View Full Version : Active Military & The Jab

07-03-22, 03:35
Any active mil here know the latest on the jab? Are they forcing guys out if they don't get it?

07-03-22, 05:56
The National Guard and Reserve has not separated anyone over the vaccine yet, supposedly, but could not pay any unvaxxed members after June 30th.

I believe the active services have already discharged most or all unvaccinated service members who did not receive waivers.

A cynical person would think the Guard and Reserve want to keep the unvaxxed troops on the books to continue to get funding for each one, even though they cannot attend drills or be activated.

At least 10% of Guard/Reserve are not fully vaccinated and recruiting goals are not being met. Lets go Brandon!


07-03-22, 07:41
Active Army starting separating refusals months ago. The process for exemptions was going very slowly last I heard. Also interestingly, boosters really haven’t been mentioned (unless it came up in the last month since I’ve been on leave) which made it seem like being “current” wasn’t as big of a deal as just checking the block.

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murphy j
07-03-22, 08:43
I can speak to the NG portion of this statement, at least where Oklahoma is concerned. We just returned from annual training last month, and took all unvaccinated members with us. When we assemble for July, unvaccinated members are not allowed to be part of our formation. They will be separated from service (General Discharge, I think) and that will be the end of that. Anyone who has had the 1st shot, but not the second will be allowed to return, but are required to to get the 2nd in very short order. If they did the one and done shot, then all is good. I have heard zero scuttlebutt about boosters.

The National Guard and Reserve has not separated anyone over the vaccine yet, supposedly, but could not pay any unvaxxed members after June 30th.

I believe the active services have already discharged most or all unvaccinated service members who did not receive waivers.

A cynical person would think the Guard and Reserve want to keep the unvaxxed troops on the books to continue to get funding for each one, even though they cannot attend drills or be activated.

At least 10% of Guard/Reserve are not fully vaccinated and recruiting goals are not being met. Lets go Brandon!


07-03-22, 10:29
Active Army starting separating refusals months ago. The process for exemptions was going very slowly last I heard. Also interestingly, boosters really haven’t been mentioned (unless it came up in the last month since I’ve been on leave) which made it seem like being “current” wasn’t as big of a deal as just checking the block.

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Any idea what percentage of the military voluntarily left or was discharged due to the jab requirements?

Or are they keeping that data under wraps?

07-03-22, 10:43
Any idea what percentage of the military voluntarily left or was discharged due to the jab requirements?

Or are they keeping that data under wraps?

Couldn’t tell you but I don’t know that it’s being kept under wraps necessarily. Also from what I saw, there was no voluntary leaving. You either got the vax or were separated under a general discharge (IIRC). Out of my company of 91ish, we had one outright refusal and three that submitted for religious exemption. I initiated separation on the refusal and he should’ve been out by now but I saw him driving on the compound last week so I don’t know what’s going on with him.

The exemptions were submitted before the separation details came out before the CY began I think) and as of May, still hadn’t gotten word back. But in the meantime, lots of privileges were withheld or heavily scrutinized (schools most notably) and at least one of the kids was tired of not being able to go to BLC so he ended up getting the vax instead of waiting for the exemption process to be completed.

These were all E1-E4s.

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07-03-22, 11:44
A coworker who is Air Force Reserves was recently booted for not getting it.

07-03-22, 14:37
Active as has already been posted have been separating refusals; reserves have started as well, the last to start separations will be NG. The rates of separation aren't measurably material, well under 1% although the NG may differ. It's basically a non-event, right in line with other separation numbers.

07-03-22, 19:49
Its a small percentage, and most aren’t the type that their commanders are losing sleep over. Zero in my company. A couple that I’m familiar with.

07-03-22, 19:58
most aren’t the type that their commanders are losing sleep over.

Very true. Now if religious exemptions are denied by a large percentage, that may change a bit, but I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the ones worth keeping decide to get it then.

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07-03-22, 20:54
Wonder if Covid will become part of the battery of vaccinations that recruits receive in Basic?

07-03-22, 21:11
Wonder if Covid will become part of the battery of vaccinations that recruits receive in Basic?

Pretty sure it already has.

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07-03-22, 22:50
Where I work they're already doing discharges. Brand new E's and O's basically get shown the door, anyone with more time in service gets a discharge board. It's commanders discretion how the discharge is characterized--some are honorable, some are not. While the vaccine is the root cause, a big part of it is that everyone who hasn't had a vaccine and doesn't have a religious/medical exemption is failing to follow a lawful order.

07-03-22, 23:26
Where I work they're already doing discharges. Brand new E's and O's basically get shown the door, anyone with more time in service gets a discharge board. It's commanders discretion how the discharge is characterized--some are honorable, some are not. While the vaccine is the root cause, a big part of it is that everyone who hasn't had a vaccine and doesn't have a religious/medical exemption is failing to follow a lawful order.

Where is that?

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07-03-22, 23:36
That’s the USAF policy as it was briefed to me. A guy I know had to sit on one of the boards 2 weeks ago.

07-03-22, 23:37
That’s the USAF policy as it was briefed to me. A guy I know had to sit on one of the boards 2 weeks ago.

Interesting that USAF CDRs have the ability to choose. All of the Army separations are the same chapter.

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murphy j
07-04-22, 09:48
Very true. Now if religious exemptions are denied by a large percentage, that may change a bit, but I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the ones worth keeping decide to get it then.

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We were told. and I quote, "if you do not have a history of requesting religious exemption for vaccination, your chances of getting one for this vaccination isn't zero, but might as well be."

I read somewhere recently, but do not recall where, that out of all the requests for medical exemption, only two had been granted on the active component side. I don't know how accurate that statement is, but I think it would make an interesting comparison of numbers applied for vs granted/declined.

07-04-22, 11:02
We were told. and I quote, "if you do not have a history of requesting religious exemption for vaccination, your chances of getting one for this vaccination isn't zero, but might as well be."

I read somewhere recently, but do not recall where, that out of all the requests for medical exemption, only two had been granted on the active component side. I don't know how accurate that statement is, but I think it would make an interesting comparison of numbers applied for vs granted/declined.

“No religious exemptions have been allowed so far(under our command), and likely none will”, is the word from a senior chaplain when asked about them regarding covid vaccine. The ruling word seems to be for example: if a religious leadership,(like the pope), says it isn’t a problem and Catholics should get it; no catholic can refuse it on a religious exemption basis. Even if the whole stem cell produced vaccine would counter their strictest belief.

I don’t know the number of refusals, but the number of religious exemptions was about 2k SM*.

*I have no data on what ranks or their standing in their formations.

murphy j
07-04-22, 12:54
I don’t know the number of refusals, but the number of religious exemptions was about 2k SM*.

When you say refusal, you mean strictly the number that refused the jab? Correct? Also, you're saying the 2K is the number applied? As that is a number that jives with my recollection of a number thrown about in regards to the religious exemption. Just asking for clarity as I read your statement a couple different ways in my mind.

07-04-22, 13:18
When you say refusal, you mean strictly the number that refused the jab? Correct? Also, you're saying the 2K is the number applied? As that is a number that jives with my recollection of a number thrown about in regards to the religious exemption. Just asking for clarity as I read your statement a couple different ways in my mind.

Sorry, for the confusion. I mean refusals being those people go just said no to the vaccine and then were/are being chaptered out. I do not know that number.

Two thousand is the number of those who applied for religious and exemption regarding the vaccine, under this major command.