View Full Version : Is the Earth flat?

07-29-22, 17:50


07-29-22, 17:52
This has got to be the dumbest thread in the history of M4C. Congratulations!

07-29-22, 17:53
It is for open carry advocates!

07-29-22, 17:57
Yes it is. It why I wear a riggers belt every day. Just in case I have to snap in.

07-29-22, 19:06

07-29-22, 19:17
In some parts, especially if you level the ground.

07-29-22, 20:17
This has got to be the dumbest thread in the history of M4C. Congratulations!

And yet there are plenty of folks here who are actually going to chime in sooner or later arguing for a flat earth in earnest.

Can’t. Wait.

07-29-22, 20:17
This has got to be the dumbest thread in the history of M4C. Congratulations!

And yet there are plenty of folks here who are actually going to chime in sooner or later arguing for a flat earth in earnest.

Can’t. Wait.

07-29-22, 21:59
I mean, if you stand on a beach on a clear day and look out, you can see where it all ends in a giant waterfall. Given the earth is spinning in space, the combination of zero-G and gravitational pull sucks the spent water under to the other side of the earth, where the force of the flowing water then overcomes the zero-G effect, flying back up onto the other other side and filling the oceans on the other side. This recycling is why the oceans have never run dry in the past. It's also why all the water you pour down a drain is causing water levels to rise.
#bigfacts :dance3:

07-29-22, 21:59
The accursed forum double strikes again

07-29-22, 22:12
I have a conspiracy theory about the 'flat earth'.

This theory was seeded by the CIA when they started partnering with big tech. By using their super special CIA login, they can look up the back end analytics on pretty much anything shared or posted. When you see these crazy conspiracy theories like 'flat earth' get posted and shared the agency takes note of such activity, and then uses this growth as a metric to measure the declining intelligence of the population.

07-29-22, 22:12
Double. Again??

07-29-22, 22:26
Flat Earth Forum is one of the most entertaining things in the history of the internet. It drew in the crazies faster than Democratic Underground.

There were hilarious posts like "China doesn't really exist." No amount of evidence, logic or reason could make a dent. Not sure which was more entertaining, those who vigorously believed the Earth is a flat disc and refused to consider any other alternative or the people who spent countless hours trying to convince them otherwise with the naive belief that if they just brought them "evidence" they could offset severe psychological delusions.

Later it was disclosed that the forum was a social experiment to determine how many people would actually subscribe to such beliefs and attract others. The membership numbers (even with those there just to watch the stupid discounted) were an indictment of the intelligence of your average human being.

07-29-22, 22:31
I have a conspiracy theory about the 'flat earth'.

This theory was seeded by the CIA when they started partnering with big tech. By using their super special CIA login, they can look up the back end analytics on pretty much anything shared or posted. When you see these crazy conspiracy theories like 'flat earth' get posted and shared the agency takes note of such activity, and then uses this growth as a metric to measure the declining intelligence of the population.

Unfortunately, Modern Flat Earth predates the CIA by a large margin.


Modern flat Earth belief originated with the English writer Samuel Rowbotham (1816–1884). Based on conclusions derived from his 1838 Bedford Level experiment, Rowbotham published the 1849 pamphlet titled Zetetic Astronomy, writing under the pseudonym "Parallax". He later expanded this into the book Earth Not a Globe, proposing the Earth is a flat disc centred at the North Pole and bounded along its southern edge by a wall of ice, Antarctica.

Rowbotham further held that the Sun and Moon were 3,000 miles (4,800 km) above Earth and that the "cosmos" was 3,100 miles (5,000 km) above the Earth. He also published a leaflet titled The Inconsistency of Modern Astronomy and its Opposition to the Scriptures, which argued that the "Bible, alongside our senses, supported the idea that the earth was flat and immovable and this essential truth should not be set aside for a system based solely on human conjecture".

07-29-22, 22:32
Kansas is pretty flat.

07-29-22, 23:06
The accursed forum double strikes again

Glitch in the Matrix

07-29-22, 23:10
All I know is, pretty much every flat earther I've encountered, they won't be convinced otherwise, it doesn't matter how much evidence you show them. Just like Steyr said, you can argue with them until you're blue in the face, it will never make a dent.

07-29-22, 23:48
Yes it is. It why I wear a riggers belt every day. Just in case I have to snap in.

What if it tips while you're asleep? You better clip in before you go to bed!