View Full Version : Dem declares gun control will happen, abolishing filibuster, expanding Supreme Court

06-02-22, 15:57

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan says the comments prove what Democrats are planning: 'Now, we know'

Rep. Mondaire Jones said Thursday Democrats will abolish the Senate filibuster and pack the Supreme Court in order to pass more restrictions on guns, as the House prepares to advance a package of gun bills next week.

Jones, D-N.Y., made the comments at a House Judiciary Committee markup on a package called the "Protecting Our Kids Act." The emergency committee meeting was called by Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., in response to the mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York, in recent weeks.

"Enough of you telling us that school shootings are a fact of life when every other country like ours has virtually ended it. Enough of you blaming mental illness and then defunding mental health care in this country. Enough of your thoughts and prayers," Jones said during the emotional hearing.

"You will not stop us from advancing the Protecting Our Kids Act today," he added. "If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it. And we will not rest until we have taken weapons of war out of circulation and our communities each and every day."

But House Judiciary Committee ranking member Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said Jones with his Thursday comments showed Democrats fundamentally don't want to compromise.

"Now we know where they want to go. He just said it," Jordan, said. "End the filibuster. Expand the court. Forget the Constitution. Now, we know."

06-02-22, 16:01
you missed this? https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?236029-quot-Protecting-Our-Kids-Act-quot-incoming

06-02-22, 16:09
We shouldn't complain...they are busy saving democracy don't you know?

06-02-22, 16:35
Who cares what the House does. No votes in the Senate and no votes to kill the filibuster. People are getting angry over stuff thats not going to happen. Life is too short to stress over all their BS. When there is an actual threat let me know but hopefully that's from someone that has taken civics and understands the process of capital hill or at a minimum has watched some Schoolhouse Rock.

06-02-22, 17:22
He can wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one fills up first.

06-02-22, 18:07
They just now learned this? I could have told them this was coming day after the election.

06-02-22, 18:15
Hammer your reps, fellas. Seriously. If you aren’t making at least one call a day and sending one email a day, you’re a slacker!!!

Hammer the shit out of them, keep the pressure on them and don’t let up.

Unless you wanna find out if you have it in you to use the 2A for its intended purpose, you better full court press everyday!

06-02-22, 18:57
Notice how fast they had all the protest signs and resolution typed up. Interesting is all.

The Dumb Gun Collector
06-02-22, 19:26
I agree we shouldn't get too complacent but I don't see anything substantive coming out of this. Certainly no rifle bans etc unless Biden decides to pull a Trump and just make up an executive order banning them.I think this is all just a scheme to fire up the base because they know they are heading into a meat grinder in November.

06-02-22, 20:15
I agree we shouldn't get too complacent but I don't see anything substantive coming out of this. Certainly no rifle bans etc unless Biden decides to pull a Trump and just make up an executive order banning them.I think this is all just a scheme to fire up the base because they know they are heading into a meat grinder in November.

So in 1989 absolutely NOBODY saw the Bush 41 import ban coming. Drug Czar William Bennett told Bush that "only drug dealers use these guns" and that was that, Bush just made it happen because he had the power to regulate imports. Nothing went through Congress.

In 1994 NOBODY knew about the Clinton Ban until AFTER it happened. There were only two good things about the Clinton ban, one it had a sunset so it was unlike every piece of gun legislation that came before or after and two it finally woke everyone the F up. When people had to pay $100 for a damn Glock magazine and $50 for a well used USGI magazine and you had to have a loud ass muzzle brake on your AR and couldn't have a adjustable stock for 10 DAMN YEARS people finally woke up.

But it wears off. In the school shooting thread there is already one genius who suggested "Can't happen, Senate doesn't have the votes."

He obviously doesn't know two things.

1. Prior to the sunset of the Clinton ban, a republican majority congress successfully amended the renewal of the Clinton ban to a Larry Craig industry protection bill and the ONLY reason it didn't pass is because Craig then killed his own bill rather than pass it with a poison pill amendment.

2. There were TWO Sandy Hook Gun Control attempts, there was the first one everyone worried about and AKs and ARs were fetching $2500 and Pmags were moving for $100 each, and after it was defeated and when nobody was paying attention NRA A Rated Harry Reid pulled a last minute, last hour attempt to shove it through a second time when he thought nobody was looking and he came this damn close to being successful. Most people don't even know it happened.

So the last thing anybody should be thinking is "they don't have the votes", "Senate will protect us" or any other "Don't see it happening" nonsense because that is exactly the environment that is required for them to be successful. Kinda like that one election where everyone was certain Hillary had it all wrapped up.

Watch the damn ball or lose the game. And that is for everyone, not just the person I quoted.

THCDDM4 is 100% on point, if we don't fight this war correctly, we are gonna have an actual war on our hands. I've been at this shit since I was able to vote. I've gone to the courthouse in person because they were gonna try and pass some local version of the CA ban in South Florida, and we weren't there for facebook photo ops.

I've been a NRA member more years than I care to think about. They aren't perfect but for decades they were the only thing that moved anyone in Congress to any kind of action.

I've made more phone calls, written more letters and sent more emails trying to prevent firearm legislation than most kids do trying to get laid.

I've also spent more money making sure I have "what I might need" should all of the above fail. And I swear to F'ing god, if we lose this time because a bunch of F'ing know it alls claimed it "can't happen" I'm gonna be as pissed at them as I am the people who shoved it through.

If you aren't acting like they are coming for everything and responding accordingly, might as well just hand over everything you own right now. If it seems like they are creating a momentum and building towards something, trying to orchestrate an "outcome" that is because they are. Keep their damn phone lines flooded, send some hard copy letters and even though emails get ignored send those anyway. Just print a hard copy and put a stamp on it.

And when GOA sends you an action alert, hit ALL those damn links. IF you didn't get an action alert go to the GOA website. Consider making a donation, $100 is cheap if it means Pmags won't suddenly be $100 each from now on. Go to the NRA ILA and support them, Wayne can't get a nickel of that money and they can't use it for fund raising or membership drives.

06-02-22, 20:53
Yappy little dogs whoring for attention, terrified about the midterms.

The Dumb Gun Collector
06-02-22, 22:47
I am almost in full agreement with you and the spirit of your post. But I do remember the 94 ban. It was well known that it was coming but everyone kept thinking it would be derailed. I remember talking to a guy at HK on the phone and he was swearing it wouldn't pass, etc.

"In 1994 NOBODY knew about the Clinton Ban until AFTER it happened. There were only two good things about the Clinton ban, one it had a sunset so it was unlike every piece of gun legislation that came before or after and two it finally woke everyone the F up. When people had to pay $100 for a damn Glock magazine and $50 for a well used USGI magazine and you had to have a loud ass muzzle brake on your AR and couldn't have a adjustable stock for 10 DAMN YEARS people finally woke up."

So in 1989 absolutely NOBODY saw the Bush 41 import ban coming. Drug Czar William Bennett told Bush that "only drug dealers use these guns" and that was that, Bush just made it happen because he had the power to regulate imports. Nothing went through Congress.

In 1994 NOBODY knew about the Clinton Ban until AFTER it happened. There were only two good things about the Clinton ban, one it had a sunset so it was unlike every piece of gun legislation that came before or after and two it finally woke everyone the F up. When people had to pay $100 for a damn Glock magazine and $50 for a well used USGI magazine and you had to have a loud ass muzzle brake on your AR and couldn't have a adjustable stock for 10 DAMN YEARS people finally woke up.

But it wears off. In the school shooting thread there is already one genius who suggested "Can't happen, Senate doesn't have the votes."

He obviously doesn't know two things.

1. Prior to the sunset of the Clinton ban, a republican majority congress successfully amended the renewal of the Clinton ban to a Larry Craig industry protection bill and the ONLY reason it didn't pass is because Craig then killed his own bill rather than pass it with a poison pill amendment.

2. There were TWO Sandy Hook Gun Control attempts, there was the first one everyone worried about and AKs and ARs were fetching $2500 and Pmags were moving for $100 each, and after it was defeated and when nobody was paying attention NRA A Rated Harry Reid pulled a last minute, last hour attempt to shove it through a second time when he thought nobody was looking and he came this damn close to being successful. Most people don't even know it happened.

So the last thing anybody should be thinking is "they don't have the votes", "Senate will protect us" or any other "Don't see it happening" nonsense because that is exactly the environment that is required for them to be successful. Kinda like that one election where everyone was certain Hillary had it all wrapped up.

Watch the damn ball or lose the game. And that is for everyone, not just the person I quoted.

THCDDM4 is 100% on point, if we don't fight this war correctly, we are gonna have an actual war on our hands. I've been at this shit since I was able to vote. I've gone to the courthouse in person because they were gonna try and pass some local version of the CA ban in South Florida, and we weren't there for facebook photo ops.

I've been a NRA member more years than I care to think about. They aren't perfect but for decades they were the only thing that moved anyone in Congress to any kind of action.

I've made more phone calls, written more letters and sent more emails trying to prevent firearm legislation than most kids do trying to get laid.

I've also spent more money making sure I have "what I might need" should all of the above fail. And I swear to F'ing god, if we lose this time because a bunch of F'ing know it alls claimed it "can't happen" I'm gonna be as pissed at them as I am the people who shoved it through.

If you aren't acting like they are coming for everything and responding accordingly, might as well just hand over everything you own right now. If it seems like they are creating a momentum and building towards something, trying to orchestrate an "outcome" that is because they are. Keep their damn phone lines flooded, send some hard copy letters and even though emails get ignored send those anyway. Just print a hard copy and put a stamp on it.

And when GOA sends you an action alert, hit ALL those damn links. IF you didn't get an action alert go to the GOA website. Consider making a donation, $100 is cheap if it means Pmags won't suddenly be $100 each from now on. Go to the NRA ILA and support them, Wayne can't get a nickel of that money and they can't use it for fund raising or membership drives.

06-02-22, 23:02
Thank you for this post sir! It's so very true and it actually made me hold myself accountable. I have always be a supporter of the second amendment and I have been a member of the NRA for many years but not the GOA until now.

Everyone shout listen to what SteyrAUG is saying and write your reps and state legislators. Fight this fight like we want to win and don't let complacency get the best of us. If we back down the will push forward, we can't let that happen.

Thank you again SteyrAUG!!!

06-02-22, 23:09
I am almost in full agreement with you and the spirit of your post. But I do remember the 94 ban. It was well known that it was coming but everyone kept thinking it would be derailed. I remember talking to a guy at HK on the phone and he was swearing it wouldn't pass, etc.

You would be one of the exceptions. Most gun magazines weren't even writing about it and damn near everyone I knew found out about it AFTER it passed. I still remember the "Why are f'ing Glock magazines so high?" gun show not long after it passed. Glocks were still "kinda new" so there wasn't a giant surplus of them on the market unlike AR mags which took a long time to dry up.

Every single table was dealers explaining the recently passed law to buyers who had no clue it happened and all asking what they should do about it, even though that ship had completely sailed.

But, do have a question, are you sure you aren't thinking of the 89 import ban. That is the one that impacted HK, damn near their entire line got hammered. The only thing that really was effected by the Clinton ban would be the higher than 10 round capacity magazines for their USP handguns and I think only the 9 and .40 were available at the time.

The Dumb Gun Collector
06-03-22, 00:51
Nah, because I had just gotten old enough to buy a handgun myself that year. I wanted to get a USP (which was hot off the presses and sexy as hell) and I was terrified I wouldn't be able to get any of the 15 round mags. I will say that I was a political science student who spent every weekend hanging out with my high school buddies that worked at the biggest local gunshop. So maybe I was just better informed than most. But among the middle GA gun nerds it was known and dreaded. Honestly, everyone (around here) was expecting it after Clinton got elected. I do remember everyone panicking after as you described. I remember all the gunshops stealing the spare high cap mags. I even remember there being a run on primers and stuff (much like later panics) because I had just bought a lee loader. Sad times. I swore they would never let it sunset. I was stunned when they let it die.

You would be one of the exceptions. Most gun magazines weren't even writing about it and damn near everyone I knew found out about it AFTER it passed. I still remember the "Why are f'ing Glock magazines so high?" gun show not long after it passed. Glocks were still "kinda new" so there wasn't a giant surplus of them on the market unlike AR mags which took a long time to dry up.

Every single table was dealers explaining the recently passed law to buyers who had no clue it happened and all asking what they should do about it, even though that ship had completely sailed.

But, do have a question, are you sure you aren't thinking of the 89 import ban. That is the one that impacted HK, damn near their entire line got hammered. The only thing that really was effected by the Clinton ban would be the higher than 10 round capacity magazines for their USP handguns and I think only the 9 and .40 were available at the time.

Ed L.
06-03-22, 01:28
So the last thing anybody should be thinking is "they don't have the votes", "Senate will protect us" or any other "Don't see it happening" nonsense because that is exactly the environment that is required for them to be successful. Kinda like that one election where everyone was certain Hillary had it all wrapped up.

Watch the damn ball or lose the game. And that is for everyone, not just the person I quoted.

I strongly agree with everything SteyrAUG wrote in that post. There is far more of a movement toward firearm restrictions and bans now than there was in 1994. The antigun side is more numerous, vocal, and rabid.

I am almost in full agreement with you and the spirit of your post. But I do remember the 94 ban. It was well known that it was coming but everyone kept thinking it would be derailed. I remember talking to a guy at HK on the phone and he was swearing it wouldn't pass, etc.

Likewise I remember the run up to the 94 ban as it was proposed and voted on. It did not come out of the blue.

06-03-22, 01:52
...I think this is all just a scheme to fire up the base because they know they are heading into a meat grinder in November.

I fail to see how they could think that - if they think it's going to go poorly for them now, wait til they try to pass some anti-gun laws. Just going to massively piss off even more people.
Since it seems clear now that they don't really need to fear losing an election ever again, if 2020 was anything to go by, I think, to bounce off what Steyr posted, people are underestimating the sheer zealotry of the current-day demsoc/left party, and also underestimating how much of the framework is already in place for things to go massively dystopian real fast if they *really* want to triple down. I mean, if Jan 6 wasn't a giant blaring klaxon....
This, I think, will be the biggest, most likely to succeed push since 2013.
If they win, also the most likely time for them to try to enforce, given they way they seem to be throwing caution to the wind with everything else.

06-03-22, 02:53
Where would be the best place to talk about the actual bills and their progress? This was one dumb DEm REp saying these things, still relevant, but not the 'official party line' - I'm just looking for a clean thread on what is going on.

What does Ban mean- turn them in or no more new, or no more transfers? Guns and Mags
No gun with more than 10 rounds mags- as in guns will only be sold with 10 round mags, or guns THAT CAN ACCEPT MAG over 10 round mags are can't be sold, transferred.

The level really doesn't make that much of a difference, they are all BS ideas, I just want to actually know what is going on.

Guns that can't take mags over 10 rounds? So HK SL-18, was that the 10rnd G36?

It is hillarious that Biden calls for a AWB, but then says maybe at least an age restriction.

06-03-22, 04:01
No we have nothing to worry about this is the USA, our system works. Don't panic, nothing will pass.

Years ago I may have bought that.

But then things changed, Russia gate was pushed by USA government agencies, 100% of them. I went on the Hugh Hewitt show and said it wasn't true, that they all were liars. I got shut down.

The FBI since 2012 has maintained office work space inside Perkins Qoie?

So now let's get real, 100,000,000 million people were murdered by their governments last century. How many school shootings will it take to catch up to this total?

The last terror attack against a school in Israel was in 1974. The country took it seriously, schools were hardened, and armed teachers became a fact, all schools also have armed security. YAMAM the top anti terror unit was created, and has grown to be in the top 5 in the world or even the top 3 depending on who makes the list.

What the Marxist including Bradon brought to the table yesterday was a manifesto for ending everything we hold dear. So let's say they have success, what are the ramifications for everyone and the world.

First the FBI would complete its wet dream and become the KGB/FSB/ Gestapo, with all that would bring. Your freedom to raise your children as you see fit, gone, freedom of religion, gone, your sons' would get drugs to turn them into zombies or get their dicks wacked off.

For the world, as a whole it would mean several billion dead world wide in the first 18 months of the take over. Why ? Because the American people are the most generous people on the planet and this would come to an end. Plus American agriculture would grind to a halt for "green" reasons and we would have starvation in the USA, so the world would fare even worse.

You can say I am crazy, it will never happen. I wrote my master thesis on just this topic. I worked on just these things and still do.

Don't be like the German Jews were in the 1930's .

06-03-22, 04:21
I swore they would never let it sunset. I was stunned when they let it die.

Technically you were right about that. They did successfully amend a renewal to a bill by Larry Craig.

06-03-22, 05:46
I was a senior in high school when clinton was running for his first term. Like today all the teachers were all giddy about the dem nominee. I specifically remember the anger in my dads voice when I told him I hope clinton wins. He said “well you may as well throw away all your rifles and shotguns now”. He then started rambling on about taxes, attacks on religion, etc.
I was confused as to why he was so pissed at what I said.
A couple years later I went to buy my first AR. It was a Colt A2 HBAR. I met a buddy of mine at the range and immediately I felt like a jackass when he pointed out that I had a clinton AR. His had a collapsible stock, muzzle brake, cool looking standard capacity mags, and the deadly bayonet lug. At that moment I was embarrassed about my rifle and for what I said to my dad. I even went and apologize to him for what I had said in 92.

06-03-22, 07:00
I fail to see how they could think that - if they think it's going to go poorly for them now, wait til they try to pass some anti-gun laws. Just going to massively piss off even more people.
Since it seems clear now that they don't really need to fear losing an election ever again, if 2020 was anything to go by, I think, to bounce off what Steyr posted, people are underestimating the sheer zealotry of the current-day demsoc/left party, and also underestimating how much of the framework is already in place for things to go massively dystopian real fast if they *really* want to triple down. I mean, if Jan 6 wasn't a giant blaring klaxon....
This, I think, will be the biggest, most likely to succeed push since 2013.
If they win, also the most likely time for them to try to enforce, given they way they seem to be throwing caution to the wind with everything else.

The Dumb Gun Collector is correct. You can tell they have had a political recalculation because Biden did an address last night (he originally said he was going to keep his mouth shut for the sake of negotiations). If he actually wanted legislation to pass and not make it a political issue he would have kept his mouth shut. After speaking, he riled up the pro 2a crowd and everyone will call their Senators and house members this morning and he effectively killed any bills that might make it through both Houses.

They are making it a campaign issue to rally their base because other than Roe V Wade (if that comes to fruition) they will have nothing to get the base out. If you dont get the base out you start to loose very blue seats and it turns into a nightmare wave for the Democrats.

06-03-22, 07:44
Hmmm, but how bout gang violence and cracking down on violent criminals that are the biggest source of gun crime?


Wanna fight drunk driving? Step up DUI enforcement and stiffen the penalties. Same thing with gun crime.

This is like banning 30-packs and requiring background checks on used car sales.

Political theater.

06-03-22, 08:05
This all not happenstance, it is for the purpose of distraction and talking points for Nov.
SCOTUS document released.. Ever wonder where covid went? It was making them look bad so they were advised to take a win and remove restrictions. All of a sudden the democrats turned off the civid stream and we are all well and safe. You have been and will be manipulated

06-03-22, 08:16
Hmmm, but how bout gang violence and cracking down on violent criminals that are the biggest source of gun crime?


Wanna fight drunk driving? Step up DUI enforcement and stiffen the penalties. Same thing with gun crime.

This is like banning 30-packs and requiring background checks on used car sales.

Political theater.

This is their answer to the very real and impactful rise in crime that has everyone hardening their houses, and ironically buying guns. They want to pivot the flood of crime in cities that affects us all to the rain drops of school shootings.

The Dumb Gun Collector
06-03-22, 08:56
If inflation, the market, the economy and the price of gas doesn’t rapidly correct itself, they are headed for a prison welcome wagon style pounding. At this point they are probably afraid that the base won’t show up in sufficient numbers to protect even “safe” seats. I’m not saying it is a winning plan, it may be the only thing they have. Abortion and gun control are guaranteed to raise money for them and get their base motivated. I agree with you though, it will run up our numbers in red and purple areas they were going to lose any way.

I give assault weapons ban about 5% chance of passing unless they can stir up another high casualty school shooter in time. If you get Las Vegas numbers the they might get to 60 votes but even that’s not for sure. I am still concerned Biden may do a trump-style, who cares about the law, executive order banning semi autos as machine guns.

I give red flag laws, age restrictions and mandatory background check for private transfers probably 40%. As Steyr says, keep up the pressure- keep the Republicans aware that we have their backs if they stick with us and

I fail to see how they could think that - if they think it's going to go poorly for them now, wait til they try to pass some anti-gun laws. Just going to massively piss off even more people.
Since it seems clear now that they don't really need to fear losing an election ever again, if 2020 was anything to go by, I think, to bounce off what Steyr posted, people are underestimating the sheer zealotry of the current-day demsoc/left party, and also underestimating how much of the framework is already in place for things to go massively dystopian real fast if they *really* want to triple down. I mean, if Jan 6 wasn't a giant blaring klaxon....
This, I think, will be the biggest, most likely to succeed push since 2013.
If they win, also the most likely time for them to try to enforce, given they way they seem to be throwing caution to the wind with everything else.

06-03-22, 09:57
Here's the Dem attitude about 2A, in easy video format:


I don't think it's possible to reason with these people. And I would say we have the votes, especially this year, but everyone knows the last election was iffy at best, and massive fraud is 100% guaranteed this year. So consider that someone might organize a general strike in November. And that there will be some phony or exaggerated new pandemic to try and keep people home and docile.

06-03-22, 10:32
We'll see what Manchin and Sinema got, probably two of the most powerful politicians in the country. If they vote down gun control, the back stabbing RINO will be the next enemy to overcome. Anyone want to bet that Romney doesn't stab gun owners in the back? Hope I'm wrong on Romney.

06-03-22, 11:08
We'll see what Manchin and Sinema got, probably two of the most powerful politicians in the country. If they vote down gun control, the back stabbing RINO will be the next enemy to overcome. Anyone want to bet that Romney doesn't stab gun owners in the back? Hope I'm wrong on Romney.

You aren't wrong about Romney. Most of the Mormons even hate him. Someone was telling me the other day that the only Mormons who like him are the snobby self righteous rich pricks that they all complain give them a bad name, lol.

06-03-22, 11:22
You would be one of the exceptions. Most gun magazines weren't even writing about it and damn near everyone I knew found out about it AFTER it passed.

I remember very well that Rush Limbaugh was all over it in 94. It wasn’t a secret or anything, but I’m sure the national media did their best to keep it away from the evening dinner tables of mainstream America.

06-03-22, 11:27
I don't think Manchin will back us on this and probably not Sinema either. Romney was always going to stab us in the back and now we've got this RINO to worry about:

Republican senator says 'it will be embarrassing' if the Senate fails to pass gun legislation after mass shootings


So they're already at 54 if you're doing the math, and that's not counting Collins, Toomey or Murkowski. So 57 is not out of the realm of possibility. If you don't think this is as serious a threat to the 2nd Amendment as we've seen since 1994, you're fooling yourself. A couple more shootings and they're likely to get 60 voted. That would be a MAJOR win for Biden in the worst way possible. :(

06-03-22, 11:28
Anyone want to bet that Romney doesn't stab gun owners in the back? Hope I'm wrong on Romney.

If he ever wants to be president as a republican he’ll think twice about that cart and horse.

06-03-22, 11:32
If he ever wants to be president as a republican he’ll think twice about that cart and horse.

I don't believe he thinks he'll ever be president. I think he'll vote gun control simply because he hates Trump and those that put him in office...many, many of whom are gun owners.

06-03-22, 11:37
I don't think Manchin will back us on this and probably not Sinema either. Romney was always going to stab us in the back and now we've got this RINO to worry about:

Republican senator says 'it will be embarrassing' if the Senate fails to pass gun legislation after mass shootings


So they're already at 54 if you're doing the math, and that's not counting Collins, Toomey or Murkowski. So 57 is not out of the realm of possibility. If you don't think this is as serious a threat to the 2nd Amendment as we've seen since 1994, you're fooling yourself. A couple more shootings and they're likely to get 60 voted. That would be a MAJOR win for Biden in the worst way possible. :(

Let's hope they balk at an outright ban on rifles and mags. Maybe the R's will only tolerate the procedural stuff like increasing the age limit on purchase. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, and we're in for a beating.

06-03-22, 12:01
THe dems are masters at that. You can almost see the break point in what they think they can get and then the other stuff that they will 'compromise' on. You can hear it in Biden say he wants an AWB, but at least give me a 21yr age limit...

It's been a long time on gun stuff, but someone should remind the GOPers that will vote for this and think that it will immunize them from MSM disdain- it won't. The MSM will ignore what they caved on and focus in what didn't get passed and cruxify the same GOPers that gave up on somethings the next time there is a shooting.

National is always just a crap shoot propoganda push. THe real battle is at the state level. Blue states that haven't passed stuff yet and purple states as wedge issue. That is where the battle is- and it is worse even at the city level. The more local the law, the less likely you have grandfathering- and all of a sudden everyone that owns an AR, or even now a Glock, SIg, or S&W are now walking felons.

In that regard, the Dems have almost run their course, they are now starting to hit everyday, 'normal' people. I think it shows just how disconnected the radical left is.

No mention of body armor. Thought that was interesting. Would have thought that they would throw in licensing of that.

PS: I got an error message on posting about leaving the page before submitting. I copied my text to make sure, but I ignored the message and it posted, just once it seems.

06-03-22, 12:47
Let's hope they balk at an outright ban on rifles and mags. Maybe the R's will only tolerate the procedural stuff like increasing the age limit on purchase. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, and we're in for a beating.

THe dems are masters at that. You can almost see the break point in what they think they can get and then the other stuff that they will 'compromise' on. You can hear it in Biden say he wants an AWB, but at least give me a 21yr age limit...

It's been a long time on gun stuff, but someone should remind the GOPers that will vote for this and think that it will immunize them from MSM disdain- it won't. The MSM will ignore what they caved on and focus in what didn't get passed and cruxify the same GOPers that gave up on somethings the next time there is a shooting.

National is always just a crap shoot propoganda push. THe real battle is at the state level. Blue states that haven't passed stuff yet and purple states as wedge issue. That is where the battle is- and it is worse even at the city level. The more local the law, the less likely you have grandfathering- and all of a sudden everyone that owns an AR, or even now a Glock, SIg, or S&W are now walking felons.

In that regard, the Dems have almost run their course, they are now starting to hit everyday, 'normal' people. I think it shows just how disconnected the radical left is.

No mention of body armor. Thought that was interesting. Would have thought that they would throw in licensing of that.

PS: I got an error message on posting about leaving the page before submitting. I copied my text to make sure, but I ignored the message and it posted, just once it seems.

That's where we need someone like Rand Paul to come in and drop a poison pill into the mix. Move the minimum age to enter military service to 21 and spike this thing before it gets off the ground.

john armond
06-03-22, 13:08
That's where we need someone like Rand Paul to come in and drop a poison pill into the mix. Move the minimum age to enter military service to 21 and spike this thing before it gets off the ground.

Including the draft. Also propose upping the voting age to 21. Hell, add a national driving age of 21. How many under 21yoas are killed in car crashes each year? Do it for the children.

06-03-22, 13:19
I don't think Manchin will back us on this and probably not Sinema either. Romney was always going to stab us in the back and now we've got this RINO to worry about:

Republican senator says 'it will be embarrassing' if the Senate fails to pass gun legislation after mass shootings


So they're already at 54 if you're doing the math, and that's not counting Collins, Toomey or Murkowski. So 57 is not out of the realm of possibility. If you don't think this is as serious a threat to the 2nd Amendment as we've seen since 1994, you're fooling yourself. A couple more shootings and they're likely to get 60 voted. That would be a MAJOR win for Biden in the worst way possible. :(
You think they have 54 votes right now for a full assault weapons ban??

06-03-22, 13:21
You think they have 54 votes right now for a full assault weapons ban??

I still don't know what "an assault weapon" actually is... (but I understand what you are saying).

06-03-22, 13:24
Someone needs to whack the M4C server with a hammer or something... it’s acting wonky.

06-03-22, 14:57
You think they have 54 votes right now for a full assault weapons ban??

I'm saying they probably have 54 right now for whatever Congress sends them. I know the Senate will want something more palatable than the House version, so it will most likely wind up in Conference Committee. But before it gets there, the Senate Judiciary Committee will examine the legislation, and that's where Cornyn is going to sell us out, HARD. So either someone on the SJC needs to add the poison pill (like Cruz, Lee, Sasse, Cotton, Kennedy, Blackburn...), and/or someone on the Senate floor will have to add it (like Paul) and most likely filibuster as well before the final vote.

Whatever comes out of Conference Committee and goes back to both floors for a vote, had better have a very bitter poison pill rider or there's an even chance we'll get ****ed by 10 RINO cucks on the Senate side. :mad:


06-03-22, 15:21
I strongly agree with everything SteyrAUG wrote in that post. There is far more of a movement toward firearm restrictions and bans now than there was in 1994. The antigun side is more numerous, vocal, and rabid.

Likewise I remember the run up to the 94 ban as it was proposed and voted on. It did not come out of the blue.

Gun bans were a lot less polarizing back then. Many in the GOP were openly for weapons bans back then. Even the NRA was pretty lukewarm about whether or assault weapons bans were a hill to die on. Nowadays, even most RINOs oppose bans even if they’re for other forms of gun control. This country is a lot more on edge now than in 94, too. I think the anti gun side is actually less numerous now, and the pro gun side is a LOT angrier and more organized as well.

06-03-22, 15:24
Gun bans were a lot less polarizing back then. Many in the GOP were openly for weapons bans back then. Even the NRA was pretty lukewarm about whether or assault weapons bans were a hill to die on. Nowadays, even most RINOs oppose bans even if they’re for other forms of gun control. This country is a lot more on edge now than in 94, too. I think the anti gun side is actually less numerous now, and the pro gun side is a LOT angrier and more organized as well.

Hard to know, but when it comes to guns, I’d think that the ratio runs at least 5:1, maybe 1o:1, of pro-gun:anti-gun as single issue voters

06-03-22, 15:44
Hard to know, but when it comes to guns, I’d think that the ratio runs at least 5:1, maybe 1o:1, of pro-gun:anti-gun as single issue voters

True. I know very few anti-gun single issue voters. Most anti-gunners don’t even talk about guns until these shootings happen.

06-03-22, 17:27
Gun bans were a lot less polarizing back then. Many in the GOP were openly for weapons bans back then. Even the NRA was pretty lukewarm about whether or assault weapons bans were a hill to die on. Nowadays, even most RINOs oppose bans even if they’re for other forms of gun control. This country is a lot more on edge now than in 94, too. I think the anti gun side is actually less numerous now, and the pro gun side is a LOT angrier and more organized as well.

Didn't stop ATF from banning 7N6, didn't stop Obama from banning all Russian imports (but oil was ok for Biden), didn't stop them from making bumpstocks NFA.

How many people in THIS thread are talking about "probably won't happen"? If we can't depend on the people on a forum like this to treat this threat as serious, we can't depend upon anyone. People thinking Romney cares about a future Presidential bid...just wow.

The Dumb Gun Collector
06-03-22, 18:21
No. If you read the article even the guy saying it would be embarrassing not to pass legislation is unlikely to back an assualt weapons bill. Basically, they have a few republicans for background checks and red flag stuff. If we keep up the pressure even this won't pass.

Fortunately, this jackass got the message quick...


N.Y. Republican Drops Re-Election Bid After Bucking His Party on Guns
Representative Chris Jacobs, whose district includes Buffalo suburbs, abandoned his campaign after his support for a federal assault weapons ban caused a G.O.P. backlash.

Even in New York it is a career killer for a Republican.

You think they have 54 votes right now for a full assault weapons ban??

06-03-22, 21:44
No. If you read the article even the guy saying it would be embarrassing not to pass legislation is unlikely to back an assualt weapons bill. Basically, they have a few republicans for background checks and red flag stuff. If we keep up the pressure even this won't pass.

Fortunately, this jackass got the message quick...


N.Y. Republican Drops Re-Election Bid After Bucking His Party on Guns
Representative Chris Jacobs, whose district includes Buffalo suburbs, abandoned his campaign after his support for a federal assault weapons ban caused a G.O.P. backlash.

Even in New York it is a career killer for a Republican.

Now we need to figure out how to make Cornyn and Toomey pay! :mad:

06-04-22, 08:35
I'm saying they probably have 54 right now for whatever Congress sends them. I know the Senate will want something more palatable than the House version, so it will most likely wind up in Conference Committee. But before it gets there, the Senate Judiciary Committee will examine the legislation, and that's where Cornyn is going to sell us out, HARD. So either someone on the SJC needs to add the poison pill (like Cruz, Lee, Sasse, Cotton, Kennedy, Blackburn...), and/or someone on the Senate floor will have to add it (like Paul) and most likely filibuster as well before the final vote.

Whatever comes out of Conference Committee and goes back to both floors for a vote, had better have a very bitter poison pill rider or there's an even chance we'll get ****ed by 10 RINO cucks on the Senate side. :mad:


FYI it's not going to be the same bill so there won't be a conference. The house bill is DOA in the Senate and was an on the record vote. Schumer won't even bring it to the floor. House will vote on whatever the Senate gives it.

I would add that conference committees are an important part of what is called regular order. We have not been in regular order since the bush years. Bills do still go to conference (rarely) but they are generally big bills where they know they have the votes in both houses. Leadership makes all the calls now, especially in the Senate.

06-04-22, 14:34
Now we need to figure out how to make Cornyn and Toomey pay! :mad:

Toomey is retiring, so it’s going to be hard to do that

06-04-22, 17:44
The Dems need to destroy to country to save it…

06-04-22, 17:52
The Dems need to destroy to country to save it…

Typical Marxist-Leninist rhetoric: We need a dictatorship in order to create a true democracy. We also can't trust the oppressed people to do what's in its own best interests, so we, the elite educated ones, will rule on their behalf so that we can protect them from others AND themselves.

06-04-22, 18:00
Why does this site keep double tapping??

The bad news is that the NSA is Hoover-ing all our posts and by mistake a carbon copy is being posted, the worse news is that we are being spied on by our own country- using the lowest bidder…. the only thing worse than being forced to live in a surveillance archipelago is having it run ineptly. Maybe of we could tip the NSA like they did with the old executioner axe-men for a clean cut- this doubling is crazy…

06-04-22, 19:54
I lived through the ban. I remember high Glock mag prices. I never saw $50 AR mags though. I remember $15-20. I also remember going on land nav courses and finding a ton of them dropped most having blanks in them. Camp Shelby was good for doing this. M14 mags were $35 for USGI. Now I looked at a lot of pawn shops and stores so maybe I just looked in the right places..but I never saw $50 mags for ARs. I do remember G20 mags with asking prices of $150. 10-22 mags were high too.

06-04-22, 19:55
Is mufukkin' Rep. Mondaire Jones gonna be at the head of the stack? LOL