View Full Version : The latest example of immunity/exemption needing to be abolished

07-24-22, 08:08
Gets in to people who have done nothing being wrongly punished and the system protecting itself.


07-24-22, 14:39
The "lying to a Federal agent" charge should be stricken from the record. After all the entrapment and intentional tripping-up of people, then the ONLY thing they ultimately get charged with is that bullshit? Nah dawg, that don't cut it. Like the "Russia Russia Russia!" crap from a couple years ago......NONE of it was real but some were slapped for "lying to a Federal agent".

The FBI should be disbanded as an additional cherry on top. Every. Friggin'. One. Of. Them.

Oh, and I agree with revoking that qualified immunity BS too. Can't stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen, find another job.

07-24-22, 15:37
Federal agents lying led to that Ruby Ridge nonsense. Weaver had a "failure to appear" charge and agents lied to him and told him he would lose his house if he didn't show. That is when he drew his line in the sand and decided to defend his property. If those agents had been required to tell him of the actual consequences, the whole thing might have been avoided.

Coal Dragger
07-24-22, 16:12
Well if federal agents are approved to lie, then everyone should assume that they are lying at all times. Simple enough.

Don’t talk to a fed, don’t help a fed, don’t even willingly acknowledge their existence. If you’re forced to do any of those things be as uncooperative as legally possible, and remind them at every opportunity that they are disreputable liars.

07-24-22, 17:40
Well if federal agents are approved to lie, then everyone should assume that they are lying at all times. Simple enough.

Don’t talk to a fed, don’t help a fed, don’t even willingly acknowledge their existence. If you’re forced to do any of those things be as uncooperative as legally possible, and remind them at every opportunity that they are disreputable liars.

Well said, and IIRC you're an LEO correct? Says something that a cop would have that take on the FBI/Feds in general. I've heard from various sources that trying to work with them as a cop is rather annoying, as they are arrogant as hell and condescending. And not answering their questions period is a good way to avoid the "lying to a Federal agent" BS. No other evidence to bring a charge? Well, we tripped you up and now you've lied to a Federal [KGB] agent.

07-24-22, 18:49
Why anyone would talk to the FBI is beyond me... Jesus Christ why???

I’m a former cop and I ain’t talking to the local Po Po let alone a Fed... ain’t happening even with an attorney present. I’ll spend a few days in jail to avoid a stretch in prison.

07-24-22, 19:19
Lie to the feds as much as you want, as long as you are on the Hillary campaign and get a dc jury….

07-24-22, 19:45
Well said, and IIRC you're an LEO correct? Says something that a cop would have that take on the FBI/Feds in general. I've heard from various sources that trying to work with them as a cop is rather annoying, as they are arrogant as hell and condescending. And not answering their questions period is a good way to avoid the "lying to a Federal agent" BS. No other evidence to bring a charge? Well, we tripped you up and now you've lied to a Federal [KGB] agent.

The only time I've worked with Feds is as a SWAT Team operator/Leader. The FBI are all nerds. Like, legit... straight up.... nerds. Customs guys are alright. Did a search warrant once for the Marshalls and we had to kill the guy. Had a REALLY good friend who was DEA, but he was the exception and not the rule. And the ATF can suck my peepee....never liked any of them. But none were condescending to me. Probably because I told them how the cow ate the cabbage and sugarcoated nothing. I treated them as peers/colleagues, and they did likewise. I think they respected it. YMMV.

And IF you talk to a Fed... you're an idiot for doing so.

07-24-22, 19:53
Well said, and IIRC you're an LEO correct? Says something that a cop would have that take on the FBI/Feds in general. I've heard from various sources that trying to work with them as a cop is rather annoying, as they are arrogant as hell and condescending. And not answering their questions period is a good way to avoid the "lying to a Federal agent" BS. No other evidence to bring a charge? Well, we tripped you up and now you've lied to a Federal [KGB] agent.

I think we all remember that onc incident where they got a local cop to "soft stop" a cartel guy and he got killed. Minutes later the Fed Troop showed up in full tac shit.

07-24-22, 20:39
I think we all remember that onc incident where they got a local cop to "soft stop" a cartel guy and he got killed. Minutes later the Fed Troop showed up in full tac shit.

That incident(and the subject of Lehto's video) are a couple of good examples to bring up when the ignorant and the dishonest try claiming state/local LE don't/won't carry out federal whims.

07-25-22, 00:09
That incident(and the subject of Lehto's video) are a couple of good examples to bring up when the ignorant and the dishonest try claiming state/local LE don't/won't carry out federal whims.

And it's usually a good reminder to local LE why it's a bad idea. DEA tasked some local SWAT guys I know to assist on a high risk warrant. When it turns out they didn't actually need them, they asked them to leave the building (I guess not professional enough to be in the building if you aren't being a designated bullet stopper) and had them diving the dumpsters for evidence.

So guys in full tac shit are literally climbing through garbage mid summer and actually found some food stained paperwork with subjects name and address on it after a couple hours. When they handed it to the DEA investigator he took a look at it, said they had what they needed and literally threw it in the dumpster they just spent a couple hours digging in.

Because that is why you bust your ass to be the best and make it on SWAT. So you can be treated like a service animal and a GED flunkie at the same time.

I used to wonder how shit like 9-11 could go down because the FBI and CIA refused to share intelligence and were having a big penis competition, now I understand that shit completely. It's no longer us vs them (cops vs. civies), plenty of agencies city, county and federal playing the same big dick games and a plan to alienate everyone so they can one day depend on no one.

I wouldn't want to be a cop these days with all the BS rules, the agenda of the media and too much of the public to portray you in a negative light all the for pay and benefits of a McDonalds night manager...but I think I'd want to be a member of a Federal agency even less. Exceptions exist I know, but it ain't what it used to be.

Coal Dragger
07-25-22, 02:19
Well said, and IIRC you're an LEO correct? Says something that a cop would have that take on the FBI/Feds in general. I've heard from various sources that trying to work with them as a cop is rather annoying, as they are arrogant as hell and condescending. And not answering their questions period is a good way to avoid the "lying to a Federal agent" BS. No other evidence to bring a charge? Well, we tripped you up and now you've lied to a Federal [KGB] agent.

I’m not an LEO, but I support state and local law enforcement, as well as even *gasp* uniformed federal LEO’s too.

The various 3 letter agency scum on the other hand, not so much.

07-25-22, 07:41
The pay is the same as Ronald McDonald's night manager? And they ask you to confront mass shooters? And you're supposed to die so children and teachers can live? Seems like society's priorities are askew.

10-15-22, 19:47
Another example immunity needing to go away and also what masks really are about.


The Dumb Gun Collector
10-15-22, 20:06
Most LEO don't use the lying exception in my experience. I (a defense attorney) LOVE it when they do. I have had two cases (involving the same juvenile investigator who would lie if the wind blew) get not guilty...both child molestation. In one case he not only lied but he concocted a story with the victim later and apparently forgot the original story was on video. When I confronted him when he told the new story he CONTINUED TO LIE. The "victim" actually said "sometimes I remember things the way I wish they had happened." That was the most egregious I ever saw and of course the court and the DA did jack shit. He did another case later where my guy looked pretty guilty but the investigator lied to the "victim" saying my client had confessed, which made her say that he had had sex with her..., and I was able to create doubt from his lie (again on video). Jurors do not like it when cops lie, even when it is allowed. It should only be used in something like a hostage situation where prosecution is secondary.

10-16-22, 16:25
Where do you find this I am curious about what happened. The incident with the officer doing the soft stop?

10-16-22, 18:19
Where do you find this I am curious about what happened. The incident with the officer doing the soft stop?


10-16-22, 19:05
And the piece of crap getting his


10-18-22, 06:22
This one has the upgrade of why audio/video gear shouldn't have an off switch.


10-18-22, 08:16
This one has the upgrade of why audio/video gear shouldn't have an off switch.


Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.

11-05-22, 18:43
Another one of those things thar should qualify for the death penalty.


10-10-23, 16:00
And another out of Arkansas.

I understand the not resisting unlawful arrest, but only of that comes with harsh criminal and civil penalties for the officers who choose to commit them. Treat it as kidnapping and shuffle them off to a lengthy prison sentence.


11-07-23, 11:07
An example of irony and another example of why it needs to go away.


11-07-23, 11:18
Well said, and IIRC you're an LEO correct? Says something that a cop would have that take on the FBI/Feds in general. I've heard from various sources that trying to work with them as a cop is rather annoying, as they are arrogant as hell and condescending. And not answering their questions period is a good way to avoid the "lying to a Federal agent" BS. No other evidence to bring a charge? Well, we tripped you up and now you've lied to a Federal [KGB] agent.

A couple thoughts. I was a certified LEO to be a medic on a tactical team, we were involved with Los Federales on several joint events. The ATF, fine. The DEA, fine. Secret Service? Loved working with them, they were cool. The FBI? Fuhgettaboutit.

I have a good friend who retired from the FBI (he was a medic with me on the tactical team, decided to stay LE, joined the FBI). Is is, was, very cool, and very sensible. But he would tell tales about fellow agents who would arrest people for "lying to a federal agent" during an interview if they simply got mixed up or had a brain fart; i.e., "we did 'X' on January 5th", when it was actually January 6th. "Ah, OK, yeah, I just couldn't remember, that was 2 years ago." That would be followed by being arrested/charged for lying to a federal agent. He wouldn't do that, always said you had to apply critical thinking to the situation...was it really a lie? Or were they confused, mixed up? Etc.

11-07-23, 11:29
A couple thoughts. I was a certified LEO to be a medic on a tactical team, we were involved with Los Federales on several joint events. The ATF, fine. The DEA, fine. Secret Service? Loved working with them, they were cool. The FBI? Fuhgettaboutit.

I have a good friend who retired from the FBI (he was a medic with me on the tactical team, decided to stay LE, joined the FBI). Is is, was, very cool, and very sensible. But he would tell tales about fellow agents who would arrest people for "lying to a federal agent" during an interview if they simply got mixed up or had a brain fart; i.e., "we did 'X' on January 5th", when it was actually January 6th. "Ah, OK, yeah, I just couldn't remember, that was 2 years ago." That would be followed by being arrested/charged for lying to a federal agent. He wouldn't do that, always said you had to apply critical thinking to the situation...was it really a lie? Or were they confused, mixed up? Etc.

But it is fine for them to lie.

12-26-23, 13:56
Featuring highly sensitive and emotional VT state troopers and their prosecutor benefactor.
