View Full Version : The Northman

06-17-22, 07:38
I watched Vikings the series and really enjoyed it. Because I enjoyed Vikings and because the Northman got great reviews I was looking forward to watching it.

It was hands down one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I couldn't even finish it. It was that bad. It was hard to take it seriously. Within the first 10 or 15 minutes you've got the main characters burping and farting in each other's faces.

06-17-22, 08:14
I though it sucked, story made no sense, main character got all kinds of supernatural help, magic swords etc. why, what did he do to deserve it? And the whole idea of the usurper being banned to Iceland and ordering up some slaves be delivered from Germany, right. Also no, none, nada raping, come on, at that time that was a fact of life and not to have any is just catering to the PC crowd. Not to mention the stupid sports game, the fact that Iceland has zero trees but there is a huge inland wooden compound and how the hell do you feed all those people, place can't have much of a growing season. No way does this movie deserve the high ratings it has received wish I had my money back.

06-17-22, 09:34
Everyone was a murderer and seeking revenge...not one good guy in whole mess.

06-17-22, 11:24
Still going with Norsemen as my favorite viking series on tv.

06-17-22, 12:21
Within the first 10 or 15 minutes you've got the main characters burping and farting in each other's faces.

So the movie is about Viking Infantry?


06-17-22, 12:32
I liked it, it was a fun movie to watch and not one to over-think... But my take was that all the supernatural help was in his head.
On all of the criticisms, agreed. They would have mostly starved, except for a few.
Vikings was better of course.

06-17-22, 12:50
The movie supposedly follows an old saga prettty closely. I think it was a bit to closely. Could have used a couple more re-writes.. I’m sure someone that could read the original text is totally jazzed about it. The other billions of people thought the movie sucked.

From the previews, I was at least expecting a montage of him becoming a bad-ass.

06-17-22, 13:35
Robert Eggers is an acquired taste, that said I thought the movie was brilliant. Here's a good writeup of the films intentions, especially towards the supernatural elements.

06-17-22, 13:35
Robert Eggers is an acquired taste, that said I thought the movie was brilliant. Here's a good writeup of the films intentions, especially towards the supernatural elements.


06-17-22, 13:43
Still going with Norsemen as my favorite viking series on tv.

It was hilarious.

Never heard of an ass-sickle before.

06-20-22, 13:56
I went in thinking it was going to have potential but was pretty disappointed. Art house pretentiousness isn’t my thing.