View Full Version : The FBI and petty theft

06-21-22, 16:42
Why is the FBI involved in a case of alleged petty theft?


06-21-22, 16:45
Why is the FBI involved in a case of alleged petty theft?


Because some animals are more equal than others.

06-21-22, 16:50
Because some animals are more equal than others.

History bears that out. Their involvement kinda' sorta' makes me think it's legit.

06-21-22, 17:31
The Right-wing guerrilla journalist group. :lol:

06-21-22, 17:53
Laptops & Diaries. It's like Karma is a bitch, literally.

06-21-22, 18:29
Gee, I wonder if the FBI's involvement in this is to make sure nobody gets ahold of it and actually verifies it's authenticity and thus it's contents. Some interesting stuff in it.

Let's see, the FBI basically ran with the Trump/Russia hoax stuff, Trump bad. Now, they're raiding people's houses to get this diary, Biden good.

06-21-22, 18:56
Watch the TWA800 documentary. The investigators were amazed how involved the FBI was, even taking evidence to test and never found again.
Watch the entire documentary, not just the highlights.

john armond
06-21-22, 19:06
They literally state in the linked article “ the fact Ashley is the president’s daughter kicks it to a different legal level,”

Rules for me and not for thee. I am sure if you or I left a diary (no, I don’t have one) in a house and someone found it and sold it, there wouldn’t be anything the police would do, let alone the FBI.

Maybe she should have taken it to a lawyer or shrink and reported it’s contents out of fear of possible ongoing long-term sexual abuse against the author by her father, based on comments written by the diary’s author. Wouldn’t they have a duty to report??? In essence, use the book as a sorta red flag law.

06-21-22, 19:27
Watch the TWA800 documentary. The investigators were amazed how involved the FBI was, even taking evidence to test and never found again.
Watch the entire documentary, not just the highlights.

I'll look into it.

06-21-22, 19:32
I was hoping to see how Univibe would justify Biden taking pedo showers with his daughter but alas, he’s banned.

06-21-22, 19:35
I was hoping to see how Univibe would justify Biden taking pedo showers with his daughter but alas, he’s banned.

Seriously, again?

06-21-22, 19:38
I was hoping to see how Univibe would justify Biden taking pedo showers with his daughter but alas, he’s banned.

<Serious researches unbanning Univibe, and putting him on everyone's Ignore list but Waylander>


Always be careful what you ask for.

john armond
06-21-22, 19:40
Watch the TWA800 documentary. The investigators were amazed how involved the FBI was, even taking evidence to test and never found again.
Watch the entire documentary, not just the highlights.

Off topic, but wasn’t it the CIA that did the computer animation rendering of the incident, because some bs that “they were the only ones with the technology.” Pixar was making movies before then.

06-21-22, 20:05
I was hoping to see how Univibe would justify Biden taking pedo showers with his daughter but alas, he’s banned.

And those allegations in that diary pretty much PROVE dude is a pedo...

The FBI getting involved prove the diary is hers as far as I am concerned.

06-21-22, 20:09
Seriously, again?

Every time I think of that guy I think 'turd in the punch bowl'...

06-21-22, 20:16
Petty theft? More like simple Abandoned Property.

06-21-22, 20:20
Petty theft? More like simple Abandoned Property.

Like others said, for me and you. But for Biden, crime of the decade...oh wait that was Trump's insurrection.

06-21-22, 20:36
I was hoping to see how Univibe would justify Biden taking pedo showers with his daughter but alas, he’s banned.

No wonder its been so quiet.

06-21-22, 23:30
<Serious researches unbanning Univibe, and putting him on everyone's Ignore list but Waylander>


Always be careful what you ask for.

Maybe you could put a permanent sig line on his account?

The comments of this poster do not reflect the opinions of M4C, or any of its other members. They are intended purely for entertainment purposes only.


06-21-22, 23:50
Maybe you could put a permanent sig line on his account?

The comments of this poster do not reflect the opinions of M4C, or any of its other members. They are intended purely for entertainment purposes only.


This needs a "Like" button.

06-22-22, 08:51
To me it seems pretty simple. You have a congressional hearing or senate hearing or we have more latitude, you invite the woman who found the diary and O’Keeffe and you ask them who was the FBI agent that you interacted with. Then you subpoena that FBI agent and you ask who told you to investigate this. Then you call that person and you keep working yourself up the chain until you get either to Garland or the president. In all reality though the chain for some reason will be broken at some point, and someone will say that they just decided to do it or something like that. Then you January 6 there personal communications, their friends personal communications, people who owe them money, anybody who might have communicated with them and find out what the real story is. Then you charge that person with perjur, and start walking up the chain again.

06-22-22, 09:15
I feel that banning should be a last resort and not a form of sensorship against opposing views. Or unsubscribing members.

Otherwise this place just becomes a much smaller ARF.COM.

What was he banned for? Anyone have a link?

06-22-22, 09:20
This needs a "Like" button.


06-22-22, 10:29
I feel that banning should be a last resort and not a form of sensorship against opposing views. Or unsubscribing members.

Otherwise this place just becomes a much smaller ARF.COM.

What was he banned for? Anyone have a link?

Have you even read the guy’s posts? He was the type to jump in every thread and side track it with his usual soap box totally off topic and keep doubling down. Forum mods don’t have time to go around all day cleaning things up. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

There have been plenty of opposing viewpoints and they’ve never got banned. The difference is some people can stay in their lane and respectfully disagree.

06-22-22, 10:51
Have you even read the guy’s posts? He was the type to jump in every thread and side track it with his usual soap box totally off topic and keep doubling down. Forum mods don’t have time to go around all day cleaning things up. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

There have been plenty of opposing viewpoints and they’ve never got banned. The difference is some people can stay in their lane and respectfully disagree.

What was he banned for? Anyone have a link?

06-22-22, 11:03
Off topic, but wasn’t it the CIA that did the computer animation rendering of the incident, because some bs that “they were the only ones with the technology.” Pixar was making movies before then.

Yes it was and it said "it was not a missle you saw"
Something like that. Was pretty crude animation

john armond
06-22-22, 11:30
Yes it was and it said "it was not a missle you saw"
Something like that. Was pretty crude animation

I also remember seeing a documentary years ago where it showed Bill Clinton giving a verbal list of terrorist attacks that had occurred, and on two different occasions he said TWA800 somewhere in the middle of the list. One of them was on an interview on a major news network. For some reason CNN is coming to my mind. Neither time did the host he was speaking to question him. They just let him continue with the list.

06-22-22, 13:26
The FBI helped cover up election fraud, where a national election was stolen, what's a little pedophilia
in comparison to that, you help **** up someones life or **** up a entire country because the boss say's
do it !