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View Full Version : Active shooter incident in Tulsa, OK.

Johnny Rico
06-01-22, 18:59
Not another one.


06-01-22, 19:21
I was at work when my coworker got a phone call from his son. Coworkers son works for St. Francis and called to let him know he was alright, but there was someone shooting people in the facility somewhere.

Local news is stating the shooter had some kind of issue with at least one of the people that worked there. Supposedly inside info from Tulsa PD, but who knows..

Edit: Four dead now, not counting the shooter. He used a rifle and pistol, both of which appear to have been fired. Shooting took place on the second floor of the Natalie medical building at roughly 4:52. Police response time was roughly three to four minutes from the time of the 911 call and had them on scene at 4:56. Police that arrived at the facility heard gunshots, which directed them to the second floor of the Natalie building where they met the injured/deceased victims and deceased shooter at 5:01. The shooter, who apparently killed himself, is a 35-40 year old black male. No other info yet.

06-01-22, 20:26
Gonna be one hell of a summer.

06-01-22, 20:30
I've never seen so many people who sincerely want to watch others suffer and die for no other reason than pure anger and hatred for others. We're breeding it in the media and schools, and spreading it on social media. These shooters are just acting on what so many want to do. That's why this keeps happening.

06-01-22, 20:34
I've never seen so many people who sincerely want to watch others suffer and die for no other reason than pure anger and hatred for others. We're breeding it in the media and schools, and spreading it on social media. These shooters are just acting on what so many want to do. That's why this keeps happening.It sure does seem like these things happen in clusters. Which is kind of telling I think.

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john armond
06-01-22, 20:36
I was saying at work to plan to on seeing a mass shooting in the news every 2-3 weeks until the election. I fear I may have underestimated my prediction.

06-01-22, 20:39
I've never seen so many people who sincerely want to watch others suffer and die for no other reason than pure anger and hatred for others. We're breeding it in the media and schools, and spreading it on social media. These shooters are just acting on what so many want to do. That's why this keeps happening.

I'd wager that's a big part of it, the other part is people so mentally defective but medicated to be mainstream that are actually willing to do it. Without "crazy people" in the mix, you just have a bunch of frustrated "normal" people.

Take the NY shooter / white supremacist dipshit. Some will say he's reacting to "critical race theory", "mainstream marxism", "preferred racsim" and a bunch of other shit, and while those may be things that made him angry, he still went to a public place and began to indiscriminately execute people. I don't care what your issue is, I don't care how angry you might be, that is the province of people who are f'ing crazy and need to be locked up / executed.

I'm sure Berkeley is saturated with people so treasonous that they are a legit threat to the nation and thus a valid target, but that doesn't mean we get to just start randomly shooting people in that zip code.

06-01-22, 20:41
Isn’t this a gun free zone too? I’m shocked. I also find it shocking the know the suspect’s approximate age but not giving a description. Though it doesn’t fit the narrative.

06-01-22, 21:37
Gonna be one hell of a summer.

Should top the Summer of Love. Not really sure what people expect when all ass-hats-in-charge do everything possible to facilitate the chaos.

06-01-22, 23:00
It sure does seem like these things happen in clusters. Which is kind of telling I think.

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk

..just saying.

Best of luck, yall.

06-01-22, 23:27
Sounds like an old-school/SSRI hate the world, so I'll show'em scenario...

06-02-22, 00:56
Hot take:
The shootings will continue every 10-14 days until *something* gets passed...
I'm getting tired of being right....
Didn't even make it 10.

06-02-22, 01:09

But propaganda doesn't work anymore right?


Just sayin'

06-02-22, 06:36
Black male between 35-40 nothing to see here, move along, move along.

06-02-22, 08:03
Look how far we’ve come. From riots against blacks, to a black man shooting up the town. Only in America!!! Holy crap.

‘Semi-auto rifle’? Since it wasn’t spec’d, I’m going with a 10-22…. You’d think that they would say AR or assault rifle if they could… maybe it was a 9mm carbine.

More killings because people focus on the props, not the actors…. And more solutions before we know the actual problem…

Not trending on Twitter, must not be the right narrative…

06-02-22, 11:01
Just read an article that the shooter had back surgery on May 19th and had chronic pain after. So he showed up to the surgeons office and killed the two doctors and other staff.


06-02-22, 11:01
I've never seen so many people who sincerely want to watch others suffer and die for no other reason than pure anger and hatred for others. We're breeding it in the media and schools, and spreading it on social media. These shooters are just acting on what so many want to do. That's why this keeps happening.


06-02-22, 11:35
and while those may be things that made him angry, he still went to a public place and began to indiscriminately execute people.

Not in this case.

06-02-22, 11:52
It sure does seem like these things happen in clusters. Which is kind of telling I think.

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk

Yes, In bad times when stress is high. It causes People's issues to severely intensify. Causing people to snap and take things out on others.

When many are ready to throw everything to the wind. One person is seen doing so with a mass shooting. They get world news attention. Which is what these sad individuals crave. To be heard and seen as power. So others copy cat. To them it's an E'f you world on their way out.

This Country is more divided and stressed out more than it has been since possibly the Civil War.

06-02-22, 12:10
Not another one.


Not another one.

Looks like a targeted murder of Dr and staff.

06-02-22, 12:16
Just read an article that the shooter had back surgery on May 19th and had chronic pain after. So he showed up to the surgeons office and killed the two doctors and other staff.




Not sure if it's even worthwhile stating the obvious, as far as shooter's idiocy and alternatives.

Given the race of the shooter, looks like this will disappear from the news cycle immediately.

06-02-22, 12:58
Ar15, bought that day….

john armond
06-02-22, 16:24
Ar15, bought that day….

And there will be the start of the calls for 10+ day waiting periods.

06-02-22, 17:10
Chronic back pain, a few years ago he would have gotten a script for OxyContin and likely this would never have happened.

06-02-22, 20:15
Chronic back pain, a few years ago he would have gotten a script for OxyContin and likely this would never have happened.

Yup. This avoidance of prescribing a painkiller due to the opoid epidemic is crap.

My wife has had back issues for years. Had surgery in 2015 / 2016 with limited success. Therapy, exercise, strength training, and nada. Tremendous pain with any activity. She's tried ablation a few times with no improvement. Went thru typical pain management protocols with her doctors and she's basically SOL. The strongest they will do is tramadol. She lives in constant pain with no relief in sight.

Opoids are problem in a non-controlled environment, but people walking around in constant pain is also a problem the need addressed.

Sorry for the tangent...

06-03-22, 00:50
Yup. This avoidance of prescribing a painkiller due to the opoid epidemic is crap.

My wife has had back issues for years. Had surgery in 2015 / 2016 with limited success. Therapy, exercise, strength training, and nada. Tremendous pain with any activity. She's tried ablation a few times with no improvement. Went thru typical pain management protocols with her doctors and she's basically SOL. The strongest they will do is tramadol. She lives in constant pain with no relief in sight.

Opoids are problem in a non-controlled environment, but people walking around in constant pain is also a problem the need addressed.

Sorry for the tangent...

There’s no nuance in government response to a problem. It’s always the hammer with them.

06-03-22, 01:45
There’s no nuance in government response to a problem. It’s always the hammer with them.

That's because they don't give a shit.