View Full Version : Americans trust armed citizens more than law enforcement to protect them in mass shoo

07-19-22, 12:30
Americans trust armed citizens more than law enforcement to protect them in mass shooting


Americans trust armed citizens more than law enforcement to stop mass shooters, according to a new poll.

Convention of States Action, along with the Trafalgar Group, released the poll Monday, which showed that 41.8% of surveyed voters “believe that an armed citizen would be their best protection if they were caught in a mass shooting event.”

Only 25.1% say local police would be their best protection while 10.3% said federal agents. About a quarter of those surveyed said “none of the above.”

The poll found that 62.2% of those surveyed “are not confident their local law enforcement and government officials could identify and and stop a violent person before they started a mass shooting.”

07-19-22, 12:50
I'd prefer bureaucratic affirmative action hires to mull over options for hours over immediate action. It's just prudent to weight the options out thoroughly in my opinion.

07-19-22, 12:58
Despite popular belief, cops don't seem to be on the side of the average Joe any longer. The good old boys rings true. Don't get it confused with the few honorable popo left that actually honor their oath. Please watch most of the "audits" as evidence.
Personally the popo needs to do more community services but that is not in line with their communist unions. They prefer outright compliance regardless of rights.


07-19-22, 13:29
I have and will always trust me to protect me and mine more than LE, not necessarily due to these latest displays of incompetence but because:

1) I have a vested interest where they do not.
2) I would be present and able to respond immediately when shit goes down, "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away" and all that.
3) I train next to a lot of cops, the SWAT guys and ones that are "into it" are good at it, but by too many others...not so much.
4) I know better than to rely on the government, police or anyone else for anything when the chips are down...sure they'll be around with investigations, toe-tags and statements of woe but I don't feel like waiting around that long.

07-19-22, 14:48
Despite popular belief, cops don't seem to be on the side of the average Joe any longer. The good old boys rings true. Don't get it confused with the few honorable popo left that actually honor their oath. Please watch most of the "audits" as evidence.
Personally the popo needs to do more community services but that is not in line with their communist unions. They prefer outright compliance regardless of rights.


People often try to demonize amendment rights auditors for simply doing what is within their rights.

People who go beyond their authority and enforce THEIR WILL" are nothing more than tyrants.

I hope everyone who did so in this case is personally sued after the city.

07-19-22, 15:47
As far as personal, family, and home safety/protection is concerned, you are on your own. As noted in a previous post, it is YOUR family, it is YOUR home, it is YOUR safety, and you are there. Any LE or .gov agency, well, they just don't care; just a 9-5 job, do the minimum (if that) and go home.

07-19-22, 15:58
People often try to demonize amendment rights auditors for simply doing what is within their rights.

I get it, what they’re doing but I’m neutral about the rest... it’s a bit like guys open carrying a slung AR into a Starbucks...

Ok, it’s legal and lawful sure, but why?

Are they fishing for a lawsuit, fame or just hope they find the wrong cop having a very bad day? I mean if you just want your ass kicked just walk up to the next state trooper you see and punch them in the face. You’ll get you wish.

07-19-22, 16:00
Any LE or .gov agency, well, they just don't care; just a 9-5 job, do the minimum (if that) and go home.

Some of us use to, many of us are still out there.

07-23-22, 10:24
I get it, what they’re doing but I’m neutral about the rest... it’s a bit like guys open carrying a slung AR into a Starbucks...

Ok, it’s legal and lawful sure, but why?

Are they fishing for a lawsuit, fame or just hope they find the wrong cop having a very bad day? I mean if you just want your ass kicked just walk up to the next state trooper you see and punch them in the face. You’ll get you wish.

Well if it's legal then why not?

A couple of good recent examples are open carry groups in Texas and open carry while fishing & hunting groups in Florida planning events where LE were notified of the event(along with the relevant statutes in each state showing it was legal) that resulted in LE showing up and making arrests while claiming they didn't know it was pergectly legal which unfortunately didn't culminate with the LE involved, their superiors, and their behind the scenes string pullers serving long prison sentences and eating out of a trash can upon release due to their worldly possessions being forfeited to pay for the civil suits.

07-23-22, 11:15
Americans trust armed citizens more than law enforcement to protect them in mass shooting


Americans trust armed citizens more than law enforcement to stop mass shooters, according to a new poll.

Convention of States Action, along with the Trafalgar Group, released the poll Monday, which showed that 41.8% of surveyed voters “believe that an armed citizen would be their best protection if they were caught in a mass shooting event.”

Only 25.1% say local police would be their best protection while 10.3% said federal agents. About a quarter of those surveyed said “none of the above.”

The poll found that 62.2% of those surveyed “are not confident their local law enforcement and government officials could identify and and stop a violent person before they started a mass shooting.”

Considering recent events, surprised it's not even higher than 40+ %, but a win is a win there.

07-23-22, 11:25
This ‘murican trusts himself in that event.

07-23-22, 11:51
Well if it's legal then why not?


I guess you’re just not paying attention to the average law enforcement response to tense situations where 911 is reporting man with a gun...

I don’t want to be shot and killed by some piss scared cop responding to some Karen’s 911 call because I wanted to sling carry my AR into Starbucks... I’ll keep mine concealed and stay alive.

07-23-22, 12:36
I guess you’re just not paying attention to the average law enforcement response to tense situations where 911 is reporting man with a gun...

I don’t want to be shot and killed by some piss scared cop responding to some Karen’s 911 call because I wanted to sling carry my AR into Starbucks... I’ll keep mine concealed and stay alive.

I'm in full agreement. That one comes under just cuz you can do a thing does not always translate that you should do a thing. There's a time and a place for everything, and when I see pic someone with a long gun on his back at Walmart, they look like attention seeking D bags to me. I OC a lot in NH while hiking around the woods and such and on our property, zero interest in going food shopping doing that.

I get some view it as a statement RE Liberty, 2A, etc, I think one of the dumbest areas to focus on as gun owners, and don't envy the LEOs that have to deal with those calls, especially in these times.

I think FL has a decent approach to that under camping, fishing etc, but it's just a shame we have to legislate common sense. Under some circumstances, such as say post hurricane (in FL for example) and power out, etc, and idiots out looting and such, that changes the dynamics and making it obvious you're armed and prepared to repel borders, makes sense.

07-23-22, 12:52
I guess you’re just not paying attention to the average law enforcement response to tense situations where 911 is reporting man with a gun...

I don’t want to be shot and killed by some piss scared cop responding to some Karen’s 911 call because I wanted to sling carry my AR into Starbucks... I’ll keep mine concealed and stay alive.

The problem is with the cops(and/or their leaders) then and that needs to be dealt with.

American police can learn as shown by lack of LE response to black folks sitting down in a restaurant and ordering vs. yesteryear in certain areas of the country where that used to trigger the sensibilities of LE.

07-23-22, 13:01
I get some view it as a statement RE Liberty, 2A, etc, I think one of the dumbest areas to focus on as gun owners, and don't envy the LEOs that have to deal with those calls, especially in these times.

We would get gun calls all the time to the Walmart’s in my city. Our dispatcher were good and could pull the needed info out of whatever dumbass had called it in.

I-75 ran thru my city so we dealt with folks from all over stopping in for stuff, usually some idiot new Yorkers on their way to Disney. There’s farmer Joe in the lawn and garden section looking at weed killer he bends over and the but of his .357 is visible so NY Nancy pisses herself calls 911...

Poor Joe would always cooperate and was even apologetic but NY Nancy would lose their shit when they found out no laws were being broken and nothing was going to happen to Joe.

07-23-22, 13:03
The problem is with the cops(and/or their leaders) then and that needs to be dealt with.

The average street cop who’s out there just doing a job agrees with you and their all ears for any ideas you might have when dealing with politicians, admin staff etc...

07-23-22, 13:35
The average street cop who’s out there just doing a job agrees with you and their all ears for any ideas you might have when dealing with politicians, admin staff etc...

If those cops know they are expected by politicians, admin staff, etc, to hassle firearms owners then do they really agree with me?

Still in it's early days so it may or may not produce fruit, but video of incidents may eventually curtail the wrong doing since it is more difficult to claim negative actions didn't occur as was the case in the past.

While a long way from even being an adequate outcome, sans video I doubt the chief would have retired.


Still early in the game, so things like this may never make an actual difference.

07-23-22, 15:06
The average street cop who’s out there just doing a job agrees with you and their all ears for any ideas you might have when dealing with politicians, admin staff etc...Ummm no.

We had a tooth and nail fight with cops here in MI which started in 2010, court cases ended with us training many police departments that they can not hassle an open carrier just because some retard called 911.

I don't remember how many different city council meetings lasted well after midnight because we would have a couple hundred people show up for their 3 minutes of discussion.

Many cops (read most of them) hated being taught by Joe public (the group running this was Michigan Open Carry).

I OC regularly in the Detroit suburbs with zero issue.

Now for the guys OCing long guns, I'm not in favor of that but it is legal here for them to do it. I just keep a close on on them when I see them just in case.

07-23-22, 15:24
I wish more people used their famous "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" saying, equally.

20 years ago the country didn't accept homos getting married, well none of folks used that saying enough because its common these days.

20 years ago people actually cared about this country and made every effort to support it, now most buy foreign products when American made are available, then whine about the direction of the country.

I'll never understand why gun owners eat their own.

OC is common in Michigan now because we told people using the above saying to shut up.