View Full Version : US gun sales pass 1 million a month for 35 consecutive months.

07-09-22, 20:46
"Gun sales in the United States have passed the 1 million mark each month for nearly three straight years, a record being driven by people who seek to arm themselves for protection against criminals, according to new data."

"For the 35th straight month, FBI background checks for firearms hit over 1 million, a victory for groups that have been advocating easier access to firearms for adults who can pass the National Instant Criminal Background Check System."

“These figures are a strong reminder of the values and freedoms for which our nation stands, including the right of individuals to keep and bear arms for Americans of all walks of life,” said Mark Oliva of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a gun industry trade group."

07-09-22, 22:31
I wonder what the real numbers are. People with permits don't have to go through the NICS check in most states.

07-10-22, 01:27
So two things.

1. Democrats remain the NUMBER ONE firearm salesmen in the history of the country.

2. Good luck with that comprehensive, searchable database of ALL firearms.

07-10-22, 02:27
I wonder what the real numbers are. People with permits don't have to go through the NICS check in most states.

I am constantly amazed at how few of my customers have a NICS exempt carry permit. We're talking less than 1% of my transfers. We do live in a constitutional carry state, but I figured more would have cards.

07-10-22, 06:52
The article text downplays the actual numbers. 1 M per month for 3 years = 36 M. There were 38 M checks in 2021 alone. According to Statista, over 12 M NICS checks have occured per year guns since 2008 https://www.statista.com/statistics/249670/number-of-background-checks-done-by-the-nics-in-the-us/


07-10-22, 07:46
How many checks were for multiple firearms. It is common to purchase 2 or more guns per check

07-10-22, 08:02
I would assume most of those are for new firearms? I guess a used farm in a new gun owner’s hands can happen also, but I would figure most first time gun owners are buying new guns?

If the majority of these are new guns, you were thinking in a majority of them would be AR rifles and handguns with magazines over 15 rounds, definitely 10. That’s a lot of new gun owners who could potentially fall afoul of the new proposed bans, and wondering why all of a sudden they are the bad guys.

Outlander Systems
07-10-22, 08:19
This would explain why I can’t find a Magpul MIAD, black in color, in stock anywhere.

07-10-22, 08:41
This would explain why I can’t find a Magpul MIAD, black in color, in stock anywhere.


Outlander Systems
07-10-22, 08:50
I wanted to avoid shipping costs but I’ll take it.

I don’t care what C4IGrant says about you, man, you’re alright.


07-10-22, 08:52
This is the kind of statitistic I point to everytime the topic of firearms companies cutting off .gov sales comes up with the insinuation that companies won't do it because private sales are some infintesimally small drop in the bucket of their sales compared to .gov contracts while the reverse is actually more factual.

07-10-22, 09:06
I wonder what the real numbers are. People with permits don't have to go through the NICS check in most states.

True, but they will still need a 4473 and get a transfer number assigned. That data would be harder to collect, but not impossible.

And my sample is only a very, very small portion of the overall pie, but I'd say something like 20-25% of our customers use CCLs when buying guns. Most still use DLs for one reason or another.

07-10-22, 09:14
Those are NICS numbers only though correct? Several states have their own system and do not participate in NICS at all and a couple states only partially. So those stats are gonna run on the low side.

ETA: As someone mentioned, used guns purchased through a dealer will be included in those numbers as well.

Not sure what one can really glean from the stats other than "volume of traffic".

07-10-22, 10:17
The question/issue is not that 1M firearms are being sold monthly....how many are new or first time buyers? How many are just M4C members picking up another rifle/pistol for their collection/hobby?
If it's just M4C members or similar picking up an extra toy, then that number really doesn't matter. It's no different from purchasing another fishing rod or tennis racket to ones collection.

07-10-22, 11:44
True, but they will still need a 4473 and get a transfer number assigned. That data would be harder to collect, but not impossible.

And my sample is only a very, very small portion of the overall pie, but I'd say something like 20-25% of our customers use CCLs when buying guns. Most still use DLs for one reason or another.

What is the transfer number you mentioned? Maybe your state is different? In mine you don't submit anything to NICS if the customer supplies their NICS exempt carry permit. You check box 29 and store the 4473.

07-10-22, 12:14
The question/issue is not that 1M firearms are being sold monthly....how many are new or first time buyers? How many are just M4C members picking up another rifle/pistol for their collection/hobby?
If it's just M4C members or similar picking up an extra toy, then that number really doesn't matter. It's no different from purchasing another fishing rod or tennis racket to ones collection.

It is significant because it shows how tiny the percentage of guns used in crime is compared to the number of privately owned guns.


07-10-22, 15:45
I've met quite a few new gun owners over the last few years, and have known a few people who previously owned no guns and have become gun owners. The gun culture is growing despite their desperate attempts to kill it. Every time the democrats threaten gun control they sell millions more firearms.

07-10-22, 16:02
Its a damn good reason other countries would prefer to not attack our wonderful country, as fcked up as it is we still have and utilize the 2A! We gotta lotta guns and ammo. I was reading an article in Firearms News about how difficult it is to get a single Glock in Israel. And the inability to get and carry firearms is almost non existent. All the while the acts of terror surround them and the Palestinians. Even encouraged and rewarded in some such countries. I can't imagine living in those conditions and not have a gun.


07-11-22, 01:50
And that's without any help from me.

07-11-22, 08:38
What is the transfer number you mentioned? Maybe your state is different? In mine, you don't submit anything to NICS if the customer supplies their NICS exempt carry permit. You check box 29 and store the 4473.

"NICS transaction number," aka, NTN. Goes into the box at the top right of the first page, labeled "Transferor's/Seller's Transaction Serial Number (if any)". I don't know how universal the system is, but at work, it is always assigned a number, no matter if the buyer is using a NICS exempt license or not. It's an 8-digit number, with our store number as the first 4 digits, and the transaction number as the last 4. "XXXX-0001" for instance. Given that the last four digits are sequential, it's how I keep track of how many guns we're selling, or at least creating forms for, over the course of a day. I don't know if this information is submitted with every NICS check, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that certain organizations can and do easily obtain it.

Disclaimer here at the end: I am not an expert, I just fill out the forms every day, and I could be spouting misinformation. If so, I apologize.

07-11-22, 08:54
The NTN is actually 27.b on the 2nd page...the upper right on page one is for dealer's 4473 log number.

Example would be for chronological order as of Jan 1st 2022, the very first form filled out could be labeled 1-22, the second 4473 would be 2-22 & so on. This number can then be placed in the disposition book to help locate during inspection or trace request.

07-11-22, 09:07
The numbers in the report, while impressive need to be taken with a grain of salt. In the last year I have sold 3 guns at auction then bought 2 guns at auction. This generated 5 of the 4473's.

I also have bought 2 guns in private sales, which in TN is still allowed. Those are some of my undocumented children that I foster.

07-11-22, 09:15
If you believe a shadow government really runs this country. What we are seeing is. They are setting forth the reasons to make people to hord guns, ammo, food. The narratives pushed in unison though the media outlets.

It's like they know a war is likely coming to our soil. So they are setting forth the message that is driving this.

07-11-22, 14:06
If you believe a shadow government really runs this country. What we are seeing is. They are setting forth the reasons to make people to hord guns, ammo, food. The narratives pushed in unison though the media outlets.

It's like they know a war is likely coming to our soil. So they are setting forth the message that is driving this.

All through the Carter presidency militias were formed given the certainty that war would come to our shores any day now. During the Clinton presidency preppers prepped for various doomsday events that so far haven't transpired.

Eventually became pop culture with the 2011 tv show Doomsday Preppers.

People are reacting to an incompetent government, not a shadow government.

07-11-22, 15:40
Sabatage governing via the guise of incompetence is what's actually happening...

07-11-22, 16:07
Sabatage governing via the guise of incompetence is what's actually happening...

I believe this is correct. However Biden could be hust a wounded rabbit call. Trying to gather information from the reactions of our enemies.

If not, and everything is as it seems. We really are screwed.

07-11-22, 16:11
"NICS transaction number," aka, NTN. Goes into the box at the top right of the first page, labeled "Transferor's/Seller's Transaction Serial Number (if any)". I don't know how universal the system is, but at work, it is always assigned a number, no matter if the buyer is using a NICS exempt license or not. It's an 8-digit number, with our store number as the first 4 digits, and the transaction number as the last 4. "XXXX-0001" for instance. Given that the last four digits are sequential, it's how I keep track of how many guns we're selling, or at least creating forms for, over the course of a day. I don't know if this information is submitted with every NICS check, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that certain organizations can and do easily obtain it.

Disclaimer here at the end: I am not an expert, I just fill out the forms every day, and I could be spouting misinformation. If so, I apologize.

No worries. I don't use that box and I don't believe it is transferred via the online or verbal NCIS check. I do few enough 4473's that the date suffices in my doing a book search or information request from the authorities.

07-11-22, 17:00
People are reacting to an incompetent government, not a shadow government.

If it was incompetent it's main players wouldn't have the 100% of the time no loss streak going.

07-12-22, 09:40
The NTN is actually 27.b on the 2nd page...the upper right on page one is for dealer's 4473 log number.

Example would be for chronological order as of Jan 1st 2022, the very first form filled out could be labeled 1-22, the second 4473 would be 2-22 & so on. This number can then be placed in the disposition book to help locate during inspection or trace request.

Absolutely correct. I really need to reread what I type when I'm watching my daughter. The TTSN is the front page, the NTSN is on the 2nd page. Sorry about that.

No worries. I don't use that box and I don't believe it is transferred via the online or verbal NCIS check. I do few enough 4473's that the date suffices in my doing a book search or information request from the authorities.

I'm not sure if it is transmitted via our digital form. I'd hazard a guess that the answer is no, but it is generated at the same time as an NTSN on standard forms. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest for someone at corporate to have the bright idea for that info to be included in the data package, and it be recorded. JUst shady enough for me to believe the Feds would do that.

07-12-22, 14:22
If it was incompetent it's main players wouldn't have the 100% of the time no loss streak going.

They lost Roe v Wade, something most of them came to believe was set in stone for all time.

07-12-22, 15:38
They lost Roe v Wade, something most of them came to believe was set in stone for all time.

This is what scares me. I never thought for a second RvsW would ever get a sniff of a chance to get over turned. I would bet half of all Republicans are Pro Choice. I don't care what your beliefs are on this issue, but it shows 2A could get smoked too. And that freaks me out completely.


07-12-22, 17:19
Ginsberg had been warning lawmakers (anyone who would listen) for decades RvW was on shaky ground...abortion is not specifically mentioned as an inherent right in our constitution like the 2nd. Not saying they will never quit trying to kill us via paper cuts, but whacking the 2nd entirely is a much larger & difficult mountain to climb.

07-12-22, 17:26
They lost Roe v Wade, something most of them came to believe was set in stone for all time.

I missed that incident fining any of the key players in to oblivion or incarcerating them a single second and seem to be keeping on keeping on.

07-12-22, 17:30
Ginsberg had been warning lawmakers (anyone who would listen) for decades RvW was on shaky ground...abortion is not specifically mentioned as an inherent right in our constitution like the 2nd. Not saying they will never quit trying to kill us via paper cuts, but whacking the 2nd entirely is a much larger & difficult mountain to climb.

Great point


07-12-22, 18:13
This is what scares me. I never thought for a second RvsW would ever get a sniff of a chance to get over turned. I would bet half of all Republicans are Pro Choice. I don't care what your beliefs are on this issue, but it shows 2A could get smoked too. And that freaks me out completely.


That is the reality of the situation.

07-12-22, 18:14
I missed that incident fining any of the key players in to oblivion or incarcerating them a single second and seem to be keeping on keeping on.

One thing about the left, they don't routinely eat their own.