View Full Version : Announcement of SCOTUS opinions for Wednesday, June 8

06-08-22, 08:02

Today at SCOTUS: It's another opinion day. Thirty argued cases remain to be decided, including on abortion, guns, climate change, religion, and immigration policy. Opinions begin dropping at 10 a.m. EDT

06-08-22, 08:17
Waiting to see what our masters will decide. Oh supreme court hear our prayers. ;)

06-08-22, 08:19
A properly functioning properly running separated-powers, constitutional democracy wouldn’t really care about what the Supreme Court would rule.

We are are not there.

I am hoping that they release the abortion ruling. The Dems are pushing the gun grabbing, the January 6 BS, and then they’ll have this to deal with. All at the same time. Their media maestros won’t know what story to push. And each faction in the Democratic Party will push their story, making a mess of everything. D’Lish.

06-08-22, 08:40
A properly functioning properly running separated-powers, constitutional democracy wouldn’t really care about what the Supreme Court would rule.

We are are not there.

I am hoping that they release the abortion ruling. The Dems are pushing the gun grabbing, the January 6 BS, and then they’ll have this to deal with. All at the same time. Their media maestros won’t know what story to push. And each faction in the Democratic Party will push their story, making a mess of everything. D’Lish.

That would be fortuitous timing indeed! I could see Roberts doing that just to piss off the leakers.

06-08-22, 09:21
We need to stop treating the courts like the new religion and stop treating government as our lord.

Here are the laws we need to follow. Nothing more and nothing less.

You shall have no other Gods before me
You shall not make for yourselves an idol
You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
Honor your father and your mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not give false testimony
You shall not covet

06-08-22, 09:31
Breaking live on the news now; man arrested with firearm and burglary tools near Kavanaugh's home. Allegedly admitted to police he intended to shoot Kavanaugh, due to the SCOTUS leak on abortion ruling. Man is allegedly 20 years old and from California. USMS nabbed him.

Alex V
06-08-22, 09:35
So did they actually release any opinions?

06-08-22, 11:02
Someone is apparently upset about the leaked documents concerning Roe vs Wade:


We are here at this point because of political activism on the part of the left and political inactivism on the part of the right.

06-08-22, 11:14
Ya'll get your abortions before the panic buying set in?? I know I did!

06-08-22, 11:22
Ya'll get your abortions before the panic buying set in?? I know I did!

I grabbed a few extra 80% abortions just in case. Probably need more high-capacity abortions, though. Can never be too prepared...

06-08-22, 11:35
We need to stop treating the courts like the new religion and stop treating government as our lord.

Here are the laws we need to follow. Nothing more and nothing less.

You shall have no other Gods before me
You shall not make for yourselves an idol
You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
Honor your father and your mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not give false testimony
You shall not covet

The country rejected almost all of that at the very beginning of the country. We've been reaping what we sowed ever since.

06-08-22, 11:54
I grabbed a few extra 80% abortions just in case.

Ghost Abortions!!!

06-08-22, 12:20
Ya'll get your abortions before the panic buying set in?? I know I did!

I grabbed a few extra 80% abortions just in case. Probably need more high-capacity abortions, though. Can never be too prepared...

It’s guys like you standing up for our rights. Not too long ago, you couldn’t even talk about men getting pregnant. Now you have your own keyboard emojis. Still a lot of work to be done though. You can’t have emojis celebrating it without emojis celebrating getting rid of them.

06-08-22, 14:52
I grabbed a few extra 80% abortions just in case. Probably need more high-capacity abortions, though. Can never be too prepared...

06-08-22, 15:44
Breaking live on the news now; man arrested with firearm and burglary tools near Kavanaugh's home. Allegedly admitted to police he intended to shoot Kavanaugh, due to the SCOTUS leak on abortion ruling. Man is allegedly 20 years old and from California. USMS nabbed him.

Disinformation. A good guy with a gun has never stopped a bad guy with a gun.

06-08-22, 15:48
It’s guys like you standing up for our rights. Not too long ago, you couldn’t even talk about men getting pregnant. Now you have your own keyboard emojis. Still a lot of work to be done though. You can’t have emojis celebrating it without emojis celebrating getting rid of them.

That's it!!! The full circle. Men getting pregnant and demanding abortion rights. Booger Brained Liberals will have reached the pinnacle!!

06-08-22, 19:58
SCOTUS released an opinion this morning about a conflict between the owner of the Smuggler Inn and a border agent. I haven't invested the brain cells to figure out all the legaleze.

A good source for Supreme Court news is https://www.scotusblog.com

Not sure what their bias is, but it's an easy place to find opinions and other SCOTUS news.

06-09-22, 08:07
I grabbed a few extra 80% abortions just in case. Probably need more high-capacity abortions, though. Can never be too prepared...

Wait a minute!!! They sell high capacity abortion kits!?!?! Damnit!!!

06-09-22, 08:08
That's it!!! The full circle. Men getting pregnant and demanding abortion rights. Booger Brained Liberals will have reached the pinnacle!!

Court date is set for child support Mark. It’s definitely your kid!

06-09-22, 10:47
Is this why I saw on Twitter a post that said that if you are within 100 miles of the border, BP can enter your house with out a warrant?

06-09-22, 12:36
Is this why I saw on Twitter a post that said that if you are within 100 miles of the border, BP can enter your house with out a warrant?

And by "border" they include any international airport or other Port of Entry. Icky ACLU, but their map's an eye-opener...

06-09-22, 13:36
SCOTUS released an opinion this morning about a conflict between the owner of the Smuggler Inn and a border agent. I haven't invested the brain cells to figure out all the legaleze.

A good source for Supreme Court news is https://www.scotusblog.com

Not sure what their bias is, but it's an easy place to find opinions and other SCOTUS news.

Basically, the court ruled that the owner of inn couldn't sue the BP Agent for excessive force. The owner of the inn was trying to make his case as a fourth ammendment violation under the Bivens precedent.


06-09-22, 13:37
Is this why I saw on Twitter a post that said that if you are within 100 miles of the border, BP can enter your house with out a warrant?

If you saw it on Twitter, it must be true. But no...

06-09-22, 13:52
And by "border" they include any international airport or other Port of Entry. Icky ACLU, but their map's an eye-opener...

No. International airports are the "functional equivalent of the border." The 100-mile extended border zone applies mostly to BP's authority to conduct immigration checkpoints.

No BP Agent may enter a dwelling anywhere without a warrant unless an exception can be articulated (e.g. imminent loss of life). They can enter private property within 25 or 75 miles (depending on location) without a warrant or consent for the purposes of patrolling the border.