View Full Version : You WILL eat the bugs... starting with the Navy

07-17-22, 08:02
Navy, soy and bugs. Surely this will help recruiting. Remember, bill gates is buying land for investments only!

07-17-22, 09:30
I’ve always found Navy chow to be pretty good. I’ve eaten a lot of it, particularly at Dory Miller’s. My only complaints are repetition, and that one time we got midrats instead of tacos at dinner on a tuesday. Messed up my internal clock for like a week. Didn’t watch the video. Is this reported in Navy Times or anything, or just in outrage-porn videos? I’ll be eating it again for a while shortly.

07-17-22, 10:00
It's in the NDAA. You won't eat a cricket, but maybe ground up into a crust and served as pizza. Sort like Costco Cauliflower crust pizza. BTW that pizza is great for a frozen pizza

john armond
07-17-22, 11:11
I linked an article in another thread about a factory in Canada that is breeding crickets solely for food production.

07-17-22, 12:12
Soylent green is next, & the military will undoubtedly be experimented upon with that first by a libtard administration!


07-17-22, 13:57
Navy chow is not bad at all, Air Force chow is the best. We used to sneak into the Kadena enlisted chow hall. Amazing food.

I got food poisoning four times while enlisted. I'm talking two trips to the BAS, and other times were stays in the base hospital. All four times, it was something I ate in a Marine Corps chow hall.

Went through different schools all over the planet. Ate rats, snakes, monkeys, mice, bats, dogs, worms, bugs. Even a rotting alligator carcass. No issues.

But eat a plate of SOS that PFC Schmuckatelli washed his socks in? Running like a firehose at both ends, and lost 20 pounds literally overnight.

I'll take Navy chow, even afloat.

07-17-22, 14:19
Navy chow is not bad at all, Air Force chow is the best. We used to sneak into the Kadena enlisted chow hall. Amazing food.

I got food poisoning four times while enlisted. I'm talking two trips to the BAS, and other times were stays in the base hospital. All four times, it was something I ate in a Marine corps chow hall.

Went through different schools all over the planet. Ate rats, snakes, monkeys, mice, bats, dogs, worms, bugs. Even a rotting alligator carcass. No issues.

But eat a plate of SOS that PFC Schmuckatelli washed his socks in? Running like a firehose at both ends, and lost 20 pounds literally overnight.

I'll take Navy chow, even afloat.

In order:

Varies by organization, too. SOF eats classier and more, generally. U-boats also serve good food.

Much of last month I ate conventional Army chow. It wasn’t bad, although it gets old.

07-17-22, 15:14
It was all about what Chow hall you went to when I was in. Example in Pendleton Las Pulgas sucked but it was 4 minutes from the barracks. If we were heading out in town Del Mar had a great chow hall. I was on LHD-6 twice and the food sucked. But there were close to 3000 sailors and Marines on board and 2/3 of the mess beck were “conscripted” Marines and trust me none of us wanted to be there and our performance showed it. I was in the scullery for a month and no matter what the tray or plate looked like we considered it clean and sent it out. Moran (?) AFB in Spain where the C5 we were on stopped had the best chow I ever had besides the SGT running the check in who wanted to be a dick tell our Gunny told him where to stick it. Even the box lunch’s we bought for something like 5$ were excellent. FOB Falcon in Iraq had good food for a FOB.

07-17-22, 15:28
It is my understanding submariners get some of the best chow in the military, though it is nothing compared to the top brass at their social galas, but that is a different deal. They'll still be eating filet mignon while the peons are being served up bugs.

07-17-22, 15:48
Good chow is a serious motivator

07-17-22, 17:23
It is my understanding submariners get some of the best chow in the military, though it is nothing compared to the top brass at their social galas, but that is a different deal. They'll still be eating filet mignon while the peons are being served up bugs.

Even among dudes with stars, chow can be variable. Many just eat whatever their Aide-de-Camp grabs from the chow hall or their wife cooks from the commissary, or whatever their large paychecks can handle on TDY. There may be a slight bit less decadence than you think.

07-17-22, 17:48
Navy chow is not bad at all, Air Force chow is the best.

USAF is the best in a lot of quality of life aspects.

Even among dudes with stars, chow can be variable. Many just eat whatever their Aide-de-Camp grabs from the chow hall or their wife cooks from the commissary, or whatever their large paychecks can handle on TDY. There may be a slight bit less decadence than you think.

Someone gave my mom coupons one time while she was digging through the clearance meat section at the commissary. She’s a very good cook and my dad was the highest ranking on that base but the person said something along the lines of her probably needing it more than them haha.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-18-22, 07:24
Perhaps my reading comprehension is slacking, but I’m unable to find the line in the NDAA that says “bugs for Sea-People chow”. Can someone point it out for me?

Outlander Systems
07-18-22, 08:36

07-18-22, 12:26

Cricket chips... be sure to start reading Your ingredients

07-18-22, 14:27
Ah, thanks for that!
At least it's not people.

07-18-22, 15:02
Soylent green is next, & the military will undoubtedly be experimented upon with that first by a libtard administration!


There is really a Soylent food company. I saw their green protein drink in the local stop-n-rob a few years ago and kinda went WTF?

They apparently get the joke.

Gotta wonder how much in the way of fancy chemicals are in these imitation meat products? What kind of processing do they need. Bet that's REAL good for ya.

I mean the cows in my meadow, you gotta cut em, then they are meat. They taste like meat, texture is like meat. I'm guessing this other stuff is a little more complicated.

Outlander Systems
07-18-22, 15:07

There is really a Soylent food company. I saw their green protein drink in the local stop-n-rob a few years ago and kinda went WTF?

07-18-22, 17:08
Naaah I can deal with a lot of unpleasantness but bugs on any level are a big NO for me.
We ended Desert Storm parked on The Highway of Death. You could walk a good 400 meters or more in any direction just stepping from body to body.
About 72 hours later they brought Chow up. All I needed to see was one fly land on my food and I couldn't eat it.
Not bad USMC Chow it's just the idea that the fly who was on a dead Iraqis butt a minute ago was now dancing on my chili Mac was too much

07-19-22, 00:07
It was all about what Chow hall you went to when I was in. Example in Pendleton Las Pulgas sucked but it was 4 minutes from the barracks. If we were heading out in town Del Mar had a great chow hall. I was on LHD-6 twice and the food sucked. But there were close to 3000 sailors and Marines on board and 2/3 of the mess beck were “conscripted” Marines and trust me none of us wanted to be there and our performance showed it. I was in the scullery for a month and no matter what the tray or plate looked like we considered it clean and sent it out. Moran (?) AFB in Spain where the C5 we were on stopped had the best chow I ever had besides the SGT running the check in who wanted to be a dick tell our Gunny told him where to stick it. Even the box lunch’s we bought for something like 5$ were excellent. FOB Falcon in Iraq had good food for a FOB.

I’ve had a few meals at Las Pulgas and I don’t remember it being particularly bad, that was back in 2014 and 2016 for about a week each time if I remember correctly. Now the transient housing there by the gas station was absolutely horrible, water coming out of the wall and floor instead of the shower head. Thought for sure I was going to find a dead hooker or animal in the wall locker. Thank god we were able to stay in real barracks after that first night.

Some of the best chow I’ve had was at the various Air Force bases in Kuwait and Qatar, the SEAL chow hall in Tarin Qot was pretty darn good too, didn’t go over there often though as our chow hall was run by the Aussies and they had good chow minus that canned haggis they served once.