View Full Version : New York PSA For Nuclear Strike

07-11-22, 17:48
We gettin close yall.


07-11-22, 17:50
Are they expecting rain or something?

07-11-22, 18:00
Well I'm pretty sure there's a bullseye on New York City. I'm also pretty sure you can expect multiple hits if this ever goes down so...
All of that advice wouldn't really be worth a hill of beans in reality.
If you're in New York City for the big one you might be better off dying quickly sitting nude in the middle of Central Park rather than delaying the painful inevitably of dying from radiation, hunger or being crushed under a highrise as the domino's collapse.

07-11-22, 18:46
Well I would say because you all (not me) wanted to save Ukraine, the democrats deep state playground.

Evnjoy..Enjoy... Russian nuclear sub was on the move.

07-11-22, 19:00
Didn’t watch video, but the “follow media” bullet point almost made me shoot beer out my nose.

07-11-22, 19:29
LOL. They got NOTHING on 1984 and 1984 has NOTHING on 1962.

NYC? Get comfortable, ya'll are just smoked no matter what.

And "sign up for media"? What f'ing internet do they think is gonna still be up after a nuke strike?

I recommend your favorite brew and some shades cause it's gonna be bright for a couple minutes.

07-11-22, 19:39
Well I would say because you all (not me) wanted to save Ukraine, the democrats deep state playground.

Enjoy..Enjoy... Russian nuclear sub was on the move.

Some of us already knew


07-11-22, 19:48
I'm sorry..this can't be serious. It has to be a joke or the stupid just run waaaay higher than anyone thought possible.
A nuclear strike on NYC is basically an apocalyptic event in the rest of the country, it will be an every man for himself, protect your family, hunker down and hope the next one isn't near your home town. Doubt any one is going to work or showing up for the hospital, fire, electric company, LE shift. Read 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy just to get a hint.

07-11-22, 19:50
LOL. They got NOTHING on 1984 and 1984 has NOTHING on 1962.

NYC? Get comfortable, ya'll are just smoked no matter what.

And "sign up for media"? What f'ing internet do they think is gonna still be up after a nuke strike?

I recommend your favorite brew and some shades cause it's gonna be bright for a couple minutes.

We were cleaning my grandparents home after hurricane Rita and I came across a Walther PP with a magazine full of corroded ammo in it. Asked gramps about it and he paused for a second and then said it was to put everyone down in the event missiles started hitting the gulf coast area. He traded his brother his only shotgun for the pistol.
I asked if everyone was that scared during the CMC, and his answer was a solid yes. Damn, I miss that old man.RIP

07-11-22, 19:57
We were cleaning my grandparents home after hurricane Rita and I came across a Walther PP with a magazine full of corroded ammo in it. Asked gramps about it and he paused for a second and then said it was to put everyone down in the event missiles started hitting the gulf coast area. He traded his brother his only shotgun for the pistol.
I asked if everyone was that scared and his answer was a solid yes. Damn, I miss that old man.RIP

62 was no joke. My grandfather built a fallout shelter, having been in the AAC he had some understanding of what people were actually talking about. He was definitely concerned. The Cuban Missile Crisis could have went hot a hundred different ways.

Early 80s was no joke, we worried about War Games and The Day After, but had no idea how close we came in 1983 with Abel Archer. That there isn't a statue of Stanislav Petrov anywhere is criminal, he is literally the ONE GUY who realized "this is a mistake" and deliberately did NOT do what he was supposed to do and almost certainly prevented a full scale exchange with the US.


Most people today don't realize we came that close.

Straight Shooter
07-11-22, 20:03
I'm sorry..this can't be serious. It has to be a joke or the stupid just run waaaay higher than anyone thought possible.
A nuclear strike on NYC is basically an apocalyptic event in the rest of the country, it will be an every man for himself, protect your family, hunker down and hope the next one isn't near your home town. Doubt any one is going to work or showing up for the hospital, fire, electric company, LE shift. Read 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy just to get a hint.

I bet they are 100% serious. What do most people know about anything anymore outside of a cell phone or social media? Especially the 30 & under bunch. Theyll be twerkin & takin selfies & wondering about the Kardashians as missles fall.
They literally dont even know that possibility exists in the book you mentioned..or my fav One Second After. They think its a movie. They wouldnt have two days of supplies on them.

07-11-22, 20:12
Some of us already knew


You even spell corrected the quote, thank you sir.

07-11-22, 21:11
62 was no joke. My grandfather built a fallout shelter, having been in the AAC he had some understanding of what people were actually talking about. He was definitely concerned. The Cuban Missile Crisis could have went hot a hundred different ways.

Early 80s was no joke, we worried about War Games and The Day After, but had no idea how close we came in 1983 with Abel Archer. That there isn't a statue of Stanislav Petrov anywhere is criminal, he is literally the ONE GUY who realized "this is a mistake" and deliberately did NOT do what he was supposed to do and almost certainly prevented a full scale exchange with the US.


Most people today don't realize we came that close.

Indeed. That man should have been awarded both a Gold Star and a DSC for singlehandedly preventing WWIII.

07-11-22, 21:50
IThey wouldnt have two days of supplies on them.

Hell even in South Florida, where there is a hurricane season every year, I was constantly amazed by people who didn't have more than two days of food on hand. We went three weeks one time with no power and it was almost 10 days before somebody got a gas station up and running to feed generators. I had a month plus or so of emergency food (MRE's and such) and I was shocked by how many people had zip after a few days.

Even more shocking was how many people still weren't prepared when we got the power knocked out the following year by a hurricane. They literally learned NOTHING. Six cars in the driveway but no f'ing food. Unreal. There were maybe three houses in a four block radius that were actually self sustaining after a storm. Everyone else was in the middle of the road the next day asking everyone else what they think they should do.

I moved my grill to the driveway so the neighbors (who had kids) and I could do things and make it seem like a cookout rather than an emergency and not stress the kids so hard. So there we are sitting in lawn chairs grilling hot dogs and I swear to christ people start walking up the driveway thinking it was some kind of neighborhood "free food" event. I had to actually get extra rude with a few shitheads who started giving me crap about letting them go hungry while I had a pan "full of hotdogs."

Every day was an exercise in self control and not pounding the shit out of some entitlement asshole who feels you somehow owe him "free food" because you actually planned ahead while he bought a bass system for his car that could be heard for 1/3 of a mile.

Straight Shooter
07-11-22, 22:31
Hell even in South Florida, where there is a hurricane season every year, I was constantly amazed by people who didn't have more than two days of food on hand. We went three weeks one time with no power and it was almost 10 days before somebody got a gas station up and running to feed generators. I had a month plus or so of emergency food (MRE's and such) and I was shocked by how many people had zip after a few days.

Even more shocking was how many people still weren't prepared when we got the power knocked out the following year by a hurricane. They literally learned NOTHING. Six cars in the driveway but no f'ing food. Unreal. There were maybe three houses in a four block radius that were actually self sustaining after a storm. Everyone else was in the middle of the road the next day asking everyone else what they think they should do.

I moved my grill to the driveway so the neighbors (who had kids) and I could do things and make it seem like a cookout rather than an emergency and not stress the kids so hard. So there we are sitting in lawn chairs grilling hot dogs and I swear to christ people start walking up the driveway thinking it was some kind of neighborhood "free food" event. I had to actually get extra rude with a few shitheads who started giving me crap about letting them go hungry while I had a pan "full of hotdogs."

Every day was an exercise in self control and not pounding the shit out of some entitlement asshole who feels you somehow owe him "free food" because you actually planned ahead while he bought a bass system for his car that could be heard for 1/3 of a mile.

See, youre bringing up stuff that Im preaching NOW to people close to me- had a conversation yesterday about this subject, having to defend what youve got, and eventually not being able to "help" anyone should something bad go into long term.
Why people in hurricane country dont have pre-cut panels for each window..a stash of supplies ready & fresh at the start of each hurricane season Ive NEVER understood.
My friend I just talked to in Oklahoma..when he built his house a few years back..FIRST THING built was the tornado shelter. Smart I told him.
Except for just a few- I advise nobody on nothing anymore. NOBODY CARES-furthermore nobody thinks anything "bad" is REALLY gonna happen. And my sweet Lord I wish them to be right. But they just arent. And Im prepping my extended family NOW..telling them I DONT have guns, ammo, food, water, water filters, lightings, ect to give them should something happen. STOP going to "the beach" & Disneyland every time I turn around and start getting ready for hard times. They just WONT.
Your experience with the "free food" crowd reminded me of the well known saying "We are only 9 meals from anarchy". What if they hadnt eaten in several days? Or a week or more?
The level of "persuasion" you would have had to use would be greatly amplified, you think?

Straight Shooter
07-11-22, 22:32
We were cleaning my grandparents home after hurricane Rita and I came across a Walther PP with a magazine full of corroded ammo in it. Asked gramps about it and he paused for a second and then said it was to put everyone down in the event missiles started hitting the gulf coast area. He traded his brother his only shotgun for the pistol.
I asked if everyone was that scared during the CMC, and his answer was a solid yes. Damn, I miss that old man.RIP

That man had some STONES.

07-11-22, 22:41
See, youre bringing up stuff that Im preaching NOW to people close to me- had a conversation yesterday about this subject, having to defend what youve got, and eventually not being able to "help" anyone should something bad go into long term.
Why people in hurricane country dont have pre-cut panels for each window..a stash of supplies ready & fresh at the start of each hurricane season Ive NEVER understood.
My friend I just talked to in Oklahoma..when he built his house a few years back..FIRST THING built was the tornado shelter. Smart I told him.
Except for just a few- I advise nobody on nothing anymore. NOBODY CARES-furthermore nobody thinks anything "bad" is REALLY gonna happen. And my sweet Lord I wish them to be right. But they just arent. And Im prepping my extended family NOW..telling them I DONT have guns, ammo, food, water, water filters, lightings, ect to give them should something happen. STOP going to "the beach" & Disneyland every time I turn around and start getting ready for hard times. They just WONT.
Your experience with the "free food" crowd reminded me of the well known saying "We are only 9 meals from anarchy". What if they hadnt eaten in several days? Or a week or more?
The level of "persuasion" you would have had to use would be greatly amplified, you think?

The only good news is they have less ammo than food. If it all fell down, I already arrived at the fact that some preemptive shooting was going to happen.

07-12-22, 01:16
They are really itching for an "event" aren't they....

Didn’t watch video, but the “follow media” bullet point almost made me shoot beer out my nose.

"You got this!"


No, ain't nobody 'got this'.

07-12-22, 04:01
They are really itching for an "event" aren't they....

"You got this!"


No, ain't nobody 'got this'.

Yeah, but with my Level IIIA plates I'm pretty good to go right?

07-12-22, 05:23
I don't know what to say having watched about half of that cartoon reenactment of a nuclear bomb, I'm just...
I don't know of it was the cartoon or the voice, but I just don't think a lot of people "Get It".
It's not going to be one bomb, it's going to be bomb, rinse, repeat for hours and perhaps days.
Nobody's coming your just going to kind of melt in to the same primordial goo we emerged from.

07-12-22, 05:47
I don't know what to say having watched about half of that cartoon reenactment of a nuclear bomb, I'm just...
I don't know of it was the cartoon or the voice, but I just don't think a lot of people "Get It".
It's not going to be one bomb, it's going to be bomb, rinse, repeat for hours and perhaps days.
Nobody's coming your just going to kind of melt in to the same primordial goo we emerged from.

Like I said grab your shades and enjoy your favorite cold one if time permits.

And honestly unless you live in the middle of nowhere, and are like 1,000 miles away from the max perimeter of the nearest event AND are not downwind AND you somehow have self sustaining animal or food crops AND somehow manage to get overlooked by the violent opportunists...you are still gonna have a major struggle that you may decide isn't worth doing day after day sometime in the future.

Late 80s I got my hands on the actual military NBC books and realized all that Red Dawn shit was a fairy tale. Sure there are places where you can go underground in hardened facilities that are stocked for 20 years that should function and sustain life. But you are going to live in a tube for 20 years, and what's it gonna be like when you finally come out one day?

This is one area where I will allow the government their fairy tails, not in terms of real world tensions, but what life might be like after. No sense in telling them "you don't have a chance, you won't be able to save anyone you love, best option is near ground zero."

07-12-22, 07:16
May be hard to drop a missle on NYC, but I reckon it would be easy to walk it in inside a suitcase, guess that's called a dirty bomb or something. Personally think it's not a good idea to mess with a dying man with a temper and nukes. But some want to empty all our resources and dump billions into the most corrupt country on the planet. GG bruh

07-12-22, 08:07
Lot of people are really stupid when it comes to nukes, just heard yesterday that "OMG being nuked will make global warming so much worse" when reality is it would cure it, google nuclear winter. Also all those years of listening to people make fun of "duck and cover" without realizing it was to protect from flying glass caused by the blast wave. Nukes are just another weapon and like all weapons there is a zone where you are going to die, there is a zone that is survivable if you do the right thing and then there are zones that will be unaffected. But that PSA is a joke, there are lots of basements and subways in NYC but too many people and they are no longer stocked with barrels of crackers and water.

07-12-22, 08:13
My Dad did high level commo stuff for the Military when I was a kid.
We were in Minot ND. On an Air Force Base. The alarm blew and the B52's rolled to the end of the runway, stopped and were turned around and the went back in to their huge garage like bunkers.
I remember asking my Dad about it and he said if you ever see them take off, it's the last thing you'll ever see.
I remember my Dad buying a pump for a massive fish tank that was advertised as " Guaranteed Until the Year 2000" The old Man said, "Well I doubt we will be here then anyway".

07-12-22, 08:19
May be hard to drop a missle on NYC, but I reckon it would be easy to walk it in inside a suitcase, guess that's called a dirty bomb or something. Personally think it's not a good idea to mess with a dying man with a temper and nukes. But some want to empty all our resources and dump billions into the most corrupt country on the planet. GG bruh

Not hard at all we have no defense that will stop a serious attack, Iran or North Korea could pull it off with just a few reliable weapons but EMP would be a bigger bang for a buck. You would have to be some kind of stupid to waste a nuke on NYC unless you are Russia or China and have plenty to spare.

07-12-22, 09:37
Lot of people are really stupid when it comes to nukes, just heard yesterday that "OMG being nuked will make global warming so much worse" .

These lunatics are so beholden to their whacked out brainwashed cult beliefs... everything is tied back to their nutty construct.

07-12-22, 10:42
Bandaid on a sucking chest wound. Just enough to say "we addressed the issue, and issued warnings!" to cover their ass if it comes to it. Of course, by that point most folks will be more worried about fighting the radroaches for the Radaway than blaming politicians, but you know how the state operates.

07-12-22, 14:20
May be hard to drop a missle on NYC, but I reckon it would be easy to walk it in inside a suitcase, guess that's called a dirty bomb or something. Personally think it's not a good idea to mess with a dying man with a temper and nukes. But some want to empty all our resources and dump billions into the most corrupt country on the planet. GG bruh

NYC would be one of the easiest targets.

07-12-22, 14:38
Let them vaporize the entire left coast and everything north of PA and we would have a chance at a better country.

07-12-22, 14:41
Let them vaporize the entire left coast and everything north of PA and we would have a chance at a better country.

Frankly, you could achieve the same result by just giving a few tumors Radiation Therapy instead of indiscriminately lopping off entire limbs.

07-12-22, 15:00
Yeah, but with my Level IIIA plates I'm pretty good to go right?
Only if you have the FR rated uniform and balaclava to go with it... :laugh:


07-12-22, 16:30
Frankly, you could achieve the same result by just giving a few tumors Radiation Therapy instead of indiscriminately lopping off entire limbs.Not when the cancer is rapidly expanding beyond control.

07-12-22, 16:53
Let them vaporize the entire left coast and everything north of PA and we would have a chance at a better country.

I've often thought it'd be nice if they got rid of New York and LA. But some of the shit rats would make it out unfortunately.

07-12-22, 18:07
Let them vaporize the entire left coast and everything north of PA and we would have a chance at a better country.

Will you have the same opinion when your zip code goes blue? Lots of innocent bystanders in those areas.

07-12-22, 18:10
I've often thought it'd be nice if they got rid of New York and LA. But some of the shit rats would make it out unfortunately.

So seriously, we are the crowd that says "blame the criminal, not the gun" but some of us want to blame the longitude / latitude and not the specific people making those areas suck.

07-12-22, 18:22
Thing is, pretty much everywhere is "close enough" to something.

Just off the top of my head I can think of 3 extremely likely targets and a handful of "maybes" within a hundred miles or so of my house. And I live in the middle of nowhere.

Johnny Rico
07-12-22, 18:34
Thing is, pretty much everywhere is "close enough" to something.

Just off the top of my head I can think of 3 extremely likely targets and a handful of "maybes" within a hundred miles or so of my house. And I live in the middle of nowhere.

The only thing that kept us safe in the nuclear age was MAD. But what happens when your adversary DGAF?

07-12-22, 18:40
The only thing that kept us safe in the nuclear age was MAD. But what happens when your adversary DGAF?

People used to say that about Reagan. But one thing Putin does care about is how he goes down in history, he wanted to go down as the man who rebuilt the Russian Empire. Also he's not the only person in Russia, if it looks like he's gonna "Joe Biden" they will take him out of power. Always somebody waiting for your chair in Russia.

07-12-22, 19:09
The only thing that kept us safe in the nuclear age was MAD. But what happens when your adversary DGAF?

Worse yet, what happens when everybody knows one side won't Turn Keys, whether in a mutiny against Trump or because Biden orders a nationwide Bend Over Grab Ankles in reply to Chinese threat?

07-12-22, 19:49
Will you have the same opinion when your zip code goes blue? Lots of innocent bystanders in those areas.My zip code is blue (union idiots) but the state is purple, it flips back and fourth every election cycle.
If the state goes blue I would be forced to leave.
Once we retire we are leaving anyway.

07-12-22, 21:43
Will you have the same opinion when your zip code goes blue? Lots of innocent bystanders in those areas.

Ok, how about DC. Can we all agree that DC is acceptable collateral damage?

07-12-22, 23:44
Ok, how about DC. Can we all agree that DC is acceptable collateral damage?

I should probably remind myself we are speaking figuratively, but it's sometimes troubling to read about people wanting to nuke entire populations based solely on geography. Every once in awhile someone comes along with a literal application like the OKC bombings where they thought they were attacking the US government gone rogue but really just managed to kill a bunch of regular people lucky enough to have government jobs and a day care full of kids.

I'm sure I do it to all the time.

07-13-22, 08:43
Only one step was necessary in the video. Bend over and kiss your butt goodbye.

07-13-22, 08:59
Aside from the tactical application of direct strikes, US population centers are unlikely to be directly targeted in a nuclear exchange with a near pear adversary. The EMP scenario described in the Congressional EMP Commission's report is much more likely, in my estimation.

Russia, or whomever, can EMP the entire nation with as few as 1 or 2 high yield warheads, from 3-500 miles above the surface. Strategically, this seems like a logical first wave attack, which can then be followed by targeted strikes on tactically significant targets. According to the report, the specific details of which I don't recall ATM, but which can easily be looked up, the EMP from a single 1.5 MT device can disable around 90% of infrastructure. The 12 month projected mortality was estimated at between 50 and 90%. Pretty horrific scenario, and by far the easiest to carry out. Heck, the Russians have probably had bombs disguised as satellites in orbit for 30 years. Wouldn't take much at all.

07-13-22, 11:37
Who knows if our, or Russia's, target packages have changed over the decades since the wall fell. There were a lot of Soviet targets that have since been destroyed or made portable, or rendered obsolete.

07-13-22, 12:13
PSA for NYC? Keep it simple. Crack a cold beer then stick your head between your legs and kiss your backside goodbye.

07-13-22, 12:21
If they really want to live the cold war glory days at least bring back The Day After, Special Bulletin, and War Games. Let's add another two armor divisions and three infantry division to the army, and plug the Fulda Gap.

07-13-22, 12:29
In reality this PSA is more distraction than anything. Pure politics.

"Don't think about rising crime! Ignore runaway inflation! Who cares if recession is coming! The Russians might nuke us any second!"

"You must trust Dear Leader to keep you safe. Put your faith in Him and we Righteous Few. We will keep you safe and steer you to the proper course. Follow blindly, without thought or doubt, your very lives are in the balance."