View Full Version : Humane Society Rescuing 4,000 Beagles From VA Megabreeder - doggos were for research

30 cal slut
07-22-22, 11:45
yes i know HSUS is not perfect but this is a worthy cause.

single largest doggo rescue under way now - ~4,000 beagles

being rescued from a VA megabreeder (Envigo in Cumberland, VA) that wasn't providing adequate food or medical care.

these beagles were bound for medical research and certain death.

adoption and donation link here


4,000 beagles!

Our Animal Rescue Team, with the support of our shelter and rescue partners, is preparing to remove approximately 4,000 beagles from a mass breeding facility that has received multiple violations for issues such as inadequate veterinary care and insufficient food. Many of these dogs were bound for animal testing laboratories across the country. This is a massive undertaking and we urgently need your support to help us transport, care for and find homes for these dogs as quickly as possible.

Latest updates
Update | July 22: More than 400 beagles are removed from laboratory breeding facility in Virginia. Transfers begin in an effort to find homes for approximately 4,000 beagles spared from animal experimentation. Continue reading...

Update | July 18: Finding partners who can make space and find homes for around 4,000 dogs in the summer—a time of year when animal shelters are already over-capacity—will be a feat of epic proportions. Continue reading...

Update | July 13: We're busy coordinating the transport of these dogs. We'll update the list of partners throughout the next two months and encourage you to check this page often. Please note that while some dogs may travel to the West Coast, the majority will be placed with East Coast and Midwest partners.



07-22-22, 11:50
I am wondering why beagles are such a popular choice for research/torture.

07-22-22, 12:01
Because they are such a docile dog that don't bite their torturers .

07-22-22, 12:56
I don't understand people that can torture dogs. :mad:

07-22-22, 13:35
Sounds like another Fauci operation.

07-22-22, 13:50
The Humane society can lick my N-S. They're all communists and are not our freinds. Never give those bastards a dime.

ETA: I don't condone cruelty to animals, but I don't condone communists either.

07-22-22, 15:23
I don't understand people that can torture dogs. :mad:

Souless psychopaths. I understand animal testing, but far too often it isn't warranted and if you HAVE TO DO IT, you should be as humane as possible.

07-22-22, 15:29
The Humane society can lick my N-S. They're all communists and are not our freinds. Never give those bastards a dime.

ETA: I don't condone cruelty to animals, but I don't condone communists either.

So think of like a communist who rescued somebodys kid who wandered into traffic. It doesn't mean anyone is HOORAY Communism, but I appreciate the rescue just the same. I do not like some of the extremism found in the Humane Society and Peta, but I generally agree with some of their basic views, especially when it comes to animals that humans have domesticated.

When we change a species by domestication, we accepted responsibility for that new species because we generally made them less able to fend for themselves, they are now dependent on us. So I appreciate the rescue, I appreciate the exposure of conditions that animals for medical testing are subjected to, but I'm not gonna join either group because they both practice some loony shit along with their good deeds.

07-22-22, 15:34
So think of like a communist who rescued somebodys kid who wandered into traffic. It doesn't mean anyone is HOORAY Communism, but I appreciate the rescue just the same. I do not like some of the extremism found in the Humane Society and Peta, but I generally agree with some of their basic views, especially when it comes to animals that humans have domesticated.

When we change a species by domestication, we accepted responsibility for that new species because we generally made them less able to fend for themselves, they are now dependent on us. So I appreciate the rescue, I appreciate the exposure of conditions that animals for medical testing are subjected to, but I'm not gonna join either group because they both practice some loony shit along with their good deeds.

Agree with everything you said.

07-22-22, 15:51
So think of like a communist who rescued somebodys kid who wandered into traffic. It doesn't mean anyone is HOORAY Communism, but I appreciate the rescue just the same. I do not like some of the extremism found in the Humane Society and Peta, but I generally agree with some of their basic views, especially when it comes to animals that humans have domesticated.

When we change a species by domestication, we accepted responsibility for that new species because we generally made them less able to fend for themselves, they are now dependent on us. So I appreciate the rescue, I appreciate the exposure of conditions that animals for medical testing are subjected to, but I'm not gonna join either group because they both practice some loony shit along with their good deeds.

They are filled with leftist goodie two shoes radicals who care more about dogs than humans.

They don’t give a rip about your liberty or the constitution.

May as well send donations directly the DNC to support their gun grabbing agenda.

Same applies to AARP and many more such organizations.

You are free to feel differently, they will still never get a dime from me, regardless of your thoughts on the subject.

07-22-22, 17:37
They are filled with leftist goodie two shoes radicals who care more about dogs than humans.

They don’t give a rip about your liberty or the constitution.

May as well send donations directly the DNC to support their gun grabbing agenda.

Same applies to AARP and many more such organizations.

You are free to feel differently, they will still never get a dime from me, regardless of your thoughts on the subject.

So please reread what I said, especially this part "but I'm not gonna join either group" and I also won't donate to the same.

07-22-22, 19:20
I lost my Boston/Pitbull mix a while back she had lymphatic cancer and I tried everything.
In the end a not so ethical Vet offered more meds to keep her alive.
I felt like keeping her alive was akin to torture and put her down.
Fast forward a year and I'm ready to adopt a new dog. I begin looking and there's a 300-500 dollar adoption fee.
WTF? I feel sorry for those Beagles and woul love to give one a home, but I feel like if I pay the fee, I'm part of the problem, not the solution.

07-22-22, 22:27
I lost my Boston/Pitbull mix a while back she had lymphatic cancer and I tried everything.
In the end a not so ethical Vet offered more meds to keep her alive.
I felt like keeping her alive was akin to torture and put her down.
Fast forward a year and I'm ready to adopt a new dog. I begin looking and there's a 300-500 dollar adoption fee.
WTF? I feel sorry for those Beagles and woul love to give one a home, but I feel like if I pay the fee, I'm part of the problem, not the solution.

Yeah, dogs who need a good home should be free other than things like vaccinations.

Sorry to hear about your Boston, it's the hardest thing about dogs. I always use a good days / bad days formula. I will get my buddy all the good days I can get for him and I won't put him through bad days simply because I'm gonna miss him.

My last sheppard was really hard. Had to help him down steps so he didn't fall, had to help him up steps because he couldn't climb. But so long as he was eating, could walk out into the yard to do his business and seemed happy watching the squirrels and bunnies in the yard I was gonna take care of him. We he stopped eating for the most part, had difficulty walking out into the yard to do his business and was too tired to watch the squirrels and the bunnies, I knew it was time and I wasn't gonna put him through any more hard days.

Takes a little bit off my life each time, but I could never do different.

07-23-22, 00:00
So please reread what I said, especially this part "but I'm not gonna join either group" and I also won't donate to the same.

That wasn’t necessarily directed at you, just stating my thoughts on the subject and organization.

07-23-22, 00:09
I lost my Boston/Pitbull mix a while back she had lymphatic cancer and I tried everything.
In the end a not so ethical Vet offered more meds to keep her alive.
I felt like keeping her alive was akin to torture and put her down.
Fast forward a year and I'm ready to adopt a new dog. I begin looking and there's a 300-500 dollar adoption fee.
WTF? I feel sorry for those Beagles and woul love to give one a home, but I feel like if I pay the fee, I'm part of the problem, not the solution.

It costs money to rescue and care for animals prior to rehoming them. Our local humane society charges $250-500 and that doesn't even get close to breaking even most of the time. We gladly gave $300 for one of our dogs.

07-23-22, 05:27
It costs money to rescue and care for animals prior to rehoming them. Our local humane society charges $250-500 and that doesn't even get close to breaking even most of the time. We gladly gave $300 for one of our dogs.

Then ask me to donate 200lbs of Dog food a half dozen collars and some chew toys.
I think I'm funding a scam at the 300-500 dollar range.
Hell I would shovel dog crap for 40 hours and not blink an eye, but that's a lotta green for a retiree.

07-23-22, 08:24
I think I'm funding a scam at the 300-500 dollar range.

You are, you aren’t finding animal care, you are funding the bail money for all the rioters arrested. All of those organizations are simply fronts for funding an agenda.

Dog food and collars are donated by large corporations.

Starving kids in Africa - Adopt a whale - the list of slick produced ads go on forever.

It’s all bullshit.

07-23-22, 10:05
Worst customer visit I've had on my job was a call to a biopharma facility to help them upgrade their HVAC system and the lab it fed.

On the way out after the walk and time on their system, we came through a room with about 20 empty small kennels surrounded by medical equipment. In the hall were some techs playing with beagles giving them time outside their cages. They were all about to be put down as their testing was done. It was hard to watch.

This week there was a local news article about a shelter volunteer who was mauled by a dog she was going to walk. She put the leash on the dog and the previously very docile dog just snapped. There are so many animals in the local shelters that dogs are often in their small cages for weeks and even a month plus between walks and they go crazy. The spin and jump inside the cages and hurt themselves. It's worse for cats in shelters. It's a sick mess.

07-23-22, 10:57
these beagles were bound for medical research and certain death.

So what are they going to use for the research now?

Did you even consider WHY they use the animals for testing / research in the first place?

You same people flipping out about dogs that were raised to be used for 'research' will eventually move on to other animals where you deem (in your infinite wisdom) things are 'cruel'.


07-23-22, 12:00
I begin looking and there's a 300-500 dollar adoption fee.
WTF? I feel sorry for those Beagles and woul love to give one a home, but I feel like if I pay the fee, I'm part of the problem, not the solution.

Offer them 100 bucks to take it off their hands and explain to them that every day they keep it costs them more money...

They can stop the costs of housing and caring for it right NOW and pocket 100 bucks or... Continue to hold on to it waiting for 300.

Not all rescue dogs are going to be 'priceless little gems' that you were blessed to find and bring home. You can be damn sure there are plenty of dogs out there that people would be willing to PAY YOU to take off their hands.

07-23-22, 12:38
Then ask me to donate 200lbs of Dog food a half dozen collars and some chew toys.
I think I'm funding a scam at the 300-500 dollar range.
Hell I would shovel dog crap for 40 hours and not blink an eye, but that's a lotta green for a retiree.

Dude, 500÷40 is 12.50 an hour. There's no way I'm shoveling dog poop for 40 hours to save $500.

07-23-22, 13:11
So what are they going to use for the research now?

Did you even consider WHY they use the animals for testing / research in the first place?

You same people flipping out about dogs that were raised to be used for 'research' will eventually move on to other animals where you deem (in your infinite wisdom) things are 'cruel'.

https://i.imgur.com/s1KqxU3.jpgI'm with you. Better than testing on humans. Just my opinion, but I think the last 100 years or so people have developed an unhealthy affinity for their pets.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

07-24-22, 13:24
I'm with you. Better than testing on humans. Just my opinion, but I think the last 100 years or so people have developed an unhealthy affinity for their pets.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

The unhealthy affinity for pets has accelerated exponentially in the last decade. I don't support abuse of any creature, but the whole "fur baby" movement drives me nuts.

07-24-22, 15:39
I'm with you. Better than testing on humans. Just my opinion, but I think the last 100 years or so people have developed an unhealthy affinity for their pets.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Depends on the humans. I'm all for saving some Beagles and testing on serial killers, pedos and the like.

07-24-22, 15:42
Depends on the humans. I'm all for saving some Beagles and testing on serial killers, pedos and the like.Yeah, no arguments here!

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

07-24-22, 15:43
Growing up in the rural South in the 1960's and 70's, nobody ever paid money for a dog or cat. Most farmers would be glad to give you a basket of puppies.

07-24-22, 15:48
Depends on the humans. I'm all for saving some Beagles and testing on serial killers, pedos and the like.I agree, the last few dobermans we have had I trust more than most people.

07-24-22, 16:04
Depends on the humans. I'm all for saving some Beagles and testing on serial killers, pedos and the like.

That is a petition I would sign.

07-24-22, 18:20
So what are they going to use for the research now?

Did you even consider WHY they use the animals for testing / research in the first place?

Let these freaks use themselves as test subjects...

07-24-22, 18:21
Depends on the humans. I'm all for saving some Beagles and testing on serial killers, pedos and the like.

You forgot politicians... especially Dem ones.

Oops, alrready covered under "pedos," my bad...