View Full Version : 'The Purge': Residents Run From Drive-by Fireworks in Chilling Video

07-10-22, 14:47

Chilling footage that shows pedestrians screaming and running from "drive-by" fireworks in Minneapolis, Minnesota, over the Fourth of July weekend has gone viral on social media.

The video, originally filmed by Twitter user @prof_dong, was posted to the site on Tuesday by Kira (@kirawontmiss), who wrote: "What the hell is going on in this country?" It has amassed over 12.8 million views and thousands of replies from stunned viewers, many of whom said the scene looked like something from The Purge—a dystopian film series.

In the clip, a person shoots what are believed to be roman candles from their car as they make their way down the street. Passersby begin to scream and run away in terror, but the person from the car doesn't stop—they simply keep shooting.


07-10-22, 16:21
Just a liberal celebration

Outlander Systems
07-10-22, 17:27
I didn’t think that was very chilling. Kinda lame.

07-10-22, 19:26
That’s not nice. In fact it’s very dangerous, very stupid, and those guys are a bunch of assholes for doing it. But I can’t sit here and lie as I’m typing this and tell everyone that I wasn’t kind of laughing my ass off.

Yes, yes… I know… I’ll now see myself through the gates of Hell.

07-10-22, 20:00
I think I might have done something very similar when I was 14.
Not really scarry. Not really smart and just this side of good clean fun.
I'm not sure how you get " The Purge" out of that unless you're really jacked on some bad dope and have PTSD

07-11-22, 02:17
Uuuuugh this is half the reason I hate people. Such simpering normies so eager to be terrified over so little.

The "purge" would be a dude with a flamethrower on the roof driving around torching people. Or a 240. Just tossing out little explosive gifts in their wake. God help us all when someone finally cottons to that....

07-11-22, 07:30
Hell we used to don army jackets and sunglasses to have battles with fireworks in our teens. People are getting soft.

john armond
07-11-22, 07:33
Biggest difference was we used to shoot them at each other, not random people.

07-11-22, 07:37
The direction we seem to be heading in where the environment is much more important than your freedoms and your life is certainly going to be very challenging for some folks.
I don't predict a "purge" like in the movie, but if things don't get right pretty quickly a lot of very hungry, angry
People are going to be out there and it won't be fireworks they're shooting.

07-11-22, 09:08
And then the parents of these dumbies wonder why their kid got shot or beat up for pulling stupid pranks like this.

Didn't know that those gelly guns were a thing for people to go around shooting random people. The guns that shoot orbies water beads. I see paintball fields are offering them as side games for smaller kids since they hurt less and leave less mess.

No consiquences at home makes for poor decision making kids out in public. Then they video tape their shinanegans and brag about it online.

07-11-22, 15:36
Hell we used to don army jackets and sunglasses to have battles with fireworks in our teens. People are getting soft.

Ahhh...the good old days of firework battles. A small piece of pipe and some bottle rockets. Fun times.

07-11-22, 16:10
Till you get a roman candle in the eye. Ever been to a burn center? Fire is no joke

07-11-22, 19:16
That's what the sunglasses were for. Most of our battles were with bottle rockets. We even had buddies who lived in opposing apts that were opposite each other with a breezeway. We had a red ryder bb gun next to a recliner. If you sat in that chair, your job was to get the guys coming out of the other apt before they got away. There were alot of bb's in those carpets.

07-11-22, 19:46
Ahhh...the good old days of firework battles. A small piece of pipe and some bottle rockets. Fun times.

I can remember a group of dumbass kids, light a bottle rocket, throw it in the air and then RUN. Today people would probably equate it with an artillery strike. I'd probably be pissed if some kid bombed me with a roman candle, I'd be seriously pissed if some shithead did a drive by roman candle but the people trying to equate it with anything like a mass killing should be forced to live in Chicago for a summer.

07-11-22, 19:48
Till you get a roman candle in the eye. Ever been to a burn center? Fire is no joke

Some of us just got lucky and survived childhood. Lots of lots of things we did could have gone sideways. I saw it happen enough. Most of us who were gonna get checked out because of stupidity had it happen when we got cars and motorcycles. The only upside is it made some of us slow the F down and think about shit.

07-11-22, 21:23
Been there, done that, the 60's were the apex of American freedom, M-80's for everyone !

07-11-22, 21:48
Jarts, just sayin'

07-12-22, 07:31
Jarts, just sayin'

I remember playing jarts over the house, one person in the front yard and the other in the back yard.