View Full Version : Sri Lanka Goes Bananas

07-11-22, 09:02
Looks like it's over for them, for the time being at least. Food shortages, government incompetence and greed... Coming to a neighborhood near you.
Couldn't fin vid, but apparently gov is doing other helpful things...like rolling out the military to stop people from buying gas, so it's riot time.


07-11-22, 09:04
Looks like El Prez hopped on a boat and bugged when things started getting frisky, so people had a pool party at his house while he was out of town.


07-11-22, 09:05
A genuine "storming" of the capitol in SrL. This outta give Pelosi a heart attack.
I wonder how many people the Sri Lankan FBI will arrest for insurrection? :laugh:


07-11-22, 10:26
Now that's how you throw an insurrection.

07-11-22, 10:44
Now that's how you throw an insurrection.

Yes however I wonder if this country would do the same if things got as bad here?

07-11-22, 11:10
Yes however I wonder if this country would do the same if things got as bad here?

Stay tuned. You will likely have an answer soon.

07-11-22, 11:33
Take notes Nancy.

07-11-22, 12:47
Take notes Nancy.

Note to retire to her private island under military guard after the chaos she fosters finally abounds? Pretty sure that's been the plan for a long long time already.

07-11-22, 13:42
Let’s see.

Deficit spending: check.
Pathetic energy policies:check
Out if control inflation: almost there

Not looking good

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-11-22, 13:57
Hell, to most Americans "Sri Lanka" is that new Indian restaraunt downtown.

Ned Christiansen
07-11-22, 14:27
Three words:

"Model for Democrats"

07-11-22, 14:30
I've spent a considerable amount of time in India over the last 10 years. It doesn't take a lot, even there, to light the match on the powder keg. I've been in cities that were shutdown with riots over the silliest things and forced to rush back to the hotel or risk being stranded in the office or worse.

Never much (obvious) danger to Westerners, mostly just shutting down the city with marches or riots and we get more quality time at the 5 star hotel until things settle down.

Looks pretty sporty on those videos.

07-11-22, 15:11
Libya, but with better slices.

I’ve been in India a few times, not Sri Lanka, don’t know how similar they are, but India, tearing itself apart would be like a zombie crisis. Talk about life being cheap,

On a side note, I was in India one time and I was FOR SURE thinking that I was going to jail- wrong place, wrong time- only white guy there. Ended up working out, but I had resigned myself that I was going to a third-world jail and I was going to run that place or die tryin’. Not tall for an American- but pretty tall for there, but fat for an American- which would put me dreadnought class there. It would have been like a Sumo wrestler fighting ants. Like Fisk going to jail in DareDevil…

07-11-22, 15:34
Sri Lanka is just the first. I believe this will be repeated in a lot of Asia, more of Africa, and also a few places south of the Rio Grande.

I do not believe we will see it here, we have the tools to master the next century. That is if we defeat the Marxist Revolution.

07-11-22, 17:19
The world is in a contraction. We will continue to experience less...even less food, energy, and ability.

First Sri Lanka, then Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, China, Taiwan, Germany, France, Italy.

Even the US and the UK are coming apart.

07-11-22, 17:23
Sri Lanka is just the first. I believe this will be repeated in a lot of Asia, more of Africa, and also a few places south of the Rio Grande.

I do not believe we will see it here, we have the tools to master the next century. That is if we defeat the Marxist Revolution.

I think we’ll see a few more coups/revolutions/civil wars in Africa over the next year or two, not that those are rare there anyway. I mean, there were at least two last year. Food is becoming even more of a problem. WFB has already said its ****ed.

There is already ****ery afoot in some of Asia, but its a matter of degrees, since those places already were a bit off kilter.

07-11-22, 17:28
Sri Lanka is just the first. I believe this will be repeated in a lot of Asia, more of Africa, and also a few places south of the Rio Grande.

I do not believe we will see it here, we have the tools to master the next century. That is if we defeat the Marxist Revolution.

This is like the second thread you've stated some upbeat, hopeful stuff in.
I'm wondering what you're seeing that I must be missing.
I mean I'm getting ready to return to CONUS and turn 1/3 of my yard in to a garden because I have less and less faith in our current system and Leadership.

07-11-22, 18:03
Remember kids:

These are “protests” and not “insurrection” ..

There’s pics circulating online of “protestors” lying in the president’s bed..:lol:

07-11-22, 18:32
This is like the second thread you've stated some upbeat, hopeful stuff in.
I'm wondering what you're seeing that I must be missing.
I mean I'm getting ready to return to CONUS and turn 1/3 of my yard in to a garden because I have less and less faith in our current system and Leadership.

I again will state we are in the middle of a Marxist Revolution in the USA, and our side is not doing well at all. The biggest problem with political types is they paint themselves into a box and nothing outside the box matters. Through contact high level contacts I reached out to key people in the Republican party, then for the most part weren't interested in a conversation. This is after I told them that ALL 17 Intelligence Agencies in the USA were lying about Russia and Trump. They at the time told me I was wrong. When it came out it was all BS, I reminded these people of me and my team being 100% correct. I laid out for them how I would steal the election, and they followed my road map about 80 to 85 %.

So trust me when I say I am not sure those that love the Constitution and the USA are going to win this war. The hardest part is getting these Republicans to start thinking that we are in a war.

So if we win the war against the Marxist, then with good leadership the following will happen.

1. Oil will be produced and refined for USA only. The President only has to invoke what is already codified in law. We could detach the USA from world oil prices.
2. G-D blessed us with enough land to feed ourselves and still share some with the world. But the wheels are coming off, because the Marxist want to use food as a weapon. Think Ukraine and USSR.
3. Return manufacturing to USA away from China. Between the USA and Mexico we have a consumer based population that will keep things moving forward. We might add Colombia and Argentina to the mix if they can get their act together.

The world is returning to Nation -State, Globalization which was a byproduct of the cold war will die, no matter what @$$holes in the EU, Marxist party of the USA and Soros want to hope for.

Did you see an international run effort to fight Covid? Nope every country was on their own. When it comes to the food and oil crunch it will be worse. 5 million barrels a day of Russian oil will be off the market by November- December. It will not come back in my life time.

We study these things, we know these things. Which is why countries hire us.

07-11-22, 18:49
Stay tuned. You will likely have an answer soon.

Texans just got told to turn off their a/c, because the wind won't turn their windmills (https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/07/11/texas-authorities-urgently-beg-residents-to-turn-off-air-conditioning-because-there-is-no-wind-to-power-the-windmills/) - that should cause a stampeding of the libtards in Austin soon enough.

07-11-22, 19:41
Sri Lanka is just the first. I believe this will be repeated in a lot of Asia, more of Africa, and also a few places south of the Rio Grande.

I believe there were food riots in Peru and Chile within the past year.

07-11-22, 19:52
I believe there were food riots in Peru and Chile within the past year.

Among other places. But Sri Lanka is the first government to fall

07-11-22, 21:54
Don't we get a lot of our produce from overseas when it is 'off season'? When people in the US see empty produce bins in the winter and crappy veggies.. oh, the Whole FOods crowd will lose their corn....

07-11-22, 22:18
I believe there were food riots in Peru and Chile within the past year.

The Philippines new President Marcos is pushing hard to increase inexpensive rice production.
Rice might be 20% of what these folks eat, they sell rice in McDonald's here.
Naturally the opposition is out there saying how bad a rice diet is for people.
What they don't understand is when the rubber hits the road all rice imports could stop overnight and then your left with 50% of the rice you were counting suddenly not showing up
They might not be able to move it or it's staying in Vietnam or Thailand to feed people domestically.

07-12-22, 01:18
What they don't understand is when the rubber hits the road all rice imports could stop overnight and then your left with 50% of the rice you were counting suddenly not showing up
They might not be able to move it or it's staying in Vietnam or Thailand to feed people domestically.
This is actually part of what has happened to cause the current events in SrL - India is seeing the writing on the wall with the upcoming food/fertilizer shortages, and shut down exports of rice. SrL was one of their biggest customers....

07-12-22, 02:34
A couple of things really surprised me here.
A) Ferdinand and Emelda's boy ran for President and won. I mean what are the odds he would come back and show his face, let alone run and win the Presidency after the family fiasco.
B) The Filipino Farmers are fairly well organized. They may live rough, but they have their own Co-Ops, banks and a retirement system.
I'm not sure what Marcos has up his sleeve just yet, but he wants to run food production by himself. Perhaps he sees the writing on the wall and is trying to get in front of this before it's a Sri Lanka level emergency.
Also China's Navy is putting pressure on Philippine fishermen. Mysteriously a Philippine Coast Guard vessel capsized and burned recently.

07-12-22, 03:37
Don't we get a lot of our produce from overseas when it is 'off season'? When people in the US see empty produce bins in the winter and crappy veggies.. oh, the Whole FOods crowd will lose their corn....

I believe the USA will see some food shortages, meaning you will go to the store and the shelf will be empty of somethings. But I don't see us with starvation as an issue. EBT cards not keeping up with inflation, that is going to be a problem

07-12-22, 06:49
Americans call 911 when MickyD runs out of McNuggets, some women just trashed a restaurant because they started charging for extra sauce, does not bode well for when things start to get really bad.

07-12-22, 08:03
I saw something about 4 Females in. NY restaurant going nuts about being charged a buck and a half for extra sauce so the assaulted staff and tore the place to shreds.
That's what happens when people live a lie of no accountability. Those people need CA " Come to Jesus Moment" where someone delivers a beating of biblical proportions and walks away from all charges.

07-13-22, 17:59
Marcos is building his cabinet amoungst some push back from some radical environmentalists here.
Cabinet choices seem to be logical and pragmatic here and nothing like we are used to in the West.
For the most part the radical environmentalists can't get a bit of traction here. As an example when COVID-19 was destroying jobs here former President Duarte simply increased the amount of legal mining to keep the GDP up.
The Duarte/Marcos Presidencies should be somewhat seem less in transition as they would appear to be aligned. Alligned to the point of Duarte's daughter being Marcos's VP.
I hope these guys make it, I'm becoming a big fan of the Philippines.
Very practical thinking going on here.

I have to admit, when reading about Marcos trying to become rice import independent and then having the Leftists come back with how bad a rice based diet is, I had to laugh. Rice is about 20% of what these folks eat, but it's a vital 20%. I'm not sure why when Marcos is on a mission to feed his Nation the left thinks rice can be replaced with sunshine, rainbows and unicorn farts.

07-13-22, 18:09
I have to admit, when reading about Marcos trying to become rice import independent and then having the Leftists come back with how bad a rice based diet is, I had to laugh. Rice is about 20% of what these folks eat, but it's a vital 20%. I'm not sure why when Marcos is on a mission to feed his Nation the left thinks rice can be replaced with sunshine, rainbows and unicorn farts.

When you consider that that same Left thinks the world is already overpopulated and wants mass death among Third Worlders, proles and other "undesirables" their advocacy policies that lead to food (and other criticals) shortages start to make more sense.

These people HATE YOU. They WANT YOU AND ALL YOUR LOVED ONES DEAD. The sooner you internalize that fact and get used to it, the more sucessful you will be in governing your dealing with them accordingly. Scratch a Leftist, find a wannabe Pol Pot.

07-13-22, 19:07
I've been getting to know my wife since a week or so before the COVID-19 lockdown.
Since we were locked down I had some time to study things a bit.
A) This is a very, very conservative Catholic nation. The guy who founded Opus Dey is whom our church is named after.
B) These are some very hard working people. I can't believe the work ethic here.
C) Outsiders are welcomed, outsiders opinions, not so much. Keep your mouth shut and observe, if you have questions Save them for a trusted friend or relative.
D) Don't talk Politics. Again, don't talk politics with anyone. You can get hurt very badly if you cross that line.
E) Take the opportunity to observe what's going on.

Johnny Rico
07-14-22, 18:39
Cabinet choices seem to be logical and pragmatic here and nothing like we are used to in the West.
Very practical thinking going on here.

That's a first. The Philippines is a textbook case of government by cronyism. I'm speaking as an immigrant kid who was born Filipino and is now American by the Grace of God. Even my intensely patriotic family members who still live in the Old Country would never describe the Philippines as well-run.

07-15-22, 03:24
Yesterday country wide riots in Panama.

China is having a revolt of people in mass refusing to pay their mortgages.

07-15-22, 05:07
That's a first. The Philippines is a textbook case of government by cronyism. I'm speaking as an immigrant kid who was born Filipino and is now American by the Grace of God. Even my intensely patriotic family members who still live in the Old Country would never describe the Philippines as well-run.

I'm an outsider here and I don't have the knowledge of the history of the Philippines to have a viable opinion.
I watched Duarte's Presidency from my computer and he seemed to be making some sound governing decisions.
I will say that recently someone was arrested for stealing several million pesos from a public fund. The kicker was that the crime actually took place 17 years ago. I'm pretty sure I haven't seen a criminal in the US pursued for that long for stealining money from a public fund. I found that impressive.
My wife was telling me about a scandal involving the Social Security system here, the couldn't figure out exactly who stole what so they fired everyone involved.
Russel Brand has a video out about food shortages very interesting.
I think the one world government people are behind a lot of these shortages.
For instance there is no shortage of baby formula here in the Philippines the shelves are full of baby formula everywhere we go shopping.

07-15-22, 05:09
Yesterday country wide riots in Panama.

China is having a revolt of people in mass refusing to pay their mortgages.

I'm sure that isn't going to help their "social credit score"!

Johnny Rico
07-15-22, 06:11
I'm an outsider here and I don't have the knowledge of the history of the Philippines to have a viable opinion.
I watched Duarte's Presidency from my computer and he seemed to be making some sound governing decisions.
I will say that recently someone was arrested for stealing several million pesos from a public fund. The kicker was that the crime actually took place 17 years ago. I'm pretty sure I haven't seen a criminal in the US pursued for that long for stealining money from a public fund. I found that impressive.
My wife was telling me about a scandal involving the Social Security system here, the couldn't figure out exactly who stole what so they fired everyone involved.
Russel Brand has a video out about food shortages very interesting.
I think the one world government people are behind a lot of these shortages.
For instance there is no shortage of baby formula here in the Philippines the shelves are full of baby formula everywhere we go shopping.

Low hanging fruit. Political theater. Marcos' father, Ferdinand Sr. stole an estimated $10 billion dollars in 1985 money. I have an aunt who worked on the Presidential Commission on Good Government. That's the government agency whose mission statement is to recover the ill-gotten wealth accumulated by the former president, his family, and associates. They have only been partially successful.

I am still dumbfounded that Filipinos elected the son of a dictator they deposed 35 years ago. Ferdinand Sr. set back that country's development decades. You made mention of the work ethic there. Ever wonder why the country is poor still? It has a large, well-educated population that speaks English. As a former colony it had extremely close relations with the US. Its economy should be one of the strongest in Asia and when Sr. took office it was. Yet despite its advantages, the Philippines has fallen behind in development behind Korea, Taiwan, and the tiny city-state of Singapore.

I think you may be experiencing a bit of the grass is greener syndrome. The Philippines is not a model of good governance.

07-15-22, 06:59
I'm certainly getting an education here.
You're right I'm old enough to remember watching the Marcos family leave the Philippines.
I'm also well aware of how backwards things here can be. I'm in Antipolo a suburb of Manila, it's almost 8pm and we haven't had water in the building since this morning. But if you walk outside you can see water coming up through a crack in the road, which I can only conclude is a cracked water line.
I'm pretty sure there is corruption and incompetence here. The issue of no running water makes that clear.

I did find the whole baby formula thing hilarious because as I'm hearing about a severe lack of baby formula in the U.S., I was standing in a grocery store with row upon row of baby formula.
I was very happy to see the signs recommending breast feeding instead of baby formula, right there in the isle next to the formula.
I think it's pretty clear now why Bill Gates is buying all that farm land. He wants control over food production.

07-15-22, 09:00
I'm certainly getting an education here.
You're right I'm old enough to remember watching the Marcos family leave the Philippines.
I'm also well aware of how backwards things here can be. I'm in Antipolo a suburb of Manila, it's almost 8pm and we haven't had water in the building since this morning. But if you walk outside you can see water coming up through a crack in the road, which I can only conclude is a cracked water line.
I'm pretty sure there is corruption and incompetence here. The issue of no running water makes that clear.

I did find the whole baby formula thing hilarious because as I'm hearing about a severe lack of baby formula in the U.S., I was standing in a grocery store with row upon row of baby formula.
I was very happy to see the signs recommending breast feeding instead of baby formula, right there in the isle next to the formula.
I think it's pretty clear now why Bill Gates is buying all that farm land. He wants control over food production.

Cracked water lines can result in pavement suddenly giving way into a sinkhole.

07-15-22, 10:03
Cracked water lines can result in pavement suddenly giving way into a sinkhole.

Yup, lots of cascade effects if water main leaks. Massive road damage, other utilities (like electric and gas) become undermined and break creating bigger problems, water damage, structural damage, ...

There is a reason competent water system operations have leak crews that respond to reports almost like emergency first responders.

07-15-22, 11:41
Sri Lanka is just the canary in the coalmine. As the USD continues to strengthen we're going to see more and more of this. Actually, we already are, but it's not making the news cycle very much. Ecuador, Armenia, and Albania are on the list. We're also likely to see a lot more elected officials resigning (Johnson and Draghi are already gone, Macron is on his way out, and Trudeau and Biden are on the chopping block). The dollar's not slowing down, so more than likely we're looking at a lot more full collapse and or party/coalition failures resulting in big name resignations.

07-15-22, 18:44
Russel Brand is putting out a lot of video's lately that touch on this subject, but just not directly.
His line of questions seems to connect big Pharma and the Farming Industry in cahoots.
I don't think he's keenly aware yet about the riots and massive shortages outside of his environment.
He does expose a lot of bad actors, corruption and bad practice's.
I always thought Russel was a Commie and a bit of an ass, but each time I watch he gets better.

07-15-22, 18:49
Sri Lanka is just the canary in the coalmine.

Problem is, so many people are too stoned to notice and think the canary just has a contact high.

07-15-22, 19:54
Getting loco in Cuba...


07-15-22, 22:50
Getting loco in Cuba...


Now there's an interesting study for someone. Find out in what ways the Eurodollar market is affecting Cuba, which has tried so hard to isolate itself from the dollar, and which we've tried so hard to cut off access to.

07-16-22, 18:13
The head of Goya foods has just said his expenses have increased 16% since Biden "Declared war on Fossil Fuel" he sited shipping. Fertilizer and fuel as the main culprits.

07-17-22, 08:51
The breaking point was outright ban on fertilizer... and food shortages. just like the Dutch are dealing with. Agenda 2030 anyone? Blow by blow is here


07-17-22, 16:56
The breaking point was outright ban on fertilizer... and food shortages. just like the Dutch are dealing with. Agenda 2030 anyone? Blow by blow is here


We've become so dependant on chemical fertilizers transitioning to natural fertilizer, needs to be done. The problem is yield expectations you have to develop the natural fertilizers before you can completely cut out the chemical.
I'm not sure how to do it, but someone needs to set expectations and slowly transition.
Like 80/20 then 60/40 etc.

07-17-22, 17:10
Same with electric. Wa ting everyone to drive electric with not chargers and a power grid that is already having g brown outs. This is where your carbon credits come into play... your gonna have to pump up the tires and ride to work.
Eventually we will have a Sim City Megametropolis and work in the same builds we live in

07-17-22, 20:16
We've become so dependant on chemical fertilizers transitioning to natural fertilizer, needs to be done. The problem is yield expectations you have to develop the natural fertilizers before you can completely cut out the chemical.
I'm not sure how to do it, but someone needs to set expectations and slowly transition.
Like 80/20 then 60/40 etc.

There's a shortage of chemical fertilizers, and I think more than anything this is the global economy simply deciding who the winners and losers are going to be. It's simply more palatable for officials to pretend its voluntary, especially since tyranny is rewarded with loyalty, while impotence is removed from office.

Another dirty little secret is that a lot of the world's farmland soil is depleted and can no longer produce yields even with chemical fertilizers. They might be trying to avert an eventual crisis, or the soil fertility crisis might already be taking these countries one by one. Again, more palatable to say we're not using chemicals for a good reason than to let people find out they're either not working or that they need lots more of them amid a global shortage.

07-17-22, 20:27
And this is why Farmers owning 1000 or so acres were so important to the system.
After the dust bowl Farmers became a lot more sensitive to protecting their land.
Now that we're factory farming, well, not so much.

07-18-22, 10:28
Should see some short term good meat prices as ranchers dumped their cattle. 2013-24 may not be as fruitful.
