View Full Version : DHS bulletin warns of 'heightened threat environment,' violent months ahead

06-07-22, 13:50

The Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin Tuesday warning of a "heightened threat environment" over the next several months as they monitor both risks of domestic terrorism and foreign adversaries looking to sow discord within the U.S. to promote acts of violence.

"The United States remains in a heightened threat environment, as noted in the previous Bulletin, and several recent attacks have highlighted the dynamic and complex nature of the threat environment," DHS said in a new bulletin from the National Terrorism Advisory System.

"In the coming months, we expect the threat environment to become more dynamic as several high-profile events could be exploited to justify acts of violence against a range of possible targets," DHS said.

The bulletin listed potential targets to include "public gatherings, faith-based institutions, schools, racial and religious minorities, government facilities and personnel, U.S. critical infrastructure, the media, and perceived ideological opponents."

"Threat actors have recently mobilized to violence due to factors such as personal grievances, reactions to current events, and adherence to violent extremist ideologies, including racially or ethnically motivated or anti-government/anti-authority violent extremism," DHS said.

The department stressed that "foreign adversaries—including terrorist organizations and nation state adversaries—also remain intent on exploiting the threat environment to promote or inspire violence, sow discord, or undermine U.S. democratic institutions."

"We continue to assess that the primary threat of mass casualty violence in the United States stems from lone offenders and small groups motivated by a range of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances," the bulletin said.

DHS pointed to several recent high-profile events including the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, where the suspect in the grocery store attack allegedly claimed that he was motivated by racist, anti-Black, and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. It also referred another May shooting attack in Laguna Woods, California, that targeted congregants of a church that serves the Taiwanese community.

The department said it is monitoring onling forums following the mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, that have been encouraging copycat attacks.

The bulletin noted how pro-al-Qa‘ida and ISIS users online have celebrated the April subway mass shooting in Brooklyn, New York, and the January hostage situation at a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, carried out by a British national in an attempt to inspire U.S. based individuals to engage in violent activity.

The update from DHS Tuesday reiterated from its previous bulletin that individuals both for and against abortion online have advocated for violence against government, religious, and reproductive healthcare personnel, and facilities in response to the high-profile U.S. Supreme Court case.

"Chinese, Iranian, Russian, and other foreign malign influence actors have sought to contribute to U.S. internal discord and weaken its focus and position internationally," the DHS said. "As the U.S. 2022 mid-term elections approach, malign foreign actors could bolster their messaging to sow discord and influence U.S. audiences in keeping with practices during previous election cycles."

The bulletin noted how foreign actors have amplified narratives promoting societal division in the U.S., including since the onset of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

06-07-22, 14:18
I think the usually suspected enablers will be arranging more false flag operations.

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06-07-22, 14:27
I think the usually suspected enablers will be arranging more false flag operations.

Sent from my SM-S908U1 using Tapatalk

"Threat actors have recently mobilized".....

06-07-22, 14:29
No telling what will transpire as we get closer to the mid terms...

06-07-22, 14:31
I'll be sure to keep an eye out for those white supremacists.

06-07-22, 14:58
Seriously? Heightened threats? More so than the usual bullchit? I go about enjoying my daily life and prepared to counter any threat to my enjoyment, person, or family.

06-07-22, 14:58
I had to brief this at our weekly Ops meeting today. Basically "Blah, blah, blah, everyone hates everyone and violence will continue, so be prepared for everything". Oh and I did mention the CDC's monkeypox funding drive and the biannual October Surprise. :rolleyes:

06-07-22, 15:03
I'll be sure to keep an eye out for those white supremacists.

That's it! They're preparing the domestic terror plans now! :jester:

06-07-22, 15:22
Watch out who's talking to you about getting worked up and doing something about it...probably a fed.

06-07-22, 15:24
They're trying to cook something up before the election.

06-07-22, 15:38
IOW, they already have Summer of Love II: Beatdown Boogaloo planned and now it's just a matter of getting people and supplies into position and waiting for Go Time.

06-07-22, 16:25
They're trying to cook something up before the election.

Like stealing it again?

06-07-22, 16:36
They're trying to cook something up before the election.

Reason for martial law and election suspension?

06-07-22, 17:15
Reason for martial law and election suspension?

I think that would be jumping the shark for even the Dems. Those two things would lead to some serious violence IMO. Since the Dems are scared out of their minds with Trump, I think it might be something about Trump and his pedo gang are planning another coup and the whole RNC is in on it...or something. Projection.

06-07-22, 17:34
I think that would be jumping the shark for even the Dems. Those two things would lead to some serious violence IMO. Since the Dems are scared out of their minds with Trump, I think it might be something about Trump and his pedo gang are planning another coup and the whole RNC is in on it...or something. Projection.

The ComDems have nothing other than a destroyed economy, out of control violent crime and child grooming to run on in November. So they are doing what they do best- call everyone on the Right white supremacists insurrectionist racists and if you vote R you are one, too.

06-07-22, 17:56
The ComDems have nothing other than a destroyed economy, out of control violent crime and child grooming to run on in November. So they are doing what they do best- call everyone on the Right white supremacists insurrectionist racists and if you vote R you are one, too.

Yeah I forgot about Trump's maniacal racism, insurrectionist and racist...and the coup...they've been bloviating about that for a year and half now. They'll be mumbling all three to their death beds.

06-07-22, 18:54
Sounds like the deep state is alarmed about MAGA winning big in 5 months.

06-07-22, 20:23
just lol.

06-07-22, 21:01
Reason for martial law and election suspension?

Maybe not that harsh but something restrictive. They're already looking for votes from congress to ban semi auto rifles and full capacity mags. The threat of possible violence could lead to ..... how about a lock down ... curfew ... temp. ban of guns/ammo sales ...

The dem/com are looking for anything to take our rights.

06-07-22, 21:02
This is what they want to get rid of.

We The People / Anti Tyrannical Government.

06-07-22, 21:08
Too dangerous to vote in person.


06-07-22, 21:38

DHS terror threat bulletin warns online forums are encouraging copycat Uvalde attacks

06-08-22, 07:13
Are the big city police chiefs issuing knee pads to help the cops kneel better with the thuggaz, like last time! That's the only preparation they'll be taking!

06-08-22, 11:04
Unstable people are going to be easily triggered by all this rhetoric that is going on. This just hit the news concerning a 20yr old out to kill Justice Kavanaugh being arrested:


06-08-22, 11:10
Are the big city police chiefs issuing knee pads to help the cops kneel better with the thuggaz, like last time! That's the only preparation they'll be taking!

You forgot preparing to run interference protecting the Antifa brownshirts from those they seek to victimize...

06-08-22, 11:42

DHS terror threat bulletin warns online forums are encouraging copycat Uvalde attacks

Did they name names on which forums? Didn't want to disable my ad blocker for CBS.

06-08-22, 12:30

If this does happen it will be because it rigged.

And perhaps that’s why dhs is alarmed…

06-08-22, 12:54

If this does happen it will be because it rigged.

And perhaps that’s why dhs is alarmed…

This is just another Fake News Psy-Op designed to stir the loins of hardcore leftists and make you not go out and vote.

Believe nothing you hear or read, especially from those who have perfected FakeNews.

06-08-22, 15:46
I wonder if the short notice of the release of the Scotus decision today was a way to try to illuminate the communication networks, Organization structure, and operational plans of the people intent on mischief when the decision is released.

06-08-22, 18:53
Did they name names on which forums? Didn't want to disable my ad blocker for CBS.

Not that I saw.

06-08-22, 18:57
Personal to DHS: Name names or you jackboots are just bullshitting in the name of powergrab again as is SOP.

06-08-22, 19:04
Is this what they were warning us about? Or does this not count due to the political persuasion of the criminal?


06-09-22, 13:59
Fox just reported a man was killed trying to get into a locked school in Alabama...no other details.

06-09-22, 14:31
Fox just reported a man was killed trying to get into a locked school in Alabama...no other details.

"Summer school programs are being run out of the elementary school, which means that there were dozens of children and staff inside the building at the time, but it’s unclear at this point whether the individual who was shot and killed by the school resource officer was specifically targeting the building or had any weapons on him. Initial reports indicate the suspect did repeatedly try to enter the building, however the doors were all locked."

06-09-22, 15:14
This is just another Fake News Psy-Op designed to stir the loins of hardcore leftists and make you not go out and vote.

Believe nothing you hear or read, especially from those who have perfected FakeNews.


06-09-22, 17:19
If you voted for Trump, believe there was election fraud, or didn't get the jab then you've been red flagged as a violent extremist.

06-09-22, 17:31
I am absolutely shocked about all of this I tell you, completely shocked.

06-09-22, 18:16
Now maryland.

No telling how many pages this will go till Nov...clown show.

06-09-22, 22:04
I keep hearing about all this right wing, white supremacist, gun loving, domestic terrorism everywhere but all I’ve seen is a lefty nut job try to assassinate a sitting Supreme Court judge.

I’m confused. [emoji848]

06-16-22, 14:22
I keep hearing about all this right wing, white supremacist, gun loving, domestic terrorism everywhere but all I’ve seen is a lefty nut job try to assassinate a sitting Supreme Court judge.

I’m confused. [emoji848]

Something I'm wondering as well.

So, anyone else wishing there were hundreds of sane individuals standing in front of Kavanaugh's place, quietly taking up so much space that the freaks making all the noise couldn't get anywhere near the place? Or is the fact that whoever's in charge of the local LE has decided it's okay to intimidate this particular Justice in this particular instance and standing up to that insanity would just end in disaster for the sane? Or is it because the sane people actually work for a living and just can't make the logistics work to spend days in front of a sitting Justice's home unable to actually do anything to the freaks for fear of the hammer of local wokeness coming down in the form of local LE suddenly remembering that this whole gathering is a problem?

06-16-22, 14:23
Something I'm wondering as well.

So, anyone else wishing there were hundreds of sane individuals standing in front of Kavanaugh's place, quietly taking up so much space that the freaks making all the noise couldn't get anywhere near the place? Or is the fact that whoever's in charge of the local LE has decided it's okay to intimidate this particular Justice in this particular instance and standing up to that insanity would just end in disaster for the sane? Or is because the sane people actually work for a living and just can't make the logistics work to spend days in front of a sitting Justice's home?

Could be all of the above...

06-16-22, 14:28
I keep hearing about all this right wing, white supremacist, gun loving, domestic terrorism everywhere but all I’ve seen is a lefty nut job try to assassinate a sitting Supreme Court judge.

I’m confused. [emoji848]

It's called "inoculation"--whatever you're planning to do, accuse the other guy of before you launch so their complaints look like "whataboutism" or mudslinging and you trumpet "we're just responding in kind."

06-16-22, 17:16
I'll be sure to keep an eye out for those white supremacists.

Biteme & his anqueefers?


06-16-22, 23:50
It's called "inoculation"--whatever you're planning to do, accuse the other guy of before you launch so their complaints look like "whataboutism" or mudslinging and you trumpet "we're just responding in kind."

Straight from the school of Goebbels.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”

06-17-22, 00:12
If and when the Republican's gain control, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland needs impeached and imprisoned. And that is just a start.

06-17-22, 09:28
Straight from the school of Goebbels.

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
Predates even him, if memory serves it was a standard tyrant's trick even when Julius Caesar was young.

If and when the Republican's gain control, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland needs impeached and imprisoned. And that is just a start.
Yeah, but that's about as likely as it is for DC to rediscover the concept of "honor" and try to reclaim it via mass ritual seppuku.

06-17-22, 10:34
If and when the Republican's gain control, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland needs impeached and imprisoned. And that is just a start.
The doj is thoroughly corrupt and the fbi has become the American Gestapo.