View Full Version : Get Drones Or Get Clapped?

07-07-22, 04:07
Will the civilian tactical market see a boom in drone acquisition?

There's a point to this rambling, humor me....

It's been interesting over the years to watch the civ-side tactical market change, not only in what was desired, but was deemed non-eyebrow-raising, let alone needed.
When I started in all this, most guys had maybe some sort of belt kit or chest rig, that was the "basic acceptable kit" for a competent combat-ready civ and most folks thought you were a bit mad if you had a plate carrier.
Until the Great Plate Carrier Boom, then all the cool guys were grabbing up PCs, and you were uncool and unready, and definitely getting clapped in the streets if you didn't have armor (although funnily helmets were still largely ignored).
Then I think it was the Great Sustainment Boom, and if you didn't have pack capability for at least a day or two of supplies, you were useless and definitely going to die in a ditch if you didn't have sustainment gear, despite that being the realm of mad preppers two seconds earlier.
Then the Great Comm Boom where all the guys in the know figured out it was cool to talk to people further then shouting distance, and proceeded to pimp their gear with a variety of radios (thus kicking off a small secondary boom in the radio pouch market), and you were useless and uncool, and totally going to die alone in the woods if you didn't have comms. Thank this for the common knowledge of helmet-mounted earpro (and the blursed baofeng proliferation).
Then came the Great Suppressor Boom and all the high-speeds were gobbling up forbidden popsicles like, well...pospicles on a hot summer day, and you are currently uncool and probably going to get everyone in your boog crew killed if you aren't running a suppressor. You may as well be wearing white socks and rocking a 1911 without one... :laugh:
Then the Great LPVO Boom which.... well, basically you are letting the communists win if you don't have variable mag on your blaster (unless you are the coolest of cool NOD goon in which case the current race to the highest of high Height Over Bore Boom is in full swing and Eotech is king of something once...ever).

Currently we're in the middle of the Great NOD Boom, (coupled with the associated belated Great Helmet Boom), where all the cool guys in the know are busy snatching up nods, and you are uncool and useless if you can't mortgage your house to get some. You are pretty much an anointed avatar of freedom if you can pimp thermals...
But more importantly, here in 2022 this is accepted as a totally needed and non-weird capability item to have ON TOP OF all the other above stuff that, a mere 10 years back, people right here would have thought it "crazy" to own.

It's also been interesting to see how civ-side interest in various enhanced tactical capabilities has changed to reflect not only the military conflict of the times, and how people see their 'inner operator', but the threat level the gov is viewed as. And, here in the US we've been going pretty hard on both angles - 20 years of GWOT have either taught new lessons or re-confirmed old ones, and the whole time the crown has been getting more and more uppity. So the civ side realm has sucked up GWOT capability lessons and applied them as needed to how people at home see future domestic conflicts unfolding - and apparently the outlook is a lot grimmer than ten years back, simply judging by capability desirability.

So, this brings us to the current conflict of Ukraine + exploding idiocy at home.
If ONE thing is abundantly clear in eastern EU right now, it's that drones have changed everything. Ukies used them to great effect during the opening phases, and by many accounts now the Ruskies are returning the favor.
There probably hasn't been a bigger (and more underrated) breakthrough in individual and squad level surveillance, recon, and targeting capability since someone paired a radio with binoculars.

The question is, how soon (if ever) do you think it will take for the US civilian tactical market to catch on?
And then what - will it be largely ignored? Or a mad rush to equip with this new tech at the highest available level to maintain parity with possible future domestic opfor?
I'm not down with the current civ drone scene, so maybe this is already happening? I tend to never assume something is a fad/boom until I see "showoff" pics all over the internet.
I've seen this talked about a little in the past as a prepper thing for securing place like neighborhoods, but I have never seen a concerted effort by any community - even the preppers - to get hardcore into this.
Does that change in 2022 and beyond?
Will a day come where it is as common to see pics of drones in peoples loadouts as it is plates or a suppressor?

*Clarification - I'm not talking armed Pred-sized drones, we're looking at small scale recon/tageting level drones.

Outlander Systems
07-07-22, 06:03
I’d like to see a trend toward more HobbyTOCs.

07-07-22, 07:11
I already own and fly two tactical drones.

I’ll probably be cerakoting one very soon.

07-07-22, 07:15
Damn now I need a drone! In all seriousness I think body armor, helmets and nods aren’t bad if you can afford them. I can’t so I just hand my gun and suppressor. I have an lpvo too and I’d like some body armor and a helmet. I am not into the grab bag or any of that. I’m more afraid the atf or fbi come kicking in my door at dawn rather than a a bomb getting dropped and me needing to grab and go. If they come kicking I’ll be passed out and probably won’t wake until the barrel is in my face. I got to find a way to secure my entry points better maybe.

07-07-22, 07:35
Look into ones made for SAR with thermal cameras and automatous search patterns.

07-07-22, 08:04
You not only need a drone but a drone operator, then you need to do this:


07-07-22, 08:52
I think this also begs the question, what are our anti drone options?

Not just detecting the drone itself, but also locating the drone operator.

Outlander Systems
07-07-22, 09:36
About the same as shooting down a commercial airliner; ie. drones are aircraft, and are treated as such.

I think this also begs the question, what are our anti drone options?

07-07-22, 09:43
I've actually been wondering about this based on Ukraine footage. I could also see drones finding their way into the hunting scene, though I expect there will be a significant backlash against them there.

07-07-22, 09:48
Direction find the pilot and ask him politely to go away. DJI has a tool for this, but it is not the only way.

07-07-22, 09:51
I think this also begs the question, what are our anti drone options?

Not just detecting the drone itself, but also locating the drone operator.

Well you could deep dive into elint.

Or maybe falconry. :)

Outlander Systems
07-07-22, 10:05
You can, cheaply, build a phase coherent capable unit that can do beam-forming and passive radar.

You can, also cheaply, buy an entire SIGINT/ELINT/COMINT suite-in-a-box for $399 here:



Well you could deep dive into elint.

Or maybe falconry. :)

07-07-22, 10:20
I've actually been wondering about this based on Ukraine footage. I could also see drones finding their way into the hunting scene, though I expect there will be a significant backlash against them there.

Our state, Alaska, already regulates them for hunting uses. I imagine other states have done so as well.

07-07-22, 10:41
I already own and fly two tactical drones.

I’ll probably be cerakoting one very soon.

Pshit! Cerakoting? That's ancient analog tech. LCD Skin is where it's at. Simply point the tinny dome camera up and in the direction of your upward looking avasery and they see only what is behind your drone. Making it virtually invisible day or night.

Vise versa sump camera for downward looking adversaries.

Freaking klingon tech Bra!

07-07-22, 10:54
Our state, Alaska, already regulates them for hunting uses. I imagine other states have done so as well.

When I lived in Montana 30+ years ago it was illegal then to fly/spot & hunt the same day, you always had to wait till the next day. I'm sure that's the same & drones would be similar I would think, although I did not check & confirm.

07-07-22, 11:08
Thought of this 2 years ago when our "training group" started really getting serious into stuff more advanced than just flat range box drill training. With 500 acres of farm with 3 miles of creek/river wood trails and a 30 acre woods with trails, a couple of us brought up what ISIS and the Kurds were doing with Drones and what a invaluable intelligence gathering assesst they can be even to the civilian group.

We've setup a could training days of "Recce" Missions, where a small group of 3 has to work their way to a "strategic" target area and setup a hide point and stay on target to recon an area for a day or even 2. All of us work jobs that give us 3 day weekends every other weekend, so usually we will start mid day on Friday to get into position unseen, then Sunday will come either a engage a HVT at 400-500 or the team will have to get to a set way point for "pick up".

2 of us bought a couple Mavic Mini 2's that are under the weight limit to need the license to fly and got jailbroken iPhone 11's from eBay. With Airplane Mode on, you can still operate the drones. Each "side" of the scenario weekend has one of the drones to use. It took us 6 months of doing these 3 day weekends sometimes twice a month to really figure out how we need to do this as civilians...... our next goal is to take this into town and try to go "unnoticed" as grey man teams.

Essentially, drones used for "tactical" purposes by the Civ-Market is the next big thing once everyone figures that out. The amount of information you can get even using a small 249g Mini 2 drone from 390ft (394 is max "legal" height you can fly) is freaking amazing.

07-07-22, 11:51
When I lived in Montana 30+ years ago it was illegal then to fly/spot & hunt the same day, you always had to wait till the next day. I'm sure that's the same & drones would be similar I would think, although I did not check & confirm.

I remember hearing years ago the same about Alaska. You could not hunt the same day that you flew in an aircraft.

07-07-22, 12:14
Drones? HA! Drone SWARMS are where it’s at.

I would think that it would be pretty easy to turn a drone into an autonomous ‘anti-drone’ for kamakazee attacks. It’s got to give helo pilots the willies…. Way out of my skill set though.

I’m surprised more cities don’t run drones? After the riots of 2020, I thought about getting one for better situational awareness.

07-07-22, 14:21
Pshit! Cerakoting? That's ancient analog tech. LCD Skin is where it's at. Simply point the tinny dome camera up and in the direction of your upward looking avasery and they see only what is behind your drone. Making it virtually invisible day or night.

Vise versa sump camera for downward looking adversaries.

Freaking klingon tech Bra!

You've been watching Die Another Day again, haven't you? Seriously, this kinda tech was on a design study my prof the retired fighter pilot and I put together 20 years ago... google "Adaptive Camouflage."

07-07-22, 16:07
I already own and fly two tactical drones.

I’ll probably be cerakoting one very soon.

Should I throw my drone down the driveway so it has that "used in combat" look?

Seriously, excellent OP. I have all that shit in my tactical bug out vehicle. So long as everyone still has power and net, we should be unstoppable.

But when the day comes that people can't recharge the batteries for their NODS and dots, me and my iron sights are gonna rule the world.

Ned Christiansen
07-07-22, 16:19
Saw an interesting vid yest, a drone team on the Ukraine side. As they inserted the battery you could see an unmistakable mark in the battery case and the drone body where (what looked like) a 5.45 nearly ended the drone. It hit only plastic body work. The narration was not in English but it seemed to me there was no mention of the near miss.

The "'nade drop" drones are fun to watch although some of those grenades are awful tiny.

Steyr, fly your drone to a Cerakote specialist who can give it one of those "distressed" paint jobs.

I'll betcha anything several dems already have stupidity ready to put before Congress prohibiting civvy ownership of drones.

Johnny Rico
07-07-22, 16:53
But when the day comes that people can't recharge the batteries for their NODS and dots, me and my iron sights are gonna rule the world.

“When it all comes down, the last man standing is going to be standing there in shorts and sneakers with a ’98 Mauser, and all the ninja-looking guys belly up at his feet - with all their cool gear.”

- Louis Awerbuck

07-08-22, 21:38
Should I throw my drone down the driveway so it has that "used in combat" look?

Seriously, excellent OP. I have all that shit in my tactical bug out vehicle. So long as everyone still has power and net, we should be unstoppable.

But when the day comes that people can't recharge the batteries for their NODS and dots, me and my iron sights are gonna rule the world.

Ha! Yep distressing it, just like a fake vintage Strat.

It is good to have options isn’t it……..