View Full Version : Colorado City AWB and Mag limit put on TRO due to Bruen

07-23-22, 13:39

Kudos to “CompleteColorado” website for bringing this to my attention.

Background: Gov Polesmoker singed a law recently that allows individual cities in CO to have their own gun laws. Like down to the smallest political entity. Total balkanization of gun laws, when we already had a 15rnd state wide ban.

So all these progressive Front Range twities start to put in place AWB and mag limits. Often with out grandfathering. Also, limits on concealed carry. All with unmarked political boundaries. They did this so Gov Polesmoker could avoid a statewide fight on a AWB a few years ago. Schmuck. It’s all to make gun ownership more difficult.

We’ll, it looks like a state court, with an Obama appontee as the judge, looked at Bruen and said that one of the municipalities AWB and 1.0 rnd limit probably run afoul of Bruen and he is putting a TRO on the law.

Not definitive and final, but at least a good sign. I think RMGO is going after some town in the mountains that passed some stupid law, in the thought that the city up there won’t have as many resources…

HopefullY the first of many dominoes to fall….

07-23-22, 14:56
Isn't that governor a libertarian, aka: closet liberal?

07-23-22, 16:11
Isn't that governor a libertarian, aka: closet liberal?

F no. He portrays himself as one. At his core he’d be a RINO backstaber, but he’s gay, so he went Democrat when he started out in politics.

He is not the great white hope for Democrats, or a viable dem for right or gun owners to vote for.

07-23-22, 16:12
Isn't that governor a libertarian, aka: closet liberal?

His getting elected pretty well rules out the average voter thinking he has any legit libertarian leanings.

07-23-22, 16:14
F no. He portrays himself as one. At his core he’d be a RINO backstaber, but he’s gay, so he went Democrat when he started out in politics.

He is not the great white hope for Democrats, or a viable dem for right or gun owners to vote for.Ok thanks.

07-23-22, 16:15
His getting elected pretty well rules out the average voter thinking he has any legit libertarian leanings.Ok, thanks.

07-24-22, 14:53

07-24-22, 15:08
And yet they still lost how many jobs when MagPul said F you and your bullshit?

07-24-22, 16:54
This is big. As in the video, the judge thinks that that gun owners are probably going to prevail.... It would be great to see the roll back start in CO. I just want a black and white decision on the SCOTUS level that AWB and mag bans are no goes. I know that isn't the end of it, but being purple-ish, I'm hoping that the true stupid doesn't try to take hold and we see actual laws that address violence, not guns. I don't know how the circuit we are in will break, but if the 9th or the Maryland cases go against us, we need one circuit to rule correctly and allow SCOTUS to come in and pound them down.

Of course, this does nothing for the DA problem of losing your 'life' if you have to defend your life with a firearm.

07-24-22, 20:20
What a waste of air. A city or county can't pass anything other than ordinances, which are below misdemeanors and certainly don't raise to the level of felonies. So, what's the penalty. who enforces it. And not even going to this being a violation of state and federal law and the constitution. Our world is spinning out of control and will do like a lightweight bullet pushed at 4,000 FPS when it comes apart.

07-26-22, 01:01
This is a lot like Roe vs Wade in that someone way overstepped their authority on the Liberal side and because of that Conservatives take the blame.

Just because you think you can doesn't mean you have the authority to. Your wishes don't mean diddly squat if they can't meet the criteria of what is and isn't legal.
Does the Left ever look at this stuff and understand that what they are trying to get away with here looks a lot like Jim Crow did in the 40s,50s and early sixties in the far South.
If you rub the shine off these newly minted Democrats, you get the same simple small minded shi+ they've been trying to get away with for decades.

07-26-22, 09:06
What a waste of air. A city or county can't pass anything other than ordinances, which are below misdemeanors and certainly don't raise to the level of felonies. So, what's the penalty. who enforces it. And not even going to this being a violation of state and federal law and the constitution. Our world is spinning out of control and will do like a lightweight bullet pushed at 4,000 FPS when it comes apart.

IIRC Denver’s mag based ‘ban’ is something like up to a year and at least a grand, and I think it is per mag. So you can get to NFA level punishment pretty fast. Most of these municipalities are in Boulder county, so I assume that they would feed into the county system. I know there is a difference between jail and prison, but not the particulars here.

08-02-22, 20:50

OK, so the CA AWB gets punted back to the start with a whole new trial. The vid talks about TRO and preliminary injunctions.

I’d like to see this judge pull an ‘Obama Judge’ move an all AWBs nationwide, like they did against Trump and most of his EOs. But I guess the difference is that those were nationwide, and the AWB is CA specific, so he can’t just pull a nationwide move?

Frankly, the way things are going I’d almost rather see the AWB in the Senate pass and then get it struck down by the end of the year. The establishment will play all their tricks and games. We have a Royal Flush, time to go all in or at least know where we stand. We are never going to have as good of chance at SCOTUS than we do now.

08-03-22, 16:19
And here I thought the constitution was the law.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! Therefore if I were passing laws in Colorado. It would be that every American household have access to a fully automatic weapon and be given ammo and required training.

08-03-22, 16:28

It's trade off... Marijewanda for Clips. As long as your all doped out, you won't mind a 1 round clip!

08-03-22, 17:15
Roach clip….