View Full Version : White supremacist rioters arrested at gay parade in Idaho

06-11-22, 20:59

Americans are losing their marbles.

06-11-22, 21:36
“They came to riot downtown,” Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said at a news conference.

All 31 were charged with conspiracy to riot, a misdemeanor, White said. The men were going through the booking process Saturday afternoon and are scheduled to be arraigned on Monday, he said.

You mean unlike the thousands that burnt cities to the ground summer of 2020?

Also 31 guys huh? Sounds like a very dangerous mob or a heavy shopping day at any mall on a weekend.

Also I've seen LOTS of hate groups, these guys on their own website are advocating "European Cultural Identity" at worst. Didn't see any swastikas, ALL (insert racial ethnic epitaph) MUST DIE or any of that stuff. Basically they are like "BLM light" but without the communism, they are frighteningly close to a mirror of the NAACP (which has been very racist at times). Don't want to defend them because I am certain they attract and accept 88's among their members just as the NAACP accepts BNIs, Black Israelites and other minority hate groups into their membership.

Basically this is pathetic. If this was 31 members of La Raza, they'd still be out on the street chanting stupid shit.

Coal Dragger
06-11-22, 22:16
My guess is they were all there to cruise for some butt sex.

06-12-22, 00:40
About all I can say is that neither one of those groups is my friends, and from my point of view, there are other issues that would point much more to "Americans losing their marbles".

06-12-22, 01:00

Americans are losing their marbles.

That must explain why they released you from the mental asylum :rolleyes:

Because you must be crazy to think this was anything other than another false flag operation.


06-12-22, 05:32

Americans are losing their marbles.

There are gay pride parades all over the US. I am also suprised at one in Idaho, but its a sign of the times.


06-12-22, 05:43
Shoulda just locked the smooth-brain losers in the back of the truck and parked it in the sun. Same as they shoulda done when they found a bunch of antifa-queefas in a Uhaul a year or so ago.

06-12-22, 06:37
Meanwhile, radical leftists continue to break federal law by protesting outside the homes of and intimidating SC justices. And the leftists recently announced plans to prevent the justices from entering the court with no arrests made there, either.

john armond
06-12-22, 08:00
That must explain why they released you from the mental asylum :rolleyes:

Because you must be crazy to think this was anything other than another false flag operation.


Their masks were not removed by to police to visually identify them???

06-12-22, 08:13
Relatively young and fit looking, dressed nearly identically, brand new hats and t-shirts? Nothing to see here, sounds just like all the counter protesters I have seen.


06-12-22, 09:46
So these guys never even got to their destination to “riot” and were arrested, but Antifa can actually engage in riots and get a pass. Makes perfect sense…

06-12-22, 10:37
Their masks were not removed by to police to visually identify them???

The Rona bro...

Masks are not only cool - They are encouraged!

06-12-22, 11:33
Another article...


Ran across this...lol


Relatively young and fit looking, dressed nearly identically, brand new hats and t-shirts? Nothing to see here, sounds just like all the counter protesters I have seen.


john armond
06-12-22, 13:46
The Rona bro...

Masks are not only cool - They are encouraged!

How many “right wing” protests/gatherings/events have you seen with masks?

Of course, I’m pretty sure you were being sarcastic.

06-12-22, 14:28
Turns out a lot of these jackoffs appear to have been FBLIE provocateurs...

[excerpt begins here, including YT vids]
More interesting was the arrival of those khaki-clad and bemasked defenders of America, the Patriot Front.

We’ve encountered this group of yahoos in the past. They show up at events where violence seems possible and try to be a catalyst for events without doing anything. For instance, in this video, notice the protection the police provide to this group.


They tried to muscle their way into the annual March for Life and were told to butt out.
[video not included]

The interesting thing about them is the way they move in close coordination with the police, that they load people into U-Haul vans in plain sight of the cops (you can’t carry passengers in the back of a van), and that the police keep media far enough away that the registration numbers on the vans can’t be seen. In Chicago, the police let them load into private vehicles with their license plates taped over.


I’m not going to say that the Patriot Front is a federally managed conglomeration of f***-wits with a stiff mixture of confidential informants and FBI agents any more than I’d say that about the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot and the Hutaree Militia. We know the federal government is actively involved in instigating violence and using that violence as grounds for surveillance and criminalization of First Amendment protected activity (the judge in the Hutaree Militia case entered a directed verdict of Not Guilty declaring that complaining about the government was not a crime)."
[end excerpt]

06-12-22, 15:10
Well if they were feds (or working for the feds) and trying to gin up trouble, all the more reason to have locked em in the van and let em bake.

06-12-22, 15:18
Well if they were feds (or working for the feds) and trying to gin up trouble, all the more reason to have locked em in the van and let em bake.

The whole time as the cruds are driven back to DC via the slowest, roughest backcountry roads GPS can find... while taking appropriate safety precautions to maximize their misery but prevent any real danger.

06-12-22, 19:36
Wouldn’t be nice if they could pre-emptively arrest BLM protestors before they do anything? Hell, how about after they do anything?

06-12-22, 19:38
Well if they were feds (or working for the feds) and trying to gin up trouble, all the more reason to have locked em in the van and let em bake.

And who handed out the breakfast burritos that morning…

06-12-22, 21:59

Patriot Front Member Was Arrested in Idaho Carrying Megaphone Marked with “FBI” On It

06-12-22, 22:14
Wouldn’t be nice if they could pre-emptively arrest BLM protestors before they do anything? Hell, how about after they do anything?

That would be racist....oh wait...I forgot.

06-12-22, 23:09
How many “right wing” protests/gatherings/events have you seen with masks?

Of course, I’m pretty sure you were being sarcastic.

Your observation of who is 'usually' wearing the masks is spot on.

Would bet money this story goes 'poof' pretty quick and we never discover the real identities of ANY of the agents that got arrested / 'participated' in the photo op.

06-12-22, 23:22

Patriot Front Member Was Arrested in Idaho Carrying Megaphone Marked with “FBI” On It
