View Full Version : Denver Police Shoot Suspect, hit 5 bystanders. Not kidding...

07-18-22, 01:24
Bars close, people congregate, police around. Police see a disturbance, there is a guy with the gun. Cops shoot, take down bad guy (YEAH), and hit five bystanders (OOPPSS). Cops have really slow walked the info coming out. Looking forward to body cam and HALO cams. The cops are talking like they screwed the pooch...

07-18-22, 01:52
NYPD would have shot 10 bystanders ! And, missed the bad guy. So there.

07-18-22, 03:59
This is where the end of the firearms culture has gotten us.

Once upon a time most teenage boys learned to shoot, now they are often deprived of squirt guns and airsoft because parents don't believe in guns or violence. The things we used to just know from childhood cannot be taught in the short time at a police academy and annual qualifications and low, low standards of performance don't improve anything.

Worse than that, you have a lot of shooting experience? Own more than 1 gun? Tactical training? All that shit counts against you during initial interviews. Most people don't notice because it can be offset by veterans preference. But you did that on your own time...as a civie? Obviously you have mental issues.

So they guys who just naturally fit, understand target discrimination and the variable of moving threat targets among no shoot targets...they sorta stopped making those guys in the 1990s because guns were icky.

Looks at the places where law enforcement regularly fails hard when it comes to shooting. LAPD (who should be the leaders in the land), NYC, Chicago and a bunch of other blue zones. Granted those f'ers in Texas failed to act, but I bet even they could hit what they shoot at if they got permission from their mom.

07-18-22, 07:03
Not all cops are into guns, some o ly shoot enough to qualify and I bet they have also made that super easy for all the diversity hires. Once again the hazard of not hiring the best, reap what they sow

07-18-22, 07:40
Imagine if the CCWer in Indiana had the same outcome when it comes to shooting...

07-18-22, 12:54
NYPD would have shot 10 bystanders ! And, missed the bad guy. So there.

That's what I was going to say. They have a lot of catch up to get to East Coast levels of stupidity in Lethal force!

07-18-22, 13:40
Not all cops are into guns, some o ly shoot enough to qualify and I bet they have also made that super easy for all the diversity hires. Once again the hazard of not hiring the best, reap what they sow

You are correct. When I started we even shot 6 rounds at 50. Now the farthest range required for many states basic hand gun qual is 15 yards.

07-18-22, 14:41
Just because you can shoot doesn't mean you should. A good man knows his limitations.
Even though sneered at by media types, I appreciated the RGO who was armed during the Tucson shooting when Giffords was got, he had too many no-shoots around and didn't want to be mistaken for a bad guy, so going hands-on was the call.

07-18-22, 15:17
The suspect did not fire his weapon, police said in a news release shared earlier on Sunday. Waddy threw the firearm, which has been identified as a 10 mm Rock Island M1911 A2, according to court documents.

Damn… gangster. Rolling with a 1911.. in 10mm…

He’s not picking up brass to stop identification, he’s gotta reload that crap our he’ll go bust, breaking off caps in people’s arses…

07-18-22, 16:09
IF these guys manage to keep their jobs they need to be placed on the Barney Fife plan.

They get to carry ONE bullet, in their shirt pocket, for emergencies.

07-19-22, 22:30
Not all cops are into guns, some o ly shoot enough to qualify and I bet they have also made that super easy for all the diversity hires. Once again the hazard of not hiring the best, reap what they sow

Ran into this at a range I was practicing for handgun competitions in early 90's. Told him what he was doing wrong. He literally looked at me and was "I'm a cop and I know how to shoot!". Reiterated he was a cop, got him to agree to put up his Glock vs. my friends $1500+ custom competition pistol. Cop eagerly agreed. Only thing that stopped the match was the LT came in, wondered why me and my friend Bob were smiling and making comments about the cops glock. When he asked Officer Ego, Officer Ego was saying he was about to take my friends pistol in a competition. He had to order him not to, because in his words "Vickery shoots more in a week than you will in a decade."