View Full Version : Paul Pelosi arrested for DUI - CHP dash cam video post #19

05-29-22, 14:16
TMZ reports arrest of Nancy Pelosi husband for drunk driving and involved in accident

5:54 AM PT -- 5/30 -- Paul was involved in a car crash, and that's how officers spotted him. At 10:26 PM Saturday night, the CHP got a call about a 2-car crash in the Napa area, this according to the collision report obtained by TMZ. Paul was driving a 2021 Porsche when his car was struck by a Jeep. He was arrested at 11:44 PM and booked into the Napa County Detention Center for DUI. No one was injured in the crash.“

“The House Speaker's spouse was arrested just before midnight Saturday night in Napa County, and then booked hours later into jail on two counts -- driving under the influence and driving with a blood alcohol content level of 0.08 or higher ... both misdemeanors.”


05-29-22, 14:23

Coal Dragger
05-29-22, 15:58
I’m sure the charges will be dismissed, or otherwise go away. Laws are for little people.

05-29-22, 16:30
They should raise the drinking age to 83...that will fix it!!

05-29-22, 20:55
If I was him my defense would be something along the lines of: "Your honor, Look at her. Would YOU not want to be drunk all the time if that hag bag was living in YOUR home???"

05-30-22, 01:38
If I was him my defense would be something along the lines of: "Your honor, Look at her. Would YOU not want to be drunk all the time if that hag bag was living in YOUR home???"

Man, I’d want to be sober around that hag. Can’t be defenseless.

05-30-22, 15:04
Maybe she will get him a chinese chauffeur to drive him around....while he does community service at the chinese embassy...

05-30-22, 15:42
If I was him my defense would be something along the lines of: "Your honor, Look at her. Would YOU not want to be drunk all the time if that hag bag was living in YOUR home???"

Was just gonna post, if I had to be married to THAT, I'd be drunk all the time or on heroin.

05-30-22, 15:51
Should be a nice payout for the local he hit.

05-30-22, 16:12
You think this time he’ll lose his DL

05-30-22, 17:23
Can't wait to see the camera footage on the arrest. Good for that Trooper. He had the balls to make the arrest. "Don't you know who I am? , etc

05-31-22, 07:43

10,000 Americans lose their lives every year to drunk driving. We need to ban high caliber alcohol and cars now!



Over 90k people died in 2020 from drug overdoses. Ban all opioids now!

05-31-22, 19:54
DUI in CA can mean almost anything. Driving sleepy - DUI, drowsy under legal medicine - DUI. Slurred speech (stroke, diabetes) - DUI.

05-31-22, 22:05
DUI in CA can mean almost anything. Driving sleepy - DUI, drowsy under legal medicine - DUI. Slurred speech (stroke, diabetes) - DUI.

Nothing will happen and it will be dismissed.

06-01-22, 08:52
DUI in CA can mean almost anything. Driving sleepy - DUI, drowsy under legal medicine - DUI. Slurred speech (stroke, diabetes) - DUI.

So him blowing a .08 or higher has nothing to do with it?

06-01-22, 09:07
DUI in CA can mean almost anything. Driving sleepy - DUI, drowsy under legal medicine - DUI. Slurred speech (stroke, diabetes) - DUI.

I didn’t understand where there was second charge for driving over .08 bac it seemed redundant to me but now I understand.

So the fact dui doesn’t mean much, doesn’t mean much but there is a direct driving over the legal limit charge.

But yes I’m sure it’s gets plead down to like just an at fault accident or running a stop sign or what ever.

06-01-22, 10:54
He killed his brother in a previous accident apparently and avoided charges:


Sooooo, now Ted Kennedy or Paul Pelosi's cars have killed more people than any of my guns....

06-01-22, 14:03
He killed his brother in a previous accident apparently and avoided charges:


Sooooo, now Ted Kennedy or Paul Pelosi's cars have killed more people than any of my guns....

Maybe we can get Paul to head the Ethics Committee.

08-23-22, 18:27
Only had 2 glasses of wine, what a light weight


08-23-22, 19:10
Justice will be served.

08-23-22, 19:49
Honest occifer, jussstt two glasses of wine. Let me hold on to your patrol car while I do my field sobriety test. LOL. He is shitfaced.

08-23-22, 19:52
Justice will be served.

Sounds like it:

He just pled guilty to DUI this week ... receiving a sentence of 3 years probation and 5 days jail time, with credit for time served. He got credit for 4 days, 2 of which were for good behavior ... the final day will be served through 8 hours in a court-ordered work program.

The other parts of his probation entail attending 3 months of a DUI education course and having an interlock device installed in his vehicle for a year. He was also ordered to pay fines and restitution for the property damage.

08-24-22, 05:27
So him blowing a .08 or higher has nothing to do with it?


Ive been a Drinker since I was 17. I have on occasion drank too much. I have never been so drunk that I was unable to stand up without a hand rail.
Homey was shipfaced.

08-24-22, 23:22
I’m just glad CHP investigated the collision. The cameras that were purchased to record police misconduct have become a blessing for (the majority of) the good LEO’s. It’s hard to defend any form of favoritism (like that expected due to presentation of the 11-99 Foundation card) when everything is recorded visually and audibly. In addition, Traffic Officers are very good at collision investigation and DUI processing.