View Full Version : Hippo attacks lions in water

07-15-22, 18:00

Those fat ass things swim FAST! Hell, it left a wake behind it. Apparently they kill more humans per year than any other animal in Africa.....did not know that. The one lion was like "Fvck this" and turned around.

Straight Shooter
07-15-22, 18:09
King O' the Jungle dont translate to water apparently! Them cats spread out in a hurry..very funny.
I just saw a video of one chasing a motorboat..and I mean that big SOB was cutting a trail for a LONG way. The African driver kept gassin & gassin that little boat, looking over his shoulder the whole time. I couldnt believe how fast & how far & how MAD that hippo chased that boat. Ill post it if I can find it again.

Johnny Rico
07-15-22, 18:22
Not surprising if you think about it. Hippos call the water home, big cats not so much.

What's surprising is that even crocodiles give hippos a wide berth. At least the smart ones do.


07-15-22, 18:24
Probably protecting young Hippos nearby. The real natural world isn't a Disney movie.

A bit surprised that they kill more humans than any other animal, would have assumed that would be Capes. Of course more people know to leave a Cape Buffalo alone and think Hippos are a Disney cartoon.

07-15-22, 18:27
Interesting that in Zoos, they are pretty docile.

07-15-22, 18:29
Probably protecting young Hippos nearby. The real natural world isn't a Disney movie.

A bit surprised that they kill more humans than any other animal, would have assumed that would be Capes. Of course more people know to leave a Cape Buffalo alone and think Hippos are a Disney cartoon.

I Googled it just now to check that info and as far as Africa is concerned it is true. It did say of "large" animals that was the case, so not sure how that is designed. But yeah, I was surprised too.

07-15-22, 18:43
I always thought the leopard should be removed from the "Big 5" and replaced with the hippo, they kill more people every year and are not to be trifled with.

07-15-22, 19:56
Oh yeah, Hippos are no joke, they've been known to kill Crocs too.

07-15-22, 20:15
Hippos and Cape Buffalo are two of the most dangerous animals in Africa...or the world for that matter. Just because they don't want to eat you doesn't mean they don't want to kill you.

Hippos vs. lions in any situation is a pretty fair fight. In the water, the advantage shifts GREATLY to the hippos!

07-15-22, 20:53
Interesting that in Zoos, they are pretty docile.

Out in the wild yhey are very territorial from what I understand.

07-15-22, 21:18
Territorial for sure. Water can be in short supply at times and they want to keep what they have. Super strong bite force and big ole chompers do well at poking holes in things.