View Full Version : It's now official, we've LOST the Corps!

06-02-22, 06:44
If there’s a barfatorium in heaven, Chesty Puller & Jeff Cooper are filling it @ the moment!

U.S. Marine Corps Goes Woke, Celebrates ‘Pride Month’ with Rainbow Bullets (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/01/u-s-marine-corps-goes-woke-celebrates-pride-month-rainbow-bullets/)

The U.S. Marine Corps went full woke on Wednesday, marking the first day of “Pride Month” with a celebratory image featuring rainbow bullets.

06-02-22, 06:58
Ho-lee hell....

I read this, hoping against hope that it was satire. It appears real, which makes me very sad.

06-02-22, 07:44
What in the effffff....???? You have got to be kiddng me. I can hear Lee Ermey screamin' now....

I agree. The military is now lost. Our enemies through out the world will be dancing on our graves.

06-02-22, 08:06
I highly doubt your average Marine infantrymen shares this sentiment.

06-02-22, 08:11

Those crayons are fixed colors and can’t change, when we all know that gender and sexual identity are fluid and can change! They need gay-o-chromic crayons that change with the user, or else they are just more gender normative, cis-boom-ba, slut-shaming, chromagarchy!

06-02-22, 08:12
I highly doubt your average Marine infantrymen shares this sentiment.

Early reports are that Marine infantry say that the ‘L’ crayons taste the best….

06-02-22, 08:33

Straight Shooter
06-02-22, 08:38
If I could scrape my tat off my arm today... Id do it in a heartbeat. F the USMC anymore.

06-02-22, 08:51
I highly doubt your average Marine infantrymen shares this sentiment.

It won't matter. The new corps will just make them either comply or take a discharge. They forced a bunch of old time Corps lifers out when I was in back in the late 80's early 90's because they had some alcohol related charges in their records.

Going back old school with this... FTS... Shitbirds forever!

06-02-22, 09:36
It won't matter. The new corps will just make them either comply or take a discharge. They forced a bunch of old time Corps lifers out when I was in back in the late 80's early 90's because they had some alcohol related charges in their records.

Going back old school with this... FTS... Shitbirds forever!

Every time there is a draw-down the Navy and Marines do this (can't speak for Army and AF). It's cyclical. We were discharging people left and right for trivial things. Then, BOOM, a war: so you have one eye, herpes, and can't hear? You are infantry, son!

06-02-22, 10:09
You have to hope, at some point, there will be a major push back against these psychos shoving sexual deviancy down our throats at every turn.

06-02-22, 11:08
Can someone explain what I’m missing here? I’m not seeing a reason to be outraged, or even care.

There has always been gay Marines. There has always been “sexually deviant” Marines.

06-02-22, 12:45
I'm not outraged, I just expect people these days to act in vile ways. If sodomites just went quietly about their business I doubt anyone would be expending much energy on this. The problem of course is that they and their lackeys (guys like Milley) have to publicly expound upon how prideful they are about their proclivities. As a Christian, white hetero old male, I don't have this constant need (thank the LORD) to tell everyone about how proud and out I am. And in fact I'm none too proud about anything concerning me in the end. It seems to me that there is something askew with these people's consciences to go on and on and on and on and on and on about their sexual interests.

Democrats and their followers DESTROY every...single...thing...they touch. Now the Marines are nothing but a bad social experiment and propaganda tool for the homos.

06-02-22, 13:10
Ehh, the next real shooting war will sort this out and probably not in our favor.

Coal Dragger
06-02-22, 14:09
Can someone explain what I’m missing here? I’m not seeing a reason to be outraged, or even care.

There has always been gay Marines. There has always been “sexually deviant” Marines.

LOL, I mean we had a recent Commandant who was most likely a pole smoking degenerate.... James Amos er I mean Gaymos ring a bell?

06-02-22, 16:42
Well “they” have hated the Corps for a long time. They Corps has always been a violent/dangerous/macho/chauvinistic/alpha organization and they hate those things. So they have to bring it down.

06-03-22, 07:06
There has always been “sexually deviant” Marines.

Dafuq brah? Shush! "What happens on libbo, stays on libbo!" ;)

Seriously though, the pic in the link is pretty tame compared to the recent SJW crap. I mean, it's Pride month and honoring queer servicemembers and vets with such a minor thing is really NBD.

As a former jarhead and lifelong "sexual deviant" I don't see the problem with this. Sure, I can agree that some of the "pro-queer" stuff is getting out of hand. I mean it seems like nobody can define "woman" but "man" can be defined with one word, "toxic".

Meh. I'm all for folks living their lives the way they choose. I'm all for accepting the alphabet soup community. I just can't get on board with either end of the spectrum when it comes to "gay bashing" or "gay idolization".

06-03-22, 08:02

Well on the 13th MEU after Phuket if your tip was red you need to go see the Corpsman

06-03-22, 09:18
I have a friend that can remove that semper fi tattoo..

06-03-22, 09:25
Its a stupid tweet from some PR goober working in an office stateside with no real combat problem solving skills. Just some photo made on a computer.

06-03-22, 11:06
Its a stupid tweet from some PR goober working in an office stateside with no real combat problem solving skills. Just some photo made on a computer.

Who absolutely has a NAM he wrote himself up for. :rolleyes:

06-03-22, 13:26
Looking for a few they/them

06-03-22, 14:08
Meh. I'm all for folks living their lives the way they choose. I'm all for accepting the alphabet soup community. I just can't get on board with either end of the spectrum when it comes to "gay bashing" or "gay idolization".

You know, this is pretty much where I land on this topic as well...

06-03-22, 22:46
Looking for a few they/them

Horrifically sad commentary given how true it is… but I chuckled lol.

3 AE
06-04-22, 20:44
I truly believe in my heart and soul that we will never "Lose the Corps". Sure, there will be some in the upper officer ranks that will bow to the PC from the administration in power, but the true warriors will never give up their faith. Semper Fi to the Marines of the past, present, and future. :thank_you2:

06-04-22, 23:29
I truly believe in my heart and soul that we will never "Lose the Corps". Sure, there will be some in the upper officer ranks that will bow to the PC from the administration in power, but the true warriors will never give up their faith. Semper Fi to the Marines of the past, present, and future. :thank_you2:

How many true warriors aren’t going to join or re-up?

Ask an older cop in a woke dept if they are still getting quality recruits.

06-06-22, 17:34
Then they will go the way of the Dodo .

06-06-22, 21:27
Its a stupid tweet from some PR goober working in an office stateside with no real combat problem solving skills. Just some photo made on a computer.

I'd be inclined to agree with you, but was it a personal project or officially associated with the USMC.

I personally have almost zero views about anyone who wants to serve in the US military. If a person is gay (or whatever) and is as qualified as everyone else, they deserve the same consideration as everyone else.

But I have a problem with "special recognition." We don't have anything recognizing our proud heterosexual marines. The military is supposed to be inclusive and if you want to be special take your ass to OCS. The military is probably the last thing we have that even remotely resembles a "meritocracy" and we need to keep it as close to that as possible.

I don't think we need to single out any serviceman based upon race, religion, sexual preference or any other personal consideration for any kind of attention be it negative or positive. You want to be equal, that is what equal looks like. No "white pride" Marines, no "black pride" Marines and no "gay pride" Marines...just Marines.

And certainly that PR goober, if he is working in the capacity of the US Marines, can come up with something more useful that is beneficial to ALL Marines. And if you take care of ALL the Marines, you take care of any who might happen to be gay, black, latino, female or whatever.

06-07-22, 13:57
The military is supposed to be inclusive and if you want to be special take your ass to OCS.
Officer Candidate School?

06-07-22, 14:06
Officer Candidate School?

Damn right you enlisted swine.


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06-07-22, 19:46
I personally have almost zero views about anyone who wants to serve in the US military. If a person is gay (or whatever) and is as qualified as everyone else, they deserve the same consideration as everyone else.

R. Lee Ermey called them out for what they are - Peter Puffers...

YOU can share a shower or foxhole with them if YOU choose to do so but I want NO damn part of that.

06-07-22, 20:02
R. Lee Ermey called them out for what they are - Peter Puffers...

YOU can share a shower or foxhole with them if YOU choose to do so but I want NO damn part of that.

Meh, if he can pack his freight and hold his own in the fight that's all I care. His recreational proclivities matter jack squat to me.

I'm also not nearly delusional enough to believe that no gay man will be unable to resist throwing himself at me. Pretty sure I'm "safe" from the vast majority of gay men. ;)

06-07-22, 20:37
It's never just some gay guy or gal minding their own business doing their job like heteros. They are fewer in number, but have all kinds of politically connected orgs pushing their agenda on the world. So their main focus is the children...they must be sexualized, they must be groomed, they are busy recruiting younger and younger people into their ranks. They want children in their trans "lifestyle". Their entire agenda is to destroy the nuclear family. They have insinuated themselves into just about every institution in the world. And if you don't agree with any of this, you are the enemy and they will work to make life miserable for you. Look up the Folsom street fair and ask yourself "is this good"?

06-07-22, 21:43
Damn right you enlisted swine.


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Can’t spell lost without the LT.

06-07-22, 21:50
R. Lee Ermey called them out for what they are - Peter Puffers...

YOU can share a shower or foxhole with them if YOU choose to do so but I want NO damn part of that.

If you were pinned down hard, would you give a damn who saved you if they came to your rescue?

I get where you are coming from, I don't want gender neutral bathrooms, but people who are gay and want to "genuinely serve their country" aren't top of my list. I'd rather foxhole who some homo who can fight than somebody who doesn't want to be there. And if they are willing to fight and bleed with me, I guess they can look at my pee pee when we shower.

By the same token I suppose you have the right to not allow them to look at your pee pee.

06-07-22, 21:54
Damn right you enlisted swine.


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Hahaha. Funnily enough, I’m doing medical coverage for Phase 1 at PMA (SC NG RTI) OCS right now. Doing a favor exchange with a buddy. Man, they **** those candidates up more than I expected. Much rhabdo. They certainly don’t treat anyone “special”, so far. Pretty old-school, honestly.

As to the comment about sharing foxholes with gays, I’m not sure anyone cares as long as they can fight. Seems to be a non-issue, and many or most have thick skin, thicker than some here.

06-07-22, 21:57
It's never just some gay guy or gal minding their own business doing their job like heteros. They are fewer in number, but have all kinds of politically connected orgs pushing their agenda on the world. So their main focus is the children...they must be sexualized, they must be groomed, they are busy recruiting younger and younger people into their ranks. They want children in their trans "lifestyle". Their entire agenda is to destroy the nuclear family. They have insinuated themselves into just about every institution in the world. And if you don't agree with any of this, you are the enemy and they will work to make life miserable for you. Look up the Folsom street fair and ask yourself "is this good"?

And honestly I'm in large agreement with that. I'm totally fine with the former, I have no time for the latter. If a person is gay, alright whatever handle your business and tend to your personal business and I'll do the same. But if you demand that I participate in your "special unique person" agenda then you can FRO. I'm not making anyone celebrate the shit I do differently from anyone else, only ask that it be respected as my personal business.

And yeah, I have a problem with the issue when it comes to kids. When I was 10 it was hard enough to figure out what pants are gonna be fine and accepted and what shoes people are gonna make fun of. I was in no position to want to make lifestyle decisions. Also it's not the first time I've known gay people and I'll tell you what, most of them knew when they were 10 years old, nobody had to tell them. Most of us knew there was something different, even if we couldn't tell you exactly what it was. But I think this is a discussion that can wait until AFTER kids have actually gone through puberty.

06-07-22, 22:00
Can’t spell lost without the LT.

Most dangerous thing in the world is a new butter bar with a map and a compass.

06-07-22, 22:00
Its cool to share foxhoes and slap eachothers butts and stuff but what happens when they start squirting arterial blood in your eye and its up to you to stop the bleed when there is all this talk about HIV being the new don't ask don't tell policy. Guess which way 80% of HIV patients swing?

06-07-22, 22:08
Its cool to share foxhoes and slap eachothers butts and stuff but what happens when they start squirting arterial blood in your eye and its up to you to stop the bleed when there is all this talk about HIV being the new don't ask don't tell policy. Guess which way 80% of HIV patients swing?

What about a hetero Marine with Aids or Hep C? Hell what if you are rescuing civies? You gonna ask who is gay before you stop the bleeding?

I guess from a practical standpoint, anyone who is HIV positive should be taken out of conflict zones for all kinds of reasons.

06-07-22, 22:24
HIV tests are performed routinely on military personnel. Military personnel with HIV in combat zones are very rare. I can’t say never, because I know of one case, 19 years ago. Actually, that case is rumor, and the dude that got covered in his blood did not contract HIV. I’d have to look at some statistics, and I’m kinda lazy due to sampling bias.

06-07-22, 22:26
What about a hetero Marine with Aids or Hep C? Hell what if you are rescuing civies? You gonna ask who is gay before you stop the bleeding?

I guess from a practical standpoint, anyone who is HIV positive should be taken out of conflict zones for all kinds of reasons.

I posted the 80% statistic because its about frequency not to mention the incoming new policies on what they are accepting into the military now.

In case people arent up to date the current policies:

Status: deployable


06-07-22, 22:40
I posted the 80% statistic because its about frequency not to mention the incoming new policies on what they are accepting into the military now.

In case people arent up to date the current policies:

Status: deployable

Interesting. I hadn’t read that one yet. I wonder… what is the transmission risk when treating a Soldier with an undetectable viral load, as per the subject of that memo.

06-07-22, 22:47
Interesting. I hadn’t read that one yet. I wonder… what is the transmission risk when treating a Soldier with an undetectable viral load, as per the subject of that memo.

No clue, might want to ask a doctor but I would carry some spare nitriles in my IFAK just in case.

06-07-22, 22:57
No clue, might want to ask a doctor but I would carry some spare nitriles in my IFAK just in case.

It was a rhetorical question. Risk is fairly low.

Shit in your IFAK is for your own treatment, mainly. I do carry gloves and even lightweight face-shields and trauma sleeves for treating Skinnies. In normal environments, it is a best practice to glove up. Especially when body fluids or foot checks are involved. GSW in my team is getting treated regardless.

Blood gets tested for WBB protocols.

06-08-22, 06:53
You wanna be gay and serve? Don't care. You wanna screw goats? Have at it. How about this: let's keep our sexuality in proclivity to ourselves, don't push it on anyone (which is always been a prosecutable offense with the UCMJ anyway), and let's not "celebrate" it or make it "special". This is where I take issue.

Ironically he whole notion of celebrating "special" just becomes divisive, and that is no bueno for the military.

For you old timers: if you think there weren't gays serving when you were in, you'd be wrong.

06-08-22, 07:17
You wanna be gay and serve? Don't care. You wanna screw goats? Have at it. How about this: let's keep our sexuality in proclivity to ourselves, don't push it on anyone (which is always been a prosecutable offense with the UCMJ anyway), and let's not "celebrate" it or make it "special". This is where I take issue.

Ironically he whole notion of celebrating "special" just becomes divisive, and that is no bueno for the military.

For you old timers: if you think there weren't gays serving when you were in, you'd be wrong.

I have a problem with the whole notion of celebrating and showing “pride” in where someone wants to put their genitals or what they like stuck in them.

06-08-22, 07:55
I have a problem with the whole notion of celebrating and showing “pride” in where someone wants to put their genitals or what they like stuck in them.

Yessssss. The celebration/special recognition/pride thing is a hard stop for me.

I hate to pull a 'back in my day,' but.... there were gay dudes serving, they never made it a thing, and neither did we. We went on about our business of war.

Just live your life. You want inclusiveness and equality? Don't want to be freaking special and recognized for being different all the time.

06-08-22, 11:46
You wanna be gay and serve? Don't care. You wanna screw goats? Have at it. How about this: let's keep our sexuality in proclivity to ourselves, don't push it on anyone (which is always been a prosecutable offense with the UCMJ anyway), and let's not "celebrate" it or make it "special". This is where I take issue.

Ironically he whole notion of celebrating "special" just becomes divisive, and that is no bueno for the military.

For you old timers: if you think there weren't gays serving when you were in, you'd be wrong.

But then the military had laws about keeping your mouth shut and not letting your practice get into the public sphere.

06-08-22, 20:51
Here...slap a uniform on it and call it the new Marines. I'm sure Milley and the commandant would be on board.


06-08-22, 21:21
Here...slap a uniform on it and call it the new Marines. I'm sure Milley and the commandant would be on board.


Even if that wasn't a tranny, even if that was a a legit double X female, that isn't even close to Playboy material. I feel sorry for the children.

06-08-22, 22:07
Even if that wasn't a tranny, even if that was a a legit double X female, that isn't even close to Playboy material. I feel sorry for the children.

One thing is for sure in my mind, that boy knows what "over the top" is all about.