View Full Version : The Batman (Review) 😎

07-31-22, 07:18
I now understand why people seem to either love or hate this Batman. This is a reimagined Batman in many respects, much darker and more gritty than any before it. It's a Batman that's more realistic (as realistic as a guy in a bat suit can be...) and adult oriented. Make no mistake, this is an outstanding movie, and while not light-hearted Batman we grew up with, perhaps the best Batman in the series and closer to the comic book version.

The cast, direction, visuals, action scenes, etc, are outstanding. The Riddler, (Paul Dano) is legit creepy as F, and his acting deserves a nomination. There's some wokeness that creeps into the movie, but does not ruin the movie at least. The movie is obviously trying to make some comment on modern times, some obvious, some as metaphor, I just ignored that and enjoyed the movie.

The weakness of this movie may be Batman himself (Robert Pattinson) as the actor does not always have the gravitas for the part, but he's way better than Ben Affleck, and I grew to like him in the part as the movie progressed. Cat Women (Zoë Kravitz, who may be one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, not too surprising consider who here parents are) is excellent in this movie, but she had so little back story it was difficult to connect with her character. The chemistry between them was palpable and worked. The cool tech normally found in Batman movies is de-emphasize quite a bit, perhaps too much, but the Batmobile was a bad ass machine. All in all, an outstanding effort by director Matt Reeves and all involved. I can't say enough about the supporting cast in this movie. The movie could have been a tad shorter, but I didn't lose my interest either. A-


07-31-22, 18:22
I enjoyed it it was very long but kept me interested spot on with the Riddler he was extremely creepy. I think Batman begins gets my vote for which I liked better but it was close. Robert Pattinson I did like way more than I thought I would.