View Full Version : Nancy Pelosi pulls assault weapons ban due to lack of votes

07-27-22, 18:06

07-27-22, 18:13
Sounds good to me.

07-27-22, 18:19
For now.

07-27-22, 18:22
For now.

Agreed. Sad, but it's the closest to truth.

07-27-22, 18:27
For now.

Probably correct.....at least until the Democheats miraculously win seats this November despite overwhelming polls and public opinion. :rolleyes:

"The American people reconsidered their vote once they entered the voting booth and thought about how bleak a future would look under Republicans."

07-27-22, 18:31
Probably correct.....at least until the Democheats miraculously win seats this November despite overwhelming polls and public opinion. :rolleyes:

There was no Democratic vote fraud.

07-27-22, 18:34
There was no Democratic vote fraud.

You're full of shit.

07-27-22, 19:14
There was no Democratic vote fraud.


There has never been an election without voter fraud.

07-27-22, 19:20

There has never been an election without voter fraud.

LOL 60 lawsuits failed. The Steal is a religion.

07-27-22, 19:23
LOL 60 lawsuits failed. The Steal is a religion.

Lawsuits are not evidence of fraud. Convictions are.

Just one example of hundreds:

Former Democratic House Rep. Michael “Ozzie” Myers of Pennsylvania pleaded guilty Monday, admitting that he spearheaded a scheme to manipulate state election results in favor of Democratic candidates.

The disgraced former Philadelphia congressman had become a political operative after his conviction in the FBI’s Abscam sting of the 1970s and ’80s. This time around, he was accused of bribing judges to stuff ballot boxes and falsely certify manipulated results during the state’s 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 elections

Demuro was charged separately and pleaded guilty in 2020 for his involvement in the fraud operation.

One person with documented fraud in last 4 Congressional elections.

07-27-22, 21:39
Wisconsin and Pennsylvania both ran their elections illegally.


And then Zucker Bucks went to districts that would yield more dem votes- which is the real issue in a turnout election- not changing minds...

Trump is too spastic to use a word more complex than 'steal' or 'stole'. The 2020 election was corrupted, which is more nuanced than 'stolen'. For as smart as he is, Trump can't get more complex than 'steal' as if it were a bank, when what the Dems did was more akin using the federal reserve to devalue the currency, spike interest rates, and the dems make money off of the options they wrote.

07-27-22, 21:47
Wisconsin and Pennsylvania both ran their elections illegally.


And then Zucker Bucks went to districts that would yield more dem votes- which is the real issue in a turnout election- not changing minds...

Trump is too spastic to use a word more complex than 'steal' or 'stole'. The 2020 election was corrupted, which is more nuanced than 'stolen'. For as smart as he is, Trump can't get more complex than 'steal' as if it were a bank, when what the Dems did was more akin using the federal reserve to devalue the currency, spike interest rates, and the dems make money off of the options they wrote.

Yes but FRAUD was the key element. Collected, cajoled, coerced, whatever. I'm talking about "votes" counted that were supposedly placed by a human being that really weren't, i.e. FRAUD. Make-believe people, maybe a few dead ones thrown in for good measure, and perhaps multiple votes from the same make-believe person (or a legitimate one), all that added up to FRAUD. FJB did not in fact honestly win the 2020 election.

07-27-22, 21:55
LOL 60 lawsuits failed. The Steal is a religion.

How can the lawsuit fail if the judges refused to hear them? Sorry, but unless the facts are tried by a jury (the arbiter of facts), I can't say this is the case. Also, WI has deemed that the Ballot boxes spread all over the state were in fact illegal DURING the 2022 election.

Yes but FRAUD was the key element. Collected, cajoled, coerced, whatever. I'm talking about "votes" counted that were supposedly placed by a human being that really weren't, i.e. FRAUD. Make-believe people, maybe a few dead ones thrown in for good measure, and perhaps multiple votes from the same make-believe person (or a legitimate one), all that added up to FRAUD. FJB did not in fact honestly win the 2020 election.

If the data location, along with video evidence as presented in 2000 mules is even 1/4 correct, it clearly shifted the vote. There are to many questions I have to claim it was legit. I mean, the BS excuse they gave about the votes being counted after poll observers left after being told it was being closed down AND how they only used the bins they had brought in that morning AFTER the observers left. I mean, would make sense to use the bins already in the room first instead of dragging new bins in from another place.

07-27-22, 22:24
Works for me. I like the message it sends.

Even with a House majority, even though they are almost tied in the Senate 48 to 50, Captain Poopeypants and Speaker Skeletor still can't get one of the DNCs standard planks through the process.

I really thought this was their best effort since the Sandy Hook "late night second attempt" led by Harry Reid after the first official try failed. Although given that "second attempt" when they thought nobody else was looking, I'd still keep my eye on these aholes. Losing through the process just means "try it again with shenanigans."

07-27-22, 22:27
The vote and voters were “ manipulated “ by the national media and state democrat parties. Fraud is not the best discription of what happened.

07-27-22, 23:10
I feel suspicious about this.

07-27-22, 23:12
There was no Democratic vote fraud.

I can see you are a slow learner, and the 30-day ban was not sufficiently educational.

07-27-22, 23:13
I have a splendid idea. Let's focus on the proposed legislation in the House and Senate, and what may be done to protect our rights.

We have other threads discussing the 2020 elections.


07-27-22, 23:18
There was no Democratic vote fraud.

Disregard, the troll is banned.

07-27-22, 23:23
I feel suspicious about this.

Having a suspicious nature is a pro-survival trait.

I'm betting that she's polling the members, and putting together a nice big pork spending bill to get the votes. That usually takes time, and this bill has been moving pretty quickly.

07-27-22, 23:25
Having a suspicious nature is a pro-survival trait.

I'm betting that she's polling the members, and putting together a nice big pork spending bill to get the votes. That usually takes time, and this bill has been moving pretty quickly.

Yes, something like that must be up.

Straight Shooter
07-27-22, 23:40
Yes, something like that must be up.

SOMEBODY is gonna get SOMETHING...for damn sure. Goblins.
And to SeriousStudent..THANK YOU.

07-27-22, 23:48
They don't need to do a full AWB right now. This was just a distraction/lull flasbang and it worked, so far.
They will now focus on meddling in distribution and sales. Hence the current UPS/Fedex[?] shipping "mum's the word" thing going on, as well as the upcoming hearing with S&W/DD/Ruger and the push to get legislation passed to sue manufacturers.

07-27-22, 23:51
Having a suspicious nature is a pro-survival trait.

I'm betting that she's polling the members, and putting together a nice big pork spending bill to get the votes. That usually takes time, and this bill has been moving pretty quickly.

Yep, second shoe. And if nothing comes of it, was motivation enough for me to grab a Colt EPR since they were actually IN STOCK. Been wanting one.

07-28-22, 01:10
Based on the VERY recent SC ruling it is very clear any such law is clearly unconstitutional.

That shit is DOA.

07-28-22, 08:16
Yes, something like that must be up.

Exactly. This would give them something to rail against leading into elections, even if they didn't have the votes to get it passed. The fact that they are abandoning it means they either have something else they want to campaign on or something they think they can get through that they want to focus their energy on before the elections occur. Either way, it's probably not good for us.

07-28-22, 10:26
Based on the VERY recent SC ruling it is very clear any such law is clearly unconstitutional.

That shit is DOA.

Even if it got through the house it's DOA in the senate.

She may have temporarily sidelined it to keep the focus on this BS energy bill Manchin is now supporting.

07-28-22, 11:02
Republicans must learn you vote for any gun control, you will be primaried and hopefully you will lose

07-28-22, 11:20
Even if it got through the house it's DOA in the senate.

She may have temporarily sidelined it to keep the focus on this BS energy bill Manchin is now supporting.

Since when do we need energy laws? Oh never mind, ever since we started regulating the crap out of everything.

07-28-22, 12:53

07-28-22, 14:36
Since when do we need energy laws? Oh never mind, ever since we started regulating the crap out of everything.

I'm convinced this new green energy / climate crap is the new communism as you can see it happening in sri lanka & the Netherlands...now Canada is doing the same & cutting farmer's nitrogen / fertilizer in the name of climate during a food shortage no less.

The swamp knows the 2nd is a big hinderance to reach whatever deviant end game / agenda...I'm sure the ban will resurface once the 'inflation reduction act' gets passed. What's another $500 billion in spending during a recession?? F'ing clown show.

07-28-22, 14:47
I'm convinced this new green energy / climate crap is the new communism as you can see it happening in sri lanka & the Netherlands...now Canada is doing the same & cutting farmer's nitrogen / fertilizer in the name of climate during a food shortage no less.

The swamp knows the 2nd is a big hinderance to reach whatever deviant end game / agenda...I'm sure the ban will resurface once the 'inflation reduction act' gets passed. What's another $500 billion in spending during a recession?? F'ing clown show.

Exactly. You can’t make this shit up.

07-28-22, 17:19
Deleted, just read SeriousStudent's post. Oh and thanks SS, you have done yeoman's work!

07-28-22, 17:22
Based on the VERY recent SC ruling it is very clear any such law is clearly unconstitutional.

That shit is DOA.

That will not deter them in the least. Lawsuits must be filed and take years to climb the legal ladder. Perhaps by then the 6-3 (usually 5-4, thanks Roberts) majority will have changed. I put nothing past the Democheats.

Straight Shooter
07-28-22, 22:32
I JUST read the Bill is coming up in the morning..Friday 29July & the demonrats are within ONE VOTE from passing. Have yall heard this?

07-29-22, 00:20
I JUST read the Bill is coming up in the morning..Friday 29July & the demonrats are within ONE VOTE from passing. Have yall heard this?

Nope, only heard Pelosi's announcement that they don't have the votes. That's how they game is played these days.

tomme boy
07-29-22, 01:58
They got the votes because they bought off the National black caucus over the police bill. Now they supposed to have the votes with one rep going along with it.

07-29-22, 08:12
Just got the following email from NSSF.org

These Bills Could Be Voted on Today!
Contact Your U.S. Representative This Morning At (202) 224 3121!
Anti gun leaders in the House called an emergency meeting last night to employ a seldom used tactic that would expedite consideration of both the so-called "Assault Weapons" ban, and the bill to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

Both bills could be voted on by the full House of Representatives today!

It is unclear if Speaker Pelosi has the votes needed to pass the bills at this moment, so it is critical that you call your U.S. Representative TODAY and urge a “NO” vote on H.R. 1808, the so-called “Assault Weapons Ban” of 2022, and H.R. 2814, the so-called “Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act.”

Click here to find the correct contact information for your specific Member of Congress.

IMPORTANT – Please forward this Critical Alert Reminder to ALL of your friends and contacts and ask them to call or email their Representative and urge a “No” vote too.

07-29-22, 09:51
I heard that Pelosi called an Emergency meeting of Rules as soon as everyone was tied up with the softball game.

This is Hughes Amendment all over again...

07-29-22, 09:56
Been calling and emailing my a-hole reps, senators, governor, etc. I hope their offices and social sites are being flooded with calls, emails and posts.

07-29-22, 10:07
E mails sent. Thread bumped.

07-29-22, 10:11
Emailed my Congressman. I'm not seeing anything about these bills coming back from the dead, just the announcement they'd be allowed to die from a couple of days ago. Sadly, not surprised they'd try this crap.

07-29-22, 11:03
Closest I can find on congress.gov is “motion to suspend rules and pass certain bills” 2 days ago. Passed, but no other info available. Usually it names the bill in that description, and I’m unable to find further info. https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022401?Page=2

Heres the AWB: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1808 tracker shows “introduced”.

07-29-22, 12:20
That will not deter them in the least. Lawsuits must be filed and take years to climb the legal ladder. Perhaps by then the 6-3 (usually 5-4, thanks Roberts) majority will have changed. I put nothing past the Democheats.

This would get TRO’d and passed up to SCOTUS in time for the next session. In a perverse sense, a national mag and AWB might be the fastest way to get all bans whacked. Hi risk, high reward, but I worry more about Thomas being around or court packing than not getting the decision we need. Thomas and the others showed that they are not messing around with half steps in the Bruen and Roe cases. Getting an AWB and mag case to them as fast as we can by any means is probably the best course…

Straight Shooter
07-29-22, 13:29
This would get TRO’d and passed up to SCOTUS in time for the next session. In a perverse sense, a national mag and AWB might be the fastest way to get all bans whacked. Hi risk, high reward, but I worry more about Thomas being around or court packing than not getting the decision we need. Thomas and the others showed that they are not messing around with half steps in the Bruen and Roe cases. Getting an AWB and mag case to them as fast as we can by any means is probably the best course…

Ive wondered about that too CDH...not LET them pass an AWB..but if it does theyll NEVER be a better time in American history to get that stuff before the most 2A friendly court I know of..at least in my lifetime anyway.
After living thru AWB scare after scare for decades now, Im so MEH about it its shocking.
Col. Cooper used to warn people about getting stuff while it was available, and many times afterward would say.."Well, I got MINE".
Thats where Im at now.

Straight Shooter
07-29-22, 13:30
This would get TRO’d and passed up to SCOTUS in time for the next session. In a perverse sense, a national mag and AWB might be the fastest way to get all bans whacked. Hi risk, high reward, but I worry more about Thomas being around or court packing than not getting the decision we need. Thomas and the others showed that they are not messing around with half steps in the Bruen and Roe cases. Getting an AWB and mag case to them as fast as we can by any means is probably the best course…

Ive wondered about that too CDH...not LET them pass an AWB..but if it does theyll NEVER be a better time in American history to get that stuff before the most 2A friendly court I know of..at least in my lifetime anyway.
After living thru AWB scare after scare for decades now, Im so MEH about it its shocking.
Col. Cooper used to warn people about getting stuff while it was available, and many times afterward would say.."Well, I got MINE".
Thats where Im at now.

07-29-22, 14:07
Ugh, listening to these dopey democrats argue for banning rifles is maddening. "The AR15 can liquefy your organs. The children in Uvalde couldn't be visually identified. blah. blah. blah."

Couple good shots in from the "good guys" when he stated that it was interesting how the democrats all of a sudden became interested in children's lives when it was politically expedient, all while cheering for the murder of 3,000/day. Also how Republicans want laws that punish criminals and Democrats want laws that punish the law-abiding. They also brought up the study from 2021 that found 1.67 million times that guns stopped or prevented a crime. Several points/studies that showed the AWB of the 90s did not affect crime numbers. They did NOT however, use any of the language the SCOTUS has used recently to show how all of this is unconstitutional.

Boy Scout
07-29-22, 17:38
The vote to send it back to committee failed and it went to a floor vote. HR 1808, the new AWB, just passed in the house with two Republicans voting for it. Names not listed at the moment.

07-29-22, 17:51
Gotta pass it first, to see what's in it!!!


07-29-22, 17:51
Damn doubletap!

07-29-22, 18:05
Well it passed the house 217-213, 1 no vote. 2 Republicans voted for it. Get on your senators!

07-29-22, 18:35
No chance it passes the senate. The only Republican who may support it is Mittens. The only reason the last bill passed was because all weapon bans were removed from the bill.

07-29-22, 18:43
No chance it passes the senate. The only Republican who may support it is Mittens. The only reason the last bill passed was because all weapon bans were removed from the bill.

I sure hope so. You seem to have a lot more faith in senators than I do.

07-29-22, 18:43
Double tap

07-29-22, 18:48
House passes assault weapons ban that’s doomed in the Senate


07-29-22, 18:48
House passes assault weapons ban that’s doomed in the Senate


The level of GOP opposition indicates the bill is unlikely to advance in the evenly split Senate, where it would require the support of at least 10 Republicans to defeat a guaranteed filibuster. It’s also not clear if the measure has the support of all 50 Senate Democrats.

07-29-22, 18:50
They have brought great dishonor upon all their family names, and should go apologize to their ancestors through the atonement of ritual seppuku.

07-29-22, 19:38
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. “We know that an assault weapons ban can work because it has worked before.”

They will literally say anything. The National Institute of Justice found otherwise.


A number of factors—including the fact
that the banned weapons and magazines
were rarely used to commit murders in
this country, the limited availability of
data on the weapons, other components of
the Crime Control Act of 1994, and State
and local initiatives implemented at the
same time—posed challenges in discern-
ing the effects of the ban.

07-29-22, 19:40
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. “We know that an assault weapons ban can work because it has worked before.”

Nice timing...Massie touching this very thing.


07-29-22, 19:47
Nice timing...Massie touching this very thing.


Every time I hear somebody say the .223 is so lethal is MUST be banned, I flash back to the 70s and 80s where people tried to explain why the military would adopt such a weak round and people said things like "it was designed to wound, not kill, thus taking more people OFF the battle field."

Only in Congress will you hear more inaccurate information than at a gun show.

07-29-22, 19:47
Nice timing...Massie touching this very thing.


Every time I hear somebody say the .223 is so lethal is MUST be banned, I flash back to the 70s and 80s where people tried to explain why the military would adopt such a weak round and people said things like "it was designed to wound, not kill, thus taking more people OFF the battle field."

Only in Congress will you hear more inaccurate information than at a gun show.

07-29-22, 20:00
Watch out for the middle-of-the-night, backdoor dealing in the Seante. I know mine won't vote for it but the other 98 are a point of potential contention. Let 'em know what you think folks!

07-29-22, 21:08
Every time I hear somebody say the .223 is so lethal is MUST be banned, I flash back to the 70s and 80s where people tried to explain why the military would adopt such a weak round and people said things like "it was designed to wound, not kill, thus taking more people OFF the battle field."

Only in Congress will you hear more inaccurate information than at a gun show.

I watched a clip of the debate on this ban and one of the ComDems kept explaining how a brace turns a rifle into an automatic weapon like a bump stock. To think we have such mental midgets running this country is scary, Rome in its waning days…

07-29-22, 21:18
I just don't see them doing political suicide...don't they need 60 votes if it passes the house?? That is just not gonna happen.

Watch out for the middle-of-the-night, backdoor dealing in the Seante. I know mine won't vote for it but the other 98 are a point of potential contention. Let 'em know what you think folks!

07-29-22, 21:19
Watch out for the middle-of-the-night, backdoor dealing in the Seante. I know mine won't vote for it but the other 98 are a point of potential contention. Let 'em know what you think folks!

Quite frankly they don’t care what you think. Don’t waste your breath.

07-29-22, 21:55
I sure hope so. You seem to have a lot more faith in senators than I do.

They didn’t pass anything in 2013, 2016, or 2018. Every time we’ve said “the RINOs are going to stab us in the back!” They never get enough of them onboard to do so.

Even if they did, it wouldn’t survive the Supreme Court.

07-29-22, 21:57
They didn’t pass anything in 2013, 2016, or 2018. Every time we’ve said “the RINOs are going to stab us in the back!” They never get enough of them onboard to do so.

That was also before the NRA was revealed to be a toothless tiger...

07-29-22, 22:14
That was also before the NRA was revealed to be a toothless tiger...

It doesn’t matter. The chances that they get 10 Republicans to vote for the ban is very slim. Not impossible, but slim.

07-29-22, 22:14

07-29-22, 22:39
I watched a clip of the debate on this ban and one of the ComDems kept explaining how a brace turns a rifle into an automatic weapon like a bump stock. To think we have such mental midgets running this country is scary, Rome in its waning days…

I sorta wish this was a new thing, even if it indicated the "end of days", but this kind of blatant ignorance of everything they wish to regulate and control is nothing new.

Thinking arm braces are bump stocks doesn't even come close to Diane Feinstein or Barbara Boxer on their best days. And of course probably none better than Carolyn McCarthy who was discussing dangerous features of firearms like "barrel shrouds" when asked if she even knew what a barrel shroud was famously replied a “shoulder thing that goes up.”


07-29-22, 22:39
I watched a clip of the debate on this ban and one of the ComDems kept explaining how a brace turns a rifle into an automatic weapon like a bump stock. To think we have such mental midgets running this country is scary, Rome in its waning days…

I sorta wish this was a new thing, even if it indicated the "end of days", but this kind of blatant ignorance of everything they wish to regulate and control is nothing new.

Thinking arm braces are bump stocks doesn't even come close to Diane Feinstein or Barbara Boxer on their best days. And of course probably none better than Carolyn McCarthy who was discussing dangerous features of firearms like "barrel shrouds" when asked if she even knew what a barrel shroud was famously replied a “shoulder thing that goes up.”


07-30-22, 03:01
That was also before the NRA was revealed to be a toothless tiger...

No, really, the NRA has been a Toothless Tiger since King Bush the first.

I also believe that they know the difference between an arm brace and a bump stock. They just kind of counting on the PTA Mom'sand they're Uber liberal constituents in liberal uber States not knowing.
They really looked stupid having to have the whole arm brace thing explained over and over to them.

Straight Shooter
07-30-22, 03:20
If you havent heard the CEO of Ruger testifying before Congress, you might want to before buying another Ruger firearm.
HINT: Like old Bill Ruger himself..he sold us out.

Alex V
07-30-22, 09:41
If you havent heard the CEO of Ruger testifying before Congress, you might want to before buying another Ruger firearm.
HINT: Like old Bill Ruger himself..he sold us out.

Marty Daniels did as well. Refuses to call for the abolition of the ATF.

Think again before buying a DD rifle as well.

07-30-22, 09:55
Marty Daniels did as well. Refuses to call for the abolition of the ATF.

Think again before buying a DD rifle as well.

ISTR this isn't MD's first time knuckling under in the face of controversy.

Alex V
07-30-22, 10:11
ISTR this isn't MD's first time knuckling under in the face of controversy.

Yup. He pulled DD out of the NRA show after Uvalde. He’s a disgrace.

07-30-22, 10:16
Yup. He pulled DD out of the NRA show after Uvalde. He’s a disgrace.

I wasn't even thinking that, something a few years back that had some folks here salty. Hell, now that my Life membership is paid off I refuse to give NRA any more money until they clean house and #FireFrenchyFudd...

07-30-22, 11:26
.....Couple good shots in from the "good guys" when he stated that it was interesting how the democrats all of a sudden became interested in children's lives when it was politically expedient, all while cheering for the murder of 3,000/day. Also how Republicans want laws that punish criminals and Democrats want laws that punish the law-abiding. They also brought up the study from 2021 that found 1.67 million times that guns stopped or prevented a crime. Several points/studies that showed the AWB of the 90s did not affect crime numbers. They did NOT however, use any of the language the SCOTUS has used recently to show how all of this is unconstitutional.
I have never, in recent memory, seen a Republican who can perform the sort of verbal body-throw jiu-jitsu required to slap down idiotic arguments. Which is annoying, as the lefties are literally handing out easy counter-arguments these days.
Occasionally they can get a few good shots in if, much like the Dems, they have some current talking points to tie into.
But I've never seen one that can actually throw-down debate or argue a point.

If you havent heard the CEO of Ruger testifying before Congress, you might want to before buying another Ruger firearm.
HINT: Like old Bill Ruger himself..he sold us out.

Marty Daniels did as well. Refuses to call for the abolition of the ATF.

Think again before buying a DD rifle as well.
Aaaand there's that reason I've never owned more than 1 Ruger firearm. IIRC, weren't they also "helpful" with the 90s AWB in order to protect themselves?
Also, I miss the days when DD were 2A uber-chads.

I wasn't even thinking that, something a few years back that had some folks here salty....

Vegas. Remember, the non-shooting that happened there? DD got all cringey over that too.

07-30-22, 11:26
I am calling on congress today to act to ban forum bump stocks. The ability to post more than one reply with a single click is a danger to our democracy.

07-30-22, 11:32
The vote to send it back to committee failed and it went to a floor vote. HR 1808, the new AWB, just passed in the house with two Republicans voting for it. Names not listed at the moment.


The House passed the ban by a narrow 217-213 margin on Friday, with the support of Republican congressmen Chris Jacobs of New York and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania.

07-30-22, 11:54
Gonzalez (R) Ohio, no-voted, so he’s responsible, too.

07-30-22, 14:10

Fitzpatrick is an ex FBI agent in a purple district..he is trying to keep himself employed

07-30-22, 14:12
Fitzpatrick is an ex FBI agent in a purple district..he is trying to keep himself employed

An FBLIE stormtrooper... that explains a lot there. Jackboot gonna Jackboot.

07-30-22, 14:12

07-30-22, 22:36
Yup. He pulled DD out of the NRA show after Uvalde. He’s a disgrace.

First time was a couple years ago when he said something along the lines of we the people don't need ARs..

07-30-22, 23:06
First time was a couple years ago when he said something along the lines of we the people don't need ARs..

Would really like to see a source on that considering all they make is ARs.

07-30-22, 23:06
First time was a couple years ago when he said something along the lines of we the people don't need ARs..

Would really like to see a source on that considering all they make is ARs.

07-30-22, 23:48
I have never, in recent memory, seen a Republican who can perform the sort of verbal body-throw jiu-jitsu required to slap down idiotic arguments. Which is annoying, as the lefties are literally handing out easy counter-arguments these days.
Occasionally they can get a few good shots in if, much like the Dems, they have some current talking points to tie into.
But I've never seen one that can actually throw-down debate or argue a point.

I miss Trey Godwy, he was a black belt at verbal jiu-jitsu.

07-30-22, 23:49
I miss Trey Godwy, he was a black belt at verbal jiu-jitsu.

Too bad he used it for all Show, with no Go to back it up when it counted...

07-30-22, 23:51
Too bad he used it for all Show, with no Go to back it up when it counted...

That's the problem, you need more than one guy that wants to go to the mat, otherwise it never gets out of committee.

07-31-22, 00:31
That's the problem, you need more than one guy that wants to go to the mat, otherwise it never gets out of committee.

Probably the best reason for Rand Paul not becoming President, we really need him in the Senate. He's one of the few people who actually understands the job description.

07-31-22, 05:46
Sad to See Daniel Defense cave to the NFA & anti 2A in this video. He really showed his hand here. I honestly never thought he was this type of person. I guess government contracts are more important to him than the People. Glad there are still companies BCM, SOLGW & Barrett etc. who have integrity.


07-31-22, 06:42
Remember the time that the dems and progressives all turned on Obama because he didn’t support Gay Marriage back in 2008?

Me neither…

07-31-22, 06:42
Remember the time that the dems and progressives all turned on Obama because he didn’t support Gay Marriage back in 2008?

Me neither…

07-31-22, 09:37
Sad to See Daniel Defense cave to the NFA & anti 2A in this video. He really showed his hand here. I honestly never thought he was this type of person. I guess government contracts are more important to him than the People. Glad there are still companies BCM, SOLGW & Barrett etc. who have integrity.


I find this strange. Not saying I don’t believe it, just that its strange. How many contract $$$ does DD really pull compared to private commercial sales? On the .mil side, I’m only aware of their use in SOF, and even then, not every unit, and mostly only for the meat-eaters. In other words, relatively small numbers. As for LE, I dunno, but probably not all that much, given that the price is similar to KAC, and Mr Bill’s rails have been “the hotness” for some time now, along with the “Geissele all the things” crowd. I can’t name, off the top of my head, any LE agency that issues them. Maybe some of y’all can refresh me.

I would expect that they make more money off the private sector, but I don’t truly know.

Edit: I almost forgot. A buddy sent me a screenshot of this: https://www.instagram.com/p/CgqV2hFtRg8/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= this morning. Apparently Cloud Defensive doesn’t sell to the AFT.

07-31-22, 10:41
Sad to See Daniel Defense cave to the NFA & anti 2A in this video. He really showed his hand here. I honestly never thought he was this type of person. I guess government contracts are more important to him than the People. Glad there are still companies BCM, SOLGW & Barrett etc. who have integrity.


Let Marty know what you think:

I did. I’ll no longer support DD nor recommend them to other shooters.

The “DDM4” in my screen name stands for “Daniel Defense M4”.

They won’t be getting any more of my money or money of people I tell to buy their stuff.

07-31-22, 10:49
Let Marty know what you think:

I did. I’ll no longer support DD nor recommend them to other shooters.

The “DDM4” in my screen name stands for “Daniel Defense M4”.

They won’t be getting any more of my money or money of people I tell to buy their stuff.

I usually don’t send emails like this but this stuff has gone to far and I let them know I will no longer recommend not support their company.

07-31-22, 10:58
Sad to See Daniel Defense cave to the NFA & anti 2A in this video. He really showed his hand here. I honestly never thought he was this type of person. I guess government contracts are more important to him than the People. Glad there are still companies BCM, SOLGW & Barrett etc. who have integrity.


Please help me understand how "we are not in support, at this time, of eliminating the ATF" is a big sellout? I feel like I am missing context here.

07-31-22, 11:05
I'm not so sure being an FFL & saying you want to abolish the ATF would make for a healthy audit...

07-31-22, 11:14
Please help me understand how "we are not in support, at this time, of eliminating the ATF" is a big sellout? I feel like I am missing context here.

I can see WHY Ruger would say what they did. Since they are a publicly traded company, CEO has fiscal duty to do what is best for the stockholders. Knowing damn well the AFT would shut them down if they vocally oppose it, but open themselves up to legal matters for statements that hurt the bottom line.

DD on the other hand is a private company and the CEO has no legal duty, and should have told them the ATF has to go or at a minimum a severe house cleaning of abusive agents who are now probably going to find a way to shut his company down for saying such a thing.

07-31-22, 13:41
I have never, in recent memory, seen a Republican who can perform the sort of verbal body-throw jiu-jitsu required to slap down idiotic arguments. Which is annoying, as the lefties are literally handing out easy counter-arguments these days.
Occasionally they can get a few good shots in if, much like the Dems, they have some current talking points to tie into.
But I've never seen one that can actually throw-down debate or argue a point.

Clay Higgins, Lousiana


07-31-22, 15:25
Marty Daniels did as well. Refuses to call for the abolition of the ATF.

Think again before buying a DD rifle as well.

If you put ME on CSPAN, even I wouldn't call for the abolition of the ATF. Don't need anyone to discover I'm making machine guns for the Mexican cartels and kick my doors to see if their "tip" is true.

The Dumb Gun Collector
07-31-22, 16:20
My Lord, we are getting a little trigger-happy on canceling folks these days. While I think the AFT is evil and its legally legitimate role (managing tax stamps, etc) could easily be done by the IRS, I don't really see why this guy's response merits us tossing him under the bus. This isn't a Zumbo/Ruger situation, he is literally being asked a gotcha question and decided to just keep it simple. Hell, they didn't even let him explain before they cut him off.

07-31-22, 16:25
I find this strange. Not saying I don’t believe it, just that its strange. How many contract $$$ does DD really pull compared to private commercial sales? On the .mil side, I’m only aware of their use in SOF, and even then, not every unit, and mostly only for the meat-eaters. In other words, relatively small numbers. As for LE, I dunno, but probably not all that much, given that the price is similar to KAC, and Mr Bill’s rails have been “the hotness” for some time now, along with the “Geissele all the things” crowd. I can’t name, off the top of my head, any LE agency that issues them. Maybe some of y’all can refresh me.

I would expect that they make more money off the private sector, but I don’t truly know.

Edit: I almost forgot. A buddy sent me a screenshot of this: https://www.instagram.com/p/CgqV2hFtRg8/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= this morning. Apparently Cloud Defensive doesn’t sell to the AFT.

It is illogical, but not unusual. Mentioned it here before, firearms sales private/.gov post 9/2001 have been around 65%/35% and prior to that date had been about 80%/20% yet firearms biz typically caters to the minority of their business. The most rabidly antigun cop can go shopping for $1000 firearm and frequently will pay $900 for it, effectively being rewarded for efforts to eliminate 65% of the industries business.

Isn't DD's first rodeo since they supported fix nics in 2018 till the backlash got them to back pedal.

Can't recall the California agency, but their local news had a big write up on how they got a batch of DD carbines using money they stole via Civil asset forfeiture. That was within a few years of Paul Buffoni canceling a BCM order that Milwaukee PD had due to the pos Milwaukee chief ed flynn lobbying for a ban on the private sale of self loading rifles.

07-31-22, 16:33
While I think the AFT is evil and its legally legitimate role (managing tax stamps, etc) could easily be done by the IRS,

How about no ATF, no IRS, no income tax .

We can collect tax revenue in a more fair unbiased way. I support a graduated national sales tax.

07-31-22, 18:05
My Lord, we are getting a little trigger-happy on canceling folks these days. While I think the AFT is evil and its legally legitimate role (managing tax stamps, etc) could easily be done by the IRS, I don't really see why this guy's response merits us tossing him under the bus. This isn't a Zumbo/Ruger situation, he is literally being asked a gotcha question and decided to just keep it simple. Hell, they didn't even let him explain before they cut him off.

Yeah, I agree. He didn't say anything really anti-gun, just was put on the spot with a "gotcha" question. In his position as CEO of a firearms manufacturing company I'd probably be reserved in my answer too. Now, just to cover all the bases, it is complete BS that he would have to worry about coming under an ATF microscope for saying he supported them being disbanded. It shouldn't be allowed and should be punished accordingly but we all know how reality is (unfortunately). Freedom of speech and all that.

Coal Dragger
07-31-22, 18:23
How about no ATF, no IRS, no income tax .

We can collect tax revenue in a more fair unbiased way. I support a graduated national sales tax.

Or go back to the original taxation of the United States: tariffs on imports. Big ones.

07-31-22, 18:39
Or go back to the original taxation of the United States: tariffs on imports. Big ones.

Problem with that is we are 12 to 24 months away from China going down the toilet and the end of globalization.

07-31-22, 18:50
Problem with that is we are 12 to 24 months away from China going down the toilet and the end of globalization.

Interesting call. Don’t doubt your call at all. A true black swan event that is hard to predict, but I don’t think people understand how screwed in numerous ways China is. They used tanks to stop runs on banks, think about that… their handling of COVID is a head scratcher.

Coal Dragger
07-31-22, 19:41
Problem with that is we are 12 to 24 months away from China going down the toilet and the end of globalization.

I think the Chinese will prove to be more resilient than you think.

Either way they are not our friends, and extreme tariffs on their goods are warranted. If that were to help tip them into toilet, even better.

07-31-22, 20:14
How would you describe the end of globalization & the effect of the US & the world's economy...short term / long term??

Problem with that is we are 12 to 24 months away from China going down the toilet and the end of globalization.

07-31-22, 20:22
Yeah, I agree. He didn't say anything really anti-gun, just was put on the spot with a "gotcha" question. In his position as CEO of a firearms manufacturing company I'd probably be reserved in my answer too. Now, just to cover all the bases, it is complete BS that he would have to worry about coming under an ATF microscope for saying he supported them being disbanded. It shouldn't be allowed and should be punished accordingly but we all know how reality is (unfortunately). Freedom of speech and all that.

Yep, it's easy to be "I'd have done this" or "I'd have done that" when you aren't actually responsible for a million dollar company. Not much different from the people who think they know how they'd perform in combat because of their "no compromise" beliefs.

Bill Ruger was actually anti gun, didn't think anyone other than LE and MIL should be able to own full capacity magazines or be able to buy his GB model Mini 14s. I actually waited until he died and Ruger apologized before I bought another Ruger product and I made a point of tracking down an old school Mini 14 GB just because.

I still haven't bought a new S&W product after they promoted that smart gun BS.

08-01-22, 01:40
Problem with that is we are 12 to 24 months away from China going down the toilet and the end of globalization.

We should help them go into the toilet, and collect on the money they owe us from bailing them out of ww2 that they refuse to pay back.

Honestly, we should have just protected Europe, let Germany, China and Russia fight it out. Mao and Stalin each killed more people than hitler. Not saying hitler was good, none of those three ****s were. All three were completely evil, but we’re still having to deal with the impact that Russia and China have made on the world and the shit shows China has caused.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-01-22, 05:06
We should help them go into the toilet, and collect on the money they owe us from bailing them out of ww2 that they refuse to pay back.

Honestly, we should have just protected Europe, let Germany, China and Russia fight it out. Mao and Stalin each killed more people than hitler. Not saying hitler was good, none of those three ****s were. All three were completely evil, but we’re still having to deal with the impact that Russia and China have made on the world and the shit shows China has caused.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Stalin would have simply come to terms with Hitler...again...leaving Germany to be completely OUR problem.

Even France threatened to come under the political sphere of the Soviet Union if we didn't give them every damn thing they asked for, including helping them retake their former colony of Indochina. And of course during the war, they were a model client Nazi state who began rounding up their jews and putting them on trains to the camps without even being asked to do so.

The politics during and after WWII were simply bizarre.

Finland was invaded by both Germany and Russia when they were allies, but when Russia flipped over to OUR team, Finland was treated by us as just another Nazi state. Only the fact that they kicked Russia's ass completely allowed them to be treated with caution after the war.

08-01-22, 05:24
How would you describe the end of globalization & the effect of the US & the world's economy...short term / long term??

Globalization was started by the USA post WW2 at Breton Woods, as a hedge against the USSR. It worked very well. then you add in the boomers in the USA and we were off to the good life. Americans were making money and spending it on their kids.

The USSR no longer is around and after 20 years of GWOT, American's no longer want to be the worlds police. Then you factor in the boomers are retired or soon will be, this will bring a reduction in the size of the workforce in the USA.

Then China hit the world with a bio weapon, which is the biggest blunder in the history of blunders in my view. The world as a whole did not respond to covid Nation- States each were left to fend on their own. This has started a snow ball that will soon roll over the so called global elites that are trying to push for world government. This of course depends on the American citizens defeating the Marxist here at home. If we fail to defeat the Marxist then EVERY thing will change.

So let's say we are at best case and we defeat the Marxist here internally.

China has been locking down cities over covid, but we believe it is really more than that. China imports the majority by a long way of the food and energy they produce. We know that because of the war 2 things are happening, these aren't may happen they already are. First the western companies that left the Russian service contracts behind in Siberia are gone. Winter is coming the oil fields will not survive the winter, they will self destruct, this will take Russian oil off the table for at least a decade that is like around 6 million barrels a day. Then we factor in the next harvest in Ukraine isn't going to happen. Then you add the fertilizer taken off the world market from Ukraine and Russia, the next harvest in the world will be greatly reduced like 30 to 50% at least. The USA also has a fertilizer shortage due to Brandon signing an executive order.

So now we have established the ground on which the world stands.


We will be better than the rest of the world. We are going to go through a rough 10 years due to the factors above. But given good leadership the USA will be the only super power in the world. I don't think we are going to see starvation in the USA, but we will see 1 Billion people die from lack of food in the next 12 to 18 months world wide. USA we will go into stores and see a game of musical chairs of product shortages. Inflation is going to stay with us, and nothing we can do about it, why? We are going to see a huge wage war to attract workers which is a smaller sized due to no more boomers working. USA needs to close the border, but start an immigration push of recruiting skilled workers to fill the gap.

China will suffer greatly and basically become a shell of it's current status. China was the fastest society in the world to urbanize and with stupid commie policies such as one child they have a shrinking population. They now admit the last census they took was off by some where between 100 to 200 million people and here is where it is strange they say it was women that were miscounted the most.

So here is my bottom line, my company is still very focused on Africa, Middle East and Europe. But we understand that the world is going to change, we are pushing to get contracts to help government feed from new programs internally set up by us their people, while doing a social media campaign at the same time to defuse potential revolution and civil war. But we know we have a very small window of time for this.

Now I am heading up a big push on things here in the USA, for I know from history that Americans are special. I do not believe Americans are built to be slaves to the government and will put an end to this Marxist crap, by any and all means.

Having said all that, if I were an American of means I would hedge my bet by restructuring part of my world outside the USA. We can do this better than the firms that are on the internet. Why do I say this, simple we are former intelligence officer that know how to set up missions so our people disappear, we can do the same for you.

08-01-22, 09:11
Please help me understand how "we are not in support, at this time, of eliminating the ATF" is a big sellout? I feel like I am missing context here.

Yeah, I think abolishing the ATF would be a great idea, but we've gotten so energized with certain ideas that anyone that doesn't at least match our level might as well be the enemy. That's not a good place to be, and only serves to alienate a great many. I'd be willing to bet more than a few people calling for a boycott of DD probably haven't actually seen what was actually said and are just going off of the "DD supports the ATF/gun control!" summary.

My Lord, we are getting a little trigger-happy on canceling folks these days. While I think the AFT is evil and its legally legitimate role (managing tax stamps, etc) could easily be done by the IRS, I don't really see why this guy's response merits us tossing him under the bus. This isn't a Zumbo/Ruger situation, he is literally being asked a gotcha question and decided to just keep it simple. Hell, they didn't even let him explain before they cut him off.


08-01-22, 09:48
In the USA today, we know facts about Federal law enforcement .

1. FBI no longer follows the Constitution and the laws of the land, if they ever did.

2. ATF agents have been documented violating the law.

So if I were the CEO of a firearms company, why would I call for the elimination of the agency that can make my life hell and destroy everything I have worked to build?

I might be willing to say, I support reforms of the system and that is as far as I would go.

Doesn't mean I am not pro gun, it just means I want to keep making guns and not go to jail in a witch hunt.

08-01-22, 11:40
All Marty had to do was reply like this:
“That’s a canned question and I won’t respond in any other way than saying I support the Rights codified in the Constitution”.

Simple. Instead he answered likely out of the same fear being parroted inn this thread.

I wasn’t looking for him to say “abolish the ATF”.

Simply calling the congress Critter on her BS question and not taking a stance other than showing support of the Constitution would have been the right way to go.

08-01-22, 12:55
All Marty had to do was reply like this:
“That’s a canned question and I won’t respond in any other way than saying I support the Rights codified in the Constitution”.

Simple. Instead he answered likely out of the same fear being parroted inn this thread.

I like DD products but its time to get rid of Marty. I will say that DD has government contracts to worry about as well, playing both sides doesn't really lead to good outcomes on either.

08-01-22, 15:50
How would you describe the end of globalization & the effect of the US & the world's economy...short term / long term??

Yoni’s answer is right on, but I’d add that you’ll see even more ‘logistics’ issues as global trade slows down and people local source things. Less options, higher prices, more seasonality in fresh foods.

The bell weather to me? The price of shipping containers and how many are surplus for sales.

Global trade keeps prices (and wages) down in some kind of overall balancing act. When it gets out of balance, that’s when it causes internal problems. Global trade also helps to keep wars to a minimum- and we’ll see if this leads to another level of fighting like when global trade took a nose dive after the Great Depression.

08-01-22, 17:09
Yoni’s answer is right on, but I’d add that you’ll see even more ‘logistics’ issues as global trade slows down and people local source things. Less options, higher prices, more seasonality in fresh foods.

The bell weather to me? The price of shipping containers and how many are surplus for sales.

Global trade keeps prices (and wages) down in some kind of overall balancing act. When it gets out of balance, that’s when it causes internal problems. Global trade also helps to keep wars to a minimum- and we’ll see if this leads to another level of fighting like when global trade took a nose dive after the Great Depression.My old man wanted another shipping container recently for storage and after checking prices decided against it.
He bought one just before the dempanic started and now they want two and a half times more for the container and triple the delivery fee.

They must not need to sell them as much as the news says they do.

08-01-22, 17:26
My old man wanted another shipping container recently for storage and after checking prices decided against it.
He bought one just before the dempanic started and now they want two and a half times more for the container and triple the delivery fee.

They must not need to sell them as much as the news says they do.

Manufacturing is still hot, and things still need to move. My point on pricing is that it will come, but not yet.

08-01-22, 17:32
My old man wanted another shipping container recently for storage and after checking prices decided against it.
He bought one just before the dempanic started and now they want two and a half times more for the container and triple the delivery fee.

They must not need to sell them as much as the news says they do.

Container prices are crazy high, yet I hear empty containers are being illegally dumped all over the place around the ports cause they can't get anyone to take the empties back. I hear that they dump them in business parks and even residential neighborhoods. How'd you like to wake up to that blocking your driveway?

08-01-22, 17:37
Container prices are crazy high, yet I hear empty containers are being illegally dumped all over the place around the ports cause they can't get anyone to take the empties back. I hear that they dump them in business parks and even residential neighborhoods. How'd you like to wake up to that blocking your driveway?

Drop them off in my driveway.. I need a dozen or more and prefer 20'ers.

08-01-22, 18:01
Container prices are crazy high, yet I hear empty containers are being illegally dumped all over the place around the ports cause they can't get anyone to take the empties back. I hear that they dump them in business parks and even residential neighborhoods. How'd you like to wake up to that blocking your driveway?That's what the news says, but I doubt it's as bad as they say otherwise the prices would be set to sell them.

If it blocked my driveway I'd push t aside (we own a trucking company) call a buddy whose company hauls them and find out who owns it, inform them I just charged them $25k moving and storage fees or the could send me the paperwork for ownership so I could give it to my old man.

I dont get lucky enough for that to happen.

08-06-22, 20:17
They are still trying to find a way.


The Dumb Gun Collector
08-06-22, 20:21
That Reuters article will actually reduce your IQ temporarily if you read it. Here is my favorite part of this journalistic gem...

Assault-style rifles are lightweight, semi-automatic weapons popular among hunters in the United States. They also are capable of causing severe damage to humans when they tear through organs, bones and muscle in rapid fire.

08-06-22, 22:05
That Reuters article will actually reduce your IQ temporarily if you read it. Here is my favorite part of this journalistic gem...

Yeah, unlike Pedo Joe's shotgun which don't cause any damage to bones or organs.

Sadly Reuters is the only one reporting the "as of today" update on this nonsense.

08-07-22, 03:13
Yeah, unlike Pedo Joe's shotgun which don't cause any damage to bones or organs.

Sadly Reuters is the only one reporting the "as of today" update on this nonsense.

Not when you walk out on the balcony and blast it in the air. I promise, get a double-barrel shotgun.

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-07-22, 17:25
I know we have all seen it...but still...


08-08-22, 09:54
Is there any definitive date on when this will go to the Senate for a vote?

08-08-22, 18:37
Is there any definitive date on when this will go to the Senate for a vote?

When they think nobody is looking.

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-08-22, 18:38
They are probably grooming a few weirdos and talking them off their psych meds in hopes for a good mass shooting before the vote. I am joking, but given these scumbags it isn't beyond all imagining.

08-08-22, 21:46
They are probably grooming a few weirdos and talking them off their psych meds in hopes for a good mass shooting before the vote. I am joking, but given these scumbags it isn't beyond all imagining.

They are probably grooming a few weirdos and talking them off their psych meds in hopes of changing their SENATE vote.

08-09-22, 06:54
Is there any definitive date on when this will go to the Senate for a vote?

Immediately after the next psychopath that is currently on an fbi watchlist does the thing he’s already threatened to do.

08-09-22, 07:03
I hope though I am doubtful, that the raid on Trump last night woke up Republicans as to the fact we are in the middle of a Marxist Revolution. So that when this get's to the Senate each and every Republican raise their fist and vote no on the bill with a raised middle finger.

08-09-22, 07:32
I hope though I am doubtful, that the raid on Trump last night woke up Republicans as to the fact we are in the middle of a Marxist Revolution. So that when this get's to the Senate each and every Republican raise their fist and vote no on the bill with a raised middle finger.

When that is exactly what they should be doing is usually when the squishy Senators agree to pass "historic bi-partisan legislation". I wouldn't count on them to stand up for anything anymore. Your doubt is well founded.

08-09-22, 10:51
Immediately after the next psychopath that is currently on an fbi watchlist does the thing he’s already threatened to do.

Don't you mean "does the thing that Professor Raoul X's 'guiding hand' maneuvered him to do"?

Straight Shooter
08-09-22, 13:29
Don't you mean "does the thing that Professor Raoul X's 'guiding hand' maneuvered him to do"?

what..the..hell..did I just read?

08-09-22, 14:01
what..the..hell..did I just read?

Fiction by Matthew Bracken, but probably not all that removed from reality.

08-09-22, 14:12
Fiction by Matthew Bracken, but probably not all that removed from reality.

Bracken's not that far off... many years ago when I was being educated by local Political Machine figures alongside their own kids, that kind of manipulation of others was among the kind of sordid things we were taught.

09-16-22, 03:24
Received today via e-mail:

“Dear Mr. 1168,

Thank you for your correspondence regarding H.R. 1808, the so-called "Assault Weapons" Ban. As your representative in Washington, your insight and feedback is invaluable to our team’s legislative efforts.

Once again responsible law-abiding gun owners in a misguided attempt to curb gun violence saw their Right to Keep and Bear Arms in jeopardy.

This latest attempt to restrict the Second Amendment came in the form of a bill which I voted against, H.R. 1808 – The Assault Weapons Ban Act which would make it:

Ø Illegal to Import, Sell, Manufacture, Transfer and Posses

§ Semi-Automatic Guns

§ Ammunition Capacity over 15 rounds

Fortunately, this bill has NO CHANCE PASSING the SENATE.

As a gun owner, hunter and avid outdoorswoman, rest assured I will continue to protect this Lowcountry and American way of life.

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me. Your input drives my decisions and my mission in Washington and I appreciate your recommendations.


Rep. Nancy Mace
Member of Congress”

09-16-22, 03:48
Received today via e-mail:

“Dear Mr. 1168,

Thank you for your correspondence regarding H.R. 1808, the so-called "Assault Weapons" Ban. As your representative in Washington, your insight and feedback is invaluable to our team’s legislative efforts.

Once again responsible law-abiding gun owners in a misguided attempt to curb gun violence saw their Right to Keep and Bear Arms in jeopardy.

This latest attempt to restrict the Second Amendment came in the form of a bill which I voted against, H.R. 1808 – The Assault Weapons Ban Act which would make it:

Ø Illegal to Import, Sell, Manufacture, Transfer and Posses

§ Semi-Automatic Guns

§ Ammunition Capacity over 15 rounds

Fortunately, this bill has NO CHANCE PASSING the SENATE.

As a gun owner, hunter and avid outdoorswoman, rest assured I will continue to protect this Lowcountry and American way of life.

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me. Your input drives my decisions and my mission in Washington and I appreciate your recommendations.


Member of Congress”

Very rarely do you get a "I voted AGAINST / FOR" letter. Rep. Nancy Mace seems like a solid person.

Straight Shooter
09-16-22, 04:06
Quick story.
About 1987-88. ALGORE was a TN Senator. Some bullshit anti-gun stuff was again coming up for a vote. As I was active back then, I wrote a good letter on why he should vote against it..blah blah.
In a short time, I get back a letter from him, agreeing 100% about our "precious Second Amendment..hunting..self defense..everything I would want my Senator to say.
My mentor at the time says BULLSHIT, he is just telling you what you want to hear..he is anti-gun. I says Ok, Ill write again. So, I did.
Used my same real address, same real name. Said to the effect "we gotta get rid of these deadly weapons, dont hunt with them, dangerous..blah blah".
EVEN QUICKER- I get back a letter saying all the standard anti-gun bullshit, just like I had written. Told me he WOULD be voting for the bill & the bastard did.
I showed them letters for years to our club and anyone who wanted to see them, carried them in my range bag untill they were shreds. I lost them decades ago.

09-16-22, 06:07
Quick story.
About 1987-88. ALGORE was a TN Senator. Some bullshit anti-gun stuff was again coming up for a vote. As I was active back then, I wrote a good letter on why he should vote against it..blah blah.
In a short time, I get back a letter from him, agreeing 100% about our "precious Second Amendment..hunting..self defense..everything I would want my Senator to say.
My mentor at the time says BULLSHIT, he is just telling you what you want to hear..he is anti-gun. I says Ok, Ill write again. So, I did.
Used my same real address, same real name. Said to the effect "we gotta get rid of these deadly weapons, dont hunt with them, dangerous..blah blah".
EVEN QUICKER- I get back a letter saying all the standard anti-gun bullshit, just like I had written. Told me he WOULD be voting for the bill & the bastard did.
I showed them letters for years to our club and anyone who wanted to see them, carried them in my range bag untill they were shreds. I lost them decades ago.

Gore the whore, inventor of the internet and Tunnel of Love? Say isn't so.

09-16-22, 06:13
Politicians are all shit, and will say whatever they think you want to hear. That is literally their entire job, they have no spine or backbone or integrity. Politicians make lawyers look virtuous. If it makes you feel better to write letters or call or vote, fantastic.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

09-16-22, 06:37
Words are words and votes are votes.

She did vote against it in fairness. However, I do understand the sentiment regarding politicians.

God Bless,


09-16-22, 08:03
Words are words and votes are votes.

She did vote against it in fairness. However, I do understand the sentiment regarding politicians.

God Bless,


This, exactly. Pay attention to their votes, and what they sign, or don’t, not their words. Its literally public record.