View Full Version : Senators Expected To Announce Bipartisan Gun Reforms On Sunday

06-12-22, 11:54
BREAKING: The bipartisan group of senators who are negotiating legislation to address gun violence are likely to announce an agreement later this afternoon, according to sources familiar with the negotiations. pic.twitter.com/0Xo8yzUDX2

— Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) June 12, 2022

According to CBS News, a "framework of principles and programs" will be unveiled, which one person familiar with the negotiations says includes several federal incentives for states to pass "red flag" laws - which permit police, family members, coworkers and others to petition a state court to forcibly remove firearms from those who they believe may pose a danger to themselves or others.

06-12-22, 12:47
Here's a piece with a few more details about what the senate is up to.


06-12-22, 14:28
This is going around...filibuster proof.


Coal Dragger
06-12-22, 14:37
I am personally not terribly bothered. No bans, and funding for school security and mental health.

Red flag laws not even mandatory, just grants to states that want to do them.

Then again I live in a state unlikely to adopt a red flag law.

06-12-22, 14:38
According to one source I am in contact with, the plan is to pass this in the Senate and then watch it go no where in the House and get totally rejected.

My reply was why the hell is it so hard for Republicans to understand "Shall not be infringed".

Coal Dragger
06-12-22, 14:57
Relax Yoni, that’s not a bad strategy by Republicans. It’s a mild bill that allows them to show the moderate public they did something, while not banning guns or magazines etc. If it passes it might actually do some good, and at the very least little harm. If it dies in the House they can blame extremist Democrats who want to ban all the guns.

06-12-22, 15:05
Relax Yoni, that’s not a bad strategy by Republicans. It’s a mild bill that allows them to show the moderate public they did something, while not banning guns or magazines etc. If it passes it might actually do some good, and at the very least little harm. If it dies in the House they can blame extremist Democrats who want to ban all the guns.

I know that is the idea.

But my advice to any country that is in the middle of an attempted Marxist take over, is never give in .

06-12-22, 15:14
I know that is the idea.

But my advice to any country that is in the middle of an attempted Marxist take over, is never give in .

I agree.

The scary part is, what will the dems and turncoats like romney try to cram into it

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06-12-22, 16:37
Well here it is for now.

"The deal would not ban or confiscate any of the hundreds of millions of guns in circulation in the U.S. It would not outlaw the sale or ownership of semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15, which was used by the Uvalde shooter to kill children. It would not prohibit high-capacity magazines. It would not, unlike a recent House-passed bill, raise the age to buy a semi-automatic weapon to 21. And it would not, unlike a bill passed by House Democrats, mandate universal background checks".


06-12-22, 17:12
I hope that NYRPA v. Bruen gets written in away that gives us a big win regarding.gov overreaching limiting our ability to exercise our 2A rights.

Fingers crossed Thomas is writing and it’s a major **** you mic drop moment against .gov attacks on our gun rights.

06-12-22, 18:14
Relax Yoni, that’s not a bad strategy by Republicans. It’s a mild bill that allows them to show the moderate public they did something, while not banning guns or magazines etc. If it passes it might actually do some good, and at the very least little harm. If it dies in the House they can blame extremist Democrats who want to ban all the guns.

I wish the repubs with a spine can sneak in a nationwide CCW provision...

This does help with mental health funding and school security then it isn't bad but other side won't stop until we are back to rocks and slingshots

06-12-22, 18:39
Any "red flag" law enacted should have a provision for criminal penalties for false accusations. Twat ex-wife, disgruntled teenager, neighbor who sees you carrying in long-gun cases from a range trip, douchebag co-worker, etc. Of course it would never be enforced because it would "Stop people from reporting this aberrant behavior"". :rolleyes: Uh huh.....

Those making the claim should also be made public (i.e. not in secrecy), as one has the right to face his accuser. (yeah, I know....)

06-12-22, 19:12
Relax Yoni, that’s not a bad strategy by Republicans. It’s a mild bill that allows them to show the moderate public they did something, while not banning guns or magazines etc. If it passes it might actually do some good, and at the very least little harm. If it dies in the House they can blame extremist Democrats who want to ban all the guns.

The Pols are all looking at how to keep or take the House and Senate. Plus, I think we are past the time for primaries to take out these guys. it really doesn’t affect me since we already have all this BS. Dodging the UBC was important, because we all know that registration comes next…

Plus, now the actual pro-gun guys get to rail against it, which makes the deal seem better to the general public. How can the gun lobby be so powerful, but let this get through that all the pro-gun people hate it.

I hope that NYRPA v. Bruen gets written in away that gives us a big win regarding.gov overreaching limiting our ability to exercise our 2A rights.

Fingers crossed Thomas is writing and it’s a major **** you mic drop moment against .gov attacks on our gun rights.

I think that we’ll get CCW in most areas. It is crazy to me that we’ve had CCW in bars for years, and it has never been an issue- but it seems to be a big point for people against CCW. Same for school grounds.

I do hope that part of the ability to defend youself inherent in the case is a way for them to get rid of mag restrictions. The left has used mag restrictions as back-door AWBs, it would cool to turn that tactic around on them. If you sanctify mags, you are also implicitly approving the guns they go in.

06-12-22, 19:25
It is crazy to me that we’ve had CCW in bars for years, and it has never been an issue- but it seems to be a big point for people against CCW. Same for school grounds.

You don’t think it’s because of this?

Permitted Gun Owners Are More Law Abiding Than Police. A new report shows CCW permit holders are the most law abiding group.


The data revealed that from 2005 to 2007, permit holders are convicted of felonies and misdemeanors at less than a sixth of the rate of police officers, according to the study. Out of 100,000 officers, firearm violations are committed 16.5 percent of the time, seven times more frequently than permit holders, at only 2.4 per 100,000 in Texas and Florida. Well done, folks.

06-12-22, 19:44
Oh, and again, the real battle is at the state and now in CO, city level. The FED stuff will never get far but mag restrictions, CCW restrictions, UBCs and AWB are all easier to pass at the lower levels. The Maginot Line in the Senate largely will hold, it is lowlands of the states where we are getting flanked. Plus, all these laws will try to cling to life after any SCOTUS decision, all the more reason to get it done faster.

06-12-22, 19:50
Oh, and again, the real battle is at the state and now in CO, city level. The FED stuff will never get far but mag restrictions, CCW restrictions, UBCs and AWB are all easier to pass at the lower levels. The Maginot Line in the Senate largely will hold, it is lowlands of the states where we are getting flanked. Plus, all these laws will try to cling to life after any SCOTUS decision, all the more reason to get it done faster.

Thankfully Trump didn’t have a care about judges and basically ended up letting the Heritage Foundation pick his court appointment s... so we now have some solidly conservative judges in the federal courts and Supreme Court.

06-12-22, 20:06
Thankfully Trump didn’t have a care about judges and basically ended up letting the Heritage Foundation pick his court appointment s... so we now have some solidly conservative judges in the federal courts and Supreme Court.

And Heritage didn't do so hot with Kavanaugh, and Barrett's pretty much only there to stroke the rabid pro-life vote... it's time we got a damn Gun Vote Justice of our own. Benitez, maye?

VIP3R 237
06-12-22, 20:20
Once again democrats talk about gun control… and republicans pass it.

06-12-22, 22:00
And Heritage didn't do so hot with Kavanaugh, and Barrett's pretty much only there to stroke the rabid pro-life vote... it's time we got a damn Gun Vote Justice of our own. Benitez, maye?

Saint Benitez, you heathen…

06-12-22, 22:11
I wish the repubs with a spine can sneak in a nationwide CCW provision...

This does help with mental health funding and school security then it isn't bad but other side won't stop until we are back to rocks and slingshots

Problem is those aren't "gun reforms." I'm all for "crazy / dangerous people" control. I'm all for improved mental health issues if it means we get violent / dangerous people off the streets, but let's call it that.

Coal Dragger
06-12-22, 22:36
I hope that NYRPA v. Bruen gets written in away that gives us a big win regarding.gov overreaching limiting our ability to exercise our 2A rights.

Fingers crossed Thomas is writing and it’s a major **** you mic drop moment against .gov attacks on our gun rights.

Prepare to be disappointed. SCOTUS will probably screw us, or write an opinion so narrow it’s almost meaningless.

06-13-22, 06:51
Once a state accepts federal tax dollars to operate so-called 'Red Flag' gun confiscation programs they'll become addicted to the revenue stream. Then the feds can dictate expansion of red flag qualifiers else no funds for you! It's the insidious nature of federal funding.

06-14-22, 09:32
Here’s a list of the republicucks who signed onto the legislation:



Just as the poster above me stated- States will do just about anything to get crack money from the feds.

06-14-22, 10:28
IMHO, red flag laws will definitely be abused. Maybe an option for some gun owners in certain situations would be making a list and bill of sale of all his non NFA guns, and sell them to a ***trusted*** friend for a very small amount and have it notarized. You would keep your/ his guns at your place. If the anti gun cops were to come and take your/ his guns on a BS charge, you would inform them at some point, that you were just keeping or borrowing ***his*** guns for a short time, and then they would have to give his / your guns back to **him**. That way your trusted friend has your Guns and not the gun grabbers. MAGA!!!!

There are few things worse than a POS Democrat voting gun owner, they are the two faced Judas’s among us.

06-14-22, 11:20
IMHO, red flag laws will definitely be abused.

No doubt. Worse than election fraud or the fake use of racism at every turn.

06-14-22, 11:51
Yeah, I'd expect Feral Gov to quietly post cash bounties for every "red-flag danger removed from circulation," and you KNOW that if Biden announced Federal money for every Deplorable Wrongthinker they could find a way to incarcerate even many Red States would be sending out Scoops for us like we're living Soylent Green.

06-14-22, 12:34
I know that is the idea.

But my advice to any country that is in the middle of an attempted Marxist take over, is never give in .

Give an inch they will want a foot, give a foot they will want a yard, give them a yard they will want to put a pool in it. Nope


06-14-22, 16:04
I'm sure all the criminal organizations, ms-13, bloods, crips, mex mafia, aryan nations, soros, clintons, are very concerned about impending gun control legislation. They will follow and obey whatever laws are passed to the letter.

06-14-22, 22:44
FW from a buddy on my politics chat:

tweet by AGHamilton29 re Mayra Flores: "Republicans are winning D+25 districts because of Latino voters. Democrats have a real problem and lecturing people about using LatinX isn't going to solve it."
My buddy: "If such results are replicated in November then holy mother of God are we going to witness a red tsunami. That explains why McConnell and his fellow quisling Republicans are endorsing the new gun bill, can't allow a blowout that might just give Republicans 60 GOP Senators."

06-14-22, 23:29
FW from a buddy on my politics chat:

tweet by AGHamilton29 re Mayra Flores: "Republicans are winning D+25 districts because of Latino voters. Democrats have a real problem and lecturing people about using LatinX isn't going to solve it."
My buddy: "If such results are replicated in November then holy mother of God are we going to witness a red tsunami. That explains why McConnell and his fellow quisling Republicans are endorsing the new gun bill, can't allow a blowout that might just give Republicans 60 GOP Senators."

How quick we have forgotten the voter fraud of 2020

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06-15-22, 11:29
No fkn shit, if we don’t landslide victory it will be tell tell that we are fcked for life.

Shit is very scary.