View Full Version : Marilyn Manson v. Evan Rachel Wood

07-13-22, 17:37
This defamation suit is flying under the mainstream radar but is getting crazier than Depp v. Heard with all of its sordid details, especially if it goes to trial. Coincidentally, Manson is named as the godfather of Depp’s daughter.

Unless you were sleeping during the 1990s-2000s you know how polarizing a figure Manson was. Aside from being accused of contributing to several suicides and the Columbine shooting, he's always been a weird sadomasochist type freak in my eyes. I never cared to listed to his music nor watch anything he was a part of.

Now take Wood who by all accounts, besides making some terrible judgement calls like dating Manson when she was 18 years old, seems she could have a decent head on her shoulders. She doesn't seem to be near the basket case Heard turned out to be.

Wood and several other women have recently accused Manson of abuse. Wood accused him of rape, physical abuse and antisemitism. Manson's record label dropped him as a result. Manson states the claims are "distortions".

Manson's current wife threatened to expose some compromising photos of Wood, who was raised Jewish, which supposedly show her dressed in a Nazi uniform and sporting a Hitler style toothbrush mustache. Wood claimed the photos were taken while she was young and under the influence of alcohol and Manson.

Manson's suit against Wood and another woman claims the women impersonated FBI agents and claims they hacked Manson's phone and several of his computer accounts. He also claims he was a victim of "swatting" due to false allegations. He questions why Wood is coming forward now after being quiet for a decade.

After Wood’s and Manson’s breakup, he admitted to calling her over 150 times, slashing himself with a razor blade and fantasizing about bashing her head in with a sledgehammer. He also admitted to a woman turning purple while choking during what he calls a bondage fantasy gone wrong.


07-13-22, 17:57
Yeah, but did she shit in his bed? :dance3:

07-13-22, 21:19
Anyone who knowingly gets involved with Marilyn Manson is crazy on some level.

I love Dita, but she was sorta nuts, she married the crazy f'er. At least she was sane enough to leave his ass when he started beating on her and didn't ask for a dime. She just left.

07-13-22, 23:40
Anyone who knowingly gets involved with Marilyn Manson is crazy on some level.

I love Dita, but she was sorta nuts, she married the crazy f'er. At least she was sane enough to leave his ass when he started beating on her and didn't ask for a dime. She just left.

Yeah, I don’t get why women keep getting involved with him but I guess because they can.

His wife now is a 37 year old photographer and fairly wealthy herself. A friend of hers is claiming he beats her too. Rinse and repeat.

07-13-22, 23:50
Yeah, I don’t get why women keep getting involved with him but I guess because they can.

His wife now is a 37 year old photographer and fairly wealthy herself. A friend of hers is claiming he beats her too. Rinse and repeat.

You don't have to be a used to be fringe rock star to get this kind of attention from women.
Lots of cra-cra crazy ex cons, alcoholics and hard core drug users are pulling in women you wouldn't believe.
I actually think a lot of them thrive on being used and abused. Like the only way for her to prove her love is to be sporting a black eye at the PTA Meeting.
I've never understood it, but at 60+ years old I can't begin to tell you how many times I've seen it happen.
Manson's not special, he just has a bigger spotlight than most.

07-14-22, 00:22
You don't have to be a used to be fringe rock star to get this kind of attention from women.
Lots of cra-cra crazy ex cons, alcoholics and hard core drug users are pulling in women you wouldn't believe.
I actually think a lot of them thrive on being used and abused. Like the only way for her to prove her love is to be sporting a black eye at the PTA Meeting.
I've never understood it, but at 60+ years old I can't begin to tell you how many times I've seen it happen.
Manson's not special, he just has a bigger spotlight than most.

They must like it, I stop caring...have fun dumbass. Try it with my daughter and see what happens.

07-14-22, 00:43
You don't have to be a used to be fringe rock star to get this kind of attention from women.
Lots of cra-cra crazy ex cons, alcoholics and hard core drug users are pulling in women you wouldn't believe.
I actually think a lot of them thrive on being used and abused. Like the only way for her to prove her love is to be sporting a black eye at the PTA Meeting.
I've never understood it, but at 60+ years old I can't begin to tell you how many times I've seen it happen.
Manson's not special, he just has a bigger spotlight than most.

They must like it, I stop caring...have fun dumbass. Try it with my daughter and see what happens.

I see where he has that pattern of smooth talking groomer then turns into the POS he really is. I could see an 18 year old getting sucked into that easier than a 30 year old.

He’s going broke too so he has to go after somebody with money. Like the opposite of female gold digger. I think he loses large on this.

Most of the time I’m glad I don’t have kids. Especially daughters.

07-14-22, 10:01
This defamation suit is flying under the mainstream radar but is getting crazier than Depp v. Heard with all of its sordid details, especially if it goes to trial. Coincidentally, Manson is named as the godfather of Depp’s daughter.

Only thing I can add is, I thought his music sucked, and figured he was a smooth brained vapid idiot type and ignored him all around. Then I heard him in an interview, and realized he's a very smart articulate person who had some interesting things to say. I would still not be surprised if he was not totally FUBAR in his relationships as so many of the "creative" types often are when there's little to no limiters on them.