View Full Version : Bill Maher On "Gun Violence" via woke Hollywood

06-19-22, 11:19
Bill has been on fire lately and appears to be another classic liberal, which not the same as "progressive" left per se, who has had enough and is pushing back hard. He at least now seems equally disgusted with the far right and left.

Many a high profile self proclaimed Lib (capital L) is no longer doggedly supporting the "progressive" far left, even if the far left then literally attempts to then cancel them by labeling them right wing extremist racist homophobic white supremacists for doing so. True story. 😏

While Bill may never "get" guns, he's giving no quarter to the anti gun left running Hollywood. He's also been savage on various woke topics recently. I have no doubts he will be labelled a conservative shill soon, likely already has been by some:


06-19-22, 11:22
What's considered "far right?"

06-19-22, 11:24
Anyone right of Mitt Romney.

06-19-22, 11:29
Anyone right of Mitt Romney.


06-19-22, 11:32
What's considered "far right?"

Depends on who you ask I suppose. Obviously for the progressive left, anyone who does not agree or take the knee to their agenda and narratives, which now includes more classic Liberals.

06-19-22, 12:23
What's considered "far right?"

Anyone who wants to overturn the election, overthrow the Constitution, install Trump (or Desantis) as Dictator.

Outlander Systems
06-19-22, 12:24

What's considered "far right?"

06-19-22, 12:41
Anyone who wants to overturn the election, overthrow the Constitution, install Trump (or Desantis) as Dictator.

20 guys want to actually overturn the election at this point. Many people are working to make sure that the truth of the Democratic election fraud is exposed and free and fair election are the future, 21 guys want to overthrow the Constitution on the right, almost all the Constitution hating is on the left. And finally, 19 guys want to install Trump or Desantis as dictator. The last one is about as laughable as it gets. Where in the world do you get these ideas?

Back to Bill Maher.

06-19-22, 12:47
Bill Maher had Colion Noir on his show 3 years ago, and he went on Ben Shapiro’s show this year. I give him props for listening to the other side and respecting our right to express our opinions.

06-19-22, 13:02
There was no fraud. Armies of ardent repubs looked for fraud. Cyber Ninjas looked for fraud. Lawyers, politicians, law enforcement looked for fraud. Hannity looked for fraud.

Giuliani admitted in court there was no fraud. Cyber Ninjas found no fraud. 60 lawsuits found no fraud. Trump's DOJ found no fraud. Dr Steven Hotze hired Captain Mark Aguirre to run a van off the road they thought contained 750,000 fraudulent ballots, and detain the driver at gunpoint. They discovered air conditioning parts.

There was no fraud. A third of Americans believe the election was "stolen." Based on what? A feeling?Desantis now has election police. Since there is no fraud, what will they do?

06-19-22, 13:04
There was no fraud. Armies of ardent repubs looked for fraud. Cyber Ninjas looked for fraud. Lawyers, politicians, law enforcement looked for fraud. Hannity looked for fraud.

Giuliani admitted in court there was no fraud. Cyber Ninjas found no fraud. 60 lawsuits found no fraud. Trump's DOJ found no fraud. Dr Steven Hotze hired Captain Mark Aguirre to run a van off the road they thought contained 750,000 fraudulent ballots, and detain the driver at gunpoint. They discovered air conditioning parts.

There was no fraud. A third of Americans believe the election was "stolen." Based on what? A feeling?Desantis now has election police. Since there is no fraud, what will they do?

Jeez, do you have to take a dump in every single thread?

06-19-22, 13:56
20 guys want to actually overturn the election at this point. Many people are working to make sure that the truth of the Democratic election fraud is exposed and free and fair election are the future, 21 guys want to overthrow the Constitution on the right, almost all the Constitution hating is on the left. And finally, 19 guys want to install Trump or Desantis as dictator. The last one is about as laughable as it gets. Where in the world do you get these ideas?

Back to Bill Maher.

Desantis would probably be as close to a benevolent dictator as one could ask for (as I live in FL and voted for him), but only good dictator is one pushing up the daisies...

Bill Maher had Colion Noir on his show 3 years ago, and he went on Ben Shapiro’s show this year. I give him props for listening to the other side and respecting our right to express our opinions.

Classic Libs absolutists when it comes to Free Speech/1A, and that's a strong point of theirs. That they then often ignore the 2A (and can't seem to fathom 1A can't be guaranteed without the 2A for tyrannical gubment that ignores the 1A, etc), which is their obvious weakness.

There was no fraud. Armies of ardent repubs looked for fraud. Cyber Ninjas looked for fraud. Lawyers, politicians, law enforcement looked for fraud. Hannity looked for fraud.

Giuliani admitted in court there was no fraud. Cyber Ninjas found no fraud. 60 lawsuits found no fraud. Trump's DOJ found no fraud. Dr Steven Hotze hired Captain Mark Aguirre to run a van off the road they thought contained 750,000 fraudulent ballots, and detain the driver at gunpoint. They discovered air conditioning parts.

There was no fraud. A third of Americans believe the election was "stolen." Based on what? A feeling?Desantis now has election police. Since there is no fraud, what will they do?

Dude, start your own damn thread. While there was 100% a total effort by the Dems et al for get rid of Trump via any means necessary to a level never seen in this country before, I agree that I have yet to see legit smoking gun evidence of large scale voter fraud that would have changed that election. Now, start your own thread.

Jeez, do you have to take a dump in every single thread?

Apparently, and I do agree with him on some aspects, but he keeps taking threads into total OT and that topic well covered elsewhere like 8,019,124 times now.

06-19-22, 14:48
I've always admired Mahr despite political differences. It's good to see such a high profile liberal (in the traditional sense) lashing back at woke politics- hopefully this represents a changing tide.

The fact that Bill Mahr and Ben Shapiro are seen as one in the same by the far left tells you all you need to know.

06-19-22, 16:41

There was no fraud........
Indeed, there was so little fraud that the new york times felt the need to write an entire article to set the record straight about how the party of unity used a variety of methods to influence the election the way they wanted it to go to save us all from ourselves.

On topic, to tie this in with the Russell Brand thread the other day, what's been stated here in the OP is the value of these sorts of people.
I'm never going to agree with them on some of the left ideals they still shill for, and I think some folks are WAY to quick to see them as any sort of friend/ally, BUT... someone like RB has 5.6million followers, and I don't. Having people who are part of the hive mind questioning the hive mind, makes it ok for other people to question the hive mind, which is why the leftists eventually go all savage on them.
It's the same mentality every gun guy can relate to - you try to help someone buy quality stuff, they ignore you, do dumb shit, and then they "discover" some guntuber or whatever saying the same thing you did, and then all of a sudden they're like "hey, have you heard of this brand? I think I want to get one of their XXXX items". And you're like, "ah, welcome back, remember when we just had this conversation..."
When your opinions and ideals don't fit the lowest common social denominator, people will never believe you until they find the information for themselves (or it slaps them in the face).
Which is why the dem-soc party is suddenly so in love with censorship.

06-19-22, 16:53
I dislike Bill Maher, his politics and his ridicule of religion. However, Maher is a classic liberal in his views of government and he is open to debate on those views. Which is completely unlike the militant Leftists that have taken over the Democratic Party.

06-19-22, 18:34
Anyone who wants to overturn the election, overthrow the Constitution, install Trump (or Desantis) as Dictator.

Your hiatus wasn't nearly long enough. Try for permanent next time okay?

06-19-22, 18:35
There was no fraud. Armies of ardent repubs looked for fraud. Cyber Ninjas looked for fraud. Lawyers, politicians, law enforcement looked for fraud. Hannity looked for fraud.

Giuliani admitted in court there was no fraud. Cyber Ninjas found no fraud. 60 lawsuits found no fraud. Trump's DOJ found no fraud. Dr Steven Hotze hired Captain Mark Aguirre to run a van off the road they thought contained 750,000 fraudulent ballots, and detain the driver at gunpoint. They discovered air conditioning parts.

There was no fraud. A third of Americans believe the election was "stolen." Based on what? A feeling?Desantis now has election police. Since there is no fraud, what will they do?

You are consistently full of fvcking shit.

06-19-22, 18:55
I dislike Bill Maher, his politics and his ridicule of religion. However, Maher is a classic liberal in his views of government and he is open to debate on those views. Which is completely unlike the militant Leftists that have taken over the Democratic Party.

Also the change in Maher, is when the hard left decided he was no longer "useful" as an "idiot" and they turned on him. Only then did he seriously begin to question the "woke" crowd. He never moved towards the center, they simply moved further left without him. His beliefs that he is some kind of libertarian are 100% based upon the "legal weed" plank of the libertarian platform, he has no use for any of the rest of it.

He isn't about smaller government, he isn't about second amendment freedoms, he doesn't even have a libertarian view on "free speech" let alone "freedom of religion."

06-19-22, 19:24
LoL, he's a old school liberal leash. Just keeping as many old school liberals from leaving the party as he can.

The liberal party is now moving out of socialism into strait up communism.

06-19-22, 21:51
Bill Maher had Colion Noir on his show 3 years ago, and he went on Ben Shapiro’s show this year. I give him props for listening to the other side and respecting our right to express our opinions.

His interview with Shapiro was really good. I enjoyed it and I used to despise Maher. I still need to email him and give him props for doing that.

06-20-22, 08:35
I dislike Bill Maher, his politics and his ridicule of religion. However, Maher is a classic liberal in his views of government and he is open to debate on those views. Which is completely unlike the militant Leftists that have taken over the Democratic Party.

100% agree.