View Full Version : Per GOA: anti2A RINOS with Dems, Senate negotiators have ‘framework’ for gun legislat

06-03-22, 15:01

While the House Judiciary Committee spent yesterday debating how to destroy the Second Amendment, something far more dangerous was taking place off-camera…

…Democrats and RINO Senators like Lindsey Graham were putting finishing touches on a bipartisan gun control framework for the 50-50 Senate.

Senate negotiators have ‘framework’ for gun legislation, source says


The Senate framework likely includes the demands Joe Biden made during his gun control speech last night: Red Flag Gun Confiscation Laws, expanded background registration checks, and raising the purchase age for commonly owned firearms to 21 years old.

While Pelosi’s House majority is sure to pass gun control, the Senate is our only chance at stopping this egregious assault on the Second Amendment.

Unfortunately, the Senate is packed with Republicans like Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, and Pat Toomey who love stabbing gun owners in the back.

06-03-22, 15:15
Well the good news in this announcement is they(the Senate) aren't banning hardware and ammo.

06-03-22, 15:18
The Senators will sell us like cheap hookers to ensure that they get back in power in the Senate and can start the money train again in their favor…

SCOTUS, you are our only hope….

Frankly, once we can get a good AR/mag ruling out of SCOTUS, I really don’t care. I’m as single issue voter, and it a state where my vote doesn’t matter. Outside of being marginally better on guns, they are no different on anything else. Frankly, historically, we are better off with dems in firm control. They don’t play these gun gamed when they are in leadership, just like we don’t have race riots on their watch like we did under Trump. Guns and race are tools they use to manipulate weak minded GOPers who think that the cool kids will play with them. Ask McCain how that works, or any time Mittens steps to the right of Manchin.

Maybe I’m not cynical enough. They let all the vulnerable GOPers support this, but they don’t get 60 votes to get it to an actual vote. The GOP needs to have an alternative though. Call it the “Actually protecting our kids” and fund school resource officers and hardening- all while taking the 1/6 and turning it on its head- unarmed protestors showed up at the Capitol and Nancy put up fences, restricted access, and put thousands of guards with guns around her. For your kids… none of that, just more laws for criminals and crazies to break.”

06-03-22, 15:26
This is why we need strong 2A Senators to add poison pill amendments to the bill. Raise the military service and draft age to 21. Raise the voting age to 21. Hell raise EVERYTHING to 21! Poison that bill so damn hard the Dems choke on it! :mad:

06-03-22, 15:55
This is why we need strong 2A Senators to add poison pill amendments to the bill. Raise the military service and draft age to 21. Raise the voting age to 21. Hell raise EVERYTHING to 21! Poison that bill so damn hard the Dems choke on it! :mad:

Those are good, but I’d also like to get pro-gun stuff in. Nationwide CCW to protect ourselves. ‘Legalize’ pistol braces.

Oh, and maybe throw some words at things that might stop killers, like armed volunteer teachers.

06-03-22, 16:00
Those are good, but I’d also like to get pro-gun stuff in. Nationwide CCW to protect ourselves. ‘Legalize’ pistol braces.

Oh, and maybe throw some words at things that might stop killers, like armed volunteer teachers.

I think we have plenty of pro 2A Senators on the Judiciary Committee. I think they should all pick one they like the most and submit them all! :)

06-03-22, 16:08
Those are good, but I’d also like to get pro-gun stuff in. Nationwide CCW to protect ourselves. ‘Legalize’ pistol braces.

Oh, and maybe throw some words at things that might stop killers, like armed volunteer teachers.

We may have nationwide CCW soon anyway with the upcoming ruling.

06-03-22, 16:10
I really don't understand why Republicans won't participate, at least to a degree, in the dirty tactics that Dems use regularly to get what they want.

They're politicians, and therefore none of them can be trusted.

06-03-22, 17:01
I really don't understand why Republicans won't participate, at least to a degree, in the dirty tactics that Dems use regularly to get what they want.

They're politicians, and therefore none of them can be trusted.

They're on the same team?

06-03-22, 17:21
Well the good news in this announcement is they(the Senate) aren't banning hardware and ammo.

I wouldn't get too comfortable with that belief. Plenty of time to tack on changes.

06-03-22, 19:03
Yep, plenty time for RINOs to stab our backs. Just commenting on "the right now"....tomorrow's a brand new day.

06-03-22, 21:04
I'm so old, I can remember when Toomey was a conservative (House member). Slimy Dr. Ooze won't be any better, but I'm hoping to photocopy 29 million mail-in ballots this fall for Kathy Barnette. If shitheel Biteme can win PA by 29 million votes, turnabout is fair play!!

06-03-22, 21:55
Don't forget Mittens. Romney is chomping at the bit to "work across the aisle" and take guns away from the "little people".

Obama was probably more pro-gun than Mittens.

06-03-22, 22:33
Dudes a waste of skin. If he votes to ban guns he should probably go into hiding. Ride out the hatred.

VIP3R 237
06-03-22, 22:37
Don't forget Mittens. Romney is chomping at the bit to "work across the aisle" and take guns away from the "little people".

Obama was probably more pro-gun than Mittens.

Truth. I’ve written his office but I’m sure it won’t matter.

06-03-22, 22:53
Of course we all know such law could never pass.... :rolleyes:
So sick of hearing that tripe every time a situation like this occurs, and we dodge by increasingly narrow margins, and then next time everyone's all like "totes won't happen this time breh".
Normalcy bias is a helluva drug.

Also what retarded republican thinks red flag laws are in any way a good idea? With friends like these...

Those are good, but I’d also like to get pro-gun stuff in. Nationwide CCW to protect ourselves. ‘Legalize’ pistol braces.

Oh, and maybe throw some words at things that might stop killers, like armed volunteer teachers.

Screw braces, repeal the NFA. Re-legalize genuine SBRs. OTC suppressors for everyone! Un-ban all magazines. Make introducing any ban/restriction a legally punishable offense. Gut the 68 import/sporter bull$#!+ . Ban gun-free zones. Ban bans. Make the militia of the people great again through the proper 'regulation' of training and preparation.
F*** it, go for broke. What's the worst they can do, vote it down each time by a narrow margin?

While we're at it, re-moralize the country. I don't mean religiotard crap, I mean simply quit treating blatant trash as right thinking. Re-instill a sense of personal pride, responsibility, and community (not the leftist "takes a village" type).
Also put more long term treatment measures in place for genuinely mental people who, it seems, are consistently "known" about, nothing is done, and then this.
Without societal shift, you can't ever solve this.

But.... my wish list is long and my political influence nil, so... who cares. Complain about the traitorous GOPers all you will, even if we dodge the current issues, it's the same stay-of-execution status quo that only ends one way.

06-03-22, 22:58
Of course we all know such law could never pass.... :rolleyes:
So sick of hearing that tripe every time a situation like this occurs, and we dodge by increasingly narrow margins, and then next time everyone's all like "totes won't happen this time breh".
Normalcy bias is a helluva drug.

Also what retarded republican thinks red flag laws are in any way a good idea? With friends like these...

Screw braces, repeal the NFA. Re-legalize genuine SBRs. OTC suppressors for everyone! Un-ban all magazines. Make introducing any ban/restriction a legally punishable offense. Gut the 68 import/sporter bull$#!+ . Ban gun-free zones. Ban bans. Make the militia of the people great again through the proper 'regulation' of training and preparation.
F*** it, go for broke. What's the worst they can do, vote it down each time by a narrow margin?

While we're at it, re-moralize the country. I don't mean religiotard crap, I mean simply quit treating blatant trash as right thinking. Re-instill a sense of personal pride, responsibility, and community (not the leftist "takes a village" type).
Also put more long term treatment measures in place for genuinely mental people who, it seems, are consistently "known" about, nothing is done, and then this.
Without societal shift, you can't ever solve this.

But.... my wish list is long and my political influence nil, so... who cares. Complain about the traitorous GOPers all you will, even if we dodge the current issues, it's the same stay-of-execution status quo that only ends one way.

Keep dreaming you beautiful, long-winded bastard!

06-03-22, 23:16
"Religiotard"...well it looks like I won't be needed or wanted in the new right wing utopia. Left wing/Right wing...some times it doesn't make a lick of difference.

06-04-22, 08:47
"Religiotard"...well it looks like I won't be needed or wanted in the new right wing utopia. Left wing/Right wing...some times it doesn't make a lick of difference.

I don't know if that's what that necessarily meant. If there is some kind of revival in this country, I also don't want it to include enforcement, legally or culturally, of a misinterpreted, legalistic morality code that overzealous Christians would claim is Biblical. "Religiotard" stuff, to me, means demanding abstention from all alcohol, only teaching six day creation, forbidding things like dancing, listening to secular music and Christian music other than hymns, forbidding the watching of movies and TV, requiring that only certain translations of the Bible be read (usually the King James Version), requiring all women to wear long dresses discouraging them from getting jobs, demanding that they let their husbands dominate them, and treating anything even remotely "edgy" as satanic.

06-04-22, 09:53

06-04-22, 11:41
I don't know if that's what that necessarily meant. If there is some kind of revival in this country, I also don't want it to include enforcement, legally or culturally, of a misinterpreted, legalistic morality code that overzealous Christians would claim is Biblical. "Religiotard" stuff, to me, means demanding abstention from all alcohol, only teaching six day creation, forbidding things like dancing, listening to secular music and Christian music other than hymns, forbidding the watching of movies and TV, requiring that only certain translations of the Bible be read (usually the King James Version), requiring all women to wear long dresses discouraging them from getting jobs, demanding that they let their husbands dominate them, and treating anything even remotely "edgy" as satanic.

And which denomination/s teach those things? That way they can be excluded. Always good to know who the enemy is.

Would you be against secluartards also? Any here promote such things?

By the way you lost me at 6 days creation...but who cares...right?

06-04-22, 11:50
demanding abstention from all alcohol, only teaching six day creation, forbidding things like dancing, listening to secular music and Christian music other than hymns, forbidding the watching of movies and TV, requiring that only certain translations of the Bible be read (usually the King James Version), requiring all women to wear long dresses discouraging them from getting jobs, demanding that they let their husbands dominate them, and treating anything even remotely "edgy" as satanic.

Bruh, at least half of my state assembly would see that as a good starting point to build off of, if they could get away with it. Whole lot of theocracy advocates round here.

06-04-22, 12:27
So, where do we stand? Hoping there isn't 60 senators to put down a filibuster?

06-04-22, 13:11
So, where do we stand?

We need to be starting a gofundme for Joe Manchin get that man as man hookers as he wants!

06-04-22, 13:31
And which denomination/s teach those things? That way they can be excluded. Always good to know who the enemy is.

Independent Baptist Churches. Examples such as First Baptist Church of Hammond, IN, as well as colleges such as Hyles-Anderson College, Pensacola Christian College, and Bob Jones University. They also hate any Reformed Churches and any "mainstream" church. They are as much the enemy as the left, though less violent.

Would you be against secluartards also?


By the way you lost me at 6 days creation...but who cares...right?

This is an area where Christians should be free to debate interpretation. I tend to steer clear of churches that tell me how I must interpret things that are widely debated.

06-04-22, 13:31
And which denomination/s teach those things? That way they can be excluded. Always good to know who the enemy is.

Independent Baptist Churches. Examples such as First Baptist Church of Hammond, IN, as well as colleges such as Hyles-Anderson College, Pensacola Christian College, and Bob Jones University. They also hate any Reformed Churches and any "mainstream" church. They are as much the enemy as the left, though less violent.

Would you be against secluartards also?


By the way you lost me at 6 days creation...but who cares...right?

This is an area where Christians should be free to debate interpretation. I tend to steer clear of churches that tell me how I must interpret things that are widely debated.

06-04-22, 14:32
Independent Baptist Churches. Examples such as First Baptist Church of Hammond, IN, as well as colleges such as Hyles-Anderson College, Pensacola Christian College, and Bob Jones University. They also hate any Reformed Churches and any "mainstream" church. They are as much the enemy as the left, though less violent.


This is an area where Christians should be free to debate interpretation. I tend to steer clear of churches that tell me how I must interpret things that are widely debated.

I would agree that some (many) sects of the Baptists are quite legalistic. I would also include the sects of Anabaptists, the cousins of the Baptists. Let's not forget the church/state Roman church or the Eastern Orthodox.

I would also point out that "evolution" wasn't really debated much in any of the sects of Christianity before about 1800 until Lydell and Darwin came along. I would also point out that "evolution" grossly undetermines the authority and veracity of scripture. It's really bad hermeneutics to interpret scripture by the standard of so called "science"....just in case you were actually doing that.

06-04-22, 14:44
Besides buying whores for Manchin to stymie the onslaught of gun banning, does anyone know if gun owners have enough senators to sustain a filibuster? Because it looks to me like gun owners are about to get rolled by a herd of RINOs.

06-04-22, 15:03
Besides buying whores for Manchin to stymie the onslaught of gun banning, does anyone know if gun owners have enough senators to sustain a filibuster? Because it looks to me like gun owners are about to get rolled by a herd of RINOs.

Isn’t unanimous consent still required in the senate to bring a bill to a vote?

06-04-22, 15:14
Isn’t unanimous consent still required in the senate to ring a bill to a vote?

I don't know, I'm waiting for those more versed in procedure and the political makeup of the senate to come along help us out with this info.

06-04-22, 15:56
I don't know if that's what that necessarily meant. If there is some kind of revival in this country, I also don't want it to include enforcement, legally or culturally, of a misinterpreted, legalistic morality code that overzealous Christians would claim is Biblical. "Religiotard" stuff, to me, means demanding abstention from all alcohol, only teaching six day creation, forbidding things like dancing, listening to secular music and Christian music other than hymns, forbidding the watching of movies and TV, requiring that only certain translations of the Bible be read (usually the King James Version), requiring all women to wear long dresses discouraging them from getting jobs, demanding that they let their husbands dominate them, and treating anything even remotely "edgy" as satanic.

After thinking about this this morning, I have no doubt that I would be included in the category of "religiotard" being a historic theonomist and all. And I seriously doubt that his definition coincides with your definition of the term.

06-04-22, 18:25
I don’t doubt that they will try some parliamentarian BS.

06-05-22, 03:52
Keep dreaming you beautiful, long-winded bastard!
:laugh: :laugh:
Hey, someone's got to pick up the slack now that Friendly is on hiatus.

"Religiotard"...well it looks like I won't be needed or wanted in the new right wing utopia. Left wing/Right wing...some times it doesn't make a lick of difference.
If you don't understand what I meant by that term, you may either have a very rosy tinted view of organized religion, or simply did not grow up with, or been exposed to, the sort of people I have (and I'm sure many others). Frankly, I have no idea who you are as a person, so I can't say whether or not you'd qualify to join my Happy Arm Wavers Union or not, but I do find it a bit odd that a non-personal comment has you rushing to crucify yourself.

BoringGuy touched on some what I was getting at, and I could add quite a bit more - it would be very familiar ground to expound on. But more important than the acts, which are merely a symptom, is the mindset that goes along with it, which in the end, leads to what we're now seeing in the subversion of religion to the leftist cause. As I don't want to derail another thread to badly, I'll leave it at that.

......Would you be against seculartards also?
Yes, although they generally fall under the "leftist degenerates" column these days.

06-05-22, 09:50
:laugh: :laugh:
Hey, someone's got to pick up the slack now that Friendly is on hiatus.

If you don't understand what I meant by that term, you may either have a very rosy tinted view of organized religion, or simply did not grow up with, or been exposed to, the sort of people I have (and I'm sure many others). Frankly, I have no idea who you are as a person, so I can't say whether or not you'd qualify to join my Happy Arm Wavers Union or not, but I do find it a bit odd that a non-personal comment has you rushing to crucify yourself.

BoringGuy touched on some what I was getting at, and I could add quite a bit more - it would be very familiar ground to expound on. But more important than the acts, which are merely a symptom, is the mindset that goes along with it, which in the end, leads to what we're now seeing in the subversion of religion to the leftist cause. As I don't want to derail another thread to badly, I'll leave it at that.

Yes, although they generally fall under the "leftist degenerates" column these days.

You're the one who threw the term out there, I just tried to apply it. I'm not trying to crucify myself, but am trying to see how secularists or others of a religious persuasion might categorize me. It's always good to know how people view you and where or where not you fit in. Almost every conversation I have had on this forum concerning anything religious has received hostility. I don't see that getting better, but worse as time goes on and people firm up what side they are on. Leftism is just a subset of secularism, and I don't see secularism getting any more friendly with my beliefs. Like one person on here said a long time ago, and I took note of it, I expect to be shot at from both sides. A reoccurring theme in the bible and history is that God's so called people refuse to have Him rule over them, it's still a reoccurring theme. They much more prefer the unbeliever as a ruler.

just a scout
06-05-22, 17:18
Besides buying whores for Manchin to stymie the onslaught of gun banning, does anyone know if gun owners have enough senators to sustain a filibuster? Because it looks to me like gun owners are about to get rolled by a herd of RINOs.

Toomey: ‘My Hope Is We’ll Get’ Half of Senate Republicans to Vote for Gun Deal https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2022/06/05/toomey-my-hope-is-well-get-half-of-senate-republicans-to-vote-for-gun-deal/

And this is how the Republicans handily manage to pull defeat from the jaws of victory yet again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

06-05-22, 17:19
Toomey: ‘My Hope Is We’ll Get’ Half of Senate Republicans to Vote for Gun Deal https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2022/06/05/toomey-my-hope-is-well-get-half-of-senate-republicans-to-vote-for-gun-deal/

And this is how the Republicans handily manage to pull defeat from the jaws of victory yet again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

I came here specifically to post this, because it’s exactly what we’re up against. :(

06-05-22, 17:20
Toomey: ‘My Hope Is We’ll Get’ Half of Senate Republicans to Vote for Gun Deal https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2022/06/05/toomey-my-hope-is-well-get-half-of-senate-republicans-to-vote-for-gun-deal/

And this is how the Republicans handily manage to pull defeat from the jaws of victory yet again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

I came here specifically to post this, because it’s exactly what we’re up against. :(

06-05-22, 17:37
Toomey: ‘My Hope Is We’ll Get’ Half of Senate Republicans to Vote for Gun Deal https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2022/06/05/toomey-my-hope-is-well-get-half-of-senate-republicans-to-vote-for-gun-deal/

And this is how the Republicans handily manage to pull defeat from the jaws of victory yet again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

"Reaching across the aisle"...the moto of the spineless conniving backstabbing weasel RINO.

06-05-22, 18:34
A House Democrat plans to introduce a bill that would hit AR-15's with a 1,000% tax — and it could pass Congress without GOP votes. From the article:

"What it's intended to do is provide another creative pathway to actually make some sensible gun control happen," Beyer told Insider. "We think that a 1,000% fee on assault weapons is just the kind of restrictive measure that creates enough fiscal impact to qualify for reconciliation."

New AR-15-style guns range from $500 to over $2,000 depending on location, NBC News reported. That means a 1,000% tax on the weapon would add $5,000 to $20,000 to their final sales price — and would probably keep it out of reach from many younger Americans.

Budget matters under reconciliation only require a simple majority to pass. Not a single GOP vote required.


06-05-22, 19:05
1000% tax? Is that an unconstitutional excise tax?

At $5k-$20k, that pretty much puts them out of reach for 90% of the population.

06-05-22, 19:05
1000% tax? Is that an unconstitutional excise tax?

At $5k-$20k, that pretty much puts them out of reach for 90% of the population.

06-05-22, 19:22
Go ahead.

Talk about a fast trip to SCOTUS, no waiting required. The best thing is that it would allow SCOTUS to declare that ARs are in legal and while we are here, can’t be banned…

How about a $100,000 tax per abortion? See how that works.

Reconciliation is correct, but I don’t think that they could put it in a stand-alone bill. I thought reconcilliation could only be done once, and they already played that hand.

06-05-22, 19:22
It’s kind of funny that the more of these crazy proclomations- we are coming for your ARs, we are going to pack the court, we’ll just tax them to bejesus—- all that actually makes passing something less likely with compromise LESS likely.

How about a 1000% tax on newspaper ink….

06-07-22, 09:47
1000% tax? Is that an unconstitutional excise tax?

At $5k-$20k, that pretty much puts them out of reach for 90% of the population.

Ya, nerfed AR is now the new M-16 price wise. AR-15, the new rifle of the elites, not for the average working Joe Schmoe Pleib. If you aren’t familiar with United States Vs. Miller, you may want to read up. I’m sure any SCOTUS challenge would lean heavily on that case, which of course can go either way since the U.S. technically won that case, but in reality if you read the majority opinion the NFA should have been mostly scrapped, yet here we are almost 80 years later.

And it looks like Manchin is on board with the D’s, so even if Sinema isn’t, all it takes is 1 RINO to crossover to get this passed. I don’t see how it doesn’t pass reconciliation since it is a “tax” issue.

06-07-22, 11:06
The whole idea of "Shall not be infringed" was lost a long time ago and it is only a matter of time before they completely destroy what is left for sure.

06-07-22, 18:39
Muricans have failed to vote these traitors out of office for the last half century,
but nobody looks in mirrors !

06-08-22, 11:54
Looks like Ole' Joe is getting squishy.


06-08-22, 18:09
The only negotiating R's should do is ask "what are you gonna GIVE us to even show up at the table after your long history of 'Take What You Can Give Nothing Back'?"

Then respond once something is enacted as that "good faith gesture" with something like "ya know what, you've never done anything EXCEPT in bad faith, flush this crap."

06-08-22, 21:41
The whole idea of "Shall not be infringed" was lost a long time ago and it is only a matter of time before they completely destroy what is left for sure.

It was destroyed in 1903 when new definitions of the word "militia" were created by the Dick Act. That is the beginning of all "infringement" when the National Guard was declared to be the "organized militia."

06-08-22, 21:44
Muricans have failed to vote these traitors out of office for the last half century,
but nobody looks in mirrors !

I helped prevent President Hillary and so did a lot of others, what do we win? Half the "never trumpers" came from our side. I got lots of mirrors in my house.

06-08-22, 22:09
I helped prevent President Hillary and so did a lot of others, what do we win? Half the "never trumpers" came from our side. I got lots of mirrors in my house.

Pretty much. Something about perfect being the enemy of good.

06-08-22, 22:13
Looks like Ole' Joe is getting squishy.


Well, he's still in a deep red state that will get rid of him if he flops, and he knows it. Holding the line on guns, abortion, and the fillibuster are the only reasons he's still in office.

That said, I would advise anyone here from WV to stir up a hornets' nest with Manchin. Slam his office with calls.