing up to fight, good gawd we’re screwed. Their is another militia group around here, they post pictures of themselves doing “cqb” and let me tell you, no where is safe with those guys. I’m no high speed low drag, but damn, those guys are monkeys ****ing a football. Fingers on bang switches, heads getting flagged with loaded guns, etc.

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