View Full Version : Hunter Biden could face prostitution charges for transporting hookers

07-11-22, 14:51
What a quality guy. And broke gun laws, drug laws, etc and not a thing happens to him. His father bold faced lying that he had no knowledge of his kids biz dealings in Ukraine (gee, wonder what the connection to current conflict could be...) nothing happens to him:


07-11-22, 15:02
It's cute you think ANYTHING will happen to the crackhead, white trash, entitled, grifter. We should change your name to Don Quixote. :)

Alex V
07-11-22, 15:17
Nothing will ever happen to him.

07-11-22, 15:18
It's cute you think ANYTHING will happen to the crackhead, white trash, entitled, grifter. We should change your name to Don Quixote. :)

Did I say anything would happen? Pretty sure I indicated the opposite in my comments. Brandon should never have been POTUS due to his own record and that winner of a kid, but let's be honest in that it's not the first time the kid or relative of a sitting POTUS was a POS who got away with what ever they wanted to.

This POTUS kid may be the worse ever I can think of, but others may have a better memory then I do on that one.

07-11-22, 15:52
What a quality guy. And broke gun laws, drug laws, etc and not a thing happens to him. His father bold faced lying that he had no knowledge of his kids biz dealings in Ukraine (gee, wonder what the connection to current conflict could be...) nothing happens to him:


And I COULD be abducted by little green men........ both odds are about the same...

Coal Dragger
07-11-22, 15:57
You’re far more likely to be abducted by little green men, than anyone named Biden being held accountable for anything.

07-11-22, 16:00

07-11-22, 16:00
When he OD’s he will be the new poster child for the opioid epidemic and he will be celebrated with 8’ tall statues in parks.

07-11-22, 16:26
You’re far more likely to be abducted by little green men, than anyone named Biden being held accountable for anything.

You mean, we're more likely to see success in my bid to eradicate the Lawyer Plague via de-extinction and repopulation of Tyrannosaurus rex. :p

07-11-22, 16:50
Also he bought hookers in Ukraine? And who cares? That's like buying Time magazine at a newsstand.

So long as he didn't use US tax dollars I don't think there is even a crime. Hell when Obama was in Columbia his Secret Service tried to bill their hookers to the room.

07-11-22, 16:57
What about lying on a 4473??


07-11-22, 17:04
I don't think he has to worry about the Mann Act.

Outlander Systems
07-11-22, 17:12
Guys stop falling for Russian propaganda. Obviously the FSB made him smoke that crack.

Coal Dragger
07-11-22, 17:14
You mean, we're more likely to see success in my bid to eradicate the Lawyer Plague via de-extinction and repopulation of Tyrannosaurus rex. :p

That’s probably more likely than the little green men abduction. Geneticists and scientists will probably accomplish it sooner than later.

07-11-22, 17:38
I watched him weighing crack on YouTube last night. If you want some justice for all of this someone is going to have to turn this in to a "Do it yourself Project." Which actually, if you had nothing to lose sounds like a idea.

07-11-22, 19:51
I watched him weighing crack on YouTube last night. If you want some justice for all of this someone is going to have to turn this in to a "Do it yourself Project." Which actually, if you had nothing to lose sounds like a idea.

It's a shame he wasn't with Bill Cosby at the time, then you'd see some kind of response.


07-11-22, 20:13
It's a shame he wasn't with Bill Cosby at the time, then you'd see some kind of response.


Ain’t that the truth.

07-11-22, 20:26
I heard he has dirt on the Clintons.... Hillary are you aware..lol

07-11-22, 23:34
Hunter is small potatoes compared to the on going story that Joe is shaping up to be a traitorous toady for the CCP. Joe's selling the country out for "filthy lucre".


07-12-22, 00:00
Hunter is small potatoes compared to the on going story that Joe is shaping up to be a traitorous toady for the CCP. Joe's selling the country out for "filthy lucre".


He's got a long way to go to catch up with Bill Clinton who beefed up China's "favored nation trading status" and donated lost hard drives full of classified military info.

Even here Joe is just another "also ran."

07-12-22, 00:56
Hunters just a very weird crackhead that's walking the earth causing havoc.
He is the extremely rich version of the shi+head blocking traffic, mumbling to himself while he tries to "Wash?" your car windows
He's being used as a patsy by his Dad and Uncle and insulating both from serious prosecution.
He will become a liability and one of those girls he thinks is a teenage hooker will kill him deader than a doornail.
You know I don't have any sympathy for him but in some Shakespearean sort of way he might be considered a tragic character.
I just see him as something sad that I would be sure to thoroughly wipe off my boot before I walked inside.

07-12-22, 09:53
If you want some justice for all of this someone is going to have to turn this in to a "Do it yourself Project."

You're not wrong. Sad state of affairs in a civilization supposedly built on the "rule of law" that laws can be so obviously violated with no consequences for anyone at all.

07-13-22, 08:34
I don't get this guy. Every time I buy hookers and smoke crack with them and then argue about the money, I stop filming.

07-13-22, 08:45
I don't get this guy. Every time I buy hookers and smoke crack with them and then argue about the money, I stop filming.

People are complex and so are their motivations. Some aspect of him wants people to see it, be it to make him stop (serial killers do that too), get dads attention, etc. That much is clear. I don't personally care what he does, and as a libertarian oriented type don't care what drugs he does or sex workers he wants to party with (which should be legal as it's between consenting adults) and so forth. The the only part that pisses me off is the double standards and hypocrisy of it as "Right for me and not for thee" and he or his worthless racist corrupt father moralizing at the rest of us.

I say party on Hunter if that's what he wants do, and it's his price to pay for doing it. But, get out of jail free card, dad hooking him up to get paid millions from a job he is a figure head for, dad lying about knowing anything about it, etc is my issue.

Trump's kids got endless crap and seemed like hard working intelligent people who don't appear at least to just rely on Dads contacts to make their $, and don't video tape their personal life as a cry for attention.

Your mileage may vary.

07-13-22, 08:58
And I COULD be abducted by little green men........ both odds are about the same...

Nope. They're lizards. Lizards. We've told you this.

07-13-22, 09:13
Nope. They're lizards. Lizards. We've told you this.

One can be abducted by Grey Aliens (grey, not green...) and not be Lizards. The Q is, do Grey's abduct Lizards?!

07-13-22, 09:23
One can be abducted by Grey Aliens (grey, not green...) and not be Lizards. The Q is, do Grey's abduct Lizards?!

You just blew my mind. :cool:

07-13-22, 09:44
You just blew my mind. :cool:

That's my job yo. :neo:

07-13-22, 23:49
So Hunter and the big guy can do shady dealings with Chinese business partners and nothing happens but the best he can be gotten on is busing around Euro hookers?

We’re so screwed. Lol.

07-14-22, 20:50
Pretty much !

07-15-22, 02:28
So Hunter and the big guy can do shady dealings with Chinese business partners and nothing happens but the best he can be gotten on is busing around Euro hookers?

We’re so screwed. Lol.

And Al Capone went down for tax evasion.
People actually witnessed Al kill a guy with a baseball bat, but the best they could do was tax evasion, in the end it was good enough.

07-15-22, 08:03
And Al Capone went down for tax evasion.
People actually witnessed Al kill a guy with a baseball bat, but the best they could do was tax evasion, in the end it was good enough.

They are too focused on finding any possible way or reason to prevent the orange guy from running again to give a damn about the hookers and crack use of the son of a sitting POTUS.

07-15-22, 08:57
The only reason Hunter hasn't been busted is because he's Joe Bidens son.
Joe's getting up there in years and I don't think he's going to be there five years from now.
Democrats being Democrats, once Joe's gone, Hunter and Joe's brother better be cooling their heels somewhere that the US can't extradite from.
I'm sure political careers could be made prosecuting those two muppets.

07-17-22, 05:32
So is there a possibility of a very strange connection between Abe Shinzo getting executed and Hunter Biden running deal with the Chinese for petroleum?

I don't think Abe would be happy with that deal going through.