View Full Version : Dutch Farmers Are Miffed

07-09-22, 04:37
To say the least.....
Long story short, it seem the green weenies have done some more dumb shit in their mad dash to save us all from climate change, and in order to meet their 2030 agenda, are cracking down on farms. Apparently also going on in NZ and elsewhere. Things are already getting spicy, with huge protests underway.

A decent short video overview:


A quick read for some theories on underlying reasons for the events:


07-09-22, 04:40
More general overview


07-09-22, 04:42
Trucks not running due to protest blockages, so in utterly predictable fashion, food go bye-bye;


07-09-22, 04:45
Well, thank god at least the police have shown up!
Nope, they are there to do what we've all seen them do best when these sort of events happen- sabotage and provoke.
In other news, water is wet and the popo won't be your friends in any coming spicy times.


Well, at least the sheer panic when they are found out is amusing.

07-09-22, 05:58
I saw this coming when our President got all mouthy with the Fossil Fuel Industry and started selling electric cars.
When Farmers can't afford to plant or worse yet the harvest rots in the field, don't be surprised.
I'm getting back home in August and putting in a small greenhouse and a WWII era Victory garden in the backyard.

07-09-22, 09:04
I've been hearing about this from non-mainstream sources for about a week now. What's interesting is how completely out of the mainstream it actually is. Probably worried the idea might catch on.

Kinda interesting that Western governments claim to hold to the idea of a "representative government" operating with the "consent of the governed," yet love to squash dissent and take actions completely without the consent of those most affected.

07-09-22, 12:01
I've been hearing about this from non-mainstream sources for about a week now. What's interesting is how completely out of the mainstream it actually is. Probably worried the idea might catch on.
As with a number of topics over the last several years, there is a media blackout going on with this. You will never hear anything about it in any mainstream sources. Unless, you know...a fertilizer bomb goes off or something... :rolleyes:

Kinda interesting that Western governments claim to hold to the idea of a "representative government" operating with the "consent of the governed," yet love to squash dissent and take actions completely without the consent of those most affected.
"Out of democracies step forth the cruelest of tyrants"

Or perhaps in our time we should substitute for "most moronic of tyrants"...

Outlander Systems
07-09-22, 12:04
Nailed it.

I've been hearing about this from non-mainstream sources for about a week now. What's interesting is how completely out of the mainstream it actually is. Probably worried the idea might catch on.

Kinda interesting that Western governments claim to hold to the idea of a "representative government" operating with the "consent of the governed," yet love to squash dissent and take actions completely without the consent of those most affected.

07-09-22, 12:57
Getting the vibe that the "elite class" has no respect for us peasants at all, first warnings about famine due to the Russia war so perfect time to cut the nuts off Dutch farmers to save Gia. Good thing these kinds of stupid actions have never caused blow back or the "elite class" might have cause for worry.

07-09-22, 14:28
I've been hearing about this from non-mainstream sources for about a week now. What's interesting is how completely out of the mainstream it actually is. Probably worried the idea might catch on.

Kinda interesting that Western governments claim to hold to the idea of a "representative government" operating with the "consent of the governed," yet love to squash dissent and take actions completely without the consent of those most affected.

Bro, this is exactly why I'm so skeptical about the info coming out re: the Rus-Ukr stuff. These people have an agenda, and it sure doesn't seem like one we're gonna like.

07-09-22, 14:35
This Tucker interview is worth watching for a couple reasons :-)


07-09-22, 16:21
First time I hear about his. Thanks for the news story. Is this the same thing or somehow related to truckers in Canada a few months back?

07-09-22, 18:44
First time I hear about his. Thanks for the news story. Is this the same thing or somehow related to truckers in Canada a few months back?

Not the same thing/not related. Long story short, farmers in the Netherlands have to drastically reduce emissions from their farms (50-75%). The only way for a dairy farmer to cut his farm's emissions (think amonia, CO2, etc) in half is to slaughter 1/2 of his milk cows. Its the green new deal with the kid gloves removed. Add to that higher fuel costs, taxes, etc. The farmers literally see the end of an era and they are rightfully pissed.

I am sure the liberal media is painting then with the same notsee brush as the Canadian truckers, but the Dutch people are not as dumb as they may seem.


07-09-22, 19:23
Not the same thing/not related. Long story short, farmers in the Netherlands have to drastically reduce emissions from their farms (50-75%). The only way for a dairy farmer to cut his farm's emissions (think amonia, CO2, etc) in half is to slaughter 1/2 of his milk cows. Its the green new deal with the kid gloves removed. Add to that higher fuel costs, taxes, etc. The farmers literally see the end of an era and they are rightfully pissed.

I am sure the liberal media is painting then with the same notsee brush as the Canadian truckers, but the Dutch people are not as dumb as they may seem.


Simple solution, stop providing food produced on farms to the people who mandate restrictions. With all those "greenies" gone, farms won't have to be as big.

07-10-22, 08:26
"Out of democracies step forth the cruelest of tyrants"

Or perhaps in our time we should substitute for "most moronic of tyrants"...

Whether someone is cruel, moronic, or "making difficult decisions" all depends on who's writing the history books down the line.

Bro, this is exactly why I'm so skeptical about the info coming out re: the Rus-Ukr stuff. These people have an agenda, and it sure doesn't seem like one we're gonna like.

I can get the skepticism. If I've ever offered the implication that I think trusting the media, governments, or society without fail is the way to go, I apologize. I just don't think "believing the opposite of whatever they say" is the correct answer, nor is blaming people that are being used (aka, the Ukrainian people). At this point, I'd say that a lot of this mess really is connected, or is being used to further the same cause. The war isn't being allowed to end (either side achieving a significant advantage) so that it can be used to justify other, largely related actions. I think a food shortage is in the cards, and the war and "combating climate change" are just two means of ensuring it happens.

07-10-22, 08:44
Maybe we will see Boer Kommandos.

07-11-22, 05:21
According to YouTube the Dutch Police have fired live rounds at a Farmer driving a tractor.
So we will kill you to keep our climate change agenda?
You know, no grain is coming from Ukraine this harvest. The Dutch are shooting at their farmers to keep them out of work. The Germans are so short of energy they're firing up the old coal power plants.
I'm predicting a lot of very skinny very chilled European's come Spring.

07-11-22, 05:59
We are witnessing the end of an era, the end of Globalization.

Nation-State is coming back, big time. The next 5 to 10 years aren't going to be a lot of fun, for most of the world and a stressful for the USA. But if we can defeat the Marxist. the USA will reign supreme.

We are at the first steps of the end of many countries as we know them.

07-11-22, 09:35
Well, thank god at least the police have shown up!
Nope, they are there to do what we've all seen them do best when these sort of events happen- sabotage and provoke.
In other news, water is wet and the popo won't be your friends in any coming spicy times.


Well, at least the sheer panic when they are found out is amusing.

Kind of difficult NOT to be a conspiracy theorist with examples like the PJW video popping up. Thanks for posting this.

07-11-22, 12:30
We are witnessing the end of an era, the end of Globalization.

Nation-State is coming back, big time.

I would like to know the source of your optimism.

07-11-22, 12:52
And yall said Bill Gates was just buying for investments. When you sit at ho e believing your gov will be legit thats how this happens. Go back to your easy chair and watch tiktok while the rest of us figure things out.

07-11-22, 12:54
Bad science coupled with stupid and evil politicians...what could possibly go wrong?

07-11-22, 13:15
Bill Gates green grocery store burned down in the netherlands...


07-11-22, 17:19
Any day Bill Gates takes it in the shorts is a good day.
How do you day carpet bagging SOB in Dutch?
He really has no business pushing his climate agenda on the Dutch Farmers.
I really hope more mystery blazes happen to his stores. Those EV battery packs for his delivery vehicles are dangerous.

07-11-22, 17:28
Not the same thing/not related. Long story short, farmers in the Netherlands have to drastically reduce emissions from their farms (50-75%). The only way for a dairy farmer to cut his farm's emissions (think amonia, CO2, etc) in half is to slaughter 1/2 of his milk cows. Its the green new deal with the kid gloves removed. Add to that higher fuel costs, taxes, etc. The farmers literally see the end of an era and they are rightfully pissed.

I am sure the liberal media is painting then with the same notsee brush as the Canadian truckers, but the Dutch people are not as dumb as they may seem.


Thank you! It's interesting how gov. counts individual farm emissions and how it affects individual farmers. Even if they reduce their own emissions they would have to import milk from other EU countries. Now sure how all that math works out at the end. I heard that individual EU countries are trying to game the system set by EU as a whole in their own favor in particular industries. Farming is probably the toughest, since economics and productivity are almost the same except the labor costs and taxes.

I recall a few years back French farmers dumping milk on the street as a protest to low milk prices. Because of that I wondered if some EU countries set pricing structure at a government level for certain agricultural products.

07-11-22, 18:43

Investments in the plant-based alternatives to meat delivered this high impact on emissions because of the big difference between the greenhouse gases emitted when producing conventional meat and dairy products, and when growing plants. Beef, for example, results in six-to-30 times more emissions than tofu