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06-21-22, 10:00
I guess he was right after all.



US Army teaching Critical Race Theory to West Point cadets
The US Army has introduced Critical Race Theory to West Point cadets, new documents show, according to Fox News Digital.

The “woke” lessons ask cadets about whiteness while encouraging them to apply Critical Race Theory to their answers, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch and given to Fox News.

The more than 600 documents were only handed over to Judicial Watch after the conservative organization sued the Department of Defense.

“Our military is under attack – from within,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a press release.

06-21-22, 10:46
The guy in the background looks about ready to run him through with his sword…

Why does the commie have more salad and badges than the others?

06-21-22, 11:23
The guy in the background looks about ready to run him through with his sword…

Why does the commie have more salad and badges than the others?

One is a CIB so he would’ve had to been prior enlisted. That explains most, if not all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-21-22, 11:36
Prior enlisted. Made it into Ranger regiment, but also was kicked out for performance/attitude apparently.

06-21-22, 14:05
The Army sure has changed from the “Kill a Commie for Mommy” days…

Johnny Rico
06-21-22, 14:23
Cashiered out of the Army in 2018 with an "Other Than Honorable" discharge.


06-21-22, 15:02
The Army sure has changed from the “Kill a Commie for Mommy” days…
The military has always attracted more than its fair share of nut cases. Case in point, Lee Harvey Oswald.

06-21-22, 15:39
We have Yellowstone getting ready to blow, disease, famine, crime, tyranny, and a false God (gov)
I would say repent now.

06-21-22, 16:44
We have Yellowstone getting ready to blow, disease, famine, crime, tyranny, and a false God (gov)
I would say repent now.


06-21-22, 18:25
The military has always attracted more than its fair share of nut cases. Case in point, Lee Harvey Oswald.

And Charles Whitman, Timothy McVeigh, etc.

Oh, and that fvckwad Spencer Rapone in the OP. (remembered his name without even having to Google it).

Johnny Rico
06-21-22, 18:46
Commie ended up in academia. He has been hired at UT-Austin's History Department, New School for Social Research where he can cultivate the next generation's Leftists.

06-21-22, 18:55
I heard it recently said: no where in history has any socialist/communist government ended in anything other than famine and genocide.

06-21-22, 19:55
I heard it recently said: no where in history has any socialist/communist government ended in anything other than famine and genocide.
May rapone be the first casualty...

06-21-22, 20:10
Well people all said Spencer was just one bad Red Apple, guess he was just the only one dumb enough to post pics about his ideology. I guess every educational institution, military or not are just leftist indoctrination facilities.

06-21-22, 21:59
We have Yellowstone getting ready to blow, disease, famine, crime, tyranny, and a false God (gov)
I would say repent now.

LOL, using that criteria jesus was due back 1,000 years ago.

Guess he never noticed 1945 the year we killed more humans than any other year in human history.

06-21-22, 22:22
LOL, using that criteria jesus was due back 1,000 years ago.

Guess he never noticed 1945 the year we killed more humans than any other year in human history.

1. He didn't mention Jesus
2. You don't understand biblical prophesy, and don't want to.
3. You don't understand Jesus' justice and it's application, and you don't want to.
4. You mock what you don't understand, because you hate Jesus.

And when it comes to this topic you're not like your father or uncle.

06-21-22, 23:49
1. He didn't mention Jesus
2. You don't understand biblical prophesy, and don't want to.
3. You don't understand Jesus' justice and it's application, and you don't want to.
4. You mock what you don't understand, because you hate Jesus.

And when it comes to this topic you're not like your father or uncle.

I don't claim to be a scholar, but isn't the second coming generally associated with Jesus / end of times? It's a simple association.

How can I hate jesus when I don't believe he was anything but an ordinary person? Assumptions, assumptions...YOU.

And when it comes to this topic, YOU are no different.

And now back to communism, woke thought at West Point and no more apocalypse nonsense which seems to get interjected into almost every thread but nobody is supposed to comment on it.

06-22-22, 10:16
I heard it recently said: no where in history has any socialist/communist government ended in anything other than famine and genocide.

Blanket excuse from every marxist I’ve met-“It’s because you d*mned capitalists are hindering communism from being implemented correctly! We just need to try again- we’ll get it right this time.”

06-22-22, 11:05
I don't claim to be a scholar, but isn't the second coming generally associated with Jesus / end of times? It's a simple association.

How can I hate jesus when I don't believe he was anything but an ordinary person? Assumptions, assumptions...YOU.

And when it comes to this topic, YOU are no different.

And now back to communism, woke thought at West Point and no more apocalypse nonsense which seems to get interjected into almost every thread but nobody is supposed to comment on it.I also don't see where he said anything about Jesus's second coming?

It does seem that God is lifting his hand of grace from this nation, and we needed to repent a long time ago

Soli Deo Gloria

06-23-22, 07:28
I don't claim to be a scholar, but isn't the second coming generally associated with Jesus / end of times? It's a simple association.

How can I hate jesus when I don't believe he was anything but an ordinary person? Assumptions, assumptions...YOU.

And when it comes to this topic, YOU are no different.

And now back to communism, woke thought at West Point and no more apocalypse nonsense which seems to get interjected into almost every thread but nobody is supposed to comment on it.

There was no mention of the Second Coming, just a call to repentance. The fact that you immediately translated that into something you could attack does indicate more than a bit of anger/hatred/aggression towards anyone that shows the slightest bit of religious feeling, and this is hardly the first time I've noticed a similar attitude in your posts.

Considering how frequently you go off on something Tom says, and vice versa, why don't you two simply set each other on your "Ignore" list? You're not going to agree on anything, no discourse worth reading has come from your bickering, and it would save everyone a bit of time.

OT: I wouldn't equate West Point teaching CRT to "Communism will win." Certainly, they have the levers of power at the moment and have been pushing their idealogy everywhere they can, but that's not to say that their victory is inevitable. We have seen a fair amount of pushback in recent years, and while I personally don't think a peaceful solution will work, the possibility of one remains.

06-23-22, 08:34
USMA (West Point) is heavily influenced, you could even say controlled by an appointed "board of visitors".

The board of visitors controls money to West Point and also gives directives on improvements or corrections that need to happen using the money as a carrot/stick.

Each Whitehouse administration change triggers a turnover of the board of visitors with some admins putting in crony/lackies and usually reflects the policy of the Whitehouse.

Biden has been in power long enough that he has appointed his board of visitors and this is probably the outcome of their first ruling as it's a yearly cycle.

The Secretary of Defense and Generals do have influence, but on something as controversial as CRT this probably had to come from the board of visitors.

West point does have a diverse set of views in it's professors and leadership, and there is accordingly exposure to a wide range of views. But it's not done in a dogmatic way, it's done as broadening and is focused on understanding viewpoints as those same viewpoints are going to be in the troops they're expected to lead.

Knowing some West Point professors / department heads and having met many more, the one thing they all have in common is they don't want anything to interfere with producing the best officers they can. Even some of the liberal ones.

Maybe CRT is the next SHARP. But if it is, it's probably due to external pressure just based on comments from the Secretary of Defense and Generals.

06-23-22, 15:59
There was no mention of the Second Coming, just a call to repentance.

Seriously, aren't they always synonymous? Isn't that one of the prime motivators to repent? Because you might not be able to wait for the death bed?

The fact that you immediately translated that into something you could attack does indicate more than a bit of anger/hatred/aggression towards anyone that shows the slightest bit of religious feeling, and this is hardly the first time I've noticed a similar attitude in your posts.

That is actually absurd and suggests I hate members of my family. But I do admit genuine annoyance every time somebody, and really it's the same handful of people over and over, comes along and equates any negative event with: we've abandoned god, it's the end times, it's because of devil worshippers, etc.

06-23-22, 18:41
I don't claim to be a scholar, but isn't the second coming generally associated with Jesus / end of times? It's a simple association.

How can I hate jesus when I don't believe he was anything but an ordinary person? Assumptions, assumptions...YOU.

And when it comes to this topic, YOU are no different.

And now back to communism, woke thought at West Point and no more apocalypse nonsense which seems to get interjected into almost every thread but nobody is supposed to comment on it.

He didn't say anything about end times, he merely spoke of some possible catastrophes that could happen. Biblically speaking there have been many catastrophes unrelated to Jesus' second coming. Christians don't consider the second coming of Christ to be a catastrophe at all, but a tremendous blessing. Catastrophes are related almost all the time to God's judgement. At the second coming final judgement will be meted out to the unbelievers, so they might consider it a catastrophe, but not us. It took approximately 4 thousand years for Jesus to appear at his first coming, it might be another 2 thousand years before his 2nd coming, there are many people yet to be saved. Repentance is a daily act of obedience to God, sometimes it can happen on the last day, like the thief on the cross. But you used his words as spring board to revile Jesus, to disparage the scriptures, and to generally mock them.

To deny God, to deny Jesus' essential essence and nature is to hate him. You assume that by denying his deity, that somehow that is neutral ground..."I deny his deity, but I don't hate him". But there is no neutral ground as far as he is concerned. You either love him or hate him, it shows in your mockery.

I never claimed nor asserted that what your father and uncle did between them was some preferred or right way. I generally have zero problem with polemics. And will generally engage most people in them. You held up their behavior as something to be admired, but then go into your mocking mode. I simply tried to hold you too it.

As for not putting you on an ignore list, I don't believe in such things. I'm to give an answer to every man according to my abilities. I generally don't give up on people because I know salvation and changed people is in the hands of God alone. He may or may not use my efforts to save people. He has called me and other Christians to handle his word rightly, not run around thinking we can argue people into the kingdom. It is his prerogative to use whatever means he sees fit to save his people. You're breathing, you might be one of his elect, there is hope.

06-23-22, 18:57
Seriously, aren't they always synonymous? Isn't that one of the prime motivators to repent? Because you might not be able to wait for the death bed?

That is actually absurd and suggests I hate members of my family. But I do admit genuine annoyance every time somebody, and really it's the same handful of people over and over, comes along and equates any negative event with: we've abandoned god, it's the end times, it's because of devil worshippers, etc.

What you don't understand is that in one sense you do hate your relatives that believe. You think what they believe is a lie. You mock THE most important thing in their life. You may not do it to your uncles face, but you'll do it here to his brethren. And I don't usually get annoyed by your promotion of evolution, comparing Jesus to Zeus, or your general gross ignorance of things biblical. I was once like you, I understand how bad unbelief can grip a person. God offers you everything, but death is preferable. And if you hate God, you will hate his people at some level.

06-23-22, 19:07
By the way, communism won't win, I have it on good authority. Oh, it may overcome the US, yet to be seen, but then maybe the US has it coming.

06-23-22, 20:47
What you don't understand is that in one sense you do hate your relatives that believe. You think what they believe is a lie. You mock THE most important thing in their life. You may not do it to your uncles face, but you'll do it here to his brethren. And I don't usually get annoyed by your promotion of evolution, comparing Jesus to Zeus, or your general gross ignorance of things biblical. I was once like you, I understand how bad unbelief can grip a person. God offers you everything, but death is preferable. And if you hate God, you will hate his people at some level.

That is easily the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Also my issue really isn't with beliefs, so much as people like you who want to define my existence by their beliefs. As a for example, I know some buddhists, I don't have one common belief with them at all beyond some basic philosophy, but they have never tried to tell me what I believe, what I think, what I feel and as a result I don't get mildly annoyed with their constant declarations of life.

You are like a carnival guesser who is ALWAYS wrong, it's not enough to make me hate anyone, but eventually I'm gonna be annoyed enough to answer back. And I guess if you consider "non belief" to be the same as "hate", I suppose I understand why you seem so angry.

While we are at it, what could I possibly be other than what I believe? I can go to church everyday, I could quote the bible verbatim and I could make all the claims that make me sound like I believe, but as I don't currently possess the basic minimum evidence I personally require (which is why so many must take these things on faith), at best all I could be is a false christian. And what would that gain me? Nothing.

So until Yayweh, Jesus or whoever makes themselves known to me, I cannot be otherwise. As a consequence my non belief is the fault of Yayweh, Jesus, etc. (if they actually exist) so that must be who you actually hate for causing my non belief.

06-23-22, 20:48
By the way, communism won't win, I have it on good authority. Oh, it may overcome the US, yet to be seen, but then maybe the US has it coming.

And THIS is the only thing I hate. People who think everyone is suffering communism, natural disasters, genocide or whatever...because they didn't believe hard enough.

06-23-22, 21:56
That is easily the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Also my issue really isn't with beliefs, so much as people like you who want to define my existence by their beliefs. As a for example, I know some buddhists, I don't have one common belief with them at all beyond some basic philosophy, but they have never tried to tell me what I believe, what I think, what I feel and as a result I don't get mildly annoyed with their constant declarations of life.

You are like a carnival guesser who is ALWAYS wrong, it's not enough to make me hate anyone, but eventually I'm gonna be annoyed enough to answer back. And I guess if you consider "non belief" to be the same as "hate", I suppose I understand why you seem so angry.

While we are at it, what could I possibly be other than what I believe? I can go to church everyday, I could quote the bible verbatim and I could make all the claims that make me sound like I believe, but as I don't currently possess the basic minimum evidence I personally require (which is why so many must take these things on faith), at best all I could be is a false christian. And what would that gain me? Nothing.

So until Yayweh, Jesus or whoever makes themselves known to me, I cannot be otherwise. As a consequence my non belief is the fault of Yayweh, Jesus, etc. (if they actually exist) so that must be who you actually hate for causing my non belief.

The difference between me and the Buddhist is he doesn't care about you, I do. Not because I'm somehow intrinsically better than the Buddhist, but because Christ has worked that mercy in my heart. A nobody by the world's standards, he did that for me, while I was yet his enemy. In your pride you have determined YOU will be the arbiter of your reality, we can't possible have some higher being telling you what's what. Steyr is the master of Steyr, even if it kills Steyr, and it will. Your gross pride manifests itself in you by you actually blaming God for your unbelief. God just doesn't do enough for me, God will do it my way or I'll reject it. Why submit to this God when I can be god of my life? You seem to think I have somehow decide to apply the religion Tom invented to you, and you resent it. You literally couldn't care less about what the bible says about you, not me, the bible, but when it strikes you, you're more than happy, even relish it, to mock, mock, mock. WHY, because YOU hate Christianity. How dare the bible speak to me, Steyr!! The Buddhist couldn't care less about what happens to you, their busy working their way to nirvana. Eventually, you'll just be reincarnated until you get it, so who cares. You're in exactly the same place, just 2 thousand years later, that the unbelieving religious leaders were. They despised and resented Jesus because he told them they weren't just wrong, but grossly wrong. They killed him for it. And here you sit telling me how annoyed you are. Fine, just stop with your attacks on Jesus.

I really have no expectations whatsoever concerning you, I don't expect you to believe, I don't expect you to stop mocking Christ, I don't expect you to change, I don't expect you to go to church, although I recommend going to a good church whether you're believer or not, at least you'll hear the gospel, some actual good news. I'm one guy in the billions of guys, just put me in the Univibe, or FriendlyStranger category, I'm perfectly fine with it.

I'm "wrong"? Why? Because the rationalist, and skeptic says so. And why do you think I'm angry? I really don't care what you think of me personally, I try to work toward that attitude. But yes, I get angry when I am exposed to Jesus bashing, over and over from you. It seems any mention of Christ and his religion, even tangentially, is like red meat waved in front of a carnivore, you just got to go for it.

06-23-22, 22:01
In your pride you have determined YOU will be the arbiter of your reality,

And once again, the carnival guesser is wrong. To me it's like the 80th moon around Jupiter. Do I believe it's there? Not currently, I have no reason to. Will I accept it if they find it. Yes, because I'd have no reason not to. I don't think you can even relate to that kind of thinking. And for the same reason I could never HATE the 80th moon of Jupiter, unless it of course escaped it's orbit and threatened the earth.

And if you are correct about the existence of Yawheh, then I would be his product and he would understand how I think and the scant evidence I require for existence.

So again, any criticism of me, would actually be a criticism of Yawheh. You can take it up with the manufacturer.

And for clarification, you are wrong in ALL of your assumptions about me, what I think and how I feel. You are simply projecting your assumptions onto me.

06-23-22, 22:11
And THIS is the only thing I hate. People who think everyone is suffering communism, natural disasters, genocide or whatever...because they didn't believe hard enough.

Again, you can't stand the idea of an infinitely, righteous judge pouring out his wrath on a deserving people, a people that was given much light and rejected it. Removing his restraint from sinners so that they more and more murder more babies, riot and loot, indulge in ever kind of perversion, get into wars, hate each other, murder, steal, stroke their pride, destroy families, destroy true rights and on and on. Guys like you would love to have an impartial honest, just judge sitting in front of you, but a judge that knows everything sees everything, can't be bought off, no, that judge is to be rejected. Yeah, we got it coming. And your ignorance about "believing hard enough" would take me another lengthy paragraph to do justice too. I'll pass. The short of it, if only we truly believe even a little and OBEY at all.

06-23-22, 22:29
And once again, the carnival guesser is wrong. To me it's like the 80th moon around Jupiter. Do I believe it's there? Not currently, I have no reason to. Will I accept it if they find it. Yes, because I'd have no reason not to. I don't think you can even relate to that kind of thinking. And for the same reason I could never HATE the 80th moon of Jupiter, unless it of course escaped it's orbit and threatened the earth.

And if you are correct about the existence of Yawheh, then I would be his product and he would understand how I think and the scant evidence I require for existence.

So again, any criticism of me, would actually be a criticism of Yawheh. You can take it up with the manufacturer.

And for clarification, you are wrong in ALL of your assumptions about me, what I think and how I feel. You are simply projecting your assumptions onto me.

And again the skeptic equates Jesus to a piece of cosmic dirt. Let God be true and every man a liar. You don't rail against the moons of Jupiter, but you certainly rail against God. Go back and read your posts. That tells me that even though you try and brush off your unbelief as something indifferent to you (it's like my unbelief in the 80th moon of Jupiter), it's not, and your posts against Christianity show that. You hate it.

I don't assume much of anything, I have quite a bit to go on from your posts. What I do know is what the bible says about people, me included. I'm not saying anything about you that didn't generally apply to me. The difference between me and you in our unbelieving state, is that I just didn't care at all what believers thought, my hatred of God showed itself in a general indifference about the subject. You on the other hand go out of your way to attack.

God's creation was good, Adam chose to turn from his creator, you're a son of your father Adam. You're just like him, he blamed God for his sin..."it was the woman YOU gave me"...she tempted me, it's your fault God.

By the way, all your posts since Backfires post concerning this subject have been nothing but justifications and rationalizations of your attack on Christianity. This is how it usually goes.

06-24-22, 00:32
It seems any mention of Christ and his religion, even tangentially, is like red meat waved in front of a carnivore, you just got to go for it.

And here is a perfect and FINAL example of where you are wrong. Go find the Happy Easter thread, I'm sure it exists. You won't find me making any kind of comment on it because it's just people sharing belief. Go find the Merry Christmas thread, I'm sure it exists, if I posted anything it was Merry Christmas.

Really the only time I post my opinion is when you, or someone like backfire, posts something that is painfully ignorant and I have the audacity to address it with calling BS. You won't find me starting any threads like "God doesn't exist", "Christianity is a lie" or whatever. I suspect 75% of this forum is probably judeo christian to some extent, I'm not here to mess with them. But I'm also not gonna just stand by when morons post nonsense like "we deserve this" or when people like you presume to know how I think or feel. If you did, you'd know you were wrong on just about every account.

06-24-22, 07:36
Some have eyes and do not see, and some have ears and do not hear.

If God does judge this nation, and I think he is, we certainly deserve it. Millions of innocent babies are murdered. Injustice and immorality is everywhere. What is evil is called good, and what is good is called evil, and we have stood by and let it happen.

I pray that this nation would repent, myself included, but ultimately, may God's will be done.

Soli Deo Gloria

06-24-22, 08:44
Some have eyes and do not see, and some have ears and do not hear.

If God does judge this nation, and I think he is, we certainly deserve it. Millions of innocent babies are murdered. Injustice and immorality is everywhere. What is evil is called good, and what is good is called evil, and we have stood by and let it happen.

I pray that this nation would repent, myself included, but ultimately, may God's will be done.

Soli Deo Gloria

Agreed. I also believe a reckoning is coming.

06-24-22, 08:59
Agreed. I also believe a reckoning is coming.

Yup. The Central Banks, world currency digital "dollar" or whatever it will be called is the way "they" will control commerce. It is all prophesied and it is all coming to light. We just don't know the exact date...but the season is here. Communism is irrelevant...and it will lose.

06-24-22, 09:46
And here is a perfect and FINAL example of where you are wrong. Go find the Happy Easter thread, I'm sure it exists. You won't find me making any kind of comment on it because it's just people sharing belief. Go find the Merry Christmas thread, I'm sure it exists, if I posted anything it was Merry Christmas.

Really the only time I post my opinion is when you, or someone like backfire, posts something that is painfully ignorant and I have the audacity to address it with calling BS. You won't find me starting any threads like "God doesn't exist", "Christianity is a lie" or whatever. I suspect 75% of this forum is probably judeo christian to some extent, I'm not here to mess with them. But I'm also not gonna just stand by when morons post nonsense like "we deserve this" or when people like you presume to know how I think or feel. If you did, you'd know you were wrong on just about every account.

So, if it's not a perfect 100% you're off the hook and I've got you wrong. Got it. You'll have to excuse my hyperbole.

You've yet to show why people who say "we've got it coming" are morons.

You've given quite a bit of testimony to how you think, it's all over this forum, you probably have the 2nd highest forum posts of anyone. I don't really have to presume, you flat out tell us, over and over. "Feelings"...really? I don't remember talking about your feelings, maybe I forgot. But today, I'm not too concerned about your feelings.

06-24-22, 13:02
One last attempt before I bow out:

Seriously, aren't they always synonymous? Isn't that one of the prime motivators to repent? Because you might not be able to wait for the death bed?

No, a call for repentance has little to no connection to the End Times, nor does "not be able to wait for the death bed" really related to End Times either. Calls for repentance have twice in our nation's history drastically changed the course of politics, with the two "Great Awakenings" having both direct and indirect results in the form of the War of Independence and the Abolitionist movement. Thinking that a call for repentance is ludicrous or solely focused on the end times is bad logic even from a historical-secular perspective.

I'm going to say this, with no insult intended, that you really don't appear to have any idea what you are talking about, and that it is honestly in your best interest to bow out of the conversation. We laugh at Barfcom folks for spouting off BS that shows their ignorance, but you are very much doing the same.

As for not putting you on an ignore list, I don't believe in such things. I'm to give an answer to every man according to my abilities. I generally don't give up on people because I know salvation and changed people is in the hands of God alone. He may or may not use my efforts to save people. He has called me and other Christians to handle his word rightly, not run around thinking we can argue people into the kingdom. It is his prerogative to use whatever means he sees fit to save his people. You're breathing, you might be one of his elect, there is hope.

You have planted the seed, made the case, and presented Christ to him. You cannot force him to accept Christ as King and Savior, nor can you badger someone into changing deeply held beliefs. If it is God's will that such a change happens, then you have done your part. Let our Lord take it from here; your own fallen nature will only turn this into an issue of pride. I understand your intentions, and they do seem honorable, but just ask that you think about how a third party perceives this; does your badgering bring glory to God? Or does it make you look like a Zealot that loves to drag multiple threads down for no gain?

06-24-22, 13:32
Hey bible thumpers and godless heathens, both of you shut it. Go start your own thread if you want to have a theocratic discussion.

06-24-22, 13:47
One last attempt before I bow out:

No, a call for repentance has little to no connection to the End Times, nor does "not be able to wait for the death bed" really related to End Times either. Calls for repentance have twice in our nation's history drastically changed the course of politics, with the two "Great Awakenings" having both direct and indirect results in the form of the War of Independence and the Abolitionist movement. Thinking that a call for repentance is ludicrous or solely focused on the end times is bad logic even from a historical-secular perspective.

I'm going to say this, with no insult intended, that you really don't appear to have any idea what you are talking about, and that it is honestly in your best interest to bow out of the conversation. We laugh at Barfcom folks for spouting off BS that shows their ignorance, but you are very much doing the same.

You have planted the seed, made the case, and presented Christ to him. You cannot force him to accept Christ as King and Savior, nor can you badger someone into changing deeply held beliefs. If it is God's will that such a change happens, then you have done your part. Let our Lord take it from here; your own fallen nature will only turn this into an issue of pride. I understand your intentions, and they do seem honorable, but just ask that you think about how a third party perceives this; does your badgering bring glory to God? Or does it make you look like a Zealot that loves to drag multiple threads down for no gain?

I made it my point that I have no expectations of change on his part. I also know I can't change him. And it is interesting that you consider me a person who "drags threads down". I am quite happy for the most part to leave religion out of most of my postings, blatant attacks might bring a response. In this case, I waited over a day to even read his responses let alone respond...did others drag the thread down while I was doing other things? As for 3rd parties I should be concerned with...you mean like the really swell post above, the one calling me a bible thumper? Be that as it may, I'll take your advice though since I think you're trying to be a peace maker, I'll let others have the last words on this thread, I'm sure it will make many happy.

06-24-22, 16:00
"Feelings"...really? I don't remember talking about your feelings, maybe I forgot. But today, I'm not too concerned about your feelings.

Hate is a feeling. You've continuously have stated flat out that I hate this and hate that. And now you claim you never brought up how people feel? You can't even keep your mess straight.

06-24-22, 17:09
Hey bible thumpers and godless heathens, both of you shut it. Go start your own thread if you want to have a theocratic discussion.

Yes, please!
