View Full Version : Darwin’s theory upended? Natural selection may be making society more unequal

07-09-22, 09:02

Researchers from the University of East Anglia find that natural selection is favoring poorer people with little education. The study “shows how natural selection effects are stronger in groups with lower income and less education, among younger parents, people not living with a partner, and people with more lifetime sexual partners.”

07-09-22, 09:06

07-09-22, 09:55
No kidding I remember having this discussion when I was about 13 with a friend's older brother.
In summary when people are broke they can't do a lot of fun things, but they can have lots of sex which leads to babies.
And poor people don't think ahead or plan anything, they're poor and they want to feel better which leads to more babies and becoming even poorer trying to feed them all.

07-09-22, 11:53
It’s easy to have lots of kids when the taxpayers are providing your housing, groceries, income, cell phone, medical care, etc…. And the more kids you crank out the more money you get.

07-09-22, 13:52
Not clear how that upended anything, but out breeding your rivals is a well known strategy for winning the evolutionary race to dominate and "win" the race. Modern cultural and political realities impact that also.

07-09-22, 14:12
There is not 'right' outcome. Evolution isn't 'smart', have a plan, or and end game in 'mind'. Drives me nuts when people make it sound like COVID has a 'plan'. It's all just probabilities in relation to gene EXPRESSION and the probability that those give better outcomes. And it isn't just genes- how they are expressed due to environmental factors is really important too.

07-09-22, 14:33
Not clear how that upended anything, but out breeding your rivals is a well known strategy for winning the evolutionary race to dominate and "win" the race. Modern cultural and political realities impact that also.

When only stupid people are breeding it’s a problem.

07-09-22, 14:47
When only stupid people are breeding it’s a problem.

Of course, but has nothing to do with upending anything as to evolutionary forces and such. We are in fact preventing normal Darwinian process by not making sure being stupid more likely to prevent one from passing on those genes as we save them from themselves over and over. Hence my added "Modern cultural and political realities impact that also" comment.

07-09-22, 14:53
It’s easy to have lots of kids when the taxpayers are providing your housing, groceries, income, cell phone, medical care, etc…. And the more kids you crank out the more money you get.


Not clear how that upended anything, but out breeding your rivals is a well known strategy for winning the evolutionary race to dominate and "win" the race. Modern cultural and political realities impact that also.

And this.

We have to a large extent evolved our environment to us and people now are adapting to THAT environment. And we are also practicing artificial selection (where a favored bias is protected) than natural selection.

07-09-22, 15:00

And this.

We have to a large extent evolved our environment to us and people now are adapting to THAT environment. And we are also practicing artificial selection (where a favored bias is protected) than natural selection.

True natural selection does happen with many (most?) modern humans, and we are now "selecting" for idiots. Hence the great movie and all manner of metrics indicating people are getting dumber. Good old human hubris modern all inclusive bubble rapped risk averse US culture. Anyone with two neurons saw this coming decades ago.

07-09-22, 15:08
Of course, but has nothing to do with upending anything as to evolutionary forces and such. We are in fact preventing normal Darwinian process by not making sure being stupid more likely to prevent one from passing on those genes as we save them from themselves over and over. Hence my added "Modern cultural and political realities impact that also" comment.

I admit I’m more jaded than most people, probably from a decade in LE and 50 years of just being alive. But our biggest fault as a species is our constant need to rescue the stupid from themselves and prop up our weak.

Didn’t survival of the fittest use to be a thing...

07-09-22, 15:11
I admit I’m more jaded than most people, probably from a decade in LE and 50 years of just being alive. But our biggest fault as a species is our constant need to rescue the stupid from themselves and prop up our weak.

Didn’t survival of the fittest use to be a thing...

In the natural world, which we stopped living in around 10,000 years ago.

07-09-22, 19:35
If you don't work, you don't eat. Some people, through no fault of their own, sometimes need a helping hand. Helping out is usually about us and our thinking rather than "them". We're not animals.

07-09-22, 20:40
I'm in the Philippines right now. There's a whole different way of life here and some areas have some mind numbing 3rd world poverty.
I don't enjoy seeing it, but I think you need to see it at least once in a lifetime.
I have one kid, we've worked it out so we can finance his MBA by working together, then I look at some kid with flies crawling on his face who likely hasn't and won't eat today. He and his five siblings are living a hard scrabble hand to mouth existence.

07-09-22, 21:15
When only stupid people are breeding it’s a problem.
Not the stupid people fault.

07-10-22, 08:37
It’s easy to have lots of kids when the taxpayers are providing your housing, groceries, income, cell phone, medical care, etc…. And the more kids you crank out the more money you get.


07-11-22, 04:51

07-11-22, 04:52
It's also easy to have lots of kids when you absolutely don't give a flying F' what happens to them.
Most people I know wanted to send their kids to College. Hell as a single parent I really wondered how I was going to do it
But if your culture doesn't value Family, Education or responsibility, just keep slinging that D' and see how many of them end up in prison.
My Grandfather had 13 brothers, there's a reason why my people don't do that anymore. Times changed now your kids are more than farm laborers.