View Full Version : Democrats Favored to Win Senate for First Time as Polling Improves

07-28-22, 11:09

For the first time, political polling website FiveThirtyEight shows the Democrats with an edge in the race for the U.S. Senate in November.

FiveThirtyEight believes that the Republicans have selected some "weak candidates" in some key races, meaning that they are less likely to take the upper chamber than previously predicted.

07-28-22, 11:31
I'd tend to put that poll in the same category as the "Hillary will win, 100%" polls we saw in 2016...

07-28-22, 11:35
To me the senate is far more important than the house. Holding just one chamber gives us the ability to shutdown any legislation but holding the senate also shuts down any new nominations pudding pop will try to get confirmation on.

07-28-22, 12:08
If anyone knows how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, it's the GOP. :rolleyes:

07-28-22, 12:17
It's early but this is expected: it will tighten the closer to November we get.

This is what I am seeing:


07-28-22, 12:23
The RINOs piss me off. We gagged and voted for their candidates for decades, and now that the MAGA crowd is around, they want to lose. F them.

I agree. The Senate is more strategic- and important if they want to try to pack the court or replace a SCOTUS justice if one were to be killed.

The House is nice because of the investigations, but nothing ever really comes out of them. They are all show and can drive a narrative, but in the end, don’t ever lead anywhere.

07-28-22, 12:31
The RINOs piss me off. We gagged and voted for their candidates for decades, and now that the MAGA crowd is around, they want to lose. F them.

I agree. The Senate is more strategic- and important if they want to try to pack the court or replace a SCOTUS justice if one were to be killed.

The House is nice because of the investigations, but nothing ever really comes out of them. They are all show and can drive a narrative, but in the end, don’t ever lead anywhere.

If the goal from 2022-2024 is to obfuscate and block, then any chamber will do. If the GOP wants to ram legislation through and they have a veto-proof number, they will need both chambers. But holding either chamber will stonewall Biden and Company.

07-28-22, 12:34
Is this the pre-election propaganda that sets the stage for a sliver of believability in the fraudulent outcome?

Alex V
07-28-22, 12:42
Is this the pre-election propaganda that sets the stage for a sliver of believability in the fraudulent outcome?


They figured out a fool proof way to cheat, no one stopped them, why should they change their approach this time?

07-28-22, 12:46
Is this the pre-election propaganda that sets the stage for a sliver of believability in the fraudulent outcome?

Yep, it’s worked for them for years.

07-28-22, 12:59
Well I always tell the polls I'm voting 'blue no matter who'

07-28-22, 13:04
Is this the pre-election propaganda that sets the stage for a sliver of believability in the fraudulent outcome?Absolutely. That people haven't caught on to this already is mind numbing.

Sent from my SM-G990U using Tapatalk

07-28-22, 13:31
The idea that Dems could be favored in any poll is laughable.

07-28-22, 13:48
The idea that Dems could be favored in any poll is laughable.It all depends on who they ask.

If you ask 1 million people in my county (1.9 mil population) I guarantee 8 out of 10 will favor dumbocrats every time.

07-28-22, 13:51
Liberal news, liberal cities, at least 500-1000 people polled...............so what. Who here believes anything the mainstream media presents to us as factual. You used to be able to judge issuees and races off of polls. Those days ended decades ago I think.

What's the difference between the fourth estate and the fifth column? I'm not sure anything is.

07-28-22, 16:15
Liberal news, liberal cities, at least 500-1000 people polled...............so what. Who here believes anything the mainstream media presents to us as factual. You used to be able to judge issuees and races off of polls. Those days ended decades ago I think.

What's the difference between the fourth estate and the fifth column? I'm not sure anything is.

Polls used to be predictions, now they're propaganda. This is just the opening salvo of a propaganda blitzkrieg from the left for the fall midterms. It's the same way they're refusing to say when we're in a recession, when every low and middle income family in America knows we are.

These are not the droids you're looking for. :rolleyes:

07-28-22, 16:32
After all the bullshit the leftists have pulled if people vote them in they deserve what they get, the rest of don't but they sure as **** do.

07-28-22, 17:07
Of course, despite public opinion and just about every other poll showing an ass-kicking coming the Democheats will "miraculously" pull it off. Hmmm, I wonder how on Earth that will happen? :rolleyes:

07-28-22, 17:09
Is this the pre-election propaganda that sets the stage for a sliver of believability in the fraudulent outcome?

Exactly my point.

Coal Dragger
07-28-22, 18:14
Frankly voters are pretty dumb. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Democrats hold the Senate.

Plus Republicans are doing a good job of nominating total idiots this cycle, so that helps Democrats.

07-28-22, 18:28
Frankly voters are pretty dumb. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Democrats hold the Senate.

Plus Republicans are doing a good job of nominating total idiots this cycle, so that helps Democrats.

The tell-tale will be the House races. If the Democheats win Senate seats AND keep the House then the smell-meter should be pegged. They are not gonna alter/submit/cheat votes for only one of the chambers of Congress.

In 2020 the down-ballot vote didn't favor the Democheats like the eventual results showed. A metric shit-ton of "votes" were received marked for only ONE race.....the POTUS one.

And yes, never underestimate the stupidity of the electorate at large.

07-28-22, 18:55
Frankly voters are pretty dumb. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Democrats hold the Senate.

Plus Republicans are doing a good job of nominating total idiots this cycle, so that helps Democrats.

Democrats don't hold the senate. We have a 50 to 48 lead.

07-28-22, 19:17
That is entirely possible considering there will never be another free and fair election,
if there ever was one !

07-28-22, 19:32
Frankly voters are pretty dumb. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Democrats hold the Senate.

Plus Republicans are doing a good job of nominating total idiots this cycle, so that helps Democrats.

Yep, the problem is that they nominated too many Senate candidates with baggage...and unfortunately, Trump was largely to blame for that. Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker were both very bad choices, as was J.D. Vance, but they all got the nomination after Trump backed them. Not that nominating RINOs would have been the key to winning the Senate, but these are some seriously weak candidates.

Luckily, if things keep trending as they do and the GOP takes the House, at least the Dems won't be able to pack the court and there will be no point in getting rid of the filibuster.

07-28-22, 19:51
Fake news. Be not deceived by them.

Coal Dragger
07-28-22, 21:03
Yep, the problem is that they nominated too many Senate candidates with baggage...and unfortunately, Trump was largely to blame for that. Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker were both very bad choices, as was J.D. Vance, but they all got the nomination after Trump backed them. Not that nominating RINOs would have been the key to winning the Senate, but these are some seriously weak candidates.

Luckily, if things keep trending as they do and the GOP takes the House, at least the Dems won't be able to pack the court and there will be no point in getting rid of the filibuster.

Yeah well Trump is a moron, so he’s going to do moron shit.

The Dumb Gun Collector
07-28-22, 22:21
In GA we got saddled with an extremely weak Senate Candidate (Herschel Walker). We are in a situation where it is very likely Kemp will beat Stacey Abrams while Walker loses to the awful Raphael Warnock. The Republicans have GOT to stop nominating these weird celebrity candidates. The only thing that might possibly save Walker is the general mid-term political momentum against the Democrats.

07-28-22, 22:36
In GA we got saddled with an extremely weak Senate Candidate (Herschel Walker). We are in a situation where it is very likely Kemp will beat Stacey Abrams while Walker loses to the awful Raphael Warnock. The Republicans have GOT to stop nominating these weird celebrity candidates. The only thing that might possibly save Walker is the general mid-term political momentum against the Democrats.

As loathsome as Warnock is, I would actually be somewhat molified if he won as long as Abrams loses. Georgia is going down the drain a lot faster than I had imagined. I'm strongly feeling the urge to abondon ship with the current trend.

07-29-22, 07:58
Is this the pre-election propaganda that sets the stage for a sliver of believability in the fraudulent outcome?

Exactly my thinking. They need to start building their case now.

07-29-22, 11:42
If the goal from 2022-2024 is to obfuscate and block, then any chamber will do. If the GOP wants to ram legislation through and they have a veto-proof number, they will need both chambers. But holding either chamber will stonewall Biden and Company.

Biden is going to be primary from the left and he is going to have to do something to placate that way in the party. Trying to stuff the Supreme Court would be one thing. If we have the republican control of the Senate it will go nowhere, but if the Dems control it they could definitely attempt to do it. They could only be successful if they have the dem majority.

07-29-22, 12:09
Biden is going to be primary from the left and he is going to have to do something to placate that way in the party. Trying to stuff the Supreme Court would be one thing. If we have the republican control of the Senate it will go nowhere, but if the Dems control it they could definitely attempt to do it. They could only be successful if they have the dem majority.

The Constitution does not fix the number of justices, but it would still require a new law passed by both the House and Senate to expand the court. If the GOP takes the House, they'll at least stonewall any attempt to expand the court.

07-29-22, 12:09

07-29-22, 19:10
So sez EVERY DNC photocopier!!!

07-29-22, 20:49
I think for this fractured fairytale to come true many, many more Democrats would have had to have stood up against Bidens policies.
Separating Bidens policies from Bidens rhetoric means nothing. He hasn't a clue as he mumbles and stumbles his way through any and all talking points.

I saw some numbers today that said Biden has less th an 19% of the Hispanic vote, some folks were saying 11%. I don't care who you are that's devastating. I would guess that to be the litmus test for how this election will go.
They can say what they like, they can dream big, but the Hispanic vote is now the new middle class.

07-29-22, 21:37
Democrats don't hold the senate. We have a 50 to 48 lead.

lol. literally lol.

Best of luck, ya'll

07-30-22, 00:06
If anyone knows how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, it's the GOP. :rolleyes:


California confirms your assertion as correct. Republicans seem quite content to be the minority party of chronic whiners; when they controlled the WH and both chambers of Congress, which Democrat abuses of power were rolled back? Which infringements on the Constitution or the rights of the people were reversed? Which federal departments were abolished? I could go on and on (and on) …

07-30-22, 07:46
I encourage polls like this. Hand the marxists another shovel so they can dig their own graves faster by being encouraged to support worse and worse policies. It will just encourage Republican voter turnout. While they are at it, the Fems, I mean Dems, need to keep pointing at the Satan that is Donald Trump. Keep beating the drum that any candidate will make a better president while you throw your own puppet under the bus as a dottering old fool.

Never forget - the polls had Klinton winning by a landslide.


08-01-22, 12:29
I thought that historically the sitting Presidents party always loses seats in mid term elections.

08-01-22, 12:34
I thought that historically the sitting Presidents party always loses seats in mid term elections.

Yeah, but more dead people are voting this go around.

08-01-22, 12:39
Yeah, but more dead people are voting this go around.

Are the Dominion cheat machines going to be used again this coming election?

08-01-22, 17:11
Are the Dominion cheat machines going to be used again this coming election?That's what I think should be changed immediately.

08-01-22, 17:18
That's what I think should be changed immediately.

Even more so than Dominion machines is that unadulterated bullshit "mail-in voting". THAT is what needs to be reigned in. While I don't advocate violence, let's just say that if the inner-city counting centers where all the votes are sent to be tallied try to close blinds and throw observers out this time around, and they get their heads busted open as a result then I would hope to sit on the jury of those accused. ;)

08-01-22, 18:07
Even more so than Dominion machines is that unadulterated bullshit "mail-in voting". THAT is what needs to be reigned in. While I don't advocate violence, let's just say that if the inner-city counting centers where all the votes are sent to be tallied try to close blinds and throw observers out this time around, and they get their heads busted open as a result then I would hope to sit on the jury of those accused. ;)No argument on the shady stuff in urban areas (like the county I've in).

I do however support mail in ballots. Our drivers are gone anywhere from one to three weeks at a time, it would be expensive to have all of them at home on the same day.

08-01-22, 18:19
No argument on the shady stuff in urban areas (like the county I've in).

I do however support mail in ballots. Our drivers are gone anywhere from one to three weeks at a time, it would be expensive to have all of them at home on the same day.

"Mail-in" and absentee ballots are two different things in most sane states. To get an absentee ballot you have to somehow prove who you are, and IIRC the ballots have some sort of ID marking to show it was properly obtained. Oh, and only ONE per registered voter. Go figure.

08-01-22, 18:29
"Mail-in" and absentee ballots are two different things in most sane states. To get an absentee ballot you have to somehow prove who you are, and IIRC the ballots have some sort of ID marking to show it was properly obtained. Oh, and only ONE per registered voter. Go figure.Ok I get what you're saying, we are on the same page.

Until 2018 my state required you to go to city hall with ID in hand and provide a reason to get an absentee ballot.
They put it on the ballot in 18 along with making pot legal that you can get a ballot for no reason, you can "register to vote" at the polling location the day if the vote with no ID required.
All the retards came out of the woodwork (and moms basement) to approve all the garbage on the ballot that year.

Only a few years left before we sell everything and retire to leave this state.

08-02-22, 08:59
I thought that historically the sitting Presidents party always loses seats in mid term elections.

Almost always. 2002 was the most recent example of that not happening, and that was a direct reaction to 9/11. If it doesn't happen now, it's a massive red flag that something is going on that we're not privy to.

08-02-22, 17:56
Almost always. 2002 was the most recent example of that not happening, and that was a direct reaction to 9/11. If it doesn't happen now, it's a massive red flag that something is going on that we're not privy to.

Oh I think we would be quite privy to what happened if it does.

08-02-22, 18:04
From a strategic level it was stupid for conservatives to overturn roe. Now they can't hype up the masses about the evils of abortion and get votes in boxes. I mean how smart can a party be to remove a hot button issue and give it to the other side to use against you.

08-02-22, 18:08
I really don't think this is even close to being true. As a matter of fact I think the odds are higher that Bill Gates is going to call me and tell me Halle Berry wants to shoot a porn flick with me and that Gates is going to pay me a billion bucks to do it.

If this should happen to come true, then the cheating was huge or the American people really are dumb.

How can Marxist win that want to raise taxes, create inflation and take our guns away? All 3 things according to Lenin will help bring a successful Revolution.

08-02-22, 18:11
Almost always. 2002 was the most recent example of that not happening, and that was a direct reaction to 9/11. If it doesn't happen now, it's a massive red flag that something is going on that we're not privy to.

Yep, with as unpopular as Biden is, out of control inflation, explosion of crime, rising unemployment, repeated attempts at curtailing civil liberties, the woke agenda, if the Dems somehow hold the House, something is up.

08-02-22, 18:34
Just more **fake** news for the easily deceived and manipulated, brain dead suckers and fools that eat it up everyday.

08-02-22, 18:47
"Mail-in" and absentee ballots are two different things in most sane states. To get an absentee ballot you have to somehow prove who you are, and IIRC the ballots have some sort of ID marking to show it was properly obtained. Oh, and only ONE per registered voter. Go figure.

I got mailed 2 ballots by PA last election & voted in person.